The Vatican theologian says unless the Pope reaffirms Church teaching on morals, the faith and the sacraments, ‘the apostasy will deepen and the de facto schism will widen.’
In the interview, published Oct. 13 but overlooked due to the Youth Synod taking place in Rome last month, the theologian consultor to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints said “heretical statements” on marriage, the moral life and reception of the sacraments are now “at the center of a vast debate which is becoming more and more passionate by the day.”
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Which Faith?
What Monsignor Bux recommends is a serious study of whether or not Joseph Ratzinger's resignation was valid. That's the main point, and the way Monsignor believes Bergoglian heresies should be handled.
Many, many people are willing to say that there was no substantial error involved, but all of their opinions put together do not equal the evaluation of Monsignor Bux.
I had the privilege of receiving Holy Communion from this holy priest when he honoured us with a visit to Malaga Cathedral in September. He attended a long meeting beforehand about Summorum Pontificum & was very encouraging. Afterwards he celebrated High Mass in Latin which was accompanied by organ & full choir & personally distributed HC to everyone without any assistance e.g. Extraordinary Ministers of HC. The cathedral was packed & reverently orderly, which was very edifying & supportive of the very many years TLM activists have worked tirelessly to have the Mass of Ages returned to our Diocese. We are continuing to work towards having it celebrated in peripheral parishes & are hopeful that Monsignor Bux's visit will be the gateway to success. It is to be hoped he will soon return to oversee the continuing work.
Goodbye Msgr. Bux. It's been nice knowing you.
The most important part of this interview was buried deep near the end. It’s the reality that clears up everything:
There is no schism and there can be no schism. "Schism" means breaking with a POPE. bergoglio is no Pope formaliter and so schism cannot apply. His "church" is not the Catholic Church. He runs a brood of judeo-masonic heretics and how many times his "church" splits is no concern of ours. There are already 40,000 protestant sects, so a few more make no difference.
Plus the Oath against Modernism and finally a serious look at the problematic nature of the new 1968 rite of Ordination. Not gonna happen.
Ha! I second Kathleen. These rigid neo-pelagian priests have no place in Francis-church, along with most of us.
Yes Peter Lamb. From New Advent on schism, “Anyone becomes a schismatic who, though desiring to remain a Christian, rebels against legitimate authority, without going as far as the rejection of Christianity as a whole, which constitutes the crime of apostasy.” We’re looking at the crime of apostasy on a massive scale but schism seems quite irrelevant to the situation. Sedevacantism is what the Catholic Church is looking at and it’s a problem. Jorge is apostate and has a whole bunch of people following him there. Real bad stufff.
How can one issue beliefs that one does not hold, as a standard?
It is one thing to set brother against brother in the pursuit of eternal truths, sincerely. It is quite another thing, altogether, to cause conflict for the sake of evil, and to deny a public forum where the issues can be resolved, in finality. to bring an end to, literal, PANDEMONIUM.
This man Jorge Bergoglio is a disgusting, contemptuous, blaggard who cares nothing for those legitimately struggling, but rather RESONATES with AND for, MOSTLY, those who create their own dire circumstances and blame everyone else, but themselves for it, while expecting to be provided for as they rape civilization and plunder societies!!
Dear Msgr. Nicola Bux we have heard it all before, we have seen time and time again Begolio's response. I'm sorry but calling him out to unite what he has torn apart will not happen, this man was set as a punishment. Every time there is a call from Holy men, Bergolio not only spits in their face but he calls them great accusers. In time he will be gone, but it will be on our lords timing, perhaps our Lord is showing his faithful who is on the side of his everlasting light and who is on the side of the worse darkness anyone can ever imagine. Be bold and fearless good men of God, for God sees all things and he knows his people and his people know him! Please carry on Vox, you are the best!
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