A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Sunday, 7 November 2021

Your right to be a fool

A letter was written by Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster to Arthur Roche, the Archbishop now in charge of the Congregation for Divine Worship. Both Bergoglian minions. I won't comment on it, you can read the actual correspondence and erudite commentary by Father Hunwicke, Father Zuhsdorf and Dr. Joseph Shaw below.

What I will state is this.

If you think there are no enemies to the traditional rite who will pounce to shut it down then you are a deluded idiot. If you think that your "right" not to wear a mask after you've been requested to do by your pastor on orders of the bishop who "owns" the property justifies your defiant political protest whilst putting the continuation of that Mass in jeopardy, you are a stupid fool and in the grave sin of disobedience to legitimate authority. You may not like it but that is a fact. 

If you wish to stick your finger in a light socket, well, you go right ahead. You sin against God because it would be suicide. God set the laws of physics and you know it. God set the power of legitimate authority. You don't need to like it, you need to obey it. The bishop has the right to require your mask.

If you, out of your pride, do this, you are objectively committing a sin. It is not a sin to wear a mask. If it is a sin on the part of the bishop to require it, God will deal with him. If your intransigence causes people to suffer the loss of the Holy Mass, God will deal with you. The lack of respect you show for courageous priests trying to navigate this crisis for the good of your soul is a disgrace.

If this offends you, too bad. You have no right to cause other people the emotional and spiritual suffering that has already hit various communities over this issue and that of the repugnant motu proprio linked below.

They are coming for us. Why would you jeopardize everything? Shame on you. You dare put it at risk for your stupid pride? The sorrow of many will be on you.

I have no sympathy or respect for you. Whether you do for me is not my issue. 

Fr Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment: Archbishop Roche (liturgicalnotes.blogspot.com)

A Letter from the Vatican on Traditionis Custodes - OnePeterFive

Correspondence with the a hostile Congregation for Divine Worship reveals possible future applications of Traditionis custodes. | Fr. Z's Blog (wdtprs.com)

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Breaking news: 17 deaths in Canada from CCP of those under 19!

As of October 22, 2021, the number of deaths in Canada under the age of 19 from the CCP Virus was 17. Look at the others starting at the other end. Nearly 18,000 were over 80, all others total 10,068. For this, we are going to inject an experimental "vaccine" in millions and now on children at five years old. This is insanity. Note how the deaths from 79 down, typically half, ore more, by the decade. 

While every death is a tragedy and I don't wish to discount any of these, no doubt, there were circumstances that involved underlying conditions. If one is over 80, one has a 5% chance of dying on any given day. Get real.

For 17 deaths of those under 19 years of age we are about to jab with poison children over five years and dare to stick this up the nose of an infant to keep some baby-booming pagan, allegedly, safe.



To any parent out there that has permitted this or will permit it, you are a disgrace and should be charged, along with the medical tyrant, with assault!

Friday, 29 October 2021

Cardinal Collins - Are you going to restrict Mass to the jabbed with a passport or are you not? If not, why are your priests discussing it?

It was reported on Wednesday, October 27, one post below, that a statement was issued on the web page of the Archdiocese of Toronto that Cardinal Collins has determined that the "The Archdiocese of Toronto is not asking for proof of vaccination to worship in our churches."

Vox Cantoris: Thomas Cardinal Collins: "The Archdiocese of Toronto is not asking for proof of vaccination to worship in our churches."

Yesterday, October 28, the following information was provided to Vox Cantoris. It is the agenda for a "Zone Meeting" to take place in the west side of Toronto at Holy Angels parish in Etobicoke, The email was sent out by Father Chris Cauchi of Our Lady of Sorrow's Catholic Parish, -  that of the $400,000.00 Holy Moly Doors with a spelling mistake of a non-existent Latin word, installed by its former pastor Nino Cavuto, removed under a cloud of sexual perversion accusations from New York two decades ago. 

Shall we take a look at Father Chris Cauchi's email and agenda?

