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Saturday 30 September 2017

In a classic Machiavellian move, Pope appoints Cardinal Burke to Apostolic Signatura

Image result for machiavelli
In what can only be described as a classic Machiavellian move, Pope Francis has appointed Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, the former Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, as an "advisor" to the same body, essentially, the Church's supreme court. This is the same Pope who fired the same Cardinal and then appointed him to an honourary role in the Knights of Malta before neutering him there.

The move is at the same time, an insult to the former Prefect, though in his humility he would never say that, and a strategic move to attempt to silence him and prevent him from acting further on the "Dubia," of which Cardinal Burke was a signatory.

As New Catholic at Rorate writes, "Molto bene, Santità!... Magnifico!"

Really, do they think we are that stupid not to see through this charade?

Well, as the saying goes, ...


Anonymous said...

The timing couldn’t be any more indicative of a pope “against the ropes”. This is the high comedy of Vatican power politics: “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.”

The strategy of Pope Francis is as transparent as a pane of glass. By reappointing Cardinal Burke to the Apostolic Signatura, Francis hopes to postpone a looming "Fraternal Correction" -- the next canonical step for the pope’s willful failure to respond to Burke's Dubia propounded one year ago.

Francis has strategically refused to answer the Dubia, providing sorely needed clarity to ambiguous teaching (read: heretical) . If he answered the Dubia in the affirmative, it would be an admission of heresy; if he answered in the negative, it would prohibit the heresy he seeks to promote. So, he remains silent.

The $64,000 question: Does Burke’s reappointment influence his decision to issue a Fraternal Correction against Francis?

Ana Milan said...

++Burke should postpone his acceptance of this appointment until the 'fraternal' correction is issued. I'm sure they wish to tie his hands by making this gesture just now. This dictatorship cannot be trusted & the correction should have been made ten months ago. I pray the Holy Ghost will now make this formal correction possible in Fatima's centenary year & even personally appoint the next pope.

Anonymous said...

I agree with your take on this appointment.I understand that Pope Francis has also appointed Cadinal Daneels to the Apostolic Signatura.

I hope that this appointment will not deter Cardinal Burke from the Featernal Correction. It is sorely needed.

Anonymous said...

This is another proof that this "pope" is only the political figure, who got scared of consequences and wide echo of this corrections. Who knows, maybe card. Burke is invited there to die in Vatican for example from food poisoning? Two of cardinals of Dubia are already in eternity, two more to go and Francis will do whatever he wants with the church..

Ana Milan said...

It was Archbishop Frans Daneels, not Cardinal Danneels, who was also was appointed as a judge to Apostolic Signatura. Different spelling of name.

Anonymous said...

@ Paul Morphy

As a chess player of some reknown, I'd like to ask is Cardinal Burke obligated to accept this appointment?

I can smell a gambit at 160 years - and it seems that Bergoglio fancies himself as a chess player.

Cardinal Burke needs to decline this gambit, and by telling Bergoglio to take his gambit and shove it.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Cdl Burke will do a Fraternal Correction. Seriously. He talks too much, just like a N. American cardinal bird chirping non-stop.

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

It will probably change nothing about the actions Cardinal Burke planned to take in regard to his dubia. He is a man of God, not a careerist.

St. Benedict's Thistle said...

Two down, two to go...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cardinal Burke would never refuse a legitimate order from a superior. He will not let this new assignment deter the Correction, but he will do it according to God's timing, not ours. Pray for his protection.

Johnno said...

Better keep that food taster handy.

Anonymous said...

Michael Matt had the same clip from The Godfather Part II:


Personally, I can't STAND the Godfather movies.

Anonymous said...

I agree that he shouldn't accept it. Now if PF had actually reinstated Cardinal Burke as Prefect, then I might see him accepting it since he never should have been dismissed from the Apostolic Signatura in the first place.


Anonymous said...

@ genetically Catholic:

Someone on EF mentioned that it's *another* Cardinal Daneels, NOT the one who was involved in scandal.

Anonymous said...

That's why we need to pray for Cardinal Burke and Brandenmuller, so they may continue to uphold the Catholic Faith "in season and out of season" (apologies to St. Paul if I misquoted him!)


