A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Look what Bergoglio's Pontifical Council has in store for the yutes in Poland and beyond

Who will call out this malefactor in white? 

Anyone other than a few bloggers?

How does a Pope preside over the corruption of our yutes?

Maybe someone is trying to get your attention!



At World Youth Day, Vatican releases teen sex-ed program that leaves out parents and mortal sin

Update: The Vatican's full program has been published at the website run by the Pontifical Council for the Family here, however some have been experiencing difficulties accessing the site.
Editor’s Note: A slide show of problematic content in the Vatican sex ed program is available here. (Caution: Sexually explicit images.)

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

According to Vatican Communications Office Spokesman, Thomas J. Rosica, CSB; "Allahu akbar" was never a call to violence and destruction"

I think we might find a few people who might disagree with our Basilian friend.

Bergoglio says that "all religions want peace"


"Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the greatest threat to the Catholic Church of any man alive. If I (or anyone else) cannot speak out on that, Catholicism is not much more than a Dear Leader cult. Obviously, I do not agree that it is." Oakes Spalding

With the decapitated body of Father Jacques Hamel barely cold; with no funeral rites yet taken, Francis, Bishop of Rome, has told journalists on the aeroplane to Poland that, "every religion wants peace."

This Pope is either deluded or imbued with syncretistic modernism. If one believes that Islam is a true religion and that Mohammed was a true prophet then one must be an Arian, the very roots of this cult. It is to deny Jesus Christ and Him crucified and resurrected.

He might wish to study some of the record.

Islam has never wanted peace. Perhaps some of the 1.6 billion Mohammedans do, but not the political ideology that is Islam. There are good Muslims, yes. But it is in spite of Islam not because of it. It is a belief system devoid of grace and truth.

Here is just what has happened in this Religion of Peace, over the last 30 days.

Saying that the world is at, "a real war, not a religious war," the Bishop of Rome blamed the current war as being one of "interests, a war for money, a war for natural resources and the dominion of peoples."

The fundamental premise of the Mohammedan death cult known as Islam is world dominion and subjugation of all peoples to this religion of an antichrist. 

Perhaps this, is the "dominion" that Francis is talking about?

He continued in his erudite rambling to add, that the "world is at war, because it's lost its peace." That is like saying, "I have no money because I've lost my wallet!"

His ignorance of the historicity of hatred of Christ and Christians from Islam is profound and dangerous. His ignorance of that written about Islam by the Saints is beyond belief.

How many must die in slaughter for Jorge Bergoglio, and the rest of our effeminate leaders, to call out this monstrous death-cult? Paris was not enough. Brussels wasn't. Not Nice, either. Not Orlando. Not New York on 9-11. Not the tens of thousands of Christian and innocent Muslims in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan (by the way, how is Asia Bibi?). Not the Africans, there is no care for the slaughter there.

Nowhere does he say what must be said.

Nowhere does he call Europe back to its Catholic faith, the only way she will be saved in this world and the next.

Nowhere does he call on these radical Mohammedans to come to Our Lord Jesus Christ and be saved rather than die and spend eternity in Hell. Nowhere does he call sincere and gently Muslim people to come to He whom alone can save them.

If this is Christ's Vicar, I shudder to imagine the False Prophet!

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

The Popes have been wrong and so was the Council

Originally published on February 15, 2015

Has the Church's pastoral advice since Vatican II been wrong on Islam? That is a provocative question for a faithful Catholic to ask.  

All revelation ended with the death of the last apostle, Saint John the Evangelist. To say otherwise is heresy. Muslims believe the Gospels were corrupted and that Jesus was a Muslim, himself.

We can't both be right. 

There is no convergence, there is certainly no "Chrislam," as some deceived "Christians" and one-world religion globalists would like to see. This is not only heresy, but real and true blasphemy.

The Second Vatican Council and the Popes since, have confused the faithful in the message that they have sent in the desire for what is dialogue and a false oecumenism. They have allowed millions of souls to perish into Hell -- souls of our Muslim brothers and sisters lost forever to the father of lies who spawned their founder. He was no prophet but a scheming, lecherous, murderous, thief, rapist and child-molester. 

