A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Bishop Paprocki uses Canon Law to set aside Bergoglio's demonic action against the Holy Mass, But what about Wagga Wagga?

The Most Reverend Bishop Thomas John Paprocki of the American Diocese of Springfield in Illinois has used Canon Law to literally set aside Bergoglio's demonic attack on the Holy Mass according to its ancient use. At the same time other bishops are being punitive and acting to or more than to this wretched document such as the Bishop of Wagga Wagga in Australia, Mark Edwards, "'The Extraordinary Form of our Mass, also called the Traditional Latin Mass, is to be phased out in the Catholic Church. Pope Francis asks each bishop to decide how the Missale Romanum of 1962 is to be used for celebration of Mass in the diocese for which he has care. However, the Holy Father instructs that it must be in such a way as to lead us all to celebrate Holy Mass as revised by St Paul VI." 

Is this the unity that Bergoglio sought? "Bishop against bishop, cardinal against cardinal," the words of Our Most Blessed Mother Mary to Sister Agnes Sasagawa at Akita, Japan.

Bishop Paprocki is a Shepherd, Edwards is a hireling. Bergoglio is a demon.

Prove me wrong.

Decree_Implementing_the_Motu_Proprio_Traditionis_Custodes_7-19-2021.pdf (dio.org)

Bergoglio's Kristallnacht and the lynching of Catholics

Now you know what it is like being a Jew in Germany in 1938. Now you know what it is like being an African in North America and being hunted by dogs for sport or being lynched.

Don't think the comparison is apt or that it might be insensitive? He and those carrying out his demonic tropes are gaslighting. We are the new Jews, the new you know what.

The NAZI's and KKK killed the body.

Bergoglio wants to kill your soul.

Don't let him.

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

If PervChurch Hates The Mass, That Means Betraying Catholics By Cancelling It, Right?


Catholics: Do not succumb to Bergoglio's gaslighting. No more co-dependency. Resist!

Every once in a while, a comment comes along that deserves to be a post on its own. This is one of those times and it will follow, after a few words of my own, below.

Bergoglio's act to abrogate Summorum Pontificum has all the seeds to ultimately, in time, destroy the Holy Mass and the ancient Missal. Unlike Paul VI, it is a direct attack on the Papal Bull, Qui Primum, and is a classic case of an abuse of power. On a human level, the pain that people are enduring over this as evidenced by comments on blogs and social media is dreadful. This alone proves that the act by Bergoglio is not of God. God the Holy Spirit cools the heat and warms the chill. We are reminded of this in the Sequence of Pentecost. He does not heat up further the hot or kill of others by freezing them, He moderates, He brings peace, He is Love. He does not bring confusion and sadness and fear and dread and pain. To say that He does is blasphemy. As bad as Bergoglio's actions are, the defence of it on social media is dreadful. We are being gaslighted, the bullies are blaming the victim.

The Longenecker's of the world are stinking frauds when they write that nasty bloggers and "mad-trads" and "rad-trads" have caused this. First, if this papal monster is that thin-skinned then he has more problems, in addition, be being a sociopath. Second, it is bovine excrement. It is an excuse. These men are not stupid, they are evil. They know the demographics, particularly in Europe and North America. They see that these Latin Mass communities are growing and that young priests want it, want the faith of our fathers. They need to destroy it because it does represent the future. They have done this because they hate Christ, hate the Catholic Faith, are probably possessed, sodomites or atheists or all of that and more. They came in to destroy, not to save souls, not to love God and serve His flock. 

The proof that this is not from God is in how you, my dear reader, are feeling. The fact is this. You have been abused by a bad step-father who hates you and what you love. He has defiled your mother and raped her and has now turned his sights on you. That is what you feel. God did not do this. A demon did.

A demon named Jorge Bergoglio.

+ + +

Now, from our reader.

I refuse to waste any hope at all in these men. We have the same type in the political realm, the weak kind with not enough conviction to do anything worth much. A few squeaks and it's all over. Done that. 

There seem to be two paths. One, resist Bergoglio and his satanic extermination of the Holy Mass. Recognize it for the hateful act of a man facing his own mortality yet determined to go out shaking his fist at God. He was hired for a reason. The Traditional Latin Mass threatens them because it is the proper worship of God as God intended. Catholics should stop being lazy and looking for social hours and go to the TLM and see for themselves Catholicism. You've been robbed. Go reclaim your heritage. Laziness about Latin is no excuse. Get a Sunday Missal from eBay with Latin on one side and English on the other. Get one from about 1962 or earlier. You don't need to know every word to follow the Mass, and absolutely nobody cares if you don't know the Rite. You're there for God, not others. People are focused on God, not you. 

For what it's worth, I don't think Bergoglio can be pope. No pope would do this. He does not own the Holy Mass, and only an imposter would try to eliminate what he does not own. He does not have the right to kill the TLM unless he does indeed "own the Holy Mass" A pope is to defend the faith and PASS DOWN THE FAITH INTACT. 

If men of the church will not resist him to the face, we must, and if that means leave for the SSPX, or even do without the Mass of the Ages and be excommunicated for the rest of our lives, so be it. But no more co-dependent relations with Bergoglio. It is sick. It is exhausting, it is depressing, it is over. Ana Milan's solution sounds spot on. But I do not believe the men of the church will do one thing more than make a few squeaks. I will not waste a moment waiting for them any longer.

Monday, 19 July 2021

Quo Primum

Summorum Pontificum is dead.

This is now our constitution!

Quo Primum

Promulgating the Tridentine Liturgy


From the very first, upon Our elevation to the chief Apostleship, We gladly turned our mind and energies and directed all our thoughts to those matters which concerned the preservation of a pure liturgy, and We strove with God’s help, by every means in our power, to accomplish this purpose. For, besides other decrees of the sacred Council of Trent, there were stipulations for Us to revise and re-edit the sacred books: the Catechism, the Missal and the Breviary. With the Catechism published for the instruction of the faithful, by God’s help, and the Breviary thoroughly revised for the worthy praise of God, in order that the Missal and Breviary may be in perfect harmony, as fitting and proper – for its most becoming that there be in the Church only one appropriate manner of reciting the Psalms and only one rite for the celebration of Mass – We deemed it necessary to give our immediate attention to what still remained to be done, viz, the re-editing of the Missal as soon as possible.

