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A corporal work of mercy.
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Wednesday, 31 August 2016

George Soros' power over the Church and the Pope's boss

From Austin Ruse at Breitbart:

Newly released documents from Wikileaks have exposed the efforts of hard-left billionaire George Soros to make Pope Francis quiet down on social issues like abortion and man-woman marriage and make income equality and global warming the centerpiece of his visit last year to the U.S. The documents show how these wealthy groups worked closely with the Pope’s closest advisers including two U.S. Bishops and one Latin American Cardinal. The plan was first advanced at a board meeting of Soros’s Open Society U.S. Programs Board in May, 2015, where the radical group boasts of direct influence with Pope Francis. At that meeting, the board announced a $650,000 grant to a wealthy radical group called PICO “in order to seize this moment..to engage the Pope on economic and racial justice issues, including using (emphasis added) the influence of Cardinal Rodriquez, the Pope’s senior advisor, and sending a delegation to visit the Vatican in the spring or summer to allow him to hear directly (emphasis added) from low-income Catholics in America.”

When we see what has come out of Rome, from the political tilt towards leftist regimes, open borders for migrants and Islamic invasion backed by Soros, Laudato si and the coming recognition of the Chinese Patriotic Association, is there any doubt that Soros' power and wealth has influenced the Vatican right up to the Pope?

These men are evil. All of them. They have danced with the devil. 

And, I refer you to Elizabeth Yore at The Remnant.


Dan said...

You know the old accusation that the Catholic Church made a deal with the devil to obtain wealth and power? It's starting to make sense to this heartbroken Catholic.

Anonymous said...

With this stunning news about the devil himself setting up office at the Vatican and conspiring with the man occupying the Office of Peter, I am feeling lost.

To whom do we go now?

Mark Thomas said...

George Soros' supposed plan to "make Pope Francis quiet down on social issues like abortion and man-woman marriage" failed miserably.

Good luck attempting to "quiet down" His Holiness Pope Francis on the above issues.


Mark Thomas

Vox Cantoris said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

With this stunning news about the devil himself setting up office at the Vatican and conspiring with the man occupying the Office of Peter, I am feeling lost.

To whom do we go now?

Dear Anonymous,

We stay with Our Lord Jesus Christ with His Blessed Mother, St. Mary Magdalene and St. John at the foot of the cross right with him as he is being crucified again.

We do not leave His Church. We go to Mass, the traditional if possible and the best possible modernist rite with the best priest you can find. Pray the rosary, keep the Faith!

We were born for this!


Anonymous said...

There's a difference between churchmen and the Church. Churchmen are human beings who are liable to error (except when the Pope speaks ex cathedra - cf. Pastor Aeternus from Vatican I - 1869-70).

Also see the reply of Vox below.

Keep the Faith!

Mark Thomas said...

To: Anonymous at 10:19 am, August 31, 2016:

Go to Jesus Christ and His True Church, over whose subjects has been placed His Holiness Pope Francis to teach, govern, and sanctify. Satan wishes to separate you from Pope Francis so as to plunge you into the serious sin of schism.

Do not permit Satan to trick you into rejecting the awesome and beautiful authority that God has bestowed upon Pope Francis to shepherd you to the Truth.

Anonymous, always keep the following prayer close to you to recall that when you hear Pope Francis' voice, you, in turn, hear Jesus Christ's voice.

"O God, the Shepherd and Ruler of all the faithful, look down favorably upon Thy servant Franciscus, whom Thou hast been pleased to appoint pastor over Thy Church.

"Grant, we beseech Thee, that he may benefit both by word and example those over whom he is set, and thus attain unto life eternal, together with the flock committed to his care.

"Through our Lord Jesus Christ, who livest and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen."


Mark Thomas

Pope Francis "openly and vigorously defends Church teaching on contraception, abortion, homosexuality, reproductive technologies, the education of children and much more."

— Cardinal Sarah, 2016 A.D.

Johnno said...

Oh, I dont know Mark Thomas... I'm sure Msgr Ricca, alongside all the transvestites, 'catholic' gay alliance groups, Francis old gay friend and his lover\married partner, and all of Soros friends and gay Argentinians who want baptisms for their purchased babies would disagree with you and Cardinal yes-man Sarah, and even praise Francis for never confronting them about their sins. You see it's okay with them if you and Francis dont personally like what they do, just so long as you keep it to yourself, dont judge, and tell them they'll go to heaven anyway because God is made up of love and His name is Mercy... clap*clap

Johnno said...

Oh! Let us also not forget Pope Francis and the Vatican's silence when the USA and Ireland voted for Sodomite marriage! I'm sure Soros was pleased! Planned Parenthood too! Because the Pope, even if abortion is not to his liking, doesn't want us to be obsessed with it. Think of the poor instead! Like Planned Parenthood who fights poverty and crime by ensuring that there are less of those coloured people around, which also helps save the planet from the Ghost of Christmas Warming.

Johnno said...

Oh? What's this?

From LifeSiteNews article -
How billionaire George Soros is trying to hijack the Catholic Church for his progressive agenda

"The success of the Soros-funded offensive on the Church also involved “buy-in of individual bishops to more publicly voice support of economic and racial justice messages in order to begin to create a critical mass of bishops who are aligned with the Pope.”

At the fall General Assembly of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops last November, San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy, a Pope Francis appointee, argued emphatically to his brother prelates that their election guide as presented at the meeting for approval was out of step with Pope Francis’ priorities, in particular because it put too much emphasis on abortion and euthanasia and not enough on poverty and the environment.

“Pope Francis has in certain aspects of the social doctrine of the Church, radically transformed the prioritization of Catholic social teaching and its elements,” Bishop McElroy stated, garnering support from other “progressive” bishops, including Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich. In a subsequent interview, Cupich concurred, “As Bishop McElroy noted, the issues of global poverty and the degradation of the environment now need to be put in that first tier of issues," Cupich said."

Maybe someone should let Pope Francis know what all his close associates and appointments are saying on his behalf, using his name. You wont see a certain someone quoting these bishops on Francis' behalf! And if you did, he'd only quote the half of it that suits him.

George Soros didn't pay Francis to forget about abortion and homosexuals... he paid to put these at the far back of the priority line! Possibly next to the original Vatican II schemas, intended corrections, the Consecration of Russia, and the visible Holy Name of Jesus Christ and the crucifix whenever certain non-Catholic friends come visiting.