This past Lent I went through a situation where I was threatened with a lawsuit by a Catholic priest. Eventually, no doubt due to international pressure from other bloggers, the chancery in Toronto, his religious congregation, his television network's benefactors, the partners of the law-firms embarrassment and Raymond Cardinal Burke, he dropped his frivolous and vexatious threat. His letter explaining his reasons for backing-off was in itself, defamatory and libelous. It was also inaccurate - he could state that he "never intended to sue" but everyone read the lawyer's letter.
As reported below, another priest has threatened a blogger with a lawsuit. He got into a Twitter feud and when he did not like being stood up to, he consulted a lawyer and threatened to sue. Tweeting that the Holy Spirit is feminine is on the same level as stating that the Holy Family is "irregular." He has now dropped the lawsuit with a letter on his Twitter feed not dissimilar to the one which I received.
Any priest that would file a lawsuit against a lay Catholic or anyone for that matter needs to be disciplined by his superior. It is against scripture and canon law. It is against charity and the very nature of the priesthood as being another Christ, a victim-priest. It is scandalous and repugnant. It is worldly. If the priest was wronged, so what? Was Christ not wronged? Are we not to "turn the other cheek?" Is a priest not called to be a victim?
"In the comment box on that post below, Dan wrote "I predict that bloggers will destroy the Church.
This priest is young. A little charity would go a long way."
I would like to first deal with the sentence, "The priest is young."
This is irrelevant. He is a priest. He must be at least thirty years of age and one would assume he holds a Master of Divinity and has been called to be like unto Christ. Yet, we see a man who is petulant and frankly, a bully to this woman. He engages in social media debate with heretical comments written by someone else and then can't take it when someone calls him out. He posts pictures on his social media with a priest friend holding up a flute-glass filled with a beverage in a toast. The same priest was quite proud to put out on social media that he enjoyed watching Sons of Anarchy.
Yes, the priest is "young." However, seventy years ago, men of his age and younger were saving his country from Fascism. What has happened to this generation? What does it say about his formation? Why are these men in to so much drama?
As to the matter "that bloggers will destroy the Church;" it is completely laughable. First, the Church will not be "destroyed" we know Our Blessed Lord's promise. She has been shaken, and will be shaken more in the next six months. The faith is under pressure and the Church is in crisis. The nonsensical statement deserves challenging. In fact, it is deceitful priests, bishops, cardinals and theologians who have been leading the crisis, it is bloggers that are exposing it. It is the infiltration of sodomites into the Catholic priesthood. The pederasts and paedophiles who preyed upon our children and the bishops that covered them up are the enemy. The priests and bishops that bought into the heretical notion of liberation theology - stooges of the KGB they were that are the problem. It is those people who taught and still teach that women can be ordained. Now we have bishops meeting secretly plotting the approval of sodomite unions as some form of marriage to say nothing of the profanation of the Holy Eucharist. It is those who abuse the Divine Liturgy. I could go on.
These are guilty of blasphemy. These are they who are trying to destroy the Church.
They will not succeed.
To blame bloggers beyond absurd.
“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.” ― St. Antony the Great
Sunday, 31 May 2015
Saturday, 30 May 2015
"Catholic" priest threatens to sue Blogger
Yes, you read that correctly.
No, it is not me.
Do yourself a favour Father; before you sue her, do a search for Vox and Rosica!
But first, read this, just in case you failed Scripture in seminary.
Oh, you're on Twitter?
Have a nice day.
UPDATE: This is from Father Fitzpatrick's Twitter. The bottom line is that no priest should be Tweeting in this manner and should never, ever threaten a lawsuit against a layman or woman. Maybe now these clericalists will learn and humble themselves to be priests of Jesus Christ.
No, it is not me.
Do yourself a favour Father; before you sue her, do a search for Vox and Rosica!
But first, read this, just in case you failed Scripture in seminary.