Hence, We decided to entrust this work to learned men of our selection. They very carefully collated all their work with the ancient codices in Our Vatican Library and with reliable, preserved or emended codices from elsewhere. Besides this, these men consulted the works of ancient and approved authors concerning the same sacred rites; and thus they have restored the Missal itself to the original form and rite of the holy Fathers. When this work has been gone over numerous times and further emended, after serious study and reflection, We commanded that the finished product be printed and published as soon as possible, so that all might enjoy the fruits of this labor; and thus, priests would know which prayers to use and which rites and ceremonies they were required to observe from now on in the celebration of Masses.

Let all everywhere adopt and observe what has been handed down by the Holy Roman Church, the Mother and Teacher of the other churches, and let Masses not be sung or read according to any other formula than that of this Missal published by Us. This ordinance applies henceforth, now, and forever, throughout all the provinces of the Christian world, to all patriarchs, cathedral churches, collegiate and parish churches, be they secular or religious, both of men and of women – even of military orders – and of churches or chapels without a specific congregation in which conventual Masses are sung aloud in choir or read privately in accord with the rites and customs of the Roman Church. This Missal is to be used by all churches, even by those which in their authorization are made exempt, whether by Apostolic indult, custom, or privilege, or even if by oath or official confirmation of the Holy See, or have their rights and faculties guaranteed to them by any other manner whatsoever.

This new rite alone is to be used unless approval of the practice of saying Mass differently was given at the very time of the institution and confirmation of the church by Apostolic See at least 200 years ago, or unless there has prevailed a custom of a similar kind which has been continuously followed for a period of not less than 200 years, in which most cases We in no wise rescind their above-mentioned prerogative or custom. However, if this Missal, which we have seen fit to publish, be more agreeable to these latter, We grant them permission to celebrate Mass according to its rite, provided they have the consent of their bishop or prelate or of their whole Chapter, everything else to the contrary notwithstanding.

All other of the churches referred to above, however, are hereby denied the use of other missals, which are to be discontinued entirely and absolutely; whereas, by this present Constitution, which will be valid henceforth, now, and forever, We order and enjoin that nothing must be added to Our recently published Missal, nothing omitted from it, nor anything whatsoever be changed within it under the penalty of Our displeasure.

We specifically command each and every patriarch, administrator, and all other persons or whatever ecclesiastical dignity they may be, be they even cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, or possessed of any other rank or pre-eminence, and We order them in virtue of holy obedience to chant or to read the Mass according to the rite and manner and norm herewith laid down by Us and, hereafter, to discontinue and completely discard all other rubrics and rites of other missals, however ancient, which they have customarily followed; and they must not in celebrating Mass presume to introduce any ceremonies or recite any prayers other than those contained in this Missal.

Furthermore, by these presents [this law], in virtue of Our Apostolic authority, We grant and concede in perpetuity that, for the chanting or reading of the Mass in any church whatsoever, this Missal is hereafter to be followed absolutely, without any scruple of conscience or fear of incurring any penalty, judgment, or censure, and may freely and lawfully be used. Nor are superiors, administrators, canons, chaplains, and other secular priests, or religious, of whatever title designated, obliged to celebrate the Mass otherwise than as enjoined by Us. We likewise declare and ordain that no one whosoever is forced or coerced to alter this Missal, and that this present document cannot be revoked or modified, but remain always valid and retain its full force notwithstanding the previous constitutions and decrees of the Holy See, as well as any general or special constitutions or edicts of provincial or synodal councils, and notwithstanding the practice and custom of the aforesaid churches, established by long and immemorial prescription – except, however, if more than two hundred years’ standing.

It is Our will, therefore, and by the same authority, We decree that, after We publish this constitution and the edition of the Missal, the priests of the Roman Curia are, after thirty days, obliged to chant or read the Mass according to it; all others south of the Alps, after three months; and those beyond the Alps either within six months or whenever the Missal is available for sale. Wherefore, in order that the Missal be preserved incorrupt throughout the whole world and kept free of flaws and errors, the penalty for nonobservance for printers, whether mediately or immediately subject to Our dominion, and that of the Holy Roman Church, will be the forfeiting of their books and a fine of one hundred gold ducats, payable ipso facto to the Apostolic Treasury. Further, as for those located in other parts of the world, the penalty is excommunication latae sententiae, and such other penalties as may in Our judgment be imposed; and We decree by this law that they must not dare or presume either to print or to publish or to sell, or in any way to accept books of this nature without Our approval and consent, or without the express consent of the Apostolic Commissaries of those places, who will be appointed by Us. Said printer must receive a standard Missal and agree faithfully with it and in no wise vary from the Roman Missal of the large type (secundum magnum impressionem).

Accordingly, since it would be difficult for this present pronouncement to be sent to all parts of the Christian world and simultaneously come to light everywhere, We direct that it be, as usual, posted and published at the doors of the Basilica of the Prince of the Apostles, also at the Apostolic Chancery, and on the street at Campo Flora; furthermore, We direct that printed copies of this same edict signed by a notary public and made official by an ecclesiastical dignitary possess the same indubitable validity everywhere and in every nation, as if Our manuscript were shown there. Therefore, no one whosoever is permitted to alter this notice of Our permission, statute, ordinance, command, precept, grant, indult, declaration, will, decree, and prohibition. Would anyone, however, presume to commit such an act, he should know that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.

Given at St. Peter’s in the year of the Lord’s Incarnation, 1570, on the 14th of July of the Fifth year of Our Pontificate.

Until now, no Pope since Vatican II has dared to undermine Quo Primum!

