A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Wednesday 28 August 2024


On June 29, I wrote a short blog post that a certain Toronto priest which multiple sources confirmed had his faculties removed. I can report now, that priest was Thomas J. Rosica, CSB. I was unable to report what I also knew at the time, that a Toronto priest working under Rosica on World Youth Day, 2002 was sexually assaulted by the Basilian priest. The assaults began in the late 1990's. The suit filed in the Ontario court and which is now public information states that the relationship. “allowed Rosica an opportunity to be alone with the Plaintiff and to exert total control over him, prey upon him and sexually abuse him." further, it states that Rosica repeatedly "groped and fondled" the sexual organs of the young priest. This was known to the writer nearly a decade ago after the attempted frivolous and vexatious lawsuit against me. However, at the time, I was sworn to secrecy and unable to report it or reveal my source.  

The lawsuit also goes after the Congregation of St. Basil for not properly supervising Rosica. As someone who himself was physically abused and battered by Basilian priests at the age of 13 and took it to the Congregation directly 40 years later, and as someone unjustly sued by Rosica, I can assure you that the Basilian Congregation is as much at fault and derelict in their duty to God and to His faithful. The suit further states that “The Basilians knew or ought to have known that Rosica had engaged in deviant behaviour and failed to investigate such. In failing to investigate and identify any past failings of Rosica, they also failed to identify any victims who may have been in need of counseling, assistance and support because of the actions of Rosica." Yes, the Basilians knew, they all knew and they all covered it up! 

Rosica, of course, denies the allegations just as he denied he was a serial plagiarist which this writer first exposed in 2015. In response to the Court, Rosica claims that he “infrequent ministerial contact with the Plaintiff between 1996 and 2002, but denies sexually abusing or sexually assaulting or making unwanted physical contact or engaging in any improper conduct with the Plaintiff.”

Rosica asked the Court to dismiss the lawsuit claiming that the process is governed by Canon Law.  Rosica did not choose the path of the Church or Scripture in his desire to sue this writer but rather chose Ontario's court system. The hypocrisy is there for all to see. 

In June 2024, Tom Rosica was witnessed coming out of a Toronto gay bathhouse. 

Justice comes. One just needs to be patient. All things come to those that wait.


Br Alexis Bugnolo said...

Amen! As one who gave testimony which was effective in unmasking the sexual predation at the St Gregory's Academy in Scranton Diocese and by the priests of the Society of Saint John, I salute you Vox Cantoris! We can never stop the war against sexual predation, especially by the clergy and religious of Holy Mother Church.

Jim J. McCrea said...

The Basilians ran Michael Power high school when I went there in the 70s - as far as I could see, they were wonderful then - I wonder what happened.

Vox Cantoris said...

Leo Burns, CSB was a sociopath a bully and emotionally abusive. Kelly and Walker were brutal, violent men. The worst was a lay teacher and priest wannabee named Tom Wiley. Moran, the Basilian principal was a liar. He lied to my mother and he lied to me 40 years later.

Elizanna said...

"Nothing can remain hidden;all things will be made manifest."
God is just as well as merciful.

Evangeline said...

There aren't enough sorrys in the world to say to you or to any boy or man who has been subjected to these disgusting and evil actions. The victims and society should want justice here in this world and hold them accountable and they can know God's justice will certainly be done.