A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Wednesday 30 June 2021


A warning to Bergoglio, Parolin, Ouellette, Roche and the rest of these effetes, hirelings and Christ-hating demonic episcopal scum. If you want war, you will get war. 

This is not 1969. This is not even 1965. We are not our parents.

Forewarned is forearmed!

There is no going back.

Paix Liturgique France

Our 805 letter published on June 28, 2021 


"You are going to have a new Motu proprio in the coming days or weeks," Bishop Minnerath, Archbishop of Dijon, told the faithful of the traditional Mass who came to demonstrate their displeasure in front of the bishopric on June 26. But even before the publication of this text, if it is well published, the testimonies on the intentions of the enemies of the previous motu proprio, that of Benedict XVI multiply: 

Thus, Cardinal Parolin, Secretary of State, said before a group of cardinals: "We must put an end to this Mass forever!" Bishop Roche, the new Prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship, explained with a laugh to seminary officials in Rome and members of the Curia, all English-speaking: "Summorum Pontificum is practically dead! We will give power back to the bishops on this point, but especially not to the conservative bishops." 

It should also be noted that Bishop Minnerath, who opened hostilities against the traditional community of Dijon, is a member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and therefore finds himself every month in Rome, immersed in the circles of the Curia that prepared the offensive against Summorum Pontificum. 

Benedict XVI's motu proprio Summorum Pontificum of 2007 was a compromise that ingeniously established a coexistence between the Mass of Paul VI and the Tridentine Mass, in other words, it is true, between water and fire. The fact remains that the peace achieved has been widely acclaimed by the Christian people, whether or not they attend the old Mass, as all our surveys have shown. 

It is known, since the Pope spoke about it at the Conference of Bishops of Italy on Pentecost Monday, that the new text will reduce the possibility of diocesan priests to celebrate traditional Mass. In addition, measures should be taken to lead the priests of the Ecclesia Dei institutes to also celebrate the new Mass and to bring both this new Mass and the conciliar magisterium into the training given in the seminaries of these communities. 

Proponents of liturgical reform have become aware of the importance of the traditional world 

The exasperation, which animates the supporters of liturgical reform in the face of the opposition they have met from the beginning, has been revived with the arrival of Pope Francis. It continues to grow as time passes and the pontificate logically moves towards its completion: we must put an end as soon as possible to this opposition to the Council to which Pope Benedict XVI had given a space of liturgical freedom. 

The offensive was led by a pressure group in the Curia and among the Italian bishops who worked to make roman decision-makers understand that the two masses in attendance, the traditional mass and the new mass, represented two incompatible doctrinal states: that of Vatican II and that of before Vatican II. The great idea of Andrea Grillo, professor of liturgy at the Roman University of St. Anselm, is that Summorum Pontificum has introduced an aberrant state of "liturgical exception", which puts the traditional liturgy and the new liturgy on an equal footing, which is monstrous and unbearable*. 

In addition, these hardline conciliars have come to understand that the traditional world, with its priests, its faithful, its works, its schools, which they affected to consider as marginal and despicable, represents in reality a significant weight, especially as the conciliar world for its part is becoming exhausted and is increasingly fading. 

Hence this desire to bring the Summorum Pontificum galaxy into the common law. Undoubtedly what concerns the traditional liturgy and its specialized actors, the priests of the Ecclesia Dei communities, will now be the domain of competence of the Congregation for Divine Worship, which is by its function in charge of the new liturgy. The extraordinary form will therefore be subordinate to the ordinary law of the ordinary form. This could be very expensive, for example, if the authorization to celebrate in extraordinary form were conditional on participation at regular intervals in the new liturgy, or on the use of the calendar of the ordinary form, or the new lectionary. All at the discretion of the diocesan bishops, to whom the management of this "tolerance" would be entrusted, the Congregation for Divine Worship always giving them reason against the priests, the faithful and the Ecclesia Dei communities. The conservative bishops, as Bishop Roche implies, were under surveillance. 

Doves and falcons 

However, the present pontificate, that of a pope who is already 84 years old, seems to be entering a difficult phase. Opposition to his liberal line has always been very strong among conservatives and traditionalists. But in addition, he is now meeting with discontent from a number of those who have supported him until now. 

More than a grumbling, a declared hostility. The historian Alberto Melloni, director of the John XXIII Foundation, also known as the Bologna School, is a major intellectual in progressive Italian Catholicism. On June 14, in the largest left-wing daily, La Repubblica, to which he regularly gives articles, he published a solemn warning to the Pope entitled "Il giugno neo della Chiesa", The Black June of the Church (an allusion to what left-wing historians call "The Black Week of the Council", this week when the most serious crisis took place in the course of Vatican II). Melloni lists Francis' bad practices against figures who were nevertheless close to him, of whom he made enemies: the way in which he refused by a letter made public the resignation of German Cardinal Marx; the confirmation of the dismissal of Enzo Bianchi, Melloni's great friend, because of "serious problems in the exercise of authority" from the ultra-ecumenical monastery of Bose; the visit of a commissioner, ordered against the Congregation for the Clergy after the resignation of Cardinal Stella, 80, one of the pillars of the Bergoglian pontificate; the economic control launched against the services of the Vicariate of Rome of Cardinal De Donatis; the search launched to feed the charges deemed too weak against Cardinal Becciu, accused of economic embezzlement in London when he was Deputy of the Secretary of State. Melloni concludes: either Francis is surrounded by advisers who are bullies, or he has remained the authoritarianist he was when he led the Society of Jesus in Argentina. Let the Pope beware: "He is preparing for a storm!" 

Part of the "left" is therefore seeking to free itself from a chaotic mode of government. It is not surprising, therefore, that some prelates, who are not very friendly to the ancient liturgy, give Francis advice of caution: this is really not the time to open a new liturgical war today. They join Cardinal Ladaria, "on the right", who has put the brakes on this issue. 

In doing so, these doves stand out from the hawks of the Secretary of State and the Congregation of Divine Worship. The hawks seem to prevail: "We must end this Mass forever!" (Cardinal Parolin); "Summorum Pontificum is practically dead!" (Bishop Roche). 

The front of refusal is preparing 

A front of refusal is being prepared, as predicted by the noise raised by the revelation of the fiddling of Summorum Pontificum,and relayed by the great Italian press. Are we heading towards a return to the situation of the 70s, when the new missal of Paul VI was promulgated? With this difference that the Roman institution and the national episcopate are today infinitely weaker. 

In Dijon the priests of the diocese and the faithful who still attend the churches do not understand the policy of the archbishop, illegible for them. This is obviously what the reaction of the entire Christian people will be, with the exception of the most progressive areas: misunderstanding. Why reopen old wounds? Why advocate ecumenism ad extra,but refuse it ad intra? Why show so little mercy? 

And this in a context of dramatic reduction of Catholicism. Andrea Riccardi, main character of the Community of Sant'Egidio, who is the complete opposite of a conservative, in a recent book, where he considers the fire of Notre-Dame de Paris as a parable, deals with the announced social disappearance of the Church: La Chiesa brucia. Crise e futuro del cristianesimo (Tempi nuovi, 2021), The Church burns. Crisis and future of Christianity. He analyses country by country, in Europe, the collapse of Catholicism. In the conclusion, he of course shows an obligatory hope on the theme "the crisis is not decline", but he has previously launched, he too, launched a number of small murderous sentences: "many Catholics have gone from enthusiasm for Bergoglio to disillusionment", "the solution will not come from a reform". And then also this observation: "Traditionalism is a reality of some importance in the Church, both in the organization and in the means". 

Catholics attached to the traditional Mass are promised extermination: "We must put an end to this Mass forever!" (Cardinal Parolin); "Summorum Pontificum is practically dead!" (Bishop Roche). Traditional Catholics will experience difficult times if Roman benevolence, more or less followed by episcopal benevolence, is torn apart. But do we believe that they will let themselves be done? It may well be that, in the trial of strength that is being prepared, it is the guardians of the liturgy of the Council who have the most to lose. 


 * For example, Andrea Grillo: "Il peccato dell'Ecclesia Dei si chiama Summorum Pontificum", The sin of Ecclesia Dei is called Summorum Pontificum, on the Munerawebsite, http://www.cittadellaeditrice.com/munera/il-peccato-dellecclesia-dei-si-chiama-summorum-pontificum/

Paix Liturgique France


Everyday For Life Canada said...

Why happened to dialogue, the smell of the sheep and pastoral accompaniment? This pontificate has shown that the question must to be answered in one direction only: a progressive Church in the image of Bergoglio. Chinese Catholics abandoned to the direction of the CCP, sadly, know the meaning of that “shepherding” all too well.

Brian said...

"....The offensive was led by a pressure group in the Curia and among the Italian bishops who worked to make roman decision-makers understand that the two masses in attendance, the traditional mass and the new mass, represented two incompatible doctrinal states:..."

"TWO INCOMPATIBLE DOCTRINAL STATES" This statement is correct. Think about this for a minute. How can two incompatible doctrinal states possible be from the same church? These two Churches (pre Vatican II/post Vatican II) are incompatible. One is Catholic, the other is not. The Modernist Lex Orandi of the conciliar church MUST accompany a Modernist Lex Credendi. Both, of course, give us a Modernist Lex Vivendi.

Is Summorum Pontificum practically dead? If that is so then what of the conciliar Church? Is there even a pulse?

Alexis Bugnolo said...

Anyone read to look at the evidence that Benedict XVI is still the pope, and his abdication fake news?

Denys Carthusian said...

The Novus Ordo regime must obliterate the Mass of Trent just as the mask must submit the maskless. The existence of the traditional Roman Rite is a rebuke to the Bugnini Linguini (throw the liturgy against the wall and see what sticks) and the maskless are a rebuke to the maskless.

Rinse, lather, repeat.

Evangeline said...

This is likely to be the line that will not be crossed. The Latin Rite (the TLM) is the only part of the church that has any life, we know it, they know it. After trying to insult Catholics back into the "fold" of the Novus Ordo, they believe they are going to remove the TLM and out of sheer desperation, the faithful Catholics will come back? "We're going to punish you until you love us!". These men are sadists or out of their minds. It is not the Catholics they seek, but good PR and perhaps, money, although China and the federal government give them plenty. We have attended the TLM for about seven years. We are never going back to the Novus Ordo, not if there were not another TLM offered. We are done with them all. So bring it, Rome, it looks like you will have quite a fight on your hands. "Smell of the sheep". What ugly hypocrisy. A hypocrisy the Chinese Catholics know all too well.

Anonymous said...

Today I spoke with an FSSP priest about Summorum Pontificum, and made a reference to this post.

He said "It's not Christian to attack episcopate in such a way, it's very demonic. Jesus Christ would never do that, he even died on the cross in full submission to his enemies."

I didn't want to make an argument with him. But how would you response?

Vox Cantoris said...


I would respond in this way.

Father, as a priest of the Fraternity of St. Peter, you are compromised. So is your whole Fraternity. You have no bishop, you are slaves to the same men who hate you and what you stand for. On one hand, you allegedly carry the doctrine and on the other, you admonish those faithful who suffer and are not as gentle and eloquent as you would wish them to be in the battle. In fact, Father, I would say that you are more enamoured with smells and bells and are all lace and no grace than engaging in battle to save souls or restore the Church. You see Father, as long as you stick to celebrating the traditional Mass and as long as it doesn't mean anything you're all good. You see, its not the Mass they hate, it's what it represents.

Father, as for calling me "demonic" you're being very judgemental.

As for the holy episcopate which you accuse me of demonically insulting in an un-Christian manner, what did our Lord Jesus say to the episcopate of his day? "Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you are like to whited sepulchres, which outwardly appear to men beautiful, but within are full of dead men's bones, and of all filthiness." And then we have this, "You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of."

As for demonic, Father, shall we talk of the savage beatings and bruisings of your Basilian confreres upon my as a 13-year-old boy?

Shall we speak of the priest academic who sodomised one known to me and tried to groom him into a life of sodomy?

What shall we say, dear Father, of the financial corruption and perverts and drug-fueled orgies in the Vatican? Do we dare speak of the coverup by the criminals in the Church that abused so many?

Shall we speak dear Father of the Church in Canada that took government money to take children from their families against the teachings of the Church and betrayed them with abusive and perverted priests who raped many in our sad history of indigenous residential schools?

Dear Father, I could go on and on to even now how these dear holy episcopal leaders can not even let the children have the crumbs of tradition from the Master's Table.

So Father, why did you become a priest and when did you lose your cojones in a corrup ultramontane view of the papacy the priest and obedience to evil?

Vox Cantoris said...

Please feel free to print it out and hand it to him with my email address.


Denys Carthusian said...

Amen Vox.

Anonymous said...

Vox, thank you. Very powerful. Sure I will let him know.

Brian said...

Remember the assessment, (circa 1969/70), of the Novus Ordo service made by Cardinal Heenan of Westminster, right to Pope Paul's face. "You expect me to give to English Catholics a Mass that is worst than Cranmer's". That was not an exaggeration. We will see what these Ecclesia Dei communities and some tradition leaning Diocesan clergy are really made of.

Archbishop Lefevbre pray for them.