Many followers of tradition speak of Quo Primum, the Encyclical of Pope Pius V normalizing and promulgating the Roman Missal, as Mass was said in Rome to be the Missa Normative in the Western church. Other rites over 200 years old, the Braga, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Dominican and Carmelite continued. The Rite of Sarum would have except for the already break from England. The restorationists in England followed the Roman Mass. Pius V did not abrogate anything. Mass throughout Europe was a mess. Different even from church to the convent to the monastery. Missals were hand-scripted, errors crept in and heresies. Some liturgies died out. The printing press allowed this uniformity. This is not analogous to the Missal of Paul VI. In fact, Paul VI realised he could not change the Mass because of Quo Primum. He did not destroy it, He did not abrogate it. He simply set it aside and "fabricated," a choice of words of then-Cardinal Ratzinger, a new liturgy.

Quo Primum - Papal Encyclicals

What this Bergoglio has done is not even something that Paul VI did or even attempted to do. Bergoglio has decided to choke the life out of the Latin Church's ancient liturgy of apostolic origin for "an on-the-spot product," a "fabrication." 

How could a Pope with the charism of the Holy Spirit, with the Grace of Office do this? How could a Pope with that charism and grace be so mean, so vindictive, so uncharitable, so cruel to me, my wife, to the people with whom I spoke yesterday at Mass and those online who have written of their fear, pain and sorrow? 

No, no true Pope could do this. The charism of the Holy Spirit and the grace of office would prevent him from doing it 

I resist you Jorge Bergoglio, I resist you to your face.

That interior locution of the afternoon of March 13, 2013, was not for nothing. It was a warning and a grace of the Holy Spirit. I sat watching, chilled, nauseous. Something was wrong, I was looking at a man so perfectly possessed that my whole being recognised it immediately. Praise God for that. I tried. I prayed, I begged God to open my heart to him. The more I prayed, the more was revealed. 

Is this your Pope? Is this, a Pope? Could any true Pope do as this one did? Would any real Pope do such a thing as this pagan worship which has led to the two years of global horror and now his attempt to destroy the Holy Mass?

He dares to destroy what was handed down to us from the Apostles and Early Church Fathers? 

+ + +

Time to recognize that the Leadership of the Trad Movement has mislead you for 8 years | From Rome

Cardinal Mueller: The plan is to "Condemn the Extraordinary Form to extinction! - - Our job is not to let that happen!

Former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Mueller has issued a column in The Catholic Thing regarding Bergoglio's attack on the Holy Roman Mass of the Church Fathers. As a column to be posted shortly on Quo Primum will note, Paul VI did not abrogate the Mass in its 1570 codified form, he did not disobey Quo Primum, as I have said in many discussions, he simply set it aside. Cardinal Mueller does not say this specifically but he clearly annunciates Bergoglio's intent. By choking off new locations, new priests and hoping enough bishops hostile to the Mass shut it down, he will "condemn the Extraordinary Form to extinction in the long run."

Cardinal Mueller also notes something patently obvious on the first reading of that cruel and vindictive work of Bergoglio. By "abrogating" the greatest work of our Pope, Benedict XVI, Bergoglio has set in motion its abrogation and not only it, but "all his works" as we state in the post 55 Holy Saturday Easter Vigil. Mueller clearly states that "The provisions of Traditionis Custodes are of a disciplinary, not dogmatic nature and can be modified again by any future pope."

The frequent complaint by these who hate tradition and noted in this wretched work of Bergoglio and his minions is that we who favour the traditional Mass and choose not to attend the Ordinary Form of the Roman Right reject it as invalid as do we the Second Vatican Council. At the Mass I attended yesterday and lead the choir the priest is a decade, at least, younger than I. He remembers not this liturgy as I do in my younger years. He was educated in a modernist seminary, ordained according to the ritual books of Paul VI. Yet, here I was, here we were, at a traditional Latin Mass where a post-Vatican II priest offered the Holy Sacrifice and confected the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Good grief - it is elemental logic that it follows that I, we, must implicitly accept Vatican II - even at the same time questioning language and ambiguity, implementation and interpretation! 

Mueller notes the vindictive attack by Bergoglio on the little people: "Without the slightest empathy, one ignores the religious feelings of the (often young) participants in the Masses according to the Missal John XXIII. (1962) Instead of appreciating the smell of the sheep, the shepherd here hits them hard with his crook. It also seems simply unjust to abolish celebrations of the “old” rite just because it attracts some problematic people: abusus non tollit usum."

Bergoglio's work is taking a chilling effect in some places. I note that in the Philippines, Masses were cancelled and not even able to be held yesterday, the Eighth Sunday After Pentecost. This is criminal, uncharitable, mean-spirited and demonic. Those bishops will pay the ultimate price before the LORD. 

In most places, certainly here in Toronto, it was normal. There will be more said about this soon. We must pray for Our Lord and Blessed Mother to pour out graces that bishops have hearts of charity and care for those sheep on the "peripheries." Clearly, the chief bishops does not and has by this act, displayed himself as the ultimate hypocrite.

* * *

Cardinal Mueller on the New TLM Restrictions - The Catholic Thing

Michael Matt of The Remnant on the action of Bergoglio


Sunday, 18 July 2021

Behold, I will visit upon you for the evil of your doings

The First Reading today from the modern Lectionary for the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite.

Jeremiah 23:1-6 

23 Woe to the pastors, that destroy and tear the sheep of my pasture, saith the Lord. 

2 Therefore thus saith the Lord the God of Israel to the pastors that feed my people: You have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold I will visit upon you for the evil of your doings, saith the Lord. 

3 And I will gather together the remnant of my flock, out of all the lands into which I have cast them out: and I will make them return to their own fields, and they shall increase and be multiplied. 

4 And I will set up pastors over them, and they shall feed them: they shall fear no more, and they shall not be dismayed: and none shall be wanting of their number, saith the Lord. 

5 Behold the days come, saith the Lord, and I will raise up to David a just branch: and a king shall reign, and shall be wise, and shall execute judgement and justice in the earth. 

6 In those days shall Juda be saved, and Israel shall dwell confidently: and this is the name that they shall call him: the Lord our Just One.

Repent! Repent!

He's speaking of you!

