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Monday, 23 December 2019

Roberto Mancini - do you dare allow yourself to be lead astray by Bergoglio on making the public Sign of the Cross?

Italy’s soccer manager Roberto Mancini says he made a Sign of the Cross during games but “then we went to the Pope” who said, “‘Why are you making the Sign of the Cross, don't you have other thoughts at that time?' So since then I don't do it. I don't want to make the Pope angry”

Is this an an idiot and a coward. When did people become such papolaters? If this is what the papacy is intended to be then we are all fools.


Dan said...

How utterly and completely demoralizing Bergoglio has been. He has done a fantastic job for Satan....

Brian said...

Bergoglio truly hates Catholicism. I part ways with him at the "C" in our CREDO. He is all but saying NON CREDO. This charlatan is the putrid fulfillment of all the malevolent liturgical and doctrinal "deregulation" ushered in under the Spirit of Vatican II. And pulpits around the Catholic world remain silent.

Tom A. said...

He is simply obeying his Pope.

jim norwood said...

Simple guys, he is not the Pope. Benedict still is!

luis_rcoelho said...

But guys, those who know bergoglio is an impostor, an ecclesiastical freemason, don't get surprised since this is exactly bergolio's number one mission: to lead as many souls into apostasy as possible. The man questions a catholic for making the sign of the cross, mocks and humiliates a boy who was reverently with his hands together, rings adulterors and tells they can receive communion, praises all non-catholic religions and their followers [even kneels to kiss their feet while not kneeling during consecration] , while constantly criticizes, labels and slanders all of us, catholics who full know dogmas and tradition dont change.
But what disturbs me the most is all the catholics who completely ignore these to be the end times, that our Church has long been infiltrated by different wolves...and nothing, not a word of this! Exactly as Jesus predicted "just like in the days of Noah"! Amazing such ignorance, also prophecized by the way! Even Vigano who knows that Bergoglio is destroying everything, still calls him a 'pope', when those knowledgable of prophecies, Our Lady's many instructions, can discern that Benedict XVI is our genuine Vicar of Christ.
Pius X was spot on when he stated that the reign of hell on earth was expanding thanks to the cowardice of catholics! If most catholics ignore that they are at war, logically that they will be fooled every single day...easily! Today's people aren't only deep ignorant, but lazy as well. They live inside their confy bubbles, and won't move themselves, will be indifferent to all the chaos around them as long as their bubbles keeps intact! Everything else happens....to others!!! Know what I mean?