A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Friday 15 December 2023

Toronto Parishes continue to promote and host litigious priest and serial plagiarist

Why is the Toronto Oratorian parish of St. Vincent de Paul promoting (I took the picture) and why is St. Benedict Parish hosting a serial plagiarist and litigious priest who took pleasure lusting after a frivolous and vexatious lawsuit against this writer and a good and faithful group of Chinese-Canadian Catholics. I'm sure there were others.

I've been informed that the Chancery office of the Archdiocese of Toronto sent the poster around to parishes to post and promote. They did this earlier this year when he spoke at a Jesuit retreat house on, as the promotion stated, "LGBT" issues. 

Make no mistake, whether you are the president of Harvard, once elite, now just expensive, or a catholic priest and sycophant to a pope, plagiarism is theft. The parish of St. Benedict and others promoting talks by this priest are complicit if he continues with his plagiarism in the talk.

With this heresy spouted in this 1986 article in the Windsor Star, how was this man ever ordained?

Vox Cantoris: Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB - "Basilian deacon puts sharing at forefront of religious aims"

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