Saturday, 17 July 2021

On the matter of the Motu Proprio there is one thing you can do, tomorrow. THERE IS A MASS FOR YOU - GET TO IT!

Dear Friends,

The Bishop of Rome has taken the advice of some bishops, most probably Italy's and abrogated Summorum Pontificum using that very word. A word that was used by our Pope, Benedict XVI when he stated quite rightly that the Missal of 1570/1962 was "never abrogated." 

That Missal was and can never be abrogated. Let us remember, at this time, the words of Holy Gamaliel:

33 When they heard this they were enraged and wanted to kill them. 34 But a Pharisee in the council named Gamaliel a teacher of the law, held in honour by all the people, stood up and ordered the men to be put outside for a while. 35 And he said to them, “Men of Israel, take care what you do with these men. 36 For before these days Theudas arose, giving himself out to be somebody, and a number of men, about four hundred, joined him; but he was slain and all who followed him were dispersed and came to nothing. 37 After him Judas the Galilean arose in the days of the census and drew away some of the people after him; he also perished, and all who followed him were scattered. 38 So in the present case I tell you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this undertaking is of men, it will fail; 39 but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!”

The men who did this are evil and they are stupid. It is not judgemental to state it, to call them out or to proclaim loudly that "if they do not repent and recant and make amends, then Hell awaits them for this one act alone!"

Go to the traditional Mass in our diocesan parishes or to the SSPX. Go and show all of our episcopal leaders that we will not be moved.

Keep your powder dry and pray.

If you are in Toronto. here is what you do. 

The provincial government has now lifted specific occupancy limitations and has indicated that occupancy is dictated by "social distancing." I'm sure Susan from the Parish Council will be enforcing this vigoursly.

As Susan does not attend the traditional Latin Mass this is where you should go.

St. Vincent de Paul at 9:30 A.M.

Holy Family at 11:00 A.M.

St. Patrick's Schomberg at 11:00 A.M.

St. Lawrence the Martyr at 1:00 P.M.

If so inclined.

The Society of St. Pius X

Church of the Transfiguration at 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M.

Cathedral of the Transfiguration in Markham at 5:00 P.M. NO PRE-REGISTRATION!


Friday, 16 July 2021

Jorge Bergoglio - an abuser, a cruel and vindictive father. a bully and a brute and there is charity in truth!

Jorge Bergoglio, you, who call yourself the Bishop or Rome. You are an abuser, a cruel and vindictive father who cares not about the lost sheep and poor little souls whom you profess to in your cry of the "peripheries." I call you out, my brother in Christ. I call you out now, at this moment.


Repent of your evil act.

If you die not having repented of this evil juridical action and to repair the damage I can have no doubt that Our Lord Jesus Christ will spit you out and send you to the deepest pit of Hell, itself.

Repent, Jorge. 

He awaits.


As much as Summorum Pontificum was an act of the Holy Spirit for the good and the peace of the Church and faithful, this work by Bergoglio is of Satan and it is proven in the opening line.

Even its very title mocks the faithful - "Traditiones Custodes."

In its very first sentence it mocks, God the HOLY SPIRIT as it charges that God can change His Mind, that He can act in charity one day and in hatred and disdain the next. It claims the power of the HOLY SPIRIT to destroy what the HOLY SPIRIT created.

The HOLY SPIRIT cannot contradict HIMSELF any more than when Our Blessed LORD asked rhetorically, "can Satan cast out Satan?”

It is blasphemy.

It is from the pits of Hell.

Make no mistake. This is an evil document. It was promulgated by evil men. Lest you call me "judgemental" and attack me for this, you need to use some logic. Nothing in this document is good. It does not build up. It tears down and causes distress to millions of faithful adherents to the Catholic Faith. It is cruel and the man who issued it, is cruel.

It is the death rattle, not just of the man whose name it bears but of a regime. They will not win this, they cannot win this. They have set themselves against God.

This is not 1965, let alone 1969. I am not my parents and I am not my grandparents and neither are you, dear reader.





Guardians of the tradition, the bishops in communion with the Bishop of Rome constitute the visible principle and foundation of the unity of their particular Churches.[1] Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, through the proclamation of the Gospel and by means of the celebration of the Eucharist, they govern the particular Churches entrusted to them.[2]

In order to promote the concord and unity of the Church, with paternal solicitude towards those who in any region adhere to liturgical forms antecedent to the reform willed by the Vatican Council II, my Venerable Predecessors, Saint John Paul II and Benedict XVI, granted and regulated the faculty to use the Roman Missal edited by John XXIII in 1962.[3] In this way they intended “to facilitate the ecclesial communion of those Catholics who feel attached to some earlier liturgical forms” and not to others.[4]

In line with the initiative of my Venerable Predecessor Benedict XVI to invite the bishops to assess the application of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum three years after its publication, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith carried out a detailed consultation of the bishops in 2020. The results have been carefully considered in the light of experience that has matured during these years.

At this time, having considered the wishes expressed by the episcopate and having heard the opinion of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, I now desire, with this Apostolic Letter, to press on ever more in the constant search for ecclesial communion. Therefore, I have considered it appropriate to establish the following:

Art. 1. The liturgical books promulgated by Saint Paul VI and Saint John Paul II, in conformity with the decrees of Vatican Council II, are the unique expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite.

Art. 2. It belongs to the diocesan bishop, as moderator, promoter, and guardian of the whole liturgical life of the particular Church entrusted to him,[5] to regulate the liturgical celebrations of his diocese.[6] Therefore, it is his exclusive competence to authorize the use of the 1962 Roman Missal in his diocese, according to the guidelines of the Apostolic See.

