Father Zuhsdorf has his take on it; particularly on the scumbags known as Massimo Faggioli, James Martin and Robert Mickens.
Pope tells Sarah power is indeed shifting from Rome to the bishops
- Crux StaffOctober 22, 2017
In a rare move, Pope Francis has issued a public letter to one of his own cardinals correcting their interpretation of one of his decisions. In a missive dated Oct. 15, Francis tells Cardinal Robert Sarah of Guinea, head of the Vatican's liturgical department, that the pope's recent document 'Magnum Principium' does indeed mean a power shift away from Rome and toward local bishops' conferences.
It is amazing, & frankly profoundly uncaring, that this consistent provocation by PF & his minions is being allowed to continue. ++Burke said when making the Dubia public that Truth wasn't about numbers, so why in God's name hasn't he & ++Brandmuller publicly issued the formal correction as promised ten months ago? This explosive situation of a questionable pope taking to himself inappropriate powers & visibly changing the foundations of the One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church is diabolical to say the very least. He has purposefully set out to ditch the Papal Office by transferring the conditional power attributed to that infallibility to persons who were never intended to hold it by virtue of the fact that it was given to St. Peter by Our Lord Himself & therefore only to his successors.
We desperately need action to rid ourselves of the filth & corruption brought upon us by VII & those communist infiltrators which have now risen to the top of the Vatican administration where nothing matters but pleasing a NWO godless agenda. The complicity of silent Cardinals & Bishops can no longer be tolerated. Truth will prevail - the CC is undergoing a full-on Schism. Let the chips fall where they will but Orthodox Catholics still believe in Jesus's promise that He will be with us until the end of time. We also have Our Lady's assurance that the Pope(?) will consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart & a period of peace will follow. Let us all get behind the Correctio Filialis by adding our signatures to it in order to get the message across to the powers that be in the Vatican that they cannot force a pagan world upon us & snarly public reprimands of our best interpreters of the True Faith will not faze us & that we had had more than enough. A change must be brought about swiftly to ensure a Return to Order.
A body without a head is dead, Only the lord can stop this evil clown Jorge Bergolio.. We get the leaders we deserve, this is truly a chastisement indeed, the final battle is at hand! May we stand firm in the lord as we await for Mary our mother to crush his head!
Pray for Robert Cardinal Sarah. Stand up for him and support him with your prayers.
Again, the Bergoglio reeks of pride. No good manager or person in authority, especially of a religious nature, should ever correct someone under him in public. I'm almost starting to see his pointed tail peek out from under that white coat. And he knows darned well that Cardinal Sarah will be obedient to whatever LAWFUL commands he gives him. Hmm, maybe there's his problem...
Dear Vox - for well over two years we have known that the Bishop of Rome intended to give greater, almost automomous authority to the local bishops conferences! This latest should come as absolutely no surprise to anyone! He s out to tear down the structures of the Church! However, he and his cohorts, are in for a very big surprise from the "God of Surprises"!
Cardinal Sarah has only himself to blame.
Once these bishops/cardinals apologists stop opening their mouths to defend Francis and his deeds under the presumption that he is somehow magically orthodox, then they will no longer find themselves in these awkward embarrassing situations.
Francis can openly speak for himself, and he speaks and commits heresy.
Either call heresy - heresy, or keep silent in your cowardice.
Throw the hermeneutic-of-continuity goggles out the window. If you're not going to fight, then get out of the way.
Wait... I might need to correct myself... it seems Fr. Z is pointing out that what the Pope is correcting was not attributable to Cardinal Sarah?
Anybody for a novus ordo cookie?
I read the letter sent to +Sarah from Bergoglio on Fr. Z's site. It is confusing as to if Bergoglio was slapping him down or just wanting him to get the word out that indeed he intended for the power to shift from him to the Cardinals. One thing I DO KNOW...very strange that he went public with THIS correction of 'interpretation' but cannot answer the Dubia.
And yes Ana, I think we are all frustrated that +Burke and Brandmueller don't correct him already. But then....what kind of support do they have among the useful idiots we call Cardinals to back them up? Not sure about how that works, do they have to have a consensus? Can they just 'go it alone'? All I really know is that the Church of Christ is BURNING TO THE GROUND and no one does ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT IT. And we the laity have to sit back and watch it burn.
My take, which is worth absolutely nothing I'm sure, is that Bergolio is making totally sure that Cardinal Sarah is once again publicly humiliated. I'm not buying that this was just a "friendly" correction. It has smack down all over it for heaven's sake. Not only must Cardinal Sarah now admit that his office has no say over the upcoming Clown Masses, but he darn well better INFORM everyone he spoke to about it that this is the case, lest anyone mistake WHO is in charge here, and it's not him.
This arrogant, heretical, imposter on the Chair of Peter, is a mean-spirited LITTLE man, who is not content with power, no no, he must grind his enemies into the dirt. Whatever rock did they turn over to come up with this horrible lizard.
NO. That's a sedevacantist website.
Anonymous @ 8:44, So? what is wrong with that?
Everything. It leads souls into error by taking the words of the Fathers, Doctors and Saints out of context. Remember one of the three temptations of Our Lord by the Enemy was that he used Scripture against Our Lord, the Author of Scripture.
OK. :) Please can you give me an example of each?
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