Let's give credit where it is due. Our Jesuitical Fathers have generously restrained themselves from the disgraceful direct hyperbole and insult more commonly associated with commentary on Bloggers from either from the Reverends Longenecker or Rosica. Kudos to our Jesuit friends at America, for their "charity," attempted, that is, until you get to the heart of the matter.
Near the end of the first paragraph, they use the word "bullying." An interesting word and one that has become popular in some circles.
Shall we talk about bullying?
Who paid his legal bill? I had to pay mine!
That was money that could have gone as extra mortgage payments or retirement savings or renovations or a trip with my wife. You bet I'm still peeved about that!
We can go on; I can go on. I have specific examples of other bullying and attempted intimidation even to the point of threatening my livelihood from an "unidentified cleric."
Another, was an attempt to intimidate priests to have me "fired" from Cantor positions by mounting a whisper campaign that I am "making the Pope look bad." One actually suggesting I shut the blog down as a sign of "good-will."
In January and February 2015, there were at least three occurrences by an anonymous person or persons to directly interfere with my livelihood and my work -- my career and my vocation in sacred music, and actual attempts to interfere in my employment on more than one occasion!
Yes, you read that correctly.
There have been attempts by some to silence me for years. They are not very smart, they have not figured out that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. They will not silence this blogger.
Bullying? Intimidation? Threatening? Coercion?
I have known it directly, including the physical battery, assault and mental abuse as a 13 year old boy from certain sons of St. Basil's and their "Congregation." I survived that, there is nothing they can throw at me now.
Bullying, you say?
You filthy Jesuit swine! You "whitewashed sepulchres" with your intellectual pride. You "brood of vipers" who have betrayed your holy founder and His Lord and ours!
You write of bullying?
Oh, there is plenty and it is all from within the Catholic Church and from men who have no business in the priesthood. Effeminates, leaches, malefactors, prideful, arrogant, and faithless, feckless men who have disgraced the Bride of Christ, men who hide behind their clerical garb as some great oracles of holy wisdom.
Bullies all right, but it's not the bloggers.
What these men are revealing is that blogs punch above their weight and these men are running scared. They are afraid because they know that we are on to them and that they can no longer do their work without it being called out into the light. They know that when this Pope is dead; they will be dead with him. They have no progeny. They have no growth. Their time is short and we all know it and so do they.
We're on to them and we're not letting them go.
In a recent talk in Rome given at the Voice of the Family conference, Raymond Cardinal Burke had this to say about the current situation in the Church:
“I think of so many faithful who express to me their profound concerns for the Church in the present time, when there seems to be so much confusion about fundamental dogmatic and moral truths. In responding to their concerns, I urge them to deepen their understanding of the constant teaching and discipline of the Church and to make their voices heard, so that the shepherds of the flock may understand the urgent need to announce again with clarity and courage the truths of the faith and to apply again with charity and firmness the discipline needed to safeguard the same truths.”
"Make their voices heard," said the Cardinal!
In a blog post on May 30, Father Hunwicke stated with clarity that:
"Vatican I made clear that ex cathedra pronouncements of the Roman Pontiff are infallible and irreformable ex sese, non autem ex consensu Ecclesiae. This implies that pronouncements not ex cathedra are or may be reformable by the reception or non-reception of the Church."
Read that again, "reformable by the reception or non-reception of the Church!"
Mark my words friends and enemies alike. This mockery, Amoris Laetitia and much more that may come from this papacy will all be undone. It will be undone and declared anathema by a future holy pope. He will correct the ambiguities in the documents of Vatican II, he will condemn the errors and heresies devised by those who manipulated it, he will restore the sacred liturgy and he will teach with clarity and truth. He will preach that mercy and justice are linked; that truth is not relative and that Christ never changes. That pope, I believe, is living today. I only pray that I may be granted the grace to see that papacy, and rejoice in it.
Catholics must stop ascribing to Francis, or any Pope for that matter, that which he does not have. Stop giving credence to Protestant bigotry about papal infallibility, that we worship the man and everything he says. Stop committing papolatry as if the passing of gas scented with frankincense somehow signifies new revelation.
Which magazine said just the other day in a Tweet, "The Church of Pope Francis"?
If you think this writer will ever bow to worship at the Church of Pope Francis, or the Church of Benedict or any other Pope for that matter, you can go straight to where that idolatry will get you. It is not the "Church of Pope Francis!" It is the Church of Jesus Christ, Catholic! This Pope is His Vicar, His servant and ours. He is not a god. He is not infallible when he farts frankincense. He is not infallible with what he says in his daily homilies unless he states infallible teachings already revealed.
These priests who use such phrases as "radical traditionalist" whatever the heck that means are manipulating and insulting. As a convert, this next statement wouldn't apply to Longenecker, but it would certainly to Rosica; "What faith did his parents or grandparents practice?" Were they "radical traditionalists?" or were they just, "Catholics!" If Fathers Rosica and Longenecker defend their remarks with some kind of historicism, then that is an admission that there is a pre and post Vatican II Church - that the old one is dead and this new one is better, more merciful, more just and that all that came before was wrong.