Art. 3. The bishop of the diocese in which until now there exist one or more groups that celebrate according to the Missal antecedent to the reform of 1970:

§ 1. is to determine that these groups do not deny the validity and the legitimacy of the liturgical reform, dictated by Vatican Council II and the Magisterium of the Supreme Pontiffs;

§ 2. is to designate one or more locations where the faithful adherents of these groups may gather for the eucharistic celebration (not however in the parochial churches and without the erection of new personal parishes);

§ 3. to establish at the designated locations the days on which eucharistic celebrations are permitted using the Roman Missal promulgated by Saint John XXIII in 1962.[7] In these celebrations the readings are proclaimed in the vernacular language, using translations of the Sacred Scripture approved for liturgical use by the respective Episcopal Conferences;

§ 4. to appoint a priest who, as delegate of the bishop, is entrusted with these celebrations and with the pastoral care of these groups of the faithful. This priest should be suited for this responsibility, skilled in the use of the Missale Romanum antecedent to the reform of 1970, possess a knowledge of the Latin language sufficient for a thorough comprehension of the rubrics and liturgical texts, and be animated by a lively pastoral charity and by a sense of ecclesial communion. This priest should have at heart not only the correct celebration of the liturgy, but also the pastoral and spiritual care of the faithful;

§ 5. to proceed suitably to verify that the parishes canonically erected for the benefit of these faithful are effective for their spiritual growth, and to determine whether or not to retain them;

§ 6. to take care not to authorize the establishment of new groups.

Art. 4. Priests ordained after the publication of the present Motu Proprio, who wish to celebrate using the Missale Romanum of 1962, should submit a formal request to the diocesan Bishop who shall consult the Apostolic See before granting this authorization.

Art. 5. Priests who already celebrate according to the Missale Romanum of 1962 should request from the diocesan Bishop the authorization to continue to enjoy this faculty.

Art. 6. Institutes of consecrated life and Societies of apostolic life, erected by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, fall under the competence of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies for Apostolic Life.

Art. 7. The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, for matters of their particular competence, exercise the authority of the Holy See with respect to the observance of these provisions.

Art. 8. Previous norms, instructions, permissions, and customs that do not conform to the provisions of the present Motu Proprio are abrogated.

Everything that I have declared in this Apostolic Letter in the form of Motu Proprio, I order to be observed in all its parts, anything else to the contrary notwithstanding, even if worthy of particular mention, and I establish that it be promulgated by way of publication in “L’Osservatore Romano”, entering immediately in force and, subsequently, that it be published in the official Commentary of the Holy See, Acta Apostolicae Sedis.

Given at Rome, at Saint John Lateran, on 16 July 2021, the liturgical Memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in the ninth year of Our Pontificate.



[1] Cfr Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church “Lumen Gentium”, 21 november 1964, n. 23 AAS 57 (1965) 27.

[2] Cfr Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church “Lumen Gentium”, 21 november 1964, n. 27: AAS 57 (1965) 32; Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Decree concerning the pastoral office of bishops in the Church “Christus Dominus”, 28 october 1965, n. 11: AAS 58 (1966) 677-678; Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 833.

[3] Cfr John Paul II, Apostolic Letter given Motu proprio “Ecclesia Dei”, 2 july 1988: AAS 80 (1988) 1495-1498; Benedict XVI, Apostolic Letter given Motu proprio “Summorum Pontificum”, 7 july 2007: AAS 99 (2007) 777-781; Apostolic Letter given Motu proprio “Ecclesiae unitatem”, 2 july 2009: AAS 101 (2009) 710-711.

[4] John Paul II, Apostolic Letter given Motu proprio “Ecclesia Dei”, 2 july 1988, n. 5: AAS 80 (1988) 1498.

[5] Cfr Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Costitution on the sacred liturgy “Sacrosanctum Concilium”, 4 december 1963, n. 41: AAS 56 (1964) 111; Caeremoniale Episcoporum, n. 9; Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacrament, Instruction on certain matters to be observed or to be avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist “Redemptionis Sacramentum”, 25 march 2004, nn. 19-25: AAS 96 (2004) 555-557.

[6] Cfr CIC, can. 375, § 1; can. 392.

[7] Cfr Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Decree “Quo magis” approving seven Eucharistic Prefaces for the forma extraordinaria of the Roman Rite, 22 february 2020, and Decree “Cum sanctissima” on the liturgical celebration in honour of Saints in the forma extraordinaria of the Roman Rite, 22 february 2020: L’Osservatore Romano, 26 march 2020, p. 6.

[01014-EN.01] [Original text: Italian]

Sunday, 11 July 2021

Another restricted Sunday with No Mass for Many - Worry not, it is ending this week, or is it?

The good citizens of Ontario have lined up like good comrades and have followed the diktats of Premier Ford. Cardinal Collins has convinced enough Catholics that it is "common sense" to take an experimental genetic "therapy" for a virus that the typical person has only a 4%  chance of getting and a 98% chance of not dying. Ontario is proud to have the longest and most severe lockdowns in the world. 

Since so many have had the "jab" all number or percentage restrictions will be lifted by next Sunday on church attendance. For today, it is still 25% of capacity. As with anything, the "devil is in the details." The capacity limit on a religious service is not limited by numbers but by "social distancing" of 2 metres or 6 feet. which for some churches, depending on the width of aisles and so on, it won't be much more than the 30%, maybe 40%. It certainly won't be more than that.

That, my friends, is where the future lay. Social distancing or not, I predict that is about all that will be interested in coming back.

Good luck Tom Collins with your legacy. Your successor will need to wield the parish closure axe. Just as your predecessors took taxpayer funds to do the government bidding in an effort to wipe out our native Canadian culture and language, you've done the same to fund your Chancery and pay priests' salaries. 

How much money are the faithful fronting to design his retirement home at the Newman Centre on the campus of the University of  Toronto? 

Friday, 9 July 2021

Vladimir Zelenko, M.D. - World Class Hero! "Noah was a conspiracy theorist until it rained. It's now raining!"

Knowledge is power!

Vladimir Zelenko MD

Zelenko Treatment Protocol - DR Vladimir Zelenko MD

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Toronto's University of St. Michael's College - a Basilian establisment with Cardinal Collins as Chancellor goes full Marxist!

The University of St. Michael's College was founded in Toronto by Basilians with the typical motto, "Teach me goodness, discipline and knowledge." It seems now that they teach none of that and now teach wokeism, division and Marxism.

Thomas Cardinal Collins is the Chancellor of this school. 