Anonymous said...

@Ana Milan, thank you for the clarification and correction. Much appreciated.

Anonymous said...


Mary's Child Mariann said...

Thanks Ana,for I thought it was Cardinal D., too. If I was Cardinal Burke, who probably out of obedience must accept, would hire my own chef and food tester. Let's continue to hold him et al in prayer.

Eirene said...

Dear Vox, I can't see why Cardinal Burke cannot say "No thanks ...rather busy right now with the Dubia you have been trying to duck for the past year!"! All this talk about accepting this obviously blatant offer through "obedience" has confused me. Since when does a human being NOT have the right to say No?

Kathleen1031 said...

I would not be surprised were this is another segment of the "carrot and stick game" Bergolio seems to be enjoying playing with Cardinal Burke. Today it's a carrot, tomorrow, the stick. As he once said "It's FUN to be pope!". What he gives him today, can be yanked away tomorrow. Why limit yourself to one or two incidents? The fun can go on and on. Somewhere, his smarmy friends are smirking.

It would be funny if it weren't so obvious. Bergolio's MO is, he is as subtle as a garlic sandwich. This is actually a bit of a positive for us, there's no excuse for not knowing what he's up to. Is this a payoff of some kind? Surely. He must think it possible for Cardinal Burke to issue a canonical correction, or he wouldn't be making this offer, the carrot. Then again, this Bergolio likes to throw in something orthodox once in a while. He believes this is enough to fool us. It works for some! He's like a gorilla, typing away, he's bound to come out with War and Peace eventually.

Cardinal Burke may take the position, but it may not be a good idea. No matter, what is 100% positively sure, is that if he does NOT issue a canonical correction, he will be remembered in history as the Cardinal who was at a pivotal point in history, with a clearly apostate pope and a Church being ripped to shreds, a flock in utter chaos, who mentioned a formal correction was in the works, and then failed to deliver said correction "after his re-appointment to the apostolic signatura". Cardinal Burke may not care one whit about his legacy or how he is remembered, but nobody wants to go down in history as that person. It makes a mockery of his entire life, which has obviously been devoted to Christ.
By making this offer, Bergolio may have guaranteed a formal correction.

Anonymous said...

Cardinal Burke plays a good role...he speaks publicly quite a bit to appeal to conservative-bent Catholics that he is on their side. He even signed the "dubia". Now the boss has called and wants him where he can keep a closer eye on what he has to say publicly. I recently read somewhere that when Burke was asked a question concerning the status of the SSPX, he made no hesitation in declaring them "schismatic" and to stay away from their chapels. Now then, who's side is he really on? Sorry to say, he is a typical example given by St. Pius X of how a modernist operates. Time will soon tell....but don't wait for any answer concerning the "dubia". Anyone who knows their Catholic Faith knows the true answers to the questions. Christ has spoken on the matter and this is the responsibility of the clergy to pass on that same truth. No compromise!

Anonymous said...

Holy Ghost appoint a new pope? Why? If he appoints a new pope the new one certainly will not be what anyone who comments on this post would want or want. Any correction or corrector will be too harsh for any of the commentators I have read.God expects sinners to sincerely apologize and make atonement. Can you say that will happen? Did Luther ever say sorry did satan, did Zwingli, did Calvin? No way Jose will any of the present of the Roman curia say sorry. They politicked. They have the power, baby, they're going nowhere and we are at this time powerless to move them.They, these fallen priests, are happy in the fact they can change what they want. We will probably have married priests soon, next or at the same time women priests and it also looks like that civil divorces will be acceptable. If the sense of the faithful is so acceptable as is becoming the norm. Then the Church is now democratic and the church militant is or will be church milquetoast toast.
it will not be the devil that destroys the church at the end of the age but the laity ourselves with majority not in a state of grace will have brought the end of the age to a verity. We the laity will have closed down the age in which we live, "the age of the Holy Ghost". We not the devil will end the Church of course heaven will still exist and I hope at my age to be there. Ask yourselves each one of you just how many of you will be able to eagerly accept martyrdom and be honest about your answer. Do not give up hope just pray you can accept whatever God will do to each of us in retribution for our cowardice.