The City Counsellor and former Mayor of Toronto succumbed to cancer leaving behind his wife Renata, and two children, who are all Catholic. To them, his mother and siblings, condolences to you from Vox and Fox.
He was a caring and compassionate man. He loved Toronto and cared deeply about its people. Nothing could destroy Rob in the eyes of the people. I will go as far to say, I loved the guy. Rob Ford was each of us. With our foibles and our demons and our hopes and our dreams. Rob Ford was every man. A kind, lovable more generous soul one could rarely find. I had some dealing with him in his role as Councillor and Mayor. Each time, my respect for him only grew.
May God rest his soul and may Our Lady comfort his Renata and the children, Doug and his mother.
May the Angels lead you into paradise; may the martyrs greet you at your arrival and lead you into the holy city, Jerusalem. May the choir of Angels greet you and like Lazarus, who once was a poor man, may you have eternal rest. Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord; and may perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
Blogger Bear said...
Prayers coming.
3:32 pm, March 21, 2016 Delete
Anonymous TheGoat said...
Rob Ford has the heart of a champion.
4:26 pm, March 21, 2016 Delete
Anonymous Mark Thomas said...
May God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost grant Rob Ford peace and healing, May Rob Ford's family receive God's peace and comfort. May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph, and all the angels and Saints intercede on Rob Ford's behalf for Mr. Ford's eternal salvation.
Mark Thomas
9:43 pm, March 21, 2016 Delete
Blogger Osusanna said...
Prayers promised.
9:51 am, March 22, 2016 Delete
Anonymous Mark Thomas said...
Vox, I apologize for going off-topic, but I just learned of the horrific terrorists attacks in Brussels. Along with prayers for Rob Ford, please let us pray for the dead and wounded today in Brussels, as well as for the peace and comfort of their families. It is another horrific day in "Christian" Europe. That continent has been invaded.
Only the restoration of the ancient Roman Mass and rebirth of Catholicism will save Europe's Christians from their total subjugation and persecution that, unless they return to God, will befall them in a matter of decades.
His Holiness Pope Francis must restore immediately the TLM and Holy Tradition to that which remains of the Christian West. Immediately.
Peace and healing to Rob Ford, and today's dead and wounded in Brussels.
Mark Thomas
1:23 pm, March 22, 2016 Delete
Vox, thank you for the compassion that you have shown to Rob Ford and his family. As the indifferent world went about its daily business, you stopped to call spiritual attention to a man (and his family) who had entered into his hour of death.
I know that you been attacked by certain folks during the past year (or perhaps longer). They have hurled hatred at you. I wonder as to how many of them the past couple of days used their resources (such as blogs) to summon people to prayer — prayer for a dying man and his mournful family.
Vox, I never met Rob Ford. I had only encountered him via news reports. Now, thanks to you, I have encountered him in a very special way — in a spiritual way.
Beati qui lugent quoniam ipsi consolabuntur... Blessed are they who mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Vox, God will reward you. You will be blessed and comforted.
Mark Thomas
Why was the mainstream media persecuting him? I remember hearing about him last year but don't remember the details. (I live in PA, USA)
Perhaps now they will let him rest in peace.
Only chaste and Immaculate Virgin, who gave birth to God without seed, intercede before Him for the salvation of his soul.
Panakhyda - Theotokion
Eternal memory!
God bless you, Mark.
With all due respect, what Pope Francis needs to do is reveal the Third Secret of Fatima (I.e., the exact words of Our Lady which follow: "In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved...")
God will give us peace on His terms, not ours. Our Lady wanted the Third Secret revealed in 1960. Pope John XXIII disobeyed Our Lady, and so has every Pope since then. (That's why Popes John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II should never have been beatified or canonized, amongst other reasons.)
Z nami Boh! God is with us!
Guest, the left-wing media and councillors hated him when he was a Councillor. He would answer anybody's call in Toronto, even those in other Wards. He did this to me. When my own Councillor would not return my calls or emails, I called Rob. He walked into Mark Grimes' office, gave him heck and came back to the phone, and said "Okay, Grimey will call you now!" That was Rob!
When I had a neighbourhood issue of concern, I wrote "Grimey" and he did not respond, I wrote to Rob as Mayor. Not only did he send City Staff, but he booked the appointment to come out himself, only cancelling at the last minute due to an emergency in another part of the City. This is the kind of politician he was.
He coached high school football in a tough neighbourhood. One student said, "I would be dead or in jail if not for Rob Ford." That is the kind of man he was.
But he was fat and he was not into the white wine and gossip circuit and they hated him and mocked him and made fun of him and after his election said "we won't work with him" and "he won't get gas passed at Council." Yet, he settled 3 union contracts without a strike, kept taxes steady and saved 1,000,000.000.00 in the City budget the first year.
Then, something happened and the demons and pressure got to him. He succumbed to the temptation of alcohol and drugs and made some dumb moves that got him caught.
But he fought it off and he went for rehab.
I loved the guy. I voted for him and was proud to do so.
He was lovable.
And a lot like Donald Trump!
God rest him.
Thank you for telling me a little bit of Mr. Ford's character. He sounds like the kind of guy who should have been Prime Minister instead of Mayor of Toronto.
Unfortunately, this is how the media will treat him:
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones. (3.2.79)
Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
And the same play (IMHO) might express your feelings:
He was my friend, faithful and just to me...
Eternal memory!
Guest, I'd like to discuss Fatima and the Third Secret, but I don't want to go to far off-topic (although I did earlier when I mentioned Brussels). Perhaps a future thread on Vox's blog would offer a place for that discussion. For now, we could invoke Our Lady of Fatima to intercede for Rob Ford his family. Guest, may you and your family experience a blessed Holy Week and Easter.
Mark Thomas
Christ is Risen!
Thank you, Mark, for your prayers and good wishes. I'm trying to get well. So your prayers and good wishes are much appreciated.
I hope that you and your family had a happy and Holy Pascha/Easter.
God bless!
I just heard of Mr. Ford's funeral today (3/30) on the news. I hope that you're OK.
God bless!
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