Subject: Zone Meeting - Nov. 3 at Holy Angels 

Dear Pastors, Associates & Parish Coordinators: 

I hope that you’re keeping well. 

On behalf of all of us in Zone 7 I would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to Fr. Donatello Iocco for his service as Zone Chair.  He just completed his term and I’ll be taking on this responsibility. 

Our next Zone Meeting will be on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, from 10 a.m. to noon at Holy Angels Church, 61 Jutland Road, Etobicoke, M8Z 2G6.  Please note there will be no lunch, but coffee and sweets will be served. 

Kindly notify Anna at Holy Angels (416-255-1691; office@holyangelschurch.ca) if you can attend this meeting. 

The Agenda of the meeting is as follows: 

10:00 am             Gather and Coffee 

10:15 am             Midmorning Prayer 

10:30 am             Bishop’s Remarks 

10:40 am             Discussion: COVID-19 and the Reopening of Churches

                              We shall resume the fruitful discussion we had at our last zone meeting with particular emphasis on the following points:

·     an update of archdiocesan protocols regarding liturgies and pastoral activities (e.g. congregational singing, entrance and exit processions [especially at funerals], children’s liturgies, office hours, home visits, sacramental prep. & mixing of candidates from different schools),

·     discussion about possibilities for increasing capacity (possible exploration of “passport Masses” with no social distancing …),

·     issues related to school visits,

·     plans for Advent and Christmas. 

12:00 noon         Meeting Adjourned 


Fr. Chris Cauchi
Zone Chair

Fr. Chris Cauchi
Our Lady of Sorrows Church
3055 Bloor St W
Toronto ON M8X 1C6
Phone: 416-231-6016 x25
Web: https://olsorrowset.archtoronto.org

And there we have it.

Notwithstanding the Cardinal's insistence that the churches will not be reserved for only the special people with the double jab, his priests are plotting otherwise. 

The area Bishop is Ivan Camillieri. Is Bishop Camillieri trying to undermine the policy already announced by Cardinal Collins or was that a false flag to lull us into complacency and that they really do care about leaving the ninety-nine to search for the one last sheep covered in ulcers and leprosy?

We know the answer. Don't be fooled. They know what they are doing, and we know what they are doing, and now they know that we know what they are doing and they still insist on doing it, as paraphrased from Solzhenitsyn.

Thomas Cardinal Collins tcpc@archtoronto.org

Bishop Ivan Camilleri icamilleri@archtoronto.org

Father Chris Cauchi olsorrowset@archtoronto.org

If you have chosen not to receive the experimental genetic injection that has caused tens of thousands of serious injuries and deaths and was tested on the stem cells from a kidney of a murdered baby will Cardinal Thomas Collins once again say:

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Thomas Cardinal Collins: "The Archdiocese of Toronto is not asking for proof of vaccination to worship in our churches."

In a press release issued yesterday under the authority of Thomas Cardinal Collins, unlike the attempt by the Bishop of Moncton and the current Bishop of Grand Falls, "the Archdiocese of Toronto is not asking for proof of vaccination to worship in our churches."

Why any credit should be necessary for this matter, given the situations elsewhere let us give it where it is due. In comparison to what the two previously mentioned dioceses did, this is a good development. Yet, it is still a preposterous situation that it should even need to be stated. If no injection with the abortion-tainted experimental genetic therapies, Collins is requiring testing, something some other dioceses is not even permitting.  

Perhaps the pressure put on Cardinal Collins from this blog and Toronto Catholic Witness from No Mass For You to the jab policies has had an effect and served notice upon the Cardinal and his Auxiliary Bishops that we will not sit by silently. We have both said, repeatedly, that Collins has sold out to the State and has adopted nearly the same bully tactics, only now trying to be magnanimous in the face of worse scoundrels.

Our post on Moncton and the one this past Sunday (below) on Grand Falls raised publicity and have had an exceptionally large number of readers. The story has been picked up by GloriaTV, CNA, LifeSiteNews, National Catholic Register. Canon212 and other Catholic media outlets. It is critical that these hirelings are not allowed to hide in the abuse of their flocks.