Our last three popes have prayed in a mosque or invited prayer with their religious leaders. The current Bishop of Rome even invited an Imam to pray in the Vatican. It is a blasphemy and a sin against the First Commandment.   

According to current Church thinking, Muslims "profess" the God of Abraham. They have at best a warped and severely distorted view of God. They deny the Blessed Trinity and vehemently so, it is one of the fundamental issues between us and they are explicit about this. They deny the divinity of Christ and His Sonship. They deny his crucifixion and his resurrection and the apostles and their followers were all liars. It has its roots in Arianism.

Yet at the same time, they believe that Jesus is the Messiah who will come again, not to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords but to usher in the "Mahdi" and then be subservient to him, destroy crosses (churches), wipe-out swine, end the jizya (murder Christians) and tell all Christians that he himself, Jesus, is a Muslim and then command us to follow the Mahdi and those that refuse to submit (which is what Islam means) will be killed. This is Islamic eschatology friends. 

Does this not sound like the Antichrist himself spoken of in the Apocalypse of St. John with worship directed to him by another? Does he not come on the scene amidst strife and unify to rule over the whole earth? Is worship of him not directed by another? Islam is from Hell friends, notwithstanding Vatican II and the non-doctrinal, non-dogmatic and non-magisterial actions of our recent popes.  This is the religion of Islam that the Catholic Church's popes pray with and dialogue with. Am I crazy to think this or are they for doing what they do?

Have you wondered about the coming together of the radical left, Islamo-fascist and lately? 

Even though they hate each other, they hate the Church more and they think that after they wipe out the Church and the Jews, then one will prevail and wipe the other out.

The world is burning with rage and it is going to get worse. The Catholic Church, the creation of Our Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of the world has lost its way. Until we return to "preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified" no matter what the price, the world will not find its way and people will die and souls will be lost. 

All Muslim need to come to Jesus and His Church.

Are all Muslims evil or terrorists? Of course not; but they are deceived. There are 1.5 billion in the world, about the same number as Catholics. How many need to believe in violence and murder and jihad and the Mahdi to cause mayhem? Give me a percentage? Ten, twenty, fifty per-cent? How many are "moderate" whatever that means. Look, if 1% of Muslims are radical and believe in sharia and jihad that is 15,000,000 people. One per cent!

Think about that number for a second.

Let us bombard the Most Blessed Trinity to grant us Our Blessed Mother's protection and the Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. The errors of Russia have spread to the Church and the West, they have infiltrated the highest offices in both, the smoke is thick with sulphur and the prowling is underway. We cannot evangelise our lost brothers and sister in Islam because we have been weakened by heresy and apostasy. Only by heavenly grace poured out on a united Christianity renewed and reborn in both East and West can we shine the Light of Christ upon them.

Can Our Blessed Mother who appeared at Fatima (a name loved by our Muslim brethren) who love her own name of Maryam spoken of eloquently in their book, the Koran, want them lost forever? She has appeared not only at Fatima but in Zeitoun n Egypt approved by the Church there; and some think she is now appearing in Mosul. Make no mistake, all of these things are intricately connected. Fatima and Russia, Russia and Islam, Putin and Ukraine and these butchers in black. It is all connected and there is only one answer and the answer is Jesus Christ. 

The Consecration of Russia has not happened. The action of it by the Pope in unity with all the bishops of the world will bring forth from heaven grace and power unseen in all history and there will be peace and a renewed Church. Remember, Our Lady said it will be done, but unlike the failure to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, it will not be "too late" but only "late." When it happens, the Church will mourn for what it did not do. For the millions of lives lost on earth and souls lost to heaven. It will do penance for it and we will look back and see what could have been prevented.

It is time for the bishops and cardinals and the pope himself to wake up from this error which has been spread through the Bride of Christ.

The time is short.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.


* * * 

William Kilpatrick taught for many years at Boston College. He is the author of several books about cultural and religious issues, including Psychological Seduction; Why Johnny Can’t Tell Right From Wrong; and Christianity, Islam and Atheism: The Struggle for the Soul of the West. He is also the author of a new book entitled Insecurity. His articles have appeared in numerous publications, including Catholic World Report, National Catholic Register, Aleteia, Saint Austin Review, Investor’s Business Daily, and FrontPage Magazine. His work is supported in part by the Shillman Foundation.