Bovine excrement!
There are only "Catholics."
The words of Robert DePlante come to mind:
What Catholics once were, we are. If we are wrong, then Catholics through the ages have been wrong. We are what you once were. We believe what you once believed. We worship as you once worshipped. If we are wrong now, you were wrong then. If you were right then, we are right now.
There are no Taliban Catholics, radical traditionalist, rad-trads, mad-trads and other such scandalous epithets used by Rosica, Longenecker, Shea, Armstrong and others. They sit there chastising bloggers and accuse us of doing exactly what they do. You are either a Catholic or you're a heretic. There is no grey.
Our parents and our grandparents did not have the knowledge and tools we have in order to stand up and protect the Faith and the Church. If they did, we would most certainly not be in the position we are in today. They did not read encyclicals or exhortations and they never thought to read the Council documents.
They trusted the priests and bishops, and what did it get them?
They trusted the priests and bishops, and what did it get them?
Their sons sodomised.
Their daughters molested.
The Holy Mass, debased and disgraced and often rendered illicit if not outright, invalid.
Our Lord insulted.
Our Lord insulted.
Altars smashed.
Communion rails broken up.
Artwork and their patrimony whitewashed.
The faith in ruins.
For fifty years, Catholics have been poked like a bear in a cage. What do you expect? That they are going to sit and take it? Poke someone long enough and you can be sure, the bear is going to bite back.
You can say turn the other cheek, but that is personal. We are fighting for Christ and His Church, our patrimony, our families and our culture and there will be no turning of any cheeks.
And don't think we're ever going away.
The Web We Weave
Basilian Father Thomas Rosica, CEO of Salt and Light Television Network in Canada and an English-language assistant to the Holy See Press Office, speaks May 11 during the 25th annual observance of World Communications Day in Brooklyn, N.Y. Father Rosica was presented the DeSales Media Group's St. Francis de Sales Communicator of the Year Award. (CNS photo/Robert M. Longo)
In recent years some Catholic watchdog groups have led campaigns against church institutions and individuals who work within them that have had the effect of ruining careers, disrupting lives and generating unjustified tension within the Catholic community. Catholic service entities have been the frequent but not the only targets of these critics. These efforts have been typified by extreme rhetoric and relentless bullying on social media—ignoring beams, compulsively seeking splinters—and church bureaucracies have in some cases acceded to their pressure tactics.
Thomas Rosica, C.S.B., founding chief executive officer of Canada’s Salt and Light Media Foundation, delivered the keynote address during the Brooklyn Diocese’s observance of World Communications Day on May 11. He pulled no punches in condemning this unfortunate phenomenon and the broader problem of a Catholic web of anger and accusation. “The character assassination on the Internet by those claiming to be Catholic and Christian has turned it into a graveyard of corpses strewn all around,” he said. Father Rosica deplored “the obsessed, scrupulous, self-appointed, nostalgia-hankering virtual guardians of faith” who “resort to the Internet and become trolling pontiffs and holy executioners.”
His words will no doubt only provoke those he is criticizing. He should not have to stand alone in doing so. In this Year of Mercy, Catholic communicators have a special responsibility to model the merciful relationships they seek to encourage in others. Debate, even fierce debate, in the church should not be unwelcome; but charity and esteem for the person—not rhetorical stratagems bent on personal destruction—should typify our dialogue.
Haven't got time for a comment now. Going on a jol with a pal. Just want to say YEA VOX !!!!
Great post Vox, BUT did you have to post his picture and words again, it literally makes me sick,as I also have had personal dealings with him and he is most unkind.
Bravo! Bravo! And again- BRAVO.
There are hierarchs so highly placed in the Church by this pope, that no feeling of human decency, no moral law, not even the criminal law or international treaties, have any weight when they choose a course of action - eg the books which disappeared from the Vatican Post Office, at the start of the 1994 Synod meeting. Such men go uncorrected in this pontificate. Yet basic justice is denied to the Franciscans of the Immaculate with, even now, no accusation being identified against them while they continue to be oppressed and punished, all the while MERCY being everywhere proclaimed as the characteristic of this new church of Francis.
They are liars and imposters, kept in place by a worldwide hierarchy like themselves or else too cowardly even to act in defense of the Faith, or the people for whose salvation they will have to answer. The exceptions are so very rare, to be counted on the fingers of one hand. Most bishops are hirelings, men of the world, proclaiming a new gospel for itching ears.
The unchanging Faith of the Church founded by Christ on the Apostles is what we hold. The Gospel preached by the Apostles and taught unerringly for nearly two thousand years by the Church of Christ, is what those who long to be with Christ and saved by Him, desire to live out in peace in His Church. That Church is not visible in these men. It is not heard from these men. They bring no peace of Christ. They do not serve the Church. They do not serve Christ. They are an outrage, awakening indignation.
Psalm 118(119) cries out:(v126) Put off the hour, Lord, no more; too long thy commandment stands defied....(v136) Rivers of tears flow from my eyes, to see thy law forgotten.(Knox)
Just saw this on EF. You might want to keep on top of it:
It's in re to the Vatican media.
