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A corporal work of mercy.
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Tuesday 13 December 2022

Tom Rosica makes a comeback - being hosted in a Zoom broadcast by the Jesuits of Canada!

There is an old saying about birds of a feather flocking together.

After a recent appearance at St. Peter's Church in Toronto, the Jesuits of Canada announce a major rehabilitation of Tom Rosica where he will give us his erudite thoughts, (well, will they be?) on discerning the Church today and re-imagining it through the Gospel of St. Matthew. 

For those not familiar, not only did old Tom try to sue me for writing the truth but he faced a worldwide mock-down for his actions and went away with his tail between his legs when Fogler Rubinoff decided that pro-bono only went so far and global crowd-funding would go further.

This was the first to actually expose Tom as a plagiariser. Ah, I remember it well.

"Will Francis change doctrine? No, that's not how doctrine changes. Doctrine changes when pastoral contexts shift and new insights emerge." Blah. Blah. Blah. The quote was from the National Catholic Reporter Richard Gailladartz and it was used repeatedly by Tom without attribution. Of course, after a few years, it was discovered that Rosciagate extended to twenty or thirty years of plagiarism noted previously on this blog and by Dorothy Cummings Maclean at LifeSiteNews. Yet, only a few months ago, he was again publicly exposed for doing it again. 

And the Jesuits of Canada now wish to associate with a serial plagiarist?

I can imagine a recent conversation between Tom and Gilles Mongeau, EssJay, the "Socius" of the Canada Province of the Jesuits.

Tom:     "Tell me Gilles, may I plagiarise whilst I pray?

Gilles:    "No Tom, but you may pray whilst you plagiarise!

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1 comment:

mazara said...