USMC Governance: Collegium - University of St. Michael's College (utoronto.ca)

Sunday, 4 July 2021

Naked butt porn mural aficionado Paglia demands we get the "jab" because the Church says so. I've got news - this "church" has no authority in this matter!


The Vatican Archbishop who had his naked body appear with a bunch of other sodomites in mural in his cathedral now demands that all Catholics comply with the experimental genetic manipulation because the "Church has said" so.

Good work by reporters from Epoch Times, St. Michael's Media and The Remnant for holding Pervert Paglia's feet to the fire and exposing him for the rat he is.

The Church has no authority to demand any of us get the vaccine.

I have two words for this stinking pervert.

Vatican Official Pleads with Catholic Critics of Covid Vaccines: ‘Listen to What the Church Has Already Said’| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com)

Una Voce Interntional Statement on Summorum Pontificum

 From an advertisement in La Republica, today.


Living the faith, living the future:

The Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite

Declaration of the International Federation Una Voce

The International Federation Una Voce (FIUV), founded in 1965, brings together associations of the lay faithful attached to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite (the Traditional Latin Mass). 

In 2007, the Apostolic Letter Summorum Pontificum recognised the vitality of the traditional liturgy, the freedom of priests to celebrate it, and of the faithful to request it. This has led to an ongoing increase in the number of celebrations of the ancient Latin Mass, and of its spiritual fruits. 

During 2020 the FIUV conducted a worldwide survey of the faithful on the implementation of Summorum Pontificum. From this survey, which included results from 364 dioceses in 52 countries, we found: 

    The ancient Latin Mass is deeply appreciated by groups of faithful of all ages, especially families with children, young people and converts, found in all social and cultural environments, on all continents and in an ever increasing number of countries. 

• In many areas the increased availability of this Mass has favoured the normalisation of relations between the faithful attached to it and their bishops, relations increasingly characterised by mutual understanding and respect. 

Nevertheless, we have noticed that, contrary to the previous policy of the Holy See, there are still people within the Church, including some bishops, who would like to see the Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite explicitly suppressed, or subject to further restrictions. For this reason, the FIUV, in view of the faithful who adhere to the Latin Mass, feels the duty to express its opinion, encouraged by Pope Francis' exhortations to the members of the Church to use parrhesia with the necessary humility. 

The growth of interest in the traditional liturgy is not due to nostalgia for a time we do not remember, or a desire for rigidity: it is rather a matter of opening ourselves to the value of something that for most of us is new, and inspires hope. Pope Francis has characterised the ancient liturgy in terms of a "sense of adoration" (Press conference of 28 July 2013), we can also apply his words to it: a "living history that welcomes us and pushes us forward" (Evangelii Gaudium 13). 

Today we only wish to be part of that "great orchestra" of "unity in variety" which, as Pope Francis said (General Audience of 9 October 2013), reflects the true catholicity of the Church. The Apostolic Letter Summorum Pontificum continues to transform the conflicts of the past into harmony: long may it to continue to do so. 

Felipe Alanis Suarez, President                                                                                        www.fiuv.org

Saturday, 3 July 2021

Traditional Latin Mass of the Society of St. Pius X in Toronto - Cathedral of the Transfiguration in Markham!


There is much local history about this magnificent edifice in Markham, northwest of Toronto. Its cornerstone and bell were blessed by Pope John Paul II during his cross-Canada visit. At the time, its superstructure was completed and its concrete exterior, exposed. Canadian mining magnate Stephen Roman of Denison Mines built it on his own land and with his own money for the Slovak Byzantine Eparchy. For many reasons, it is no longer the case.

Here we are in 2021 in a crazy CCP virus province where, starting tomorrow, July 4, attendance at church grows to the incredible number of 25% up from 15% in a month and 10 persons since November.

The St. Michael's Priory of the Society of St. Pius X has operated in Toronto for decades. From various locations to their home in Etobicoke, Church of the Transfiguration. It is a small church building that was purchased from a Baptist congregation and has served them well but is bursting at the seams. The new church committee was formed before the current situation but its work is even now more critical. 

Through incredible grace, the Cathedral above has been made available to the Society to supplement their Mass schedule and this is particularly helpful at this time. It allowed them to transfer the afternoon Mass to Markham in order to meet the needs of the faithful within the restricted numbers. 

If you are looking for Mass in Toronto on Sunday then may I recommend to you the booking page for the Society's church in Etobicoke and in Markham. The Read (Low) Mass is at 5:00 P.M. There are two Masses at the Etobicoke church 

Schedule of Mass and Announcements for Toronto Area - District of Canada (sspx.ca)

SSPX Toronto & Markham Mass Booking (office365.com)

For the Sacrament of Confession or Holy Communion outside of Mass:


Society of St. Pius X Ontario | SSPX Toronto New Church Campaign | Canadahelps

Friday, 2 July 2021

One, and only one of these men is the Pope.

The other is a wretched imposter and heretic.  

The fact is, they are both bad fathers. One abandoned his children, the stepfather abuses them.

"By the way, in the same year as Francis – who from 2013 onward usually only referred to himself as “Bishop of Rome” – ordered that Pachamama demon idol bowl placed on the altar of St. Peter’s Basilica, a thing hard to imagine a Vicar of Christ doing, he also dropped the title “Vicar of Christ” from his own person, relegating it to a “historical title”.  Father John Zuhlsdorf

What does this writer think?

I had never heard of Jorge Bergoglio until he came out on the loggia. I had chills, and nausea and wanted to vomit, for hours. I knew something was wrong, very wrong.

I came to a conclusion long before the munus/ministerium debate - as I am not Latinist, far from it. I can translate enough to understand what I am singing. The conclusion was conflicted and based on both interior awareness and practical logic. Benedict XVI was and remains the Vicar of Christ, Bergoglio was elected as the Bishop of Rome and thus, in practical law is the Bishop of Rome. As Father Zuhlsdorf writes, we should not be confused too much over the word, Pope, after all, Thomas Collins once reportedly said, "I am the pope in Toronto." Pope, means papa, which could be extended that even the parish priest is pope of the parish.