Go Vox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is no logical accounting for the depths of depravity the CC has descended into since Vatican II except to say that Vatican II was of the Devil's making and not in any way blessed by Jesus Christ who has been blatantly ignored by these deviant usurpers & whose once central presence in our lives in the Blessed Sacrament only still survives in the minds of the elderly who have not been dissuaded by the Spirit of Vatican II (Satan). There would be no legitimate CC to-day if the Catholic laity did not continuously oppose the heresies being promulgated by these hierarchs, but time is definitely not on our side. There has to be a reckoning very soon. The silent members of the present Hierarchy who elected PF to the Papal Office will be among those who will have to pay the price of that disastrous decision & their reluctance to stand up to the consequences for Christ's sake. He is sifting the wheat from the chaff through this chastisement which they have brought on all mankind, abandoning Christ's rules (Ten Commandments, Deposit of Faith, Tradition) in lieu of Judeo Masonic Modernism, evironmental issues, no Catholic God, etc. etc.
Well said!
Thank you a million times over. Yes, I am still waiting for the limp-wristed, effeminate priests who are trying to lead Catholics to the lukewarm NuChurch of Francis to understand that we are no longer buying their crap. In fact, I stopped buying their crap around the time one of them tried to rape my older brother while the diocese played along. They are lisping their way straight to hell, and America Magazine is their in-flight reading. Martin, Rosica, Longenecker, and Shea couldn't hold a candle to my grandmother when it comes to fighting for the Catholic Church.
I LOVE YOU VOX! God bless and protect you.
The declaration of Vatican I regarding the solemn magisterium (definition of dogma ex cathedra), is commonly misunderstood. It certainly does not imply "that pronouncements not ex cathedra are or may be reformable by the reception or non-reception of the Church."
The Church's infallibility is not restricted to dogmatic definitions, or even the teachings of the universal ordinary Magisterium, which are likewise immune from error. Both of these constitute the primary object of infallibility, but there is also a secondary object, and the Church is no less infallible with regard to it.
The theologian van Noort explains:
"The secondary object of infallibility comprises all those matters which are so closely connected with the revealed deposit [of Faith] that revelation itself would be imperiled unless an absolutely certain decision could he made about them.
The charism of infallibility was bestowed upon the Church so that the latter could piously safeguard and confidently explain the deposit of Christian revelation, and thus could be in all ages the teacher of Christian truth and of the Christian way of life. But if the Church is to fulfill this purpose, it must be infallible in its judgment of doctrines and facts which, even though not revealed, are so intimately connected with revelation that any error or doubt about them would constitute a peril to the faith. Furthermore, the Church must be infallible not only when it issues a formal decree, but also when it performs some action which, for all practical purposes, is the equivalent of a doctrinal definition.
One can easily see why matters connected with revelation are called the secondary object of infallibility. Doctrinal authority and infallibility were given to the Church's rulers that they might safeguard and confidently explain the deposit of Christian revelation. That is why the chief object of infallibility, that, namely, which by its very nature falls within the scope of infallibility, includes only the truths contained in the actual deposit of revelation. Allied matters, on the other hand, which are not in the actual deposit, but contribute to its safeguarding and security, come within the purview of infallibility not by their very nature, but rather by reason of the revealed truth to which they are annexed."
Theologians teach that the following matters belong to the secondary object of infallibility: 1.theological conclusions; 2. dogmatic facts; 3. the general discipline of the Church; 4. approval of religious orders; 5. canonization of saints.
(Van Noort, Dogmatic Theology, vol. 2: Christ's Church [Newman Press, 1957].)
The practice of the Church has always been the same, as is shown by the unanimous teaching of the Fathers, who were wont to hold as outside Catholic communion, and alien to the Church, whoever would recede in the least degree from any point of doctrine proposed by her authoritative Magisterium.”
(Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (# 9), June 29, 1896.)
This statement confirms Vatican 1 that all teachings must be believed because Pope Leo says “any point of doctrine” which would include all doctrines of the Magisterium and not just dogmatized doctrines of the extraordinary Magisterium.
"…But he who dissents even in one point from divinely revealed truth absolutely rejects all faith, since he thereby refuses to honor God as the supreme truth and the formal motive of faith."
So, to reject "one point" of divinely revealed truth, which is, as Vatican 1 says, all teachings universal and ordinary and extraordinary magisterial teachings, is to reject “all faith.” In other words, to reject one point of doctrine is to literally become apostate.
22. The obligation by which Catholic teachers and authors are strictly bound is confined to those things only which are proposed to universal belief as dogmas of faith by the infallible judgment of the Church. — CONDEMNED.
(Infallible/Ex Cathedra Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX no. 22.)
