The Lebanese were an identifiable ethnic group descended from Phoenicians and Canaanites They spoke the same language of Our Lord Jesus - Aramaic, as did their cousins in Syria, until they were Arabised by the Mohammedan hordes 1300 years ago.
Notwithstanding that, the Christians and Muslims of Lebanon and Syria, for the most part, got along.
The blood on this poor little boy is the fault of many, not the least of which is Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain and many others in the United States. This boy, may have been injured by Russian bombs, made necessary because America funded insurgents against the legitimate government of Syria under Bashar Assad. Interestingly, Russia is the only foreign power operating legally in Syria.
Yes, Donald Trump is correct. America, through Obama, Clinton and others created ISIS by funding rebels which undermined the legitimate government of Syria.
What threat did Syria pose to Europe or North America? What threat did they even pose to Israel? The picture is of President Assad and his wife at Christmas Mass in Damascus. Can you imagine what Syria would be under the rebels supported by Obama. Would this most ancient Christian population even survive? No, they would go the way of Christians in Babylon, Ninevah and Chaldea after Saddam was assassinated, another, who was no threat to America or Europe.
Will Sykes-Picot ever end?
Many will be held accountable before God for what has happened to this beautiful land and these people; my cousins. Obama and Clinton will be at the head of the line, Sykes and Picot have already been judged.
My best friend for many years was Lebanese, her family came to the USA when she was 12. She was the kindest, sweetest person you could imagine, and a loving wife and mother. The Lebanese have a unique and fascinating culture. She was Druz by background, and seemed to radiate Christian virtue. She died, too young, from cancer. Please say a little prayer for her.
I suppose the most famous Lebanese immigrant to the United States was Danny Thomas, a devout Catholic and the founder of St. Jude Children's hospital.
Don't forget the silence of the Vatican, EU & UN & people like George Soros who manipulate the Syrian crisis for fame & fortune. He won't stop until Europe is Islamised!
The suffering of the boy (I pray for his healing) would not have occurred had the world embraced Pope Francis' September 7, 2013 A.D. Vigil of prayer and fasting for peace in Syria.
Here is a brief, 2:25 video recap of that day.
On that day, His Holiness Pope Francis exhorted the world to "turn to the Cross," via the "maternal gaze of the Salus Populi Romani, Queen of Peace," to obtain peace in Syria and throughout the world.
Unfortunately, the world failed to heed Pope Francis' holy call to peace.
Mark Thomas
Here is the answer to Syria's misery. Pope Francis, September 7, 2013 A.D., Vigil of prayer and fasting for peace in Syria:
"Is it possible to walk the path of peace? Can we get out of this spiral of sorrow and death? Can we learn once again to walk and live in the ways of peace?
"Invoking the help of God, under the maternal gaze of the Salus Populi Romani, Queen of Peace, I say: Yes, it is possible for everyone!
"From every corner of the world tonight, I would like to hear us cry out: Yes, it is possible for everyone! Or even better, I would like for each one of us, from the least to the greatest, including those called to govern nations, to respond: Yes, we want it!
"My Christian faith urges me to look to the Cross. How I wish that all men and women of good will would look to the Cross if only for a moment! There, we can see God’s reply: violence is not answered with violence, death is not answered with the language of death.
"In the silence of the Cross, the uproar of weapons ceases and the language of reconciliation, forgiveness, dialogue, and peace is spoken.
"Look upon your brother’s sorrow – I think of the children: look upon these… look at the sorrow of your brother, stay your hand and do not add to it, rebuild the harmony that has been shattered; and all this achieved not by conflict but by encounter! May the noise of weapons cease!"
Mark Thomas
Mark Thomas wants to win opposition to PF with love...
Yes, France has the solution, as shown by his entourage (Ricca) and recent pro gay appointments.
Amoris Laetitia is but one battle on the way to make buggery accepted in the Church.
We should replaced hatred by love, love for each other, especially male to male love. I'm suddenly filled with gaudium and spes, joy and hope
Who are we to judge?
Oh, Mark Thomas,
don't you know that some (many) mock the Cross? As Jesus is nailed to the cross, they laugh and treat Him to a drink of vinegar. They make bets over His garments. They could not care less about Jesus.
Haven't you read the Gospels?
