Well, if the three posts below from earlier today didn't alarm you enough, there is always this. Once again, the Bishop of Rome has addressed the Curia. Here are some excerpts.
"We are therefore in one of those moments when changes are no longer linear, but epochal; they constitute choices that quickly transform the way of living, of relating, of communicating and elaborating thought, of relating between human generations and of understanding and living faith and science."
The pope cited fellow Jesuit Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, the former archbishop of Milan, in saying, “The Church has remained 200 years behind the times. Why has it not been shaken up? Are we scared? Fear instead of courage?” These are words, Francis said, that “should make us think.”
“Here we must beware of being tempted to assume a position of rigidity. The rigidity that comes from fear of change, and ends up disseminating limitations and obstacles on the terrain of the common good, turning it into a minefield of incomprehension and hatred. Let us always remember that behind all rigidity lies some imbalance. Rigidity and imbalance feed each other in a vicious circle.”Martini was one of the instrumental Cardinals in the Saint Gallen group. He is the one that brought down the hammer telling Benedict XVI to resign. He is dead and rotting in his grave along with his heretical mind.
I find myself so concerned about 'rigidity' that I won't even dare to acknowledge these new and surprising things Bergoglio is spewing, in order to remain flexible for soon to come, even better - next new things. Now THIS is how to practice the Faith these days - have none basically. So Bergoglian.
Doesn't he know that TRUTH does not change or grow old.
Yeah I'm sure Adam and Eve were so pleased by the changes they brought into the Garden.
Are there really people still falling for this shit?
I like how the changes are always in their favour... why not consider that Catholics should not be afraid of such change in favour of... oh, I don't know... assaulting the Vatican and drowning Bergolio in the Tiber beside the Pachamamas? Why be so scared? Why not shake up the respect and reverence we are due to give towards the supposed-Holy Father? Where is the courage to beat Bergolio like a Piñata with very rigid sticks?
No, Bergolio will never have the courage to suggest such a step! What a rigid backward man! How bigoted against the ways of the violent pagan hospitality towards strangers!
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