Archdiocese of Toronto - Update on COVID-19 Policies in the Archdiocese of Toronto (archtoronto.org)
Update on COVID-19 Policies in the Archdiocese of Toronto
Posted : Oct-26-2021

In recent days, there have been a number of changes to COVID-19 protocols throughout the province. Given all this new information, the Archdiocese of Toronto wants to provide an update on our COVID-19 policies.

First, we thank all our clergy, staff, volunteers and parishioners for continuing to follow the WorshipSafe protocols. These measures have effectively protected against the transmission of COVID-19 in our parishes. The WorshipSafe protocols remain in place throughout the archdiocese.

To ensure our parishioners remain safe at church as we enter the winter months (when COVID-19 cases have previously increased), the Archdiocese of Toronto has implemented a temporary vaccine policy for clergy, staff and volunteers – in essence, those serving on the front line of ministry. These groups have now provided their proof of vaccination or are completing regular rapid-antigen tests.

The Government of Ontario has mandated proof of vaccination to access certain indoor settings, such as restaurants, bars and gyms. Places of worship are exempt from these proof of vaccination requirements, recognizing both the essential nature of religious institutions in our society and the very limited spread of COVID-19 in these settings.

The Archdiocese of Toronto is not asking for proof of vaccination to worship in our churches. Although the Archdiocese of Toronto encourages all Catholics to be vaccinated for the common good, we are making every effort to ensure that our churches remain open to all. The WorshipSafe protocols have kept our parishioners safe throughout the pandemic and will continue to do so as COVID-19 restrictions are gradually removed throughout the province.

We ask everyone to remain mindful that the pandemic is still part of our lives. Please do not attend church if you have COVID-19 symptoms. And if you are particularly vulnerable to the virus, please limit your indoor activities as much as possible.

If you cannot attend church in person, almost 100 parishes in the Archdiocese of Toronto are offering livestream Masses. You can find a list of those parishes here.

Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, continues the dispensation from Sunday obligation for those who cannot attend Mass during the pandemic.

We all hope to return to in-person services with no restrictions as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience as we continue to pray for all of those who are suffering during this time of pandemic.

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Rather than preach salvation through Christ alone, Bergoglio damns humanity to syncretism and religious indifference

Under his "Synod on Synodality," Bergoglio's plan is to fully and finally transform the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church into a shell of its former Self, a Church of Man, not of Christ, a Church that cannot save. 

"May his days be shortened and another his bishopric take." 

Another who is a warrior for Christ and true Shepherd, not the false shepherd and wolf which is Bergoglio.


Robert Moynihan: The Complete interview with Archbishop Carlo Maria ViganĂ²


Sunday, 24 October 2021

On this Sunday morning in the Diocese of Grand Falls, in Newfoundland, there is No Mass for You - unless of course you're jabbed!

Bishop Anthony Daniels, Bishop of Grand Falls in the long-suffering Church in Newfoundland has barred anyone from attending the Mass or sacraments unless they are "fully vaccinated." Daniels, former Auxiliary of the Diocese of London is another gift that keeps on giving from Pope Benedict XVI, clearly duped or oblivious to the faithless hirelings he was appointing. 

What a stupid, stupid fool is this Daniels. The rolling seven-day average in all of Newfoundland and Labrador is 3; and for this, he has taken this action.

Utterly demonic. 

Coronavirus trend in Newfoundland and Labrador - Bing

On September 18, we wrote of the situation in Moncton where the bishop attempted the same thing contrary to the other bishops in New Brunswick. A few days later, he backed down. The publicity and letters to the Nuncio no doubt had an effect.


Can we do the same thing for the good and long-suffering Catholics of Grand Falls?

Bishop Daniels, 

Your action to bar the faithful who have chosen not to or cannot receive the experimental genetic injection tested on or containing remnants of fetal stem cells from a baby delivered alive by Caesarean and then dissected is Satanic. You have betrayed your flock and showed yourself to be the rotten hireling that you have always been.