The Cross doesn't have a uniting effect on most. Bergoglio the demagogue knows this very well. He even knows that many in Italy (where he lives) remove crosses from public spaces and hearts of children. Bergoglio himself sometimes tacks the cross he is expected to display on his chest under his garment. It is all for a good cause - peace with the enemies of Christ who openly deny Him.
China ‘to provide aid, enhance military training’ in Syria – top army official.
The Middle East and Western Europe are been deliberately destabilised .After the Iraq and Libya fiasco ,only fools or psychopaths would try the same stunt in Syria.The powers that be,are said to be very highly educated,therefore the only conclusion one can come to is that they are sociopaths ,psychopaths,or narcissists.
This story had nothing to do with Francis, why would you post two long comments about him..
Mark Thomas. Oh my gosh. That's all.
This poor child. I could pull my hair out and run screaming down the street about this child. A pox, an absolute pox, on anyone responsible for harming a child. It is not to be borne. God please return to us and end this onslaught against poor, vulnerable, beautiful children, assaulted and molested in so many ways by demoniacs and the perpetually selfish. Deliver us from this O Lord!
The Lebanese, as has been mentioned, I believe the greatest representative any person of any nation could have in the secular world, Danny Thomas, of happy memory, God rest his great soul, his charity toward children and families goes on.
Mark Thomas -
The Answer to Syria and the World's Misery is for the Pope to obey God, repudiate the entire Vatican II experiment, end offending Him by breaking the 1st Commandment at the Assisi gatherings, and command his bishops using his full authority on pain of automatic excommunication to join him in Consecrating Russia Publicly to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in reparation for Russia's specific sins against God.
Any other feeble speech or prayer intention or soccer tournament for peace will be answered by as magnificently and terrifying a sign as then the Crows and the Gulls attacked Francis' peace doves back in 2014.
Oh, and if the Pope wants to show solidarity with murdered Christians, he can start by wearing the red shoes.
Don't forget Helen Thomas, the UPI reporter. I think she was Lebanese too.
Francis' version of "peace" is the prostitution of what little this despicable man has of the catholic faith to the Muslim devil worshippers. I do pray for him- that the lord will confound his politics and frustrate his knavish tricks, lest he burn in hell for what he is doing to the church.
Johnno is correct. Listening to Pope Francis only separates us further from God. Most recently he explains the miracle of the loafs and fishes as mere sharing of food among the folks listening to Jesus. Based on such remarks I doubt he believes Jesus is God. Whenever Pope Francis speaks he scandalizes the faithful.
Hang on, it's not just them. To understand where the woes for the Middle East seemed to begin, watch a documentary starting from the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the West divided the Middle East for loot. Which joker do you think armed Bin Laden? Why are fundamentalist Western allies?
Despite the imbecilities that come from the papal chair so often these days, his call for fasting and prayer for Syria was one of the few things I could be thankful for. The intent of that was, as you recall, to prevent an American strike on that poor nation (not that he said so directly, but it was nevertheless understood). The US was ready to annihilate Syria, at the request of the usual suspects of course, based on the bogus chemical weapons accusations against Assad.
What happened next was most interesting. England, due to public outcry, refused to join in on this murder raid and after that Russia stepped in (brilliantly) and called America's bluff by negotiating an elimination of the chemical weapons held by the Syrian government which, by the way, it had never used despite US and Israeli propaganda to the contrary.
I mention this not to gloss over our Pope's destructive policies vis-a-vis the Church, which are both manifest and shocking, but only to mention that even seriously flawed men can on occasion do something right.
You are right in everything you say. Every once in a while Francis comes out with something that actually sounds authentically pastoral and Catholic, as well as papal.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Vox said..."Bashar Assad is a civilised man."
Marhaba, Vox.
Vox, do you believe that al-ʾAsad employs such practices as torture and murder to maintain his position of power? Vox, do you believe that al-Asad has authorized his secret police forces to employ brutally and terror to help maintain his power?
Thank you.
Mark Thomas
By Middle Eastern and Arab standards, yes, Assad is a civilised man. He has not obliterated the Christians of Syria, nor did Saddam Hussein, for that matter, and, he provided a buffer against Iran and had no weapons of mass destruction.
Let me ask you this Mark, from your own American history.
What atrocities were committed in the name of the United States of America when the Confederate States tried to secede from the Union? Were they allowed to go? Was insurrection tolerated? No, you went to war. A war that, I believe, spilled more American blood than any other since.