1 Corinthians 6 Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE)
Lawsuits among Believers
6 When one of you has a grievance against a brother, does he dare go to law before the unrighteous[a] instead of the saints? 2 Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? 3 Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, matters pertaining to this life! 4 If then you have such cases, why do you lay them before those who are least esteemed by the church? 5 I say this to your shame. Can it be that there is no man among you wise enough to decide between members of the brotherhood, 6 but brother goes to law against brother, and that before unbelievers?
7 To have lawsuits at all with one another is defeat for you. Why not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather be defrauded? 8 But you yourselves wrong and defraud, and that even your own brethren.
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral,[b] nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[c][d] 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.
Oh, you're on Twitter?
Have a nice day.
Catholic Priest threatens Mum of 3 with legal action, because she told him off for saying that the Holy Spirit is female., and then he lies on Twitter about her!
May 30, 2015 in Uncategorized
This is not a spoof post. This actually happened.
So my in previous article I wrote about how Fr James Martin SJ and Fr. Dan Fitzpatrick had been tweeting about how the Holy Spirit was female:
And how both of them had been sharing posts saying that ‘Ireland is for gay marriage because it is Catholic’.
And I gave them both a jolly good clip round the ear about openly contradicting the teachings of the Catholic church. Well, this morning I got a message from Fr Dan threatening me with legal action because I was ‘defaming his character’.
I messaged him back saying:
“Would you like to tell me the 2 statements that cause you upset? I would be happy to rephrase anything that is not correct.”
He messaged back with:
Edited out some of the abusive comments??! I did nothing of the sort! The truth is that there were no abusive comments to begin with. It is all there in black and white, clear as crystal for the whole world to read. There was however an extremely abusive comment from a lady who seems to hate me. I was able to track her IP address to Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. Does anyone know who Christine Wright from is?
Anyway, I wrote back to Fr. Dan saying:
“Again, if you tell me exactly what 2 statements are bothering you, I am happy to rephrase them. From a legal point of view, because I have offered to amend any offending statements, the problem can be resolved and there is no reason to take the matter further. Your solicitor will be able to explain this to you in more detail.
Besides, suing me because I pulled you up on calling the Holy Spirit ‘her’ is going to be rather difficult for you as what you said is in direct contradiction to the Catholic faith!
As I said before, the best thing you can do now is to admit you didn’t understand the ancient Hebrew, and stop listening to Fr James Martin. I’m throwing you a life line here! I gave you the chance to put your side across before I wrote the article. I’m giving you another chance now to redeem yourself. Don’t waste it. I will always support priests who defend the churches teaching. Come back to us Fr Dan. Don’t sell yourself out. I couldn’t bear to watch that happen to a young priest. All my prayers and fasting next week is for you xx”
A few hours later I was alerted to the fact that Fr. Dan had posted a rather bizarre Tweet:
WHAT???!!! I did nothing of the sort! What am I supposed to be apologising for?
I’m afraid to tell you that I did no such thing. This is a bare faced lie from Fr Dan, obviously trying to close down the whole affair because he realises by this point that I am not one to be scared off by threats or bullying. But wait.. there’s more! Then his best mate Fr Marc Lyden-Smith gets on board:
I’m sorry – am I missing something here?! Has everyone seen this alleged apology except me?! Can anyone tell me what I apologised for?!
Fr Marc is the other half of the duo ‘The PodFathers’ With Fr Dan. You can hear their pod casts at
Actually Fr Marc seems rather pleasant in the above Tweet. Much more pleasant than he was last night:
Hmmm… Where’s all your feel good peace and love gone Fr. Marc?
And then of course there was this:
I’m not sure Faith in Our Families has ever been described as an offensive blog before?! But I guess there is a first time for everything! I also guess it’s good news that I have ‘seen sense’ and deleted all these fictitious libellous comments!
Please – Fr Dan, could you produce these libellous comments for us all to see? No, I didn’t think so.
What appalling behaviour from 2 Catholic priests. It’s just embarrassing. I will be speaking to their Bishop.