This is still my belief. Josef Ratzinger is Pope Benedict XVI, the "sweet Vicar of Christ on Earth," to quote St. Catherine of Sienna.

The Law says that Jorge Bergoglio is the Bishop of Rome, that he is. He has the power.

The Law says that the Bishop of Rome is the Pope.

In other words, "the law, is an ass."





From Marco Tosatti ...

The Pachamama as a Monstrance: Guadalajara, Mexico : STILUM CURIAE (marcotosatti.com)

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Dear FSSP Father - a conversation from the combox

From the combox following this post:

Today I spoke with an FSSP priest about Summorum Pontificum and referred to this post.

He said "It's not Christian to attack episcopate in such a way, it's very demonic. Jesus Christ would never do that, he even died on the cross in full submission to his enemies."

I didn't want to make an argument with him. But what would be your response?

4:57 pm, June 30, 2021

Blogger Vox Cantoris said...


I would respond in this way. Feel free to print it out and hand it to the good father along with my email address; voxcantoris@rogers.com

Father, as a priest of the Fraternity of St. Peter, you are compromised. So is your whole Fraternity. You have no bishop, in fact, as so well reported here: 
French bishop tells faithful protesting departure of FSSP from their diocese that their priests must concelebrate the Novus Ordo | News | LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) you are slaves to the same men who hate you and what you stand for. On one hand, you allegedly carry the doctrine and on the other, you admonish those faithful who suffer and are not as gentle and eloquent as you would wish them to be in the battle. In fact, I would say that you're not even in the battle. I would say that you are more enamoured with smells and bells and are all lace and no grace than engaging in battle to save souls or restore the Church. You see Father, as long as you stick to celebrating the traditional Mass and as long as it doesn't mean anything you're all good. You see, it’s not the Mass they hate, it's what it represents. That is evident in that linked article on the Dijon situation.

Father, as for calling me "demonic" you're being very judgemental and display a complete lack of charity and care for the smelly sheep who have been abused by an evil stepfather.

As for the holy episcopate which you accuse me of demonically insulting in an un-Christian manner, what did our Lord Jesus say to the episcopate of his day? "Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you are like to whited sepulchres, which outwardly appear to men beautiful, but within are full of dead men's bones, and of all filthiness." And then we have this, "You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

As for demonic, Father, shall we talk of the savage beatings and bruising by your Basilian confreres this writer as a 13-year-old boy? 

Shall we speak of the priest academic who sodomized one known to me and tried to groom him into a life of sodomy? How many millions of others were there?

What shall we say, dear Father, of the financial corruption and perverts and drug-fueled orgies in the Vatican? Do we dare speak of the cover-up by the criminals in the Church that abused so many?

Shall we speak dear Father of the Church in Canada that took government money to take children from their families against the teachings of the Church and betrayed them with abusive and perverted priests who raped many in our sad history of indigenous residential schools?

Shall we speak of our Bishops who even now, at least here in Canada, take abused taxpayer's money from the Government of Canada in exchange for shutting down our churches and sacraments?

Dear Father, I could go on and on to even now how these dear holy episcopal leaders cannot even let the children have the crumbs of tradition from the Master's Table.

So Father, why did you become a priest and when did you lose your cojones? When did you become brainwashed in a corrupt ultramontane view of the papacy, the priest as all-holy, untouchable and elevated on a pedestal along with a maniacal obedience to evil? 

You covered it up Father, You still cover it up. You knew. You all knew. You did nothing! Worse? YOU STILL DO NOTHING!

You see Father, all of the above is because of priests such as you as articulated in the previous sentence

One more thing, Father FSSP, you are "But a hireling, he who is not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them. The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep." 


A warning to Bergoglio, Parolin, Ouellette, Roche and the rest of these effetes, hirelings and Christ-hating demonic episcopal scum. If you want war, you will get war. 

This is not 1969. This is not even 1965. We are not our parents.

Forewarned is forearmed!

There is no going back.

Paix Liturgique France

Our 805 letter published on June 28, 2021 


"You are going to have a new Motu proprio in the coming days or weeks," Bishop Minnerath, Archbishop of Dijon, told the faithful of the traditional Mass who came to demonstrate their displeasure in front of the bishopric on June 26. But even before the publication of this text, if it is well published, the testimonies on the intentions of the enemies of the previous motu proprio, that of Benedict XVI multiply: 

Thus, Cardinal Parolin, Secretary of State, said before a group of cardinals: "We must put an end to this Mass forever!" Bishop Roche, the new Prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship, explained with a laugh to seminary officials in Rome and members of the Curia, all English-speaking: "Summorum Pontificum is practically dead! We will give power back to the bishops on this point, but especially not to the conservative bishops." 

It should also be noted that Bishop Minnerath, who opened hostilities against the traditional community of Dijon, is a member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and therefore finds himself every month in Rome, immersed in the circles of the Curia that prepared the offensive against Summorum Pontificum. 

Benedict XVI's motu proprio Summorum Pontificum of 2007 was a compromise that ingeniously established a coexistence between the Mass of Paul VI and the Tridentine Mass, in other words, it is true, between water and fire. The fact remains that the peace achieved has been widely acclaimed by the Christian people, whether or not they attend the old Mass, as all our surveys have shown. 

It is known, since the Pope spoke about it at the Conference of Bishops of Italy on Pentecost Monday, that the new text will reduce the possibility of diocesan priests to celebrate traditional Mass. In addition, measures should be taken to lead the priests of the Ecclesia Dei institutes to also celebrate the new Mass and to bring both this new Mass and the conciliar magisterium into the training given in the seminaries of these communities. 

Proponents of liturgical reform have become aware of the importance of the traditional world 

The exasperation, which animates the supporters of liturgical reform in the face of the opposition they have met from the beginning, has been revived with the arrival of Pope Francis. It continues to grow as time passes and the pontificate logically moves towards its completion: we must put an end as soon as possible to this opposition to the Council to which Pope Benedict XVI had given a space of liturgical freedom. 

