A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Monday, 20 April 2020

And about that SSPX dust-up - One more thing!

My, oh my. The Twitterverse dustup caused when Taylor Marshall stated his appreciation for the discovery of the Society of St. Pius X on Easter Sunday quickly drew condemnation from others and erupted into an explosion of expert internet liturgists and canonists. As with Father John Zuhlsdorf, to whom I link below, it still continued last night. You can add Patrick Coffin as well as Timothy Gordon now as the latest expert associated with Trad Inc.

At the risk of being accused of carrying the can for them, I don't - I simply respect them and admire them and to all those priests in Toronto past and present whom I've met, I like them. Trust me, these men are strong enough to carry their own cans, and more. You can read a few below for two recent posts on this same subject. It is important to state it again, because the lies and distortion by the Kings of the Internet have not stopped.

Where some priests whom I know of in the Archdiocese of Toronto cower in their rectories right now playing video games and not answering emails, not hearing confessions, not live-steaming Mass or talks or rosaries and rather, lest their "immuno-compromised" systems don't get the China Wuhan Virus, these priests travel miles and miles at all hours to administer the sacraments including Extreme Unction to those suffering, because it is their "job."

Happily, there are other good priests in Toronto doing their "job."

I am glad to say that after discovering the Toronto Church of the Transfiguration around 15 years ago, I approached it from the heart. They seemed pretty Catholic to me. I remember advising my then spiritual director that I was going to assist there in the Schola. He insisted that I attend the Saturday evening Vigil Mass in the Novus Ordo so he could ensure that I was not "schismatic." Eventually, I ended "spiritual direction." I went on to sing there until other opportunities arose and have gone back here and there if called for a funeral of to substitute or simply to attend a quiet Mass.

Folks, these internet barkers are know-nothings. The Society of St. Pius X are fully Catholic. Stop accusing them of being "prideful" or "schismatic." First, it is not true, and secondly, when you point fingers, remember, four are pointed back at you.

Now, another important post by "Father Z!"


Aqua said...

I wonder if anyone can explain why SSPX is not Catholic?

Prejudice def: “preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience“.

Funny, how the only purely orthodox apostolate in Christendom is defined as “schismatic”. And the accusers can’t quite say how that is so, Obstinate defense of Sacred Tradition in an age of Modernist heterodoxy? Probably.

Attend their Mass. Read their defenses. Then form an opinion. They are as Catholics have always been.

Fr. VF said...

"...when you point fingers, remember, four are pointed back at you."

Look at the picture again. Carefully.

SFA said...

Yes of course, I agree. The SSPX are just as Catholic as any other validly ordained priest, are not schismatic and probably some of the holiest priests in the world. They get a bad rap because they force the NO Church to look at things they don’t want to see. There has never been any sound reason for canonical irregularity,

jim norwood said...

I go to a SSPX church. They preach about hell, artificial contraception being mortal sin, chastity etc. When was the last time you heard that at a Novus Ordo mass? A priest is available for confession at every mass and the priests are very knowledgible about the faith. They say that you will know them by their fruit. The SSPX wins hands down!

Vox Cantoris said...

Fr. VF said...
"...when you point fingers, remember, four are pointed back at you." Look at the picture again. Carefully."

And I say, Father Venice Foxtrot, look at it yourself and consider your own, right now. What did you just do?

Peter Lamb said...

Catholic to call bergoglio an heretic in one breath and Pope in the next?
Catholic to cherry pick, recognize and resist the teachings of the Pope?
Recognize and Resist a Pope is Catholic ecclesiology?
Divine Law does not depose, or preclude an heretic from the Catholic Church?
Catholic to teach/practice false ecumenism?
Catholic to recognize as Catholic a defectible "church"?
The Holy Ghost protects the novus ordo Catholic church from teaching error?
The Catholic novus ordo church is indefectible and infallible?
Christ accompanies his Vicar, bergoglio, to the end of the world?
To offer the Son to His Father in union with an heretic is not sacrilege?
To recognize the Catholic novus ordo church and masonic popes as the Catholic Church is not heretical and schismatic?
St. Hermenegild chose death rather than Communion from the hands of an heretic?
Catholic to support, or to wish to join such people, who wish to join and condone all of the above?
Econe was built with jewish money - Rothchilds?

Well if that is all true and Catholic, then I am no longer a Catholic, because none of the above corresponds with what I have always been taught or have believed. They used to say there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. Well, if that is still true, then I'm on my way to hell, because I reject with all my heart the new order catholic church and its supporters and recognizers and joiners.

Tom A. said...

Hear hear! Bravo Peter. The NO sect has spent the last 60 years showing the whole world that they no longer hold the Catholic Faith taught prior to 1958. They have spent 60 years teaching a new false heretical faith based on V2. Why some people still call them Catholic is truly puzzling. And why they seek the recognition of their Catholicity from apostates is ludicrous.

Tom A. said...

The problem is that the SSPX are allowing NO priests to come into their ranks without being conditionally ordained. I don’t trust Montini with V2, the NO, so why should I trust him with the new ordination rites?