The problem in Syria was created from the outside. By Islamist radicals hell bent on setting up an Islamic State and funded by America and Western Europe.
Has Assad used chemical weapons? I do not know. I think they could have been equally used by the terrorists. America - Bush, McCain, Obama, Clinton, have no business in Syria. By funding the radical insurgents, there are no "moderate Syrian rebels," your American treasure has caused the blood on that child, even if they were Russian or Syrian bombs.
Frankly, if it were not for Russia, Syria would have already collapsed and fallen into the hands of ISIS.
Given all that, yes, Assad is a civilised man.
Anonymous said..."Oh, Mark Thomas, don't you know that some (many) mock the Cross? As Jesus is nailed to the cross, they laugh and treat Him to a drink of vinegar. They make bets over His garments. They could not care less about Jesus."
That is why. without ceasing, we must continue to propose to the world Our Lord Jesus Christ and His True Church. That is why we must, as His Holiness Pope Francis does, exhort the world to turn to the Cross.
When the world turns from Jesus Christ, we must renew and increase our determination to point the world to the Cross. We can help to accomplish that by conforming to God's will in regard to His desire that we unite to Pope Francis. God wants us to unite to His Roman Pontiff, Pope Francis, and, in turn, embrace Pope Francis' call to peace.
Anonymous, you can play an important role in that regard by promoting Pope Francis' exhortation to embrace Salus Populi Romani, Queen of Peace. Anonymous, in union with Pope Francis, please promote Salus Populi Romani. Inform people about Her. Let us join with Pope Francis to point the world into the direction of the Cross via the Queen of Peace.
Pope Francis prays before the Patroness of Rome
Mark Thomas
Mark states: "... do you believe that al-ʾAsad employs such practices as torture and murder to maintain his position of power? Vox, do you believe that al-Asad has authorized his secret police forces to employ brutally and terror to help maintain his power?"
Citations, please, from reputable, non-neocon sources. The best way to analyze is to rely on facts, not exaggerations and propaganda.
Mark Thomas most likely gets his talking points from the White House Press Office.
It's now an established fact that Assad DIDN'T use the Chemical Weapons. It was the U.S. backed Rebel side, most likely provided to them by Saudi Arabia, and used to coincide with Washington's announced 'red line.'
And while I agree that Pope Francis' plea for peace, and I prayed alongside him live on Television, was a highlight. What was God's response?
God sent Russia and Vladimir Putin to avert war, which Putin marvellously accomplished by negotiating the peaceful removal of Syria's stockpile, which Assad peacefully agreed to, despite all evidence that the chemical attack was not his fault, and that the Western Mainstream Media lied about.
Not to mention that the entire chemical weapon attack was a SET-UP. Washington coincidentally drew a convenient red-line over chemical weapon use prior to triggering the incident. All the rebel's equipment is provided by the USA and the Saudis, courtesy of her highness Hillary Clinton as WikiLeaks now has the goods on. Assad was therefore warned ahead of time repeatedly that Washington would engage in war if he used them, so why would he be idiotic to do just that? What strategic advantage does having the U.S. invade him bring? Especially as Russian Foreign Minister Larov noted: “The [Assad] government, as the opposition is saying openly, is enjoying military success on the ground. The [Assad] regime isn’t driven to the wall. What sense is there for the regime to use chemical arms–especially in such small amounts?”
Assad and Putin don't want war. Washington, however, does. So when the SET-UP failed thanks to Russia's diplomacy, ISIS magically emerged. What a coincidence! Armed with American rocket ordinance and armoured Toyotas too! You know... something the American military 'misplaced' and then went "Oops!" which Hillary Clinton then hit 'forward to' on.
And one should really love how Mark Thomas tries to paint the oh-so-bad Assad as engaging in Torture! Imagine that! Assad torturing the very same Jihadi men from doing what they are doing now! Torturing Christians through stoning, beheadings, rooftop diving and being burnt alive and boiled slowly in tar! Oh how terrible! What is this? Guantanamo Bay?
I don't know how Mark Thomas runs a country, particularly against crazy men married to an ideology that encourages bloodshed (oh perhaps Mark, like Francis would say, "no no that is not true Islam! Catholics are murderers too!") but perhaps he and Pope Francis, birds of a feather, would just make a few devotions, put out a speech on luv and ecumenism and call it a day? Maybe another soccer tournament, trip to the beach or an Assisi gathering, eh?