The offensive was led by a pressure group in the Curia and among the Italian bishops who worked to make roman decision-makers understand that the two masses in attendance, the traditional mass and the new mass, represented two incompatible doctrinal states: that of Vatican II and that of before Vatican II. The great idea of Andrea Grillo, professor of liturgy at the Roman University of St. Anselm, is that Summorum Pontificum has introduced an aberrant state of "liturgical exception", which puts the traditional liturgy and the new liturgy on an equal footing, which is monstrous and unbearable*. 

In addition, these hardline conciliars have come to understand that the traditional world, with its priests, its faithful, its works, its schools, which they affected to consider as marginal and despicable, represents in reality a significant weight, especially as the conciliar world for its part is becoming exhausted and is increasingly fading. 

Hence this desire to bring the Summorum Pontificum galaxy into the common law. Undoubtedly what concerns the traditional liturgy and its specialized actors, the priests of the Ecclesia Dei communities, will now be the domain of competence of the Congregation for Divine Worship, which is by its function in charge of the new liturgy. The extraordinary form will therefore be subordinate to the ordinary law of the ordinary form. This could be very expensive, for example, if the authorization to celebrate in extraordinary form were conditional on participation at regular intervals in the new liturgy, or on the use of the calendar of the ordinary form, or the new lectionary. All at the discretion of the diocesan bishops, to whom the management of this "tolerance" would be entrusted, the Congregation for Divine Worship always giving them reason against the priests, the faithful and the Ecclesia Dei communities. The conservative bishops, as Bishop Roche implies, were under surveillance. 

Doves and falcons 

However, the present pontificate, that of a pope who is already 84 years old, seems to be entering a difficult phase. Opposition to his liberal line has always been very strong among conservatives and traditionalists. But in addition, he is now meeting with discontent from a number of those who have supported him until now. 

More than a grumbling, a declared hostility. The historian Alberto Melloni, director of the John XXIII Foundation, also known as the Bologna School, is a major intellectual in progressive Italian Catholicism. On June 14, in the largest left-wing daily, La Repubblica, to which he regularly gives articles, he published a solemn warning to the Pope entitled "Il giugno neo della Chiesa", The Black June of the Church (an allusion to what left-wing historians call "The Black Week of the Council", this week when the most serious crisis took place in the course of Vatican II). Melloni lists Francis' bad practices against figures who were nevertheless close to him, of whom he made enemies: the way in which he refused by a letter made public the resignation of German Cardinal Marx; the confirmation of the dismissal of Enzo Bianchi, Melloni's great friend, because of "serious problems in the exercise of authority" from the ultra-ecumenical monastery of Bose; the visit of a commissioner, ordered against the Congregation for the Clergy after the resignation of Cardinal Stella, 80, one of the pillars of the Bergoglian pontificate; the economic control launched against the services of the Vicariate of Rome of Cardinal De Donatis; the search launched to feed the charges deemed too weak against Cardinal Becciu, accused of economic embezzlement in London when he was Deputy of the Secretary of State. Melloni concludes: either Francis is surrounded by advisers who are bullies, or he has remained the authoritarianist he was when he led the Society of Jesus in Argentina. Let the Pope beware: "He is preparing for a storm!" 

Part of the "left" is therefore seeking to free itself from a chaotic mode of government. It is not surprising, therefore, that some prelates, who are not very friendly to the ancient liturgy, give Francis advice of caution: this is really not the time to open a new liturgical war today. They join Cardinal Ladaria, "on the right", who has put the brakes on this issue. 

In doing so, these doves stand out from the hawks of the Secretary of State and the Congregation of Divine Worship. The hawks seem to prevail: "We must end this Mass forever!" (Cardinal Parolin); "Summorum Pontificum is practically dead!" (Bishop Roche). 

The front of refusal is preparing 

A front of refusal is being prepared, as predicted by the noise raised by the revelation of the fiddling of Summorum Pontificum,and relayed by the great Italian press. Are we heading towards a return to the situation of the 70s, when the new missal of Paul VI was promulgated? With this difference that the Roman institution and the national episcopate are today infinitely weaker. 

In Dijon the priests of the diocese and the faithful who still attend the churches do not understand the policy of the archbishop, illegible for them. This is obviously what the reaction of the entire Christian people will be, with the exception of the most progressive areas: misunderstanding. Why reopen old wounds? Why advocate ecumenism ad extra,but refuse it ad intra? Why show so little mercy? 

And this in a context of dramatic reduction of Catholicism. Andrea Riccardi, main character of the Community of Sant'Egidio, who is the complete opposite of a conservative, in a recent book, where he considers the fire of Notre-Dame de Paris as a parable, deals with the announced social disappearance of the Church: La Chiesa brucia. Crise e futuro del cristianesimo (Tempi nuovi, 2021), The Church burns. Crisis and future of Christianity. He analyses country by country, in Europe, the collapse of Catholicism. In the conclusion, he of course shows an obligatory hope on the theme "the crisis is not decline", but he has previously launched, he too, launched a number of small murderous sentences: "many Catholics have gone from enthusiasm for Bergoglio to disillusionment", "the solution will not come from a reform". And then also this observation: "Traditionalism is a reality of some importance in the Church, both in the organization and in the means". 

Catholics attached to the traditional Mass are promised extermination: "We must put an end to this Mass forever!" (Cardinal Parolin); "Summorum Pontificum is practically dead!" (Bishop Roche). Traditional Catholics will experience difficult times if Roman benevolence, more or less followed by episcopal benevolence, is torn apart. But do we believe that they will let themselves be done? It may well be that, in the trial of strength that is being prepared, it is the guardians of the liturgy of the Council who have the most to lose. 


 * For example, Andrea Grillo: "Il peccato dell'Ecclesia Dei si chiama Summorum Pontificum", The sin of Ecclesia Dei is called Summorum Pontificum, on the Munerawebsite, http://www.cittadellaeditrice.com/munera/il-peccato-dellecclesia-dei-si-chiama-summorum-pontificum/

Paix Liturgique France

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Bergoglio condemns St. Paul

Watch out for that sword George. It’s not being swung by Damocles!