“Nor can we pass over in silence the audacity of those who, not enduring sound doctrine, contend that “without sin and without any sacrifice of the Catholic profession assent and obedience may be refused to those judgments and decrees of the Apostolic See, whose object is declared to concern the Church’s general good and her rights and discipline, so only it does not touch the dogmata of faith and morals.” But no one can be found not clearly and distinctly to see and understand how grievously this is opposed to the Catholic dogma of the full power given from God by Christ our Lord Himself to the Roman Pontiff of feeding, ruling and guiding the Universal Church.” (Pope Pius IX, Quanta Cura.)
"Wherefore, let the faithful also be on their guard against the overrated independence of private judgment and that false autonomy of human reason. For it is quite foreign to everyone bearing the name of a Christian to trust his own mental powers with such pride as to agree only with those things which he can examine from their inner nature, and to imagine that the Church, sent by God to teach and guide all nations, is not conversant with present affairs and circumstances; or even that they must obey only in those matters which she has decreed by solemn definition as though her other decisions might be presumed to be false or putting forward insufficient motive for truth and honesty. Quite to the contrary, a characteristic of all true followers of Christ, lettered or unlettered, is to suffer themselves to be guided and led in all things that touch upon faith or morals by the Holy Church of God through its Supreme Pastor the Roman Pontiff, who is himself guided by Jesus Christ Our Lord."
(Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Casti Connubii, nn. 103-104)
Papal encyclicals are magisterial and the faithful are obligated to assent to them. These days, most Catholics are taught that if Church "authority" does not explicitly propose that something is to be believed with divine and Catholic Faith (de fide divina et catholica) then we are free to ignore it or ‘sift’ it for what we think is Catholic enough to float the boat. This is protestant. We presume to be our own popes. Encyclicals, canonizations, liturgical laws, disciplines imposed are all part of the magisterial matter of a Pope. To "sift" this magisterium with the approach that it is full of defects and therefore needs to be sifted by Salza, Siscoe, Bp. Fellay, or any of us is false and protestant. Do we presume to be so expert in the Faith that we simply don’t need magisteriums, or popes?
“He who hears you, hears Me” - Our Lord was talking to the Pope, not caffeteria Catholics!
"You will firmly abide by the true decision of the Holy Roman Church and to this Holy See, which does not permit errors."
(Lateran Council V, Bull ‘Cum postquam’ by Pope Leo X)
Dear fellow Catholics, the Catholic Church is infallible and indefectible. It CANNOT, CANNOT, CANNOT teach heresy, novelty, or error! It is protected by the Holy Spirit and accompanied by Our Lord Jesus Christ unto the end of time! If the conciliar popes are teaching error, they CANNOT, CANNOT, CANNOT be true Popes!
Vatican I declared, “For the fathers of the Fourth Council of Constantinople, following closely in the footsteps of their predecessors, made this solemn profession: ‘The first condition of salvation is to keep the norm of the true Faith. For it is impossible that the words of our Lord Jesus Christ Who said, ‘Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church’ (Matt. 16:18), should not be verified. And their truth has been proved by the course of history, for in the Apostolic See the Catholic religion has always been kept unsullied, and its teaching kept holy.’ …for they fully realized that this See of St. Peter always remains unimpaired by any error, according to the divine promise of our Lord and Savior made to the prince of his disciples, ‘I have prayed for thee, that thy faith may not fail; and do thou, when once thou has turned again, strengthen thy brethren’ (Luke 22:32)
So, this gift of truth and a never failing faith was divinely conferred upon Peter and his successors in this chair, that they might administer their high duty for the salvation of all; that the entire flock of Christ, turned away by them from the poisonous food of error, might be nourished on the sustenance of heavenly doctrine, that with the occasion of schism removed the whole Church might be saved as one, and relying on her foundation might stay firm against the gates of hell.”
The topic of a pope becoming a heretic was addressed at the First Vatican Council by Archbishop Purcell, of Cincinnati, Ohio: “The question was also raised by a Cardinal, ‘What is to be done with the Pope if he becomes a heretic?’ It was answered that there has never been such a case; the Council of Bishops could depose him for heresy, for from the moment he becomes a heretic he is not the head or even a member of the Church. The Church would not be, for a moment, obliged to listen to him when he begins to teach a doctrine the Church knows to be a false doctrine, and he would cease to be Pope, being deposed by God Himself.
“If the Pope, for instance, were to say that the belief in God is false, you would not be obliged to believe him, or if he were to deny the rest of the creed, ‘I believe in Christ,’ etc. The supposition is injurious to the Holy Father in the very idea, but serves to show you the fullness with which the subject has been considered and the ample thought given to every possibility. If he denies any dogma of the Church held by every true believer, he is no more Pope than either you or I; and so in this respect the dogma of infallibility amounts to nothing as an article of temporal government or cover for heresy.”(The New Princeton Review, Volume 42 p. 648, also The Life and Life-work of Pope Leo XIII. By James Joseph McGovern p. 241)
PLEASE read True or False Pope? by John Salza and Robert Siscoe. They go into this in great detail. Let me put it this way:. If your father had dementia and didn't recognize you, it wouldn't still the fact that he is your father. Please get the book. It's a fantastic read. (And yes, I'm reading it too.)