Where is the mercy? Where is the encounter? Where is going out to the peripheries? You call Pope Francis a liar! Of course, so do I but at least I’m honest about it. 

Enjoy your publicity. 

Vox Cantoris




DioceseGF_VaxPassport_15Oct21final.pdf (immaculateconceptionparish.ca)

Saturday, 23 October 2021

Cardinal Collins - Will you ban the un-jabbed to open churches fully to up your collections?

"Neil, you're a genius, collections will skyrocket if we ban the un-jabbed!"
On Friday, October 22 in Ontario, Premier Doug Ford announced a plan that would, given the right numbers, bring to an end all pandemic restrictions by the end of March 2022, three months before the election. 

Churches are restricted on attendance, not to a specific percentage at the current time but to "social distancing." In many cases, depending on the size and layout of the church, this is not much of an improvement over 30% or 40% occupancy.

Ford has implemented a "vaccine passport" with a QR code for restaurants, bars and the 20,000 attending Maple Leafs or Raptors games - quite the breeding ground for new cases of SARS-CoV-2 and its leaky "vaccine." With Ford's announcement yesterday, churches can have, as of October 22, full occupancy just as the Maple Leafs if they choose to - all they need to do is admit only the double-jabbed.

Yesterday, Excellency, Mr. Neil MacCarthy, the Cardinal's chief spox, issued a Memorandum stating that there is no "immediate implication" for the parishes of the Archdiocese of Toronto. Neil indicates that the plan will be "under review" and that dialogue with the medical tyrants will continue. Right. "Under review." Pardon my cynicism.

One wonders if Cardinal Collins will throw the un-jabbed under the bus and ban us from churches in an effort to have full occupancy of the jabbed to increase the collections which have plummetted.

Any bets? After all, the government pay-off is about to dry up. Their job is done.

Cardinal Collins - what say you? Are the lepers welcome?

Friday, 22 October 2021

Out of nearly 800 priests (and 2,000,000 Catholics) 45 were participating in the NotTheWassaga Priest Retreat

Out of nearly 800 priests (and 2,000,000 Catholics), 45 were participating in the NotTheWasaga Retreat. None of the others found the time or inclination to log on and listen to Cardinal Collins.

Were the unvaccinated allowed to watch?

Have a great weekend, Tom. No wonder you look so peeved.

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Thomas Cardinal Collins - the beneficiary of a murdered baby and he wants you to be too.


Jorge Bergoglio, the Bishop or Rome has fired Swiss Guards who have greater faith than he. To Bergoglio, taking the injection to allegedly protect against the latest virus out of China is "an act of love." This from the man who has thrown the Church in China to the wolves.

Here in Toronto, Thomas Cardinal Collins continues with his "spiritual" retreat for priests, live from the Cathedral. Revealed for his foolish attempt to have it a swanky golf resort at your expense along with his Victorian retirement home and fearful that a private ZOOM conference would be leaked to this blog, Collins chose to have a low-key public presentation online and available to all.

Collins has literally demanded all his priests and staff take the jab or pay to be tested. At least, they can be tested. Word has reached this writer that in a diocese not far away, no testing is even permitted. Jab or your out, priest, secretary, contractor, choir director, volunteer. You're dirty, you're a leper, you are not welcome here.

No mercy. No dialogue. No encounter. No reaching out to the peripheries.

I point you to the blog of Jon Rappaport which I just discovered. Read if you will with shocking clarity and documented history including the background of Lex van der Eb, the monster behind the HEK293m cell line.

This, is for the "common good" according to Tom Collins, This, is "common sense" and an "act of charity." 

Tom Collins has injected into his body a serum tested or containing the stem lines of a baby girl murdered alive and carved up in Holland in 1972.

On his judgement day, Collins will see that little child in all her glory in the arms of Our Lord. I believe that the original sin on her soul was washed away with blood at her martyrdom. God knew her before He knitted her in the womb and she is there now with Him. She will be there with the Pantocrator the glorious and terrible judge and she will accuse van der Eb, Bergoglio and Collins.

