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Tuesday 29 June 2021

Bergoglio condemns St. Paul

Watch out for that sword George. It’s not being swung by Damocles!


susan said...

Gee...that pesky 2Thes 2:15 sure is a fly in his god-of-surprises ointment, eh?

Gosh, come to think of it, so is 2Tim 4:7, and, well shoot, pretty much all of Galatians....and then there's both Timothys, and.....gosh, maybe he'll just strike St. Paul out of his new edition bible. He can sell it in a double pack with his new CCC...12.98 at amazon...free pair of slave-made Nikes with every purchase.

Evangeline said...

A man who feels free to change the words of the Lord's Prayer can certainly stand in criticism of St. Paul.

Aqua said...

The difference between St. Paul and Jorgé Bergóglio is that Revelation was through the Apostles and ended with the death of the last Apostle, St. John on Patmos. St. Paul was given revelation, in his moment of conversion when he was transported to heaven in the presence of Jesus in his vision on the road to Damascus.

The Apostles were those who were directly instructed by Jesus Christ, in person. The Church was born and formed by Jesus Christ and through the Apostles. Then the book of revelation closed.

We make complete what has already been delivered, which is already perfect. It is impossible to improve perfect. Now we grow, and develop within that perfection. Change, surprises and innovations, never.