Ann Barnhardt Explains Diabolical Narcissism, the Overarching Global Pathology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIeHhl_Lhsk .
No one believes them when they talk about "merciful relationships." That is just a code word for "stop exposing our heterodoxy."
Dear Anonymous Margaret :), I am well aware of the writings of Salza and Siscoe. My biological father certainly remains my biological father regardless, but it doesn't work like that with a Pope. A Pope doesn't remain an effective/functioning/authoritative pope regardless of what he does, or teaches - St.Paul and numerous others teach us that.
Each Sacrament has a "matter" and a "form" (formula). A Pope also has a matter (his legal election/designation by the Cardinals) and a form
(his authority from Jesus.) An heretical pope loses his form because he severs himself from Christ's Mystical Body, but retains his matter. His matter was given to him by the Cardinals and can therefore be taken away by the Cardinals, after he has lost his form. Of course, a Pope who has his form can be judged by nobody, except God.
Please read the quote from Abp. Purcell and Vatican I, given in my comment above, slowly and carefully again. So, yes we do still have a pope "materialiter" in Rome. Yes, legally Bergoglio is pope, but a pope without the Authority of Christ. He fills a seat, but without the power, or authority of that seat. He is matter without form. A man like that is called an "anti-pope". Salza and Siscoe are themselves modernists and are misleading people terribly. I firmly believe that they are "controlled opposition."
Let's just simplify things down to two Catholic dogmas:
1. The Pope is infallible in his teaching to the Universal Church concerning Faith and Morals = the Pope cannot teach error.
2. The Catholic Church is indefectible = the Faith cannot change.
Now ask yourself:
1. Have the conciliar popes ever taught error?
2. Has the conciliar church ever introduced any doctrinal novelties?
If one answers yes to either question, then as a Catholic one is obliged to believe that Bergoglio and his mates are false masters in a false church. Remember, if one refutes a dogma of the Faith, one becomes a heretic oneself.
Peter Lamb: You pose a lot of serious questions without giving any clear answers to them. Maybe if I outlined my own concerns about the Popes since Pius XII being true Successors of St. Peter it might stretch the discussion.
1. If a member of the Masonic Order is to be regarded as excommunicated, why weren't Cardinals Roncalli & Montini excommunicated before being raised to the Papacy? Were not these men card-carrying members of this organisation which is directly opposed to the CC?
2. After his election (if not before) Pope JPII publicly displayed heresy by kissing the Koran, permitting the atrocities of Assisi (Buddha on the altar, pagan chanting in Catholic Churches etc.), praising Buddhism, praying with animists, being exorcised by an Indian Priestess etc. He did nothing to bring back Tradition nor did he consecrate Russia in the manner which Our Lady requested.
3. As Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Emeritus Benedict played a central role in Vatican II and many of his writings are Modernist in content. He is reported as not believing in the Resurrection which is central to the Creed & said daily in every Mass throughout Christendom. Acting as Deputy Pope during JPII last years he wielded great power but again did not use it to promote a return to pre Vatican II values. The lack of publicly defrocking deviant priests and appointing enablers to high positions in the Church has been the greatest of all omissions of this period, most of whom we now know to have been infiltrators put in the seminaries as far back as the 1930's and must have been known to them. They both put the institution of the church before the victims & ignored the enablers which resulted in the extension of the scandal & world-wide contempt for the CC. Summorum Pontificum is just a reminder that TLM had never been abrogated - he didn't issue any instruction that it should be a permanent form of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated in every Catholic parish worldwide. The result is that NO Bishops will not permit it. Too much power has been taken from the Papal Office and transferred to the Bishops Conferences and this is one of them. Then he abdicated & now states he didn't abandon us but rather has given us a dual Papacy. What nonsense!
4. Pope Francis's election has never been examined by an impartial investigating team despite the very grave concerns of the faithful worldwide. The rules set out by JPII don't seem to have been adhered to and this would surely make his election to the Pontificate null & void? Also, his health (brain tumour) must have been noted beforehand and it not why aren't candidates given a full health check prior to the election? The CC cannot afford to have a mentally disturbed Pope! His heresies are too vast & daily recurring to specify but we all know them well.
Cannot use tags. so will contd. with another post hereunder.
Peter Lamb contd...
These are just some of the problems I have with the Popes since Vatican II - I'm sure there are much more that could be cited, but sedevacantism isn't the answer either. By saying that the Seat of Peter can be left vacant for decades is not acceptable as it could not have been the wish of Jesus when he vested that power in St. Peter - someone has to hold that infallible position throughout history until the Second Coming. It is through this investiture we have apostolic succession right back to the First Apostles. If it is broken then the CC would have lost authenticity & be no better than the schismatics. All marriages, baptisms, funeral services, confessions, Masses etc.etc. during that time would be invalid due to non-authentic Holy Orders and all priests, Bishops, Cardinals & Popes would be anathema. On top of all this the Hierarchies also have been infected so how are we going to get back to pre Vatican II (which must be rescinded). The Traditional Orders must come out of their hiding places and gain access to the relevant papers concerning Vatican II & the papal elections since that time & let us know what the usurpers don't want us to have knowledge of. Their reticence to do so cannot be seen to comply with Christ's Will (the Great Commission) & they have retained true apostolic succession by way of Archbishop Lefebvre ordaining Bishops before his death. Normalisation shouldn't worry them as their ordination requires them to spread the Gospel to all nations. Hopefully they'll awaken soon from their stupor.