Pope Francis' little pleas for peace will only get a small corresponding acknowledgement from God who warned him via the attacking crows and gulls and positively hinted at through Russian action, that the real solution has something to do with Russia, but the clock is ticking down.
Promoting the Salus Populi Romani is nice and all, but it's not going to save us from the coming doom. God already told us what to do. The sword therefore is still lying precipitously over Pope Francis' head to accomplish what was asked at Fatima.
Ominous then that Mark Thomas says, "Let us join with Pope Francis to point the world into the direction of the Cross via the Queen of Peace."
I seem to recall a certain vision about a Bishop in White followed by many faithful moving towards a cross on a hill. We all know what happens next...
Vox, thank you for your reply.
You said..."By Middle Eastern and Arab standards
Vox, as Catholics, we have to do better than Middle Eastern and Arab standards.
You said..."He has not obliterated the Christians of Syria, nor did Saddam Hussein, for that matter..."
Vox, that is true.
You said..."What atrocities were committed in the name of the United States of America when the Confederate States tried to secede from the Union? Were they allowed to go? Was insurrection tolerated? No, you went to war. A war that, I believe, spilled more American blood than any other since.
Vox, what you just said is true.
You said..."The problem in Syria was created from the outside. By Islamist radicals hell bent on setting up an Islamic State and funded by America and Western Europe.
Has Assad used chemical weapons? I do not know. I think they could have been equally used by the terrorists. America - Bush, McCain, Obama, Clinton, have no business in Syria. By funding the radical insurgents, there are no "moderate Syrian rebels," your American treasure has caused the blood on that child, even if they were Russian or Syrian bombs."
Vox...I agree pretty much with that. However, America, as long as her intentions are noble, should assist Syrians to form a decent society to help stabilize Syria. But I agree with you about America's involvement in fueling violence in Syria.
You said..."Given all that, yes, Assad is a civilised man."
Vox, I disagree with that.
Please understand that I realize that abortion, sodomite unions, vile entertainment, substance abuse, and any amount of anti-Christian beliefs and activities flourish throughout the "civilized" West. In that sense, who are we to judge?
But that doesn't erase the reality that al-Asad utilizes torture, brutality, fear, intimidation, and murder to maintain his power (whatever remains of that) in Syria.
Again, I realize that should Western leaders overthrow al-Asad, then Syria's Christians, as well as such Islamic groups as the Alawites (al-Asad's Islamic sect), will face almost certain death.
Vox, speaking ostensibly, in regard to Christians in Syria, al-Asad's is their friend and protector. But in reality, he is not that as he perpetuates violence and death. His style of brutal governance will only lead to continued violence and retaliation from those whom he brutalizes daily.
His presence in Syria will not lead to peace.
As we (God's children) are brothers and sisters and have a stake in each other's lives, we must find a way to help Syrians construct a nation that is devoid of brutal leadership.
Mark Thomas
Johnno said..."Mark Thomas most likely gets his talking points from the White House Press Office."
What does that have to do with the questions about al-Asad that I posed to Vox?
Mark Thomas
@ Mark Thomas
You know very well that pope Francis speaks with great conviction from many contradictory sides of his mouth.
He prays with Muslims and other worshippers of false gods, encourages sodomites to persist in the sin of sodomy, annuls Catholic marriages (claiming most to be invalid)...
I will not join such a person in any of his projects, because he is not an honest man, not a faithful follower of Jesus Christ.
Have nothing to do with those who deny the Gospel and create their own. If you do, do not call yourself a follower of Jesus Christ and a Catholic.
The only way to peace is through Jesus Christ (on an individual soul's level, not collectively - there is no collective salvation) not through Bergoglio's contradictions and manipulations.
Anonymous, I don't know that His Holiness Pope Francis speaks from many contradictory sides of his mouth.
Yes, he has followed the leads of Popes Saint John Paul II and Benedict XVI in that he has prayed inside a mosque.
No, he does not encourage sodomites to persist in the sin of sodomy. He encourages sodomites to confess their sins and reform their lives in line with Church teaching.
Mark Thomas
Mark Thomas -
"What does that have to do with the questions about al-Asad that I posed to Vox?"