Well, time is ticking on. There is only a few hours left until midnight, when Fr Dan will launch his legal campaign against me. Although I’m not sure what suing a Mum of 3 with a recovering husband will do to for his already damaged reputation. He certainly wont get any money out of us – as regular readers of this blog know, our family has not had an income for over 18 months now!
Someone please notify Michael Voris would you?! And the CDF while you are at it! I’ve got a headache…

Blogs and Bloggers
Friday, 29 May 2015
Cardinal Kasper - self evident heretic!
Gay unions now ‘central’ to Synod agenda after Irish vote: Cardinal Kasper
May 29, 2015 ( -- The grave effects of Ireland’s May 22 referendum in favor of a same-sex “marriages,” not only for the secular world, but also especially for the Catholic Church, are showing themselves already.
None other than the leading cardinal who has promoted the liberal agenda for the two-part Synod of Bishops on the Family, Cardinal Walter Kasper, has now come out publicly and with force, telling the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera that the Church needs to address more fully the question of same-sex couples. This topic was at the last Synod “only a marginal topic, but now it becomes central,” Kasper said on Wednesday.
Kasper also defended the vote of the Irish in favor of homosexual “marriages,” saying: “A democratic state has the duty to respect the will of the people; and it seems clear that, if the majority of the people wants such homosexual unions, the state has a duty to recognize such rights.” He also said that the Irish referendum is “emblematic for the situation in which we find ourselves, not only in Europe, but in the whole West.” Kasper also said: “The postmodern concept – following which everything is equal – stands in contrast to the doctrine of the Church.”
Cardinal Kasper made a link between the events in Ireland and the doctrine of the Catholic Church, when he said it now becomes harder for the Church to explain its own moral position to others in the question of homosexuality. “We have to find a new language,” he said. “We have to overcome [unjust] discrimination, which has a long tradition in our culture.” It is important in his view to honor those long-lasting same-sex relationships, which contain “elements of the good,” even though the Church cannot change its fundamental attitude toward them since they are themselves against the teaching of the Gospels.
Read the rest here: a Seminarian!
Hello Friends,
I would like to put out this appeal for Mr. Michael Hayes. I know Michael and can vouch for him. He is studying for the Catholic priesthood for the Ukrainian Rite of the Catholic Church in Canada.
Michael writes below his appeal.
Can Vox readers put him over the top?
God bless you.
I would like to put out this appeal for Mr. Michael Hayes. I know Michael and can vouch for him. He is studying for the Catholic priesthood for the Ukrainian Rite of the Catholic Church in Canada.
Michael writes below his appeal.
Can Vox readers put him over the top?
God bless you.
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
My name is Michael Hayes. After several years
of discernment, I entered seminary last year for the Ukrainian Catholic Church
in Canada. I am preparing to enter my second year of theological studies in
September, 2015.
In order to continue with my seminary
formation, I will require the financial support of others. My diocese will
cover room, board, and food; I pay for tuition, academic fees, and personal
expenses. While I will be working during the summer, I will not make enough
money to cover my costs for the next academic year. As a seminarian, I am not
permitted to work during the academic year.
I am trying to raise approximately $8,500 to
cover the costs of the year. The breakdown is as follows:
University tuition and fees (Summer, 2015):
University tuition (Fall-Winter, 2015-16):
Incidental fees (Fall-Winter, 2015-16): ~$700
Books: ~$500
Personal expenses: ~$1,500
Any donation no matter how large will be
greatly appreciated. Since this is a personal fundraising campaign, I am not
able to issue tax receipts. Please know that I pray for all of my benefactors
by name daily; I mean it when I tell you that you are in my prayers!
Thank you, and God bless!
Thursday, 28 May 2015
Only evil lurks in secrecy and shadows, let us shine light on them
Edward Pentin has done Catholics a great service at National Catholic Register by publishing the names of those present at the "secret" meeting of those who would undermine the Church by promoting a new view of sodomy and marriage.
None of you can hide. We will smoke you out. You and your homoheresy will not be allowed to defile the Bride of Christ. You are malefactors, filthy, corrupt and heretics, traitors to Christ.