Dear Ana,
"1. If a member of the Masonic Order is to be regarded as excommunicated, why weren't Cardinals Roncalli & Montini excommunicated before being raised to the Papacy?"
They WERE excommunicated - by themselves. Their elections were void, but legal because their fellow masonic Cardinals saw to their being elected. These men WERE objectively proven masons, yes.
2. What you say about JPII is all true.
3. What you say about Benedict is true.
4. We will probably never know the details of any skulduggery during enclaves. However, his election was void due to his being a mason, regardless of any possible canonical irregularities. You are correct - mental incapacity is an impediment to the Papacy, but Bergoglio has no mental problems - he's as wily as a fox.
5. We know all about the history of the planned infiltration and attempted destruction of the Church by the judeo-masons from 1830 and before. - Instruction of the Alta Vendita etc., etc. "On December 8, 1869, the International Congress of Freemasons imposed it as a duty on all its members to do all in their power to wipe out Catholicity from the face of the earth."
(Fr. John Laux, Catholic Morality (Imprimatur 1932), p. 106.)
What we are seeing now is the culmination and implementation of that strategy.
6. There is no theological reason at all that we might not have a very extended interregnum. Whether an interregnum lasts 3 months or 100 years makes no theological difference. The succession of Peter will be perpetual, but that does not mean uninterrupted. It is interrupted every time a Pope dies.
We are living in times unique in the history of the Church. Nothing quite like it has ever happened before. BUT, we KNOW that Christ's Church will last until the end of time: that Our Lord will be with her until the end of time; that Peter's Succession will be perpetual; that the gates of hell (means heretics) will not prevail.
The succession of Peter is NOT broken and will never be - we are just in a prolonged interregnum. Our Lady and how many others have warned us long since about these times. That Rome would loose the Faith; that it would seem that there was no Faith left - how bad a situation does that imply! That the Abomination of Desolation would sit in the Sanctuary and the Mass seem to have disappeared from the Earth. This is what we are living through now. We will have the next true Pope one day. We don't know how, or when he will come, but come he will.
We know why this is happening - punishment for sin unrepented. We know how it is going to end - a Chastisement of horrific proportions. Whole nations will be wiped out. How many have warned us!
"All marriages, baptisms, funeral services, confessions, Masses etc.etc. during that time would be invalid due to non-authentic Holy Orders and all priests, Bishops, Cardinals & Popes would be anathema."
There are still valid Bishops and Priests who keep the light of Faith burning and there always will be. Marriage and baptism are not affected by invalid priests and bishops, but the other Sacraments are and yes, this is robbing millions of Catholics of the Sacraments. This is already so. The NWO rite of episcopal concecration is invalid and the rest flows from that.
Most important of all, is to realize that there is NOTHING unCatholic in sedevacantism. On the other hand, to recognise somebody as Pope and then to sift his magisterium is TOTALLY unCatholic. In fact it is schismatic. To accept that the Catholic Church is defectible; that Catholic doctrine can change, or embrace novelty is HERETICAL.
The Church exists in her MEMBERS - be they many, or few. Now they are few, but there always will be some and sooner, or later we know that the Church will be restored in all her glory and then there will be many again.
Another point of great importance during an interregnum:
Quote from Dorsch:
“The Church therefore is a society that is essentially monarchical. But this does not prevent the Church, for a short time after the death of a pope, or even for many years, from remaining deprived of her head. [vel etiam per plures annos capite suo destituta manet]. Her monarchical form also remains intact in this state.…
“Thus the Church is then indeed a headless body.… Her monarchical form of government remains, though then in a different way — that is, it remains incomplete and to be completed. The ordering of the whole to submission to her Primate is present, even though actual submission is not…
“For this reason, the See of Rome is rightly said to remain after the person sitting in it has died — for the See of Rome consists essentially in the rights of the Primate."
“These rights are an essential and necessary element of the Church. With them, moreover, the Primacy then continues, at least morally. The perennial physical presence of the person of the head, however, [perennitas autem physica personis principis] is not so strictly necessary.” (de Ecclesia 2:196–7.)
Dear Ana, I hope I've helped a bit. XXX
Dear Ana, For some reason the first half of my reply to you has not posted, so I'm posting it again. I hope it doesn't appear twice!
Dear Ana,
"1. If a member of the Masonic Order is to be regarded as excommunicated, why weren't Cardinals Roncalli & Montini excommunicated before being raised to the Papacy?"
They WERE excommunicated - by themselves. Their elections were void, but legal because their fellow masonic Cardinals saw to their being elected. These men WERE objectively proven masons, yes.