This post will land in Collins's inbox this morning. May it disturb him greatly as he waxes on in the Ambo. May it disturb him enough to repent for benefitting from the death of this girl and throwing under the jackboot of the State, Catholic faithful and those of other flocks put out of their livelihoods. 

A terrible day of reckoning is coming. 

New evidence for infanticide in the creation of the fetal cell line used for COVID vaccine testing « Jon Rappoport's Blog (nomorefakenews.com)

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Cardinal Collins and the Annual Priest Retreat is underway - but not at the Naughtywassaga!

A few weeks ago, Tom Collins announced the annual priest retreat of prayer and contemplation and golf would be held once again at the NaughtyWasaga Inn. The annual fest paid for by parishes for each priest out of your collection was cancelled in 2020 due to the Chinese Communist Party Virus. Collins stipulated that all priests attending must be double-jabbed with the fetal stem cell tainted injection which revealed itself as a not so subtle way of exposing the priests in Toronto who have defied his edict that it was in the "common good" to take the jab.

At the same time that this money of yours was going to be spent by Collins and Crew on this shindig, he was laying out plans to cause the parish secretary single mother to take $40 off their child's table every week to enrich the Bronfman family and its retail empire for the rapid CCP Virus test. On top of that, he intended to gather all these priests together in an enclosed environment all injected with a "vaccine" that clearly does not work to prevent transmission, hospitalization or death. Imagine the shuttered churches if hundreds of priests had to isolate for fourteen days! Imagine the disruption in the cathedraticum!

Naughtywassaga was cancelled and the meeting would be made virtual. 

You can watch it daily from the Cathedral where it is live-streamed for all to benefit from the spiritual wisdom of Thomas Collins. So crafty, eh? Nobody can challenge him in private or public on his selling out the faithful to government diktats, the closing of churches, the banning of Holy Communion on the tongue, the throwing under the bus of unemployment the lay faithful that choose to forgo the jab. What a hireling. What a coward. He has abandoned the faithful to the diktats of tyranny. He uses Bergoglio as an example - now Swiss Guards are unemployed!

People in the know have confirmed that Collins was fearful of another private zoom-type affair because they were concerned that his more private moments and facial expressions would be uploaded somewhere and presented here as we have done repeatedly.

We all remember, "I will shut you down." 

Next move, Tom?

Monday, 18 October 2021

Time to see Nuremberg II with Fauci as the first on trial!


Sunday, 17 October 2021

Thomas Cardinal Collins: Your flock is being persecuted and you have aided and abetted their tyrants!

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.”                      ― St. Antony the Great

Dear Cardinal Collins:

I wrote this to you last Sunday morning. I have decided it necessary to send it to you again because you have not acted to protect your flock from tyranny and poverty; tyranny and poverty you have approved of by your silence.

This Sunday morning you will offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. May I still refer to It as such? One hardly thinks you care how "holy" it is seeing how you rush through the daily Mass online with a quick and sloppy Sign of the Cross and a "let us confess our sins" followed by a 1-second pause before, "Lord, you were sent to heal the contrite." I guess your sins are so few and the liturgy, not your greatest interest - the right worship of God, it has all just become banal and routine.

I wonder when you "confess" in that momentary second if you confess those sins crying out to heaven for vengeance. The first is your support, no matter how distant, of the wilful murder of the unborn for a "vaccine" you demand we all take. The vaccine clearly does not work as yesterday again over 30% of the "cases" in Ontario are those how are fully vaccinated. A vaccine that has maimed with myocarditis and pericarditis our young people and killed and maimed potentially, hundreds of thousands of others with dozens of conditions with tens of thousands already dead with no autopsy to confirm the causes. All this, for a virus that has between a 97% and 99.979% non-kill rate! It is simply absurd. 

The second sin is that of denying just wages. I will give you some to ponder here. Your Eminence, on this lovely Sunday morning as you prepare for Holy Mass, may it disturb your conscience.