Read more:
None of you can hide. We will smoke you out. You and your homoheresy will not be allowed to defile the Bride of Christ. You are malefactors, filthy, corrupt and heretics, traitors to Christ.
Rome Study Day of the presidents of the Swiss, French and German Bishops' Conferences in Rome on the theme of the Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops:
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, president of the German Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop of Munich and Freising
Archbishop Georges Pontier, president of the French Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop of Marseille
Bishop Markus Büchel, president of the Swiss Bishops’ Conference, Bishop of St. Gallen
Bishop Franz-Josef Bode of Osnabrück, Germany
Bishop Heiner Koch of Dresden-Meißen, Germany
Bishop Felix Gmür of Basel, Switzerland
Bishop Jean-Marie Lovey of Sitten, Switzerland
Bishop Bruno Ann-Marie Feillet of Reims, France
Bishop Jean-Luc Brunin of Le Havre, France
Father Hans Langendörfer SJ, secretary general, German Bishops Conference
Father Hans Zollner SJ, professor of psychology, vice-rector, Pontifical Gregorian University
Father Achim Buckenmaier, professor of dogmatic theology in the "Akademie für die Theologie des Volkes Gottes" Institute of the Pontifical Lateran University, Rome; consultor to the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization
Father Andreas R. Batlogg SJ, professor of philosophy and theology, chief editor Stimmen der Zeit
Father Alain Thomasset SJ, professor of moral theology at Centre Sèvres, France
Father Humberto Miguel Yañez SJ, dean of moral theology, Pontifical Gregorian University
Father Eberhard Schockenhoff, professor of moral theology at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany
Father Philippe Bordeyne, professor of theology, Institut Catholique de Paris
Professor Thomas Söding, professor of biblical theology at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Professor Werner G. Jeanrond, theologian, Master of St Benet’s Hall, Oxford, England
Professor François Xavier Amherdt, theologian, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Professor Erwin Dirscherl, dogmatic theologian, University of Regensburg, Germany
Professor Monique Baujard, director, Service National Famille et Société at the French bishops’ conference
Professor Eva Maria Faber, dogmatic and fundamental theologian and rector of Chur Theological College, Switzerland
Professor Thierry Collaud, theologian, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Professor Francine Charoy, professor of moral theology, Institut Catholique de Paris
Professor Anne-Marie Pelletier, biblicist at the European Institute of Science of Religions (IESR)
Msgr. Markus Graulich SDB, prelate auditor of the tribunal of the Roman Rota
Marco Impagliazzo, President of Sant’Egidio lay community
Simon Hehli, journalist, Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Tilmann Kleinjung, ARD television correspondent
Michael Bewerunge, ZDF television correspondent
Jörg Bremer, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Vatican and Italy correspondent
Frédéric Mounier, correspondent, La Croix, Catholic daily, France
Marco Ansaldo, journalist, La Repubblica (Italian daily)
Antoine-Marie Izoard, director, I-Media French Catholic news agency, Rome
Father Bernd Hagenkord SJ, director of Vatican Radio (German edition)
Read more:
Crisis in the Church,
Pope Francis
Communist and Masonic infiltration into the hierarchy of the Catholic Church
The work of Michael Hichborn at the Lepanto Institute must not go unnoticed. We have opined recently about "Russia's errors" and that the failure to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary has more than just political and economic consequences. Intricately connected to global communism is the broader globalist plan of world political and economic control and Freemasonry. One need not be a conspiracy theorist or wear a tin-foiled hat to hold these views, one simply needs to see clearly what is happening around us daily.
The world is on a march to war and control. We are being used by dark forces as fodder for their satanic aims and the Church is the target because She is the last thing standing in their way.
I have written before how the Masonic Press Agency and the Grand Lodges of Italy and Argentina applauded the election of Jorge Bergoglio as Bishop of Rome. I am not saying that Pope Francis is a Freemason, I am saying that Freemasons applauded his election and the evidence us available for all to see. Even Cardinals who have their own dark history, referred to "powerful men" who sought the election of Jorge Bergoglio. Why?