2. What you say about JPII is all true.
3. What you say about Benedict is true.
4. We will probably never know the details of any skulduggery during enclaves. However, his election was void due to his being a mason, regardless of any possible canonical irregularities. You are correct - mental incapacity is an impediment to the Papacy, but Bergoglio has no mental problems - he's as wily as a fox.
5. We know all about the history of the planned infiltration and attempted destruction of the Church by the judeo-masons from 1830 and before. - Instruction of the Alta Vendita etc., etc. "On December 8, 1869, the International Congress of Freemasons imposed it as a duty on all its members to do all in their power to wipe out Catholicity from the face of the earth."
(Fr. John Laux, Catholic Morality (Imprimatur 1932), p. 106.)
What we are seeing now is the culmination and implementation of that strategy.
6. There is no theological reason at all that we might not have a very extended interregnum. Whether an interregnum lasts 3 months or 100 years makes no theological difference. The succession of Peter will be perpetual, but that does not mean uninterrupted. It is interrupted every time a Pope dies.
We are living in times unique in the history of the Church. Nothing quite like it has ever happened before. BUT, we KNOW that Christ's Church will last until the end of time: that Our Lord will be with her until the end of time; that Peter's Succession will be perpetual; that the gates of hell (means heretics) will not prevail.
The succession of Peter is NOT broken and will never be - we are just in a prolonged interregnum. Our Lady and how many others have warned us long since about these times. That Rome would loose the Faith; that it would seem that there was no Faith left - how bad a situation does that imply! That the Abomination of Desolation would sit in the Sanctuary and the Mass seem to have disappeared from the Earth. This is what we are living through now. We will have the next true Pope one day. We don't know how, or when he will come, but come he will.
We know why this is happening - punishment for sin unrepented. We know how it is going to end - a Chastisement of horrific proportions. Whole nations will be wiped out. How many have warned us!
Go Vox go!
Thank you for your guts Sir. You are my hero.
Dang! Awesome post and well done with quoting Our Lord in calling the demonic Jesuits what He called the Pharisees!
My only tweak to this wondrous post would be that Vatican II not only had ambiguities but outright errors that were condemned previously i.e. false ecumenism, collegiality and so called religious freedom. Vatican II needs to be thrown into the sewer where all modernism, per Pope St. Pius X, originated. Modernism is spiritual dung...and since V2 was hijacked by Modernists it too needs to find it's proper place i.e. back in the sewer where all dung belongs:+)
Keep up the fight my brother in Christ! The evil priests, bishops and popes we have endured are finally getting their justice. The Church Militant is awaking and if it means fighting with the wolves who have infested our clergy then so be it:+)
God bless!
Peter Lamb: Thank you for your response which in the main seems to uphold the sedevacantist position about which I am very sceptical, as I cannot see how Peter's Succession can be viewed as being perpetual when left vacant for decades. That concept doesn't appear to be logical despite quotations given. Also, I don't like the fact that they lie back and wait for things to play out without being seen to counter the atrocities of to-day's CC. The lack of valid & licit priests is so horrendous that, by their assumption, we are to be left to our own devices until this episode in CC history is completed. If there are no valid Holy Orders within the CC Church (with the exception of the SSPX & some other Traditional Orders negligible in size) then the Orthodox may indeed be correct in stating they are truly Traditional as they have retained form & intent from their validly ordained Bishops prior to the break from Rome & have Apostolic Succession from St. Andrew.
If Christ's promise to be with His Church until the end of time is to be taken literally, then we must believe He is still central to our faith - even in the NO Modernist Church to those left with no other alternative. If there are no valid Holy Orders in the RCC and consequently no valid Sacrifice of the Mass & Sacraments available to Christ's faithful followers, then we could legitimately believe He has abandoned us, at least followers of the Roman Rite. If a Pope can abandon his flock leaving behind chaos & a dual papacy under Modernist control, then how can this fiasco be countered other than by Divine Providence? Cardinals & Bishops continue to make statements saying it is now up to the laity to uphold the faith (with which they have been entrusted by their very Office) but how can we when we have no authority? They try to shift their responsibilities onto us.
Valid Orders are essential for a legitimate priesthood but it appears to be the sedes viewpoint that only those who can access these few authentic priests can be saved, which is a position I cannot agree with. I can only see another great schism coming very soon with the SSPX & Traditional Orders at last coming to their senses & leading us back to Tradition while the Modernists join up with Protestant infidels. Otherwise we must be facing the End Times.
Dear Ana, Thank you for your frank reply. With the greatest respect, I get the overall impression that you are decrying our dreadful situation saying "this can't be! this can't be!" and not yet able to face reality and say "this is terrible, but this is our reality!" What is happening is terrible in the extreme - more so than we can really comprehend - but it is here and happening, just as we were warned it would.
What can we do? We remember and cling to our infallible Holy Faith which is our indestructible armor and we fight the heretics with the sword of Catholic Truth. We know the tenets of our Faith and we apply them faithfully to our situation. We remain faithful and weather the storm until the Immaculate Heart will save us. This is exactly what sedes do. We invent no novel responses like pope-sifting, or pretending that an heretic can be a formal Pope, or consorting with false religion. We simply apply established Catholic doctrine to the existing situation and react accordingly. It really is as simple as that.
