A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Friday 27 December 2019

Can't y'all just feel the luv....


You've probably seen the video of this disgraceful concert at the Vatican audience hall where a young woman from the Amazon came up and said the worlds above to the left. Look at these silly people giving themselves over to Satan.

Look at these wretched effeminate clerics.

But look what else. Look at that hideous and so-called "pectoral" cross of Bergoglio. Is this where the crossed arms come from, never before seen in an image of Christ or is it the Masonic action below.

These people are devils and Bergoglio is the ringleader.


Kathleen1031 said...

Ahhhh...if those are Masons it all makes sense. And I have never seen an image of Christ with His arms crossed like that except perhaps as on the Shroud of Turin, are His arms in that position? So that would be a representation of Christ that is untrue, not on the cross, where His arms were surely outstretched. Whatever it is, it is demonic, as Bergolio is demonic.
This is 100% paganism, and part of the occult, and it is astounding all the people in that hall seemed to have just gone along with it, crossing their arms like good little devils. Our prelates are just as completely lost as any pagan, we can look to them no longer with assurance they are not demonically possessed themselves. Bergolio is surely a mastermind of all this. He is no puppet, he is pulling the strings.
Dear God, answer this apostasy and outrage against you, send the remedy!
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us, intercede for us. Protect the poor little children who through no fault of their own are being led into Hell.

Anonymous said...

See here, following this link below in the comment those bergoglio's masonic cross, and a normal cross.
Both these croses are bought in the stores in Lourdes about 5 years ago by one good friend of mine. Both depicted crosses he owns still and that picture of them he has made himself.
The normal cross (with NO crossed arms on the right) were bought first as not pectoral but as just a cross. After a while he wanted to by a few more, but(!) in all stores in Lurdes he was able to find only that ugly bergoglian masonic mockery-thing with crossed-arms.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a b movie called Curse of the Mummy's Tomb .

Anonymous said...

There was an article about this pectorial cross on the Chiesa viva site.Its not the only weird cross that has been produced recently.I read a comment that said when Benedict made his announcement that he was resigning from active ministry ,he split the Papacy and in doing so he dissolved the Papacy ,making him the last Pope.Only time will tell,but those two lightning strikes on St Peter's meant something. https://padrepioandchiesaviva.com/Francis.html

MyronM said...

The attached picture from the Vatican shows how easy it is to seduce the entire assembly: the effect of herdiness. Satan is bustling about to deceive as many as possible.
[Mark 13, 19-20]: "For in those days shall be such tribulations, as were not from the beginning of the creation which God created until now, neither shall be. And unless the Lord had shortened the days, no flesh should be saved: but for the sake of the elect which he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days. "
... "the elect"??? What are they chosen for? For God's Kingdom here on earth! On the horizon, the era of God the Holy Spirit!

Dan said...

My eyes see and my ears hear only evil from this Bergoglian Vatican. Still astounds me that the vowed and ordain (who should know better) have not expelled him. Proves to me that they either dont believe - so dont care, or are purposefully going along with the demonic agenda

Michael Dowd said...

"Crossing arms across the chest is a classic gesture of defensiveness. This defensiveness usually manifests as uneasiness, shyness or insecurity."

They should be defensive. Christ is coming to get them.

Johannes said...

quis est homo
qui not fleret
sacram Romam si videret
in tanta tragoedia.

C. LaSalle said...

Sad, really sad. Secondly, they apparently are so stupid they don't realize just how stupid they really are.

Anonymous said...

Our Lord Himself instituted the papacy, no one can dissolve it. No one can say otherwise and still call themselves Catholic. Hold firm to the teachings of the Church and pay no heed to false teachers.

Fr. VF said...

I went to Bing images and searched for good shepherd. Not a single conventional image has crossed arms. I also searched for bergoglio pectoral cross.

Anonymous said...

You'll never find any image of our Good Shepherd depicted with crossed arms.
Whenever you find suchlike it's masonic mockery-thing.

Peter Lamb said...

Check out the satanic pallium bergoglio and his metropolitan minions wear on chiesaviva.