-That your entire view of Middle East Events and you go on to further to dmeonstrate below are formed by those of the White House to demonize Assad and then set the groundwork for invasion. Propaganda precedes a hot war. Always.
"we have to do better than Middle Eastern and Arab standards."
-What standards would those be Mark? America's? Vatican II Ecumenism?
"But that doesn't erase the reality that al-Asad utilizes torture, brutality, fear, intimidation, and murder to maintain his power (whatever remains of that) in Syria."
"But in reality, he is not that as he perpetuates violence and death. His style of brutal governance will only lead to continued violence and retaliation from those whom he brutalizes daily."
- Let's see you back this up Mark. Provide examples alongside precisely WHO this was being done to and WHY. I'm certain you'll provide the White house talking points that lead you to state this.
"His presence in Syria will not lead to peace."
- His presence in Syria kept things pretty darn peaceful up until the White House set up plans to invade and transform the entire middle east prior to 9/11 using every means at their disposal, including the same terrorists and Islamist they've been using since the Cold War as the Project for the New American Century.
"we must find a way to help Syrians construct a nation that is devoid of brutal leadership."
- Is brutally getting rid of evil men a bad thing, Mark Thomas? Was God too brutal for Mr. Mark Thomas in the Old Testament? Who is Mark Thomas to judge what leaders in the Middle East have to put up with. Is Mark Thomas one of those who uncritically supports spreading American democracy as the answer to mankind's ills through Soros-funded revolutions? Is Mark Thomas aware of how nicely immigration and all those refugees are working out for Europe? What's Mark Thomas' solution for this? Planting more flowers and soccer matches?
"I don't know that His Holiness Pope Francis speaks from many contradictory sides of his mouth."
- YES YOU DO! One need only scroll through all of Vox's previous posts to find people confronting you with contradictory quotations from Pope Francis in the comments section. And we're still waiting for you to address how Amoris Letitia doesn't contradict Familiaris on the topic of conscience. I believe we'll keep waiting and that Mark Thomas will once again repeat that he has no idea what anyone is talking about.
"No, he does not encourage sodomites to persist in the sin of sodomy. He encourages sodomites to confess their sins and reform their lives in line with Church teaching."
- Another distortion by Mark Thomas. He invites them in, dines with them, openly allows himself to be photographed with them, and NOT ONCE were any of them ever told by Francis to amend their lifestyles. We have these from directly the interviews with the sodomites invited to the Vatican themselves, including old sodomite buddies of Francis who claim he's never told them any such thing, and all of Pope Francis' selected cadre of Cardinals and Bishops are gay-friendly. Including 'Who-am-i-to-judge-him' Ricca. Because while Francis may believe that one should try not to be a sodomite, it's not necessary to pursue them by judging or forcing them to amend their lifestyle because they'll be saved anyway so long as they're doing social good works and trying their best according to whatever they can understand or not understand, like remarried adulterers. Bring them in. Don't say anything to offend them. Give them Holy Communion anyway. After Confession of course! But Mr. Confessor must not judge them too much or force them to amend themselves! That would be... gasp... TORTURE! Confessors like this are just like Assad!
I said...""we have to do better than Middle Eastern and Arab standards."
Johnno said..."What standards would those be Mark? America's? Vatican II Ecumenism?"
I have to spell it out? Well, okay. I'm Catholic, how about...Catholic standards. There you go. Does that work?
I agreed with much of Vox's reply to me. But I disagree with my brother Vox's notion that it's acceptable to position al-Asad as a "civilized" man by viewing him through the lens of Middle Eastern/Arab "standards."
As Catholics, we cannot accept the brutality that al-Asad employs to control (whatever remains of that) Syrians.
Again, Johnno, I hope that that works for you. Catholic standards...okay?
God's standards as He has delivered to us.
Mark Thomas
And which Catholic standards are those, Mark? Bergoglio/JPII/Vatican II/pacifist standards, which opposes even the legitimate use of the death penalty? Or the true standards of the first two millenia of the Church, which always allowed the use of deadly force, and yes, even torture, when necessary.
Anyone who thinks Assad, a far more decent man than any of his replacements would be, should be removed is a clear enemy of Christians, and of peace in Syria.
If al-Asad has been such an effective protector of Christians, then why have hundreds of thousands of Christians fled Syria?