A nurse gave her own religious exemption to her health care employer. The response was to throw in her face your web page on why Catholics should line up to take the injections for SARS-CoV-2. She has six children and will be fired in two weeks.  

The second is a friend to whom I spoke just last evening. Any time I woke overnight he was in my mind and my prayers to Our Blessed Lord were offered for his protection. When do you pray for those who are losing their jobs because you have failed in your duty?  Twenty-nine years of faithful service to his employer, he will be put on a six-week unpaid leave in two weeks and if not fully injected by December, he will be dismissed with cause, with no severance and no eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits. Can you imagine? No. You cannot. His daughters, both in healthcare, face a similar situation. The employer wrote back to him with regards to his religious exemption from a group of Toronto priests (oh yes) and threw it in his face as well, "according to the words of your Pope Francis and your Cardinal, taking the injection is "an act of love" and "for the common good." Denied!

All of these people and countless others have been betrayed by you. None of them expected one year ago that this would be their fate today because you failed to defend them, you sold them out. You sit by doing the government's bidding rather than defend and rise up the Church against this gross injustice. You have kept silent whilst the sheep are led off to slaughter and you have aided and abetted their executioners. What will you say to the LORD on your particular judgement for your abandonment? What about the food on the table for their children, their mortgages, their retirements, the elderly parents that they support? How dare you disregard these, your flock! You are an utter and absolute disgrace and my hope is that this rebuke does its job and disturbs you enough to wake you up to publicly repent and restore. You have thrown yourself in with the State and its "virtuous" Public Health Officials against the real needs of the faithful.

You have engaged in coercion with your own employees and promoted by your silence the coercion of hundreds of thousands of employees who will be sacrificed whilst you remain silent. You have violated the Nuremberg Code and the moral law. You say that you are following the Law. There is a higher Law, Your Eminence, Divine Law.

You dare release a video on synod synodality whilst your flock are in danger of losing their livelihoods, their homes, their pensions while you, looking forward to your January retirement use their cathedraticum to renovate the Newman Centre mansion for your comfort.

As Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness so wisely scolded you, you have participated in the creation of a State Church. This is your legacy. You have sold out the faithful to the State for money, power and a seat at the corrupt table. You must be a wicked man. No man of Christ would do this. You are a coward and fraud as a Shepherd. You are a hireling. You are a sociopath without conscience, ignorant to the suffering which you have caused and which you do nothing about. You are oblivious to the suffering of families whose wage-earners consciences and health concerns will not allow them to accept these injections and you do nothing to stop it. Truly, you are a wicked and evil man unfit for the high office that you hold. These people and many thousands or hundreds of thousands more of the faithful and non-believers are your legacies. You failed to defend the Faith and all from tyranny.

Tell me, Your Eminence, how many fingers high in your glass of cognac does it take for you to get to sleep at night? 

Let these words from the Blessed Apostle John be a warning to you and comfort to my friends and readers that are about to lose their livelihoods.

Amen, amen I say to you: He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up another way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.  To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he hath let out his own sheep, he goeth before them: and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. But a stranger they follow not but fly from him because they know not the voice of strangers. This proverb Jesus spoke to them. But they understood not what he spoke to them. Jesus, therefore, said to them again: Amen, amen I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All others, as many as have come, are thieves and robbers: and the sheep heard them not. I am the door. By me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved: and he shall go in, and go out, and shall find pastures. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd giveth his life for his sheep. But the hireling, and he that is not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and flieth: and the wolf catcheth, and scattereth the sheep: And the hireling flieth, because he is a hireling: and he hath no care for the sheep. I am the good shepherd; and I know mine, and mine know me. As the Father knoweth me, and I know the Father: and I lay down my life for my sheep. And other sheep I have, that are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd. 

Friday, 15 October 2021

Cardinal Collins: How do you respond to a real scientist on the matter of the jab for your, "common good!"

Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Thomas Cardinal Collins shuts down social-media dissent whilst people lose their livelihood for the "common good!"