He has written three essay for Crisis Magazine and they deserve to be read, absorbed and distributed widely.



Another article to read and writer to follow is Raymond Ibrahim. Here I recommend, The True History of Christianity and Islam.

Raymond Ibrahim is a Middle East and Islam specialist and author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians (2013) and The Al Qaeda Reader (2007). His writings have appeared in a variety of media, including the Los Angeles Times, Washington Times, Jane’s Islamic Affairs Analyst, Middle East Quarterly, World Almanac of Islamism, and Chronicle of Higher Education; he has appeared on MSNBC, Fox News, C-SPAN, PBS, Reuters, Al-Jazeera, NPR, Blaze TV, and CBN. Ibrahim regularly speaks publicly, briefs governmental agencies, provides expert testimony for Islam-related lawsuits, and testifies before Congress. He is a Shillman Fellow, David Horowitz Freedom Center; a CBN News contributor; a Media Fellow, Hoover Institution (2013); and a Judith Friedman Rosen Writing Fellow, Middle East Forum . Ibrahim’s dual-background -- born and raised in the U.S. by Coptic Egyptian parents born and raised in the Middle East -- has provided him with unique advantages, from equal fluency in English and Arabic, to an equal understanding of the Western and Middle Eastern mindsets, positioning him to explain the latter to the former.

Priest murdered during Mass, throat slit by followers of the evil Mohammed and his bastard god

Islam is from Hell.

Mohammed was an Antichrist.

Notwithstanding what Francis, or other Popes such as Benedict or John Paul II or Paul VI say or Vatican II tries to paint it. 

Anti-terrorist police shot two knifemen dead today after they murdered a priest by cutting his throat during a siege inside a church in northern France.
Today’s bloodbath unfolded in the town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray, close to the Normandy city of Rouen.
The clergyman, named as Jacques Hamel, 84, had his throat cut, said a spokesman for the Interior Ministry in Paris. 
Two men rushed into the church via a back entrance during a morning service, soon after 9am. 
French President François Hollande travelled to the scene of the slaughter and said the attackers were "two terrorists who claimed to be from Isis".

France, Germany, Europe in general and we in North America. Return to your faith. Return to Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Social Kingship. There is no victory over this Antichrist, named Islam, without Him.

Catholics and non-Catholic Christians of the world. Wake-up! 

The evil manifested in the world today shows Islam's true colours. It is how it was founded, by the sword, by blood sacrifice of humanity to its false god; - a complete and utter dichotomy of the true sacrifice of God for humanity. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, which these Mohammedans deny, came to Earth as a baby and grew to holy manhood. The God-man submitted to take upon himself the sins of the world from all time and for all time. He became sin. He submitted Himself to blood sacrifice as the one and only pure atonement. This priest, Jacques Hamel, may he rest in peace, knew that. It was at this re-presentation of that all-redeeming sacrifice that these Mohammedans took his blood in their lust for death and false sacrifice to a false god, the devil, Satan. May his blood be united with the most Holy Blood of the Lord whom he served and His people.

France has a new priest-martyr.

May he, even now, be enjoying the Beatific Vision and interceding for France, and us all.


Deus, qui inter apostólicos Sacerdótes fámulum tuum
Jacobus sacerdotáli fecísti dignitáte vigére: præsta, quaésumus; 
ut eórum quoque perpétuo aggregétur consórtio. 
Per Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium tuum: 
qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus, 
per ómni-a saécula sæculórum. 

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Jesuit James Martin congratulates Party of Death Nominee, Jesuit-educated Tim Kaine

We knew this was going to happen.

One day, this man is going to go before God, if he even really believes in the Particular Judgement. He will be held accountable for his actions, not the least of which was to praise a man who has sold his Catholic soul for less than Wales!

This, is the good little Jesuit student, that James Martin,S.J., congratulates.

"I have a traditional Catholic personal position, but I am very strongly supportive that women should make these decisions and government shouldn't intrude. I'm a strong supporter of Roe v. Wade and women being able to make these decisions. In government, we have enough things to worry about. We don't need to make people's reproductive decisions for them."

At least Mike Pence doesn't pretend to be a Catholic, anymore.

Now, how about this?