Why do thousands of Syrian Christians in exile speak negatively of al-Asad's rule of Syria?
Mark Thomas
Not sure where you hear that Mark, maybe some do speak ill of him. But the reports I've read, and Vox has I believe spoken of as well, the vast majority of Syrian Christians support Assad and want him to remain as leader. Christians have even formed their own forces to fight with Assad's against the terrorists and rebels. Assad has been a true friend to them and is the only one who will protect them from Islamists. How many Muslim leaders would give even token support to Christians in their country, let alone pay a visit to Christmas Mass? Assad is a decent man, as Vox said. Let's please leave the argument at that.
I was not aware hundreds of thousands of Christians had fled Syria, since most Western countries have not taken them in, Mark. But we know many hundreds of thousands of Muslims, most of them young men, have left Syria and been welcomed with open arms and millions of dollars by our wicked leaders. Europe is already starting to pay the price for that, as we see with the now near-daily attacks and rapes.
Anonymous, just between the years 2011 A.D. and 2013 A.D., at least 450,000 Christians were forced from Syria. So much for al-Asad's supposed role as "protector" of Christians.
"As some 450,000 Christians have fled Syria since a civil war erupted two years ago, the Syrian Patriarch of the Melkite Greek Catholic church has called on Christians to stay in Syria and survive a “difficult” future.
-- Since 2011 A.D., overall, nearly 5,000,000 people have fled Syria and nearly 7,000,000 have fled their villages and are scattered about Syria.
-- Turkey has received 2,724,937 registered Syrian refugees.
-- Lebanon: 1,500,000.
-- Jordan, 1,265,000.
-- Germany, 600,000.
-- Greece, 496,119.
Those are the top five countries in regard to having received Syrian refugees.
Mark Thomas
al-Asad, alongside his billionaire cousin, is tied to massive money schemes.
-- al-Asad literally permitted DAESH (ISIL) to grow.
-- He refused to bomb DAESH camps.
-- He released key DAESH members from prisons.
-- al-Asad permitted DAESH to trample Christians.
-- al-Asad permitted DAESH to drive hundreds of thousands of Christians from Syria.
Mark Thomas
Mark, you didn't really address what I said in my first paragraph, as per usual. Can you not see the picture of Christians with Assad right on Vox's post? Yes, he is not perfect and did make some bad decisions. No one is saying he didn't, so don't bring up more supposed examples from likely-biased media. We are saying that he is by far the best choice for Syria today for Christians, as the only Muslim leader who will protect them that are in his territory. As Catholics, that is the perspective we must have, we must have the interests of our brothers and sisters in Christ in mind. Therefore, Assad is the ONLY option. The rest of the sides in Syria's civil war are all hard core Islamists who would be far worse. We should all be joining the bishops and Catholics of Syria who are praying for the victory of Assad, not attacking him, Mark.
It is preposterous to claim that al-Asad is the "only option" when it comes to Souria. The only option when it comes to Souria is the Catholic "option" of a government committed to the establishment of a peaceful and just society.
If al-Asad is to remain in place, then he must eliminate the brutality that he employs to instill fear into his fellow countrymen. (Good luck with that.)
Syrian Catholic Patriarch Ignatius Joseph III Younan:
"We are not siding either with Assad or with his regime. We are with the Syrian people, and our concern is how can we get this country (Syria) back on its feet for the sake of the population.
"We are accused of siding with the (Syrian) regime. This is not the truth. Sure, we did say from the beginning, this regime has to make reforms, true reforms, both political and in the area of civil liberties."
Mark Thomas
Anonymous, the "likely-biased" media did not...
-- Loot more than a billion dollars from Souria. The al-Asad family has done that.
-- Refuse to bomb DAESH camps. al-Asad did that.
-- Free key terrorists from prison to permit them to help construct DAESH. al-Asad did that.
-- Permit DAESH to destroy one Christian village after another. al-Asad did that.
-- Remain idle when 450,000 Christians were forced from Souria. al-Asad did that.
-- Remain idle when tens of thousands of Christians were displaced within Souria. al-Asad did that.
What a great friend al=Asad is to Christians.
I am certain that should his regime show signs of an imminent collapse, al-Asad will allow Christians aboard his private airplanes that are on standby to fly he and his billion-dollar family to safety.
Mark Thomas
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