 It's a little hard to read but this was sent to me by a reader. In a video excerpt from a Mass at St. Michael's Cathedral, Collins spoke about the "Synod on Synodality" and how we should "listen to one another." How ironic that His Eminence has washed clean the social media criticism on the video of his throwing the flock under the bus of coercion and poverty due to the loss of employment over the injection. Collins tells us that "synodality" is from the Greek means to have a chat on the road together, only works in so far as he wants to chat about it. 

I will post the link to this on the page. We'll see how long it is up.

You just can't make this stuff up.  

"I am happy that you think it important to listen to all in the Church, especially any that feel marginalized and alienated. Have you listened to those of your flock who are now losing their jobs as a result of not wanting to inject experimental treatments that have been tested on fetal cell lines? I am feeling marginalized and alienated here in the Archdiocese of Toronto as our pusillanimous pastors and Communist Cardinal have sided with the Government against the people of Christ. We are sliding down a slippery slope of “papers please” parishes that have instituted your mandate of double shots for volunteers, employees and priests against the directive of the CDF; “At the same time, practical reasons make evident that vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be voluntary.” Do you know that people who have taken the shots can catch and spread the virus? Why restrict only a certain segment of the faithful when both vaccinated and unvaccinated pole can catch and spread Covid?"

There is clearly something in the jab that causes those who have taken it to defy logic or a psychological prohibition to admitting it lest they admit that they were wrong.

Collins is wicked. His actions are directly allowing the City of Toronto, others and corporate fascists to terminate people and even to the Town of Oakville baring the unjabbed from marriages, a fundamental right of every man and woman by their very existence.

Wicked. No other word describes Thomas Cardinal Collins. 

Sunday, 10 October 2021

Thomas Cardinal Collins! People whom I know are about to lose their jobs because of your cowardice and betrayal. What do you say to them?

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.” ― St. Antony the Great

Dear Cardinal Collins:

This Sunday morning of Thanksgiving weekend you will offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. May I still refer to It as such? One hardly thinks you care how "holy" it is seeing how you rush through the daily Mass online with a quick and sloppy Sign of the Cross and a "let us confess our sins" followed by a 1-second pause before, "Lord, you were sent to heal the contrite." I guess your sins are so few and the liturgy, not your greatest interest - the right worship of God, it has all just become banal and routine.

I wonder when you "confess" in that momentary second if you confess those sins crying out to heaven for vengeance. The first is your support, no matter how distant, of the wilful murder of the unborn for a "vaccine" you demand we all take. The vaccine clearly does not work as yesterday again over 30% of the "cases" in Ontario are those how are fully vaccinated. A vaccine that has maimed with myocarditis and pericarditis our young people and killed and maimed potentially, hundreds of thousands of others with dozens of conditions with tens of thousands already dead with no autopsy to confirm the causes. All this, for a virus that has between a 97% and 99.979% non-kill rate! It is simply absurd. 

The second sin is that of denying just wages. I will give you some to ponder here. Your Eminence, on this lovely Sunday morning as you prepare for Holy Mass, may it disturb your conscience.

A nurse gave her own religious exemption to her health care employer. The response was to throw in her face your web page on why Catholics should line up to take the injections for SARS-CoV-2. She has six children and will be fired in two weeks.  

The second is a friend to whom I spoke just last evening. Any time I woke overnight he was in my mind and my prayers to Our Blessed Lord were offered for his protection. When do you pray for those who are losing their jobs because you have failed in your duty?  Twenty-nine years of faithful service to his employer, he will be put on a six-week unpaid leave in two weeks and if not fully injected by December, he will be dismissed with cause, with no severance and no eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits. Can you imagine? No. You cannot. His daughters, both in healthcare, face a similar situation. The employer wrote back to him with regards to his religious exemption from a group of Toronto priests (oh yes) and threw it in his face as well, "according to the words of your Pope Francis and your Cardinal, taking the injection is "an act of love" and "for the common good." Denied!