We fight the modernists tooth and nail. We sit back for not a second!
See the wonderful work being done by CMRI, St. Gertrude's, Holy Trinity Seminary etc., etc. Try quietly and calmly reading sede blogs like Novus Ordo Watch, Introibo Altare Dei etc. and see if you can fault their Catholicism. Leave emotionalism and factionalism aside and read objectively. What more can we do except shout the truth from the rooftops for those who have ears to hear?
I can't explain it better than to say that the Perpetual Succession (and perpetual successors) is not dependent upon, or invalidated by varying intervals (interregna) between occupants of the Seat of Peter.
Sacramental theology is objective fact. Read Henry Patrick Omlor, Fr. Rama Coomaraswamy etc. and see why NWO sacraments are invalid. They are valid, or invalid. If they are invalid, they are invalid! The lack of valid bishops and priests is horrendous, but that is the way it is - face the fact. We were warned it would be so. What do we do? We wear the brown scapula; we say the Rosary daily; we hear valid Mass as often as possible, virtually, by watching live webcasts, or recorded dvd - as I do every evening after the news; we faithfully practice the unadulterated Catholic Faith; we trust in Our Lord, who is in control; we do not panic; we do not despair; we do not adopt novel practices, or change the Faith! Saint Athanasius was "alone against the world" and so are we. Tough, but that's the way it is!
The Orthodox are schismatics and so can never be right. Their sacraments are valid, but not pleasing to God. Catholics may not receive them.
Christ is not in the NWO church. The NWO church is not Catholic. Christ has nothing with belial. Christ will never abandon His Church and He has not now. He has sent the "operation of error" to sift the wheat from the chaff; the faithful from those who would believe lying. We were told it would be so. There still are valid Bishops and Priests and there always will be. This fiasco will indeed be countered by Divine Providence - the coming chastisement.
"... it appears to be the sedes viewpoint that only those who can access these few authentic priests can be saved ..." Sedes certainly do not believe this - it is crazy. If you have no Priest, you have no Priest. Terribly tough, but face the fact. We are robbed of sacramental grace - terrible indeed, but we are saved by Jesus, not by a Priest. We are not facing the End Times, but we are facing the Chastisement. Then the Immaculate Heart will reign and Christ's Church will be restored in all her glory.
Dear Ana we must stay strong and Catholic; watch and pray. Our Lord does not expect the impossible from us.
Given the top-to-bottom corruption in the Church, particularly manifested in CanChurch, AmChurch, and the German-speaking countries, the faithful are left with little recourse. That is NOT no recourse, however. In megacorporations experiencing collapse, some order was preserved by eliminating successive levels of middle management. I'm no cannon lawyer, but it seems that similar measures could be taken by the faithful to preserve the Church as it implodes. If the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculata could be given an administrator, and the Balkans could be administered for centuries without a formal heirarchy, we should be able to request that our own region dispense with our corrupt diocese and bishops' conferences and be administered directly from Rome. At a stroke, the little empires and fiefdoms could be swept aside. Rome, of course, could never exert much control, but at least the faithful would be free of our oppressive yoke. And, formally, we would still be subject to the Pope (although not very effectively). Then, we could start to rebuild -- forming authentic shepherds to lead our children's children.
Peter Lamb: If all Masses since Vatican II are invalid & illicit then so too are the broadcast Masses from EWTN, which is the only source obtainable here in Spain. If there are no valid & licit sacraments available then the Vatican can close down as it would have lost all authenticity. That, of course, would be ignoring the fact that the First Apostles were given the power to loose & bind & infallibility given to St. Peter. AL gives the impression that PF wants to privatise conscience and encourages us to refer to priests who, on the whole, are ignorant of, or dissenting from, Magisterial teaching. The word coming from the Vatican suggesting that we are incapable of committing grave sin (invincible error) is tantamount to saying there is no sin & therefore no guilt.
As Catholics we cannot disregard magisterial teaching or treat it as an opinion in the way Cardinal Burke would have us do. We are not canon lawyers & expect all Papal Exhortations to be clear in every language pertaining to Catholicism. We cannot have everyone making up their own minds as to what is, or is not, valid. That is what Protestants have been doing for five hundred years and which PF is commemorating next October. This is a sure sign he is not totally Catholic in his own conscience.
Probably the Popes since Vatican II have been valid but illicit (similar to SSPX via impediment put on them by JPII for disobedience) but then one could argue if they were illicit would they have the authority to excommunicate or prohibit any valid priest from administering the sacraments? If it can be proven that the election of PF was not carried out in accordance with JPII instructions then he could be asked to resign & a new conclave called. The way in which Pope Benedict resigned may also be invalid, but has anyone in the Hierarchy done the necessary research?
The CC must have a valid, licit & infallible Head at all times - the big problem is who and where is he. Sedevacantism does not provide any answers, the Hierarchy are the only ones who can & must.
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