When Bella Dodd testified that she recruited over one thousand communists for the Catholic priesthood maybe we should believe it.
Caritas, the subject of the article below, now headed by Cardinal Tagle, was headed by Cardinal Maradiaga. This is the same who has recently condemned those opposed to the UN's push on climate change and the Pope's apparent encyclical as "capitalists" in classic Marxist rhetoric.
The KGB developed Liberation Theology and now these followers have redeemed its pathetic founder, beatified its spiritual head and now we have a Pope who people have gone to great lengths to distance him from this theological heresy during his time in Argentina. I note that they don't distance him from it anymore.
We cannot as Catholics abandon our Mother. She is being raped and defiled. These malefactors, many of them in scarlet, are trying to turn Our Holy Mother into the Whore of Babylon. They are forcing her to "commit fornication" and they are preparing to set up within Her, the "Abomination of Desolation."
We must not let them succeed.
We must remain faithful and Our Lord Jesus Christ will guide us through the Holy Spirit.
St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, thrust down into Hell, Satan; and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
The world is on a march to war and control. We are being used by dark forces as fodder for their satanic aims and the Church is the target because She is the last thing standing in their way.
I have written before how the Masonic Press Agency and the Grand Lodges of Italy and Argentina applauded the election of Jorge Bergoglio as Bishop of Rome. I am not saying that Pope Francis is a Freemason, I am saying that Freemasons applauded his election and the evidence us available for all to see. Even Cardinals who have their own dark history, referred to "powerful men" who sought the election of Jorge Bergoglio. Why?
When Bella Dodd testified that she recruited over one thousand communists for the Catholic priesthood maybe we should believe it.
Caritas, the subject of the article below, now headed by Cardinal Tagle, was headed by Cardinal Maradiaga. This is the same who has recently condemned those opposed to the UN's push on climate change and the Pope's apparent encyclical as "capitalists" in classic Marxist rhetoric.
The KGB developed Liberation Theology and now these followers have redeemed its pathetic founder, beatified its spiritual head and now we have a Pope who people have gone to great lengths to distance him from this theological heresy during his time in Argentina. I note that they don't distance him from it anymore.
We cannot as Catholics abandon our Mother. She is being raped and defiled. These malefactors, many of them in scarlet, are trying to turn Our Holy Mother into the Whore of Babylon. They are forcing her to "commit fornication" and they are preparing to set up within Her, the "Abomination of Desolation."
We must not let them succeed.
We must remain faithful and Our Lord Jesus Christ will guide us through the Holy Spirit.
St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, thrust down into Hell, Satan; and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Catholic Group Exposes Red Influence in the Vatican
Doing the research and investigative work that the major U.S. media have all but abandoned, an organization called the American Life League (ALL) has uncovered dramatic evidence of links between the highest levels of the Roman Catholic Church and an international communist group known as the World Social Forum. The evidence suggests overt Marxist influence on the climate change movement that Pope Francis and his top advisers are now embracing.
The ALL report, a 76-page PowerPoint presentation complete with original source material and numerous photographs, documents how Caritas Internationalis, the Vatican’s top social justice organization, is actually “providing leadership” to the communist group.
The report’s author, Michael Hichborn, stated, “This is a very serious problem. Given how intimately connected the World Social Forum (WSF) has been with the promotion of communism, abortion, and homosexuality since the very beginning, it’s impossible to see how any Catholic can participate in it, or even speak positively about it, let alone have any involvement in its governance. But Caritas Internationalis does!”
These allegations can’t be dismissed as anti-Catholic bigotry, since the American Life League is itself a Catholic organization that has been working for years to expose Catholic funds and organizations that promote causes at variance with official Catholic teaching.
However, Hichborn tells Accuracy in Media that except for specialized publications such as Lifesitenews, the media have ignored the report.
The ALL report on the WSF includes eye-opening photographs from the group’s events, featuring open displays of communist flags and banners as well as images of such personalities as Lenin, Castro and Mao.
Most of our media, of course, reported on the “death” of communism after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
But the ALL report notes that “There can be no mistaking the materialist and revolutionary (Communist) nature of the forum itself, which sets it in opposition to the Catholic Church.”
Hichborn told AIM that he delivered a copy of the report to the Vatican office known as Cor Unum, but that nothing came of it, and that one Vatican official concerned about the issue was relieved of his duties.
ALL identifies the other Catholic groups involved in the activities of the WSF as Pax Christi, Center of Concern, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Catholic Relief Services and CIDSE, an international alliance of Catholic development agencies.
An independent review of the ALL report confirms the research into the links between Caritas Internationalis and the WSF. In fact, a document on the Caritas website still affirms that “Caritas has been involved in the WSF since its beginnings. Caritas believes it’s an opportunity to exchange ideas and to build the momentum towards real change.”
After the ALL report was released, a conference at the Vatican was sponsored by Caritas Internationalis that featured Jeffrey Sachs, the Columbia University professor and Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, and Gustavo Gutierrez, the father of Marxist-oriented Liberation Theology.
As Accuracy in Media reported, Sachs wrote an article for the Jesuit publicationAmerica attacking the “American idea” of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as narrow and selfish. He suggests that America’s founding document is outmoded and incompatible with his idea of Catholic teaching about social justice.
Sachs is an advocate of global taxes to extract hundreds of billions of dollars from the American people in order to finance some form of world government. The climate change movement, based on dubious science, is the most popular current vehicle that Sachs and others can use to bring this about.
Seizing on Sachs’ extraordinary remarks in a major Catholic publication, the well-known writer Edward Cline comments on the Family Security Matters website that “It would take a village—or, at least, the ‘global’ one—to subjugate and sack America. That is what is being proposed by Jeffrey Sachs.”
The Cline piece carries the title, “The ‘Sach-ing’ of America,” and he concludes that “In its essentials, Sachs’ plan for the future sacking of America differs little from Islam’s.”
In short, the American way of life is at risk, this time from a Vatican alliance with America’s academic elites and the U.N.
The World Social Forum itself just held another international conference focusing on one aspect of the Sachs agenda: global taxes. The WSF announced the launch of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice, including a statement that “Our vision entails progressive redistributive taxation polices that fund the vital public services, end inequality and poverty, address climate change and lead to sustainable development.”
The topic fits nicely with the expected papal encyclical on climate change.
At the Caritas conference, Pope Francis adviser Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga said that critics of the proposed papal document are advocates of an “ideology” that he concludes “is too tied to a capitalism that doesn’t want to stop ruining the environment because they don’t want to give up their profits.”
Critics are concerned because of the pope’s several statements indicating hostility to the system of capitalism and free markets that has brought prosperity to hundreds of millions of people.
This kind of Marxist rhetoric from a top Vatican adviser makes it appear as if the pope has aligned himself with an ideology that, despite the “collapse” of communism, is still very much alive, and which the Black Book of Communismsays has already claimed 100 million lives.
The recent cordial Francis visit with Cuban dictator Raul Castro only adds to the growing concern.
“Pope Francis will give us his encyclical letter on ecology,” said Maradiaga, anticipating its impact. “This year is a unique opportunity to take responsibility for the future of our world and the lives of future generations.”
The title of the Caritas conference was, “One Human Family, Caring for Creation.” But it appears that the “caring” part lies in replacing capitalism with structures of “global governance” that involve a massive transfer of political and economic power to international organizations like the United Nations.
After Maradiaga stepped down, he was replaced by Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila, Philippines, as the new president of Caritas Internationalis. But Maradiaga continues as the coordinator of a group of nine cardinals that serves as Francis’s Council of Cardinals.
About the author
Cliff Kincaid
Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism and can be contacted at View the complete archives from Cliff Kincaid.
Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism and can be contacted at View the complete archives from Cliff Kincaid.
Crisis in the Church,
Pope Francis
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