All of these people and countless others have been betrayed by you. None of them expected one year ago that this would be their fate today because you failed to defend them, you sold them out. You sit by doing the government's bidding rather than defend and rise up the Church against this gross injustice. You have kept silent whilst the sheep are led off to slaughter and you have aided and abetted their executioners. What will you say to the LORD on your particular judgement for your abandonment? What about the food on the table for their children, their mortgages, their retirements, the elderly parents that they support? How dare you disregard these, your flock! You are an utter and absolute disgrace and my hope is that this rebuke does its job and disturbs you enough to wake you up to publicly repent and restore. You have thrown yourself in with the State and its "virtuous" Public Health Officials against the real needs of the faithful.

You have engaged in coercion with your own employees and promoted by your silence the coercion of hundreds of thousands of employees who will be sacrificed whilst you remain silent. You have violated the Nuremberg Code and the moral law. You say that you are following the Law. There is a higher Law, Your Eminence, Divine Law.

You dare release a video on synod synodality whilst your flock are in danger of losing their livelihoods, their homes, their pensions while you, looking forward to your January retirement use their cathedraticum to renovate the Newman Centre mansion for your comfort.

As Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness so wisely scolded you, you have participated in the creation of a State Church. This is your legacy. You have sold out the faithful to the State for money, power and a seat at the corrupt table. You must be a wicked man. No man of Christ would do this. You are a coward and fraud as a Shepherd. You are a hireling. You are a sociopath without conscience, ignorant to the suffering which you have caused and which you do nothing about. You are oblivious to the suffering of families whose wage-earners consciences and health concerns will not allow them to accept these injections and you do nothing to stop it. Truly, you are a wicked and evil man unfit for the high office that you hold. These people and many thousands or hundreds of thousands more of the faithful and non-believers are your legacies. You failed to defend the Faith and all from tyranny.

Tell me, Your Eminence, how many fingers high in your glass of cognac does it take for you to get to sleep at night? 

Let these words from the Blessed Apostle John be a warning to you and comfort to my friends and readers that are about to lose their livelihoods.

Amen, amen I say to you: He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up another way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.  To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. And when he hath let out his own sheep, he goeth before them: and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. But a stranger they follow not but fly from him because they know not the voice of strangers. This proverb Jesus spoke to them. But they understood not what he spoke to them. Jesus, therefore, said to them again: Amen, amen I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All others, as many as have come, are thieves and robbers: and the sheep heard them not. I am the door. By me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved: and he shall go in, and go out, and shall find pastures. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd giveth his life for his sheep. But the hireling, and he that is not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and flieth: and the wolf catcheth, and scattereth the sheep: And the hireling flieth, because he is a hireling: and he hath no care for the sheep. I am the good shepherd; and I know mine, and mine know me. As the Father knoweth me, and I know the Father: and I lay down my life for my sheep. And other sheep I have, that are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd. 

Saturday, 9 October 2021

Vatican Agency Directly Tied to Communism, Abortion, and Idolatry

Billionaires Try to Shrink the World's Population - and Jorge Bergoglio and Thomas Cardinal Collins go right along with it!

The Bishop of Rome and Archbishop of Toronto are in cahoots with these malefactors. Whether by open knowledge or by ignorance, the result is the same. 

Is Francis a liar? Is the Pope Catholic? Oh, wait... Yes and No!

The attack by Bergoglio and his Vatican apparatchiks is the gravest scandal since the installation of the whore Earth goddess on the High Altar of St. Peter's Basilica and the bowing down to it in the gardens. No doubt, those events have led to this attack on the Holy Mass and the lab-developed virus and the subsequent diabolical delusion on Church and State alike. 

Diane Montagna has reported on information that what we all expected was true, the report from bishops was nowhere near as bad as it was presented.

Jorge Bergoglio as our politicians, medical tyrants and corporate elites have bitten off more than they can chew. They have overreached and will come crashing down.

Our job is to remain faithful within our Mother and to speak with truth and clarity.

The Remnant Newspaper - TRADITIONIS CUSTODES: Separating Fact from Fiction