Any bets on how long it will take for a chance meeting with a certain Jorge Bergoglio, S.J. for the photo-op to secure the apostate-Catholic vote?

Idiot Bishops - learn your Latin!

Fathers Hunwicke and Zuhlsdorf have written frequently these last two weeks on the mis-translation that bishops are using to smack down the "ad orientem" issue in their dioceses. Father Z covers it again.

If it were not permitted, why is Pope Francis it so?

Just one more reason why the Novus Ordo is a dead letter. It is irreformable. There is no reform of the reform. It is a lost cause. The Novus Ordo Missae, whilst valid, is a deficient liturgy even when celebrated in Latin, ad orientem, with chant as is proper to it, incense, the Confiteor and Roman Canon, and so on. It is deficient because of the Offertory and the changing of ancient Propers and elimination of the historical, 1500 year old Lectionary! It is a bastard rite because of its Offertory and multiplicity of Eucharistic Prayers, none of this authorised or asked for by the glorious Council! 

None of it!

When one takes these deficiencies,combined with priests and bishops who enforce an outdated and incorrect liturgical theology, how can one believe that there is any possibility of reform?

The treatment of Cardinal Sarah was the final straw for me, It happened to coincide with the badly-behaving Catholics at the parish I served at for eight years. Enough! 

No more work in the nervous disorder. Traditional Mass is it.

This is my third Saturday off. Fox and I will enjoy it immensely.


GIRM WARS: Another front opens in Iowa

When the 2000 GIRM was issued (now usually cited as 2002 GIRM because it is in the 2002 Missale Romanum), a question was put to the Congregation for Divine Worship: Can a bishop, in his role as moderator of the Sacred Liturgy in the diocese, forbid ad orientemworship?
On 10 April 2000, the Congregation for Divine Worship issued an official response (Protocol No. 564/00/L) about GIRM 299 (my emphases):

Friday, 22 July 2016

Senator Tim Kaine - an apostate Catholic as Clinton's Vice-President pick

U.S. Senator Tim Kaine has been selected by the malefactor, Hilary Clinton, as the Vice-Presidential running mate.

Kaine is a Jesuit-educated Catholic.

He spins the yarn about being a "traditional Catholic," and adopts the Kennedy position.

Tim Kaine is a malefactor. An apostate Catholic. 

Mike Pence, the Veep selection by Donald J. Trump is also an "apostate Catholic" as he left the Church for evangelical protestantism. I recall reading that the former Catholics are the largest "denomination," in the United States.

What is the difference? 

Pence does not pretend to be a Catholic. This Kaine character does and calls himself "devout" and "traditional." That is hypocrisy.

Frankly, Mike Pence is a descent man. A truly, devout Christian. He is pro-life on record and in action. Of the four of them, he is the best of them. 

May the LORD lead Mike Pence back home and convert Tim Kaine.

God help America.

John Corapi said it best. 

"It is not morally possible for any Catholic to support abortion, euthanasia, fetal stem cell research, human cloning, or same-sex marriage. There are no ways around this, no justifications whatever. Why? For the simple reason that the Church holds these things to be intrinsically evil. They are evil in themselves, and no circumstances or subjective conditions can ever change that."People try to say they are pro-choice and Catholic... I'll give you one, I've heard some so called Catholic politicians say this.. we may as well talk about the truth .. Some say, I'm a good catholic , but I'm pro-choice ...'Well Happy horse manure, "There ain't no such thing, You can't be pro-choice and Catholic ... "Period!" .. You can't.... That is Impossible! ... Man, wake up, and smell the roses, you mean to tell me that you can condone killing the most innocent that would, should be the safest place in the universe for them, in their own mother's womb .. You're saying you can condone that, support that, promote that, and be a good Catholic, 'you are out of your mind'. ~Fr. Corapi

The Protestant Pope!

“On October 31, Jorge Mario Bergoglio will fly to Lund, Sweden, where he will be met by the local female bishop, to celebrate together with the Lutheran World Federation the five hundredth anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. And the closer that date gets, the more sympathy the pope manifests for the great heretic.” Sandro Magister

ROME, July 22, 2016 - In the alarmed letter that thirteen cardinals from five continents were preparing to deliver to Pope Francis at the beginning of the last synod, they were warning him against leading the Catholic Church as well to “the collapse of liberal Protestant churches in the modern era, accelerated by their abandonment of key elements of Christian belief and practice in the name of pastoral adaptation:"

Then at the last moment the thirteen deleted these two lines from the letter that was actually put into the hands of the pope. But today they would put them back in word for word, seeing the ever more pronounced idyll that is developing between Francis and the followers of Luther.

On October 31, Jorge Mario Bergoglio will fly to Lund, Sweden, where he will be met by the local female bishop, to celebrate together with the Lutheran World Federation the five hundredth anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. And the closer that date gets, the more sympathy the pope manifests for the great heretic.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Jesus sees a "gift" in Judas Iscariot according to the supposed papabile, Tagle

For those who don't see the problem with Tagle's comment, following in the footsteps of Jorge Bergoglio's about Judas being a "poor penitent," Denzinger-Bergoglio is the resource to knock this heresy down.


Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila has called on Filipino Catholics not to be quick in condemning anybody but instead ‘find gifts’ in people often discredited by society.  In his homily during the closing Mass of the 3rd Philippine Conference on New Evangelization on Sunday, he said that there many people who are being treated like worthless and no one cares for them.  “Let us be careful. The person we want to discredit might be a gift of God. You don’t throw away gifts. Gifts are treasured,” Card. Tagle told the crowd gathered at the UST Quadricentennial Pavilion in Manila.  The cardinal asked the people to be merciful like Jesus who sees a gift even in “wounded sheep”.  “Jesus sees a gift even in Judas,” he said. “There’s hope even in someone who had betrayed Jesus.”

Reflecting on the Gospel of John, the Archbishop of Manila said God does not want to condemn anybody, but rather seeks salvation of all people.  This means that Christians were also sent not to become signs of damnation but of mercy and love that saves.  The prelate became teary eyed when he recalled a Syrian refugee boy he met in Greece last October.  He was alone because his parents told him to go. “These are people who are thrown away by situations that they did not create, they did not intend, but they are victims,” Cardinal Tagle added. (Source: CBCPNews)

Vatican "striking back" against faithful Catholics

VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican is striking back at conservative critics of Pope Francis' landmark document on family life, ratcheting up its defense of the pope with new vigor as bishops begin implementing the document around the world.

The Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano on Wednesday carried a lengthy essay by an Italian Catholic historian insisting that Francis' "The Joy of Love" was absolutely in line with his predecessors and church doctrine on the thorny issue of whether divorced and civilly remarried Catholics can receive Communion.

Earlier this month, the Vatican-approved magazine La Civilta Cattolica ran an interview with Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn in which the Vienna archbishop pointedly rejected conservative claims that Francis' work didn't count as an authoritative teaching document.

Both articles upped the ante in the increasingly divisive theological and ideological battle sparked by "The Joy of Love," and were published on the eve of Francis' trip to Poland, where the Jesuit pope will symbolically deliver the document to the deeply conservative Polish church at a youth rally next week.

When it was released in April, "The Joy of Love" immediately sparked controversy because it opened the door to civilly remarried Catholics receiving Communion. Church teaching holds that unless these divorced and remarried Catholics obtain an annulment — a church decree that their first marriage was invalid — they cannot receive the sacrament, since they are seen as committing adultery.

Francis didn't create a church-wide pass for these Catholics, but suggested — in vague terms and strategically placed footnotes — that bishops and priests could do so on a case-by-case basis after accompanying them on a spiritual journey of discernment.

The conservative criticism was swift.

American Cardinal Raymond Burke, a figurehead for archconservatives who was removed by Francis as the head of the Vatican's supreme court, insisted that the document wasn't part of the church's teaching magisterium but rather was a personal reflection on meetings of bishops about family matters.

"The personal, that is, non-magisterial, nature of the document is also evident in the fact that the references cited are principally the final report of the 2015 session of the Synod of Bishops and the addresses and homilies of Pope Francis himself," Burke wrote in the National Catholic Register.

Schoenborn rejected Burke's claim in his interview with Civilta Cattolica.

The document, Schoenborn said, "is an act of the magisterium that makes the teaching of the church present and relevant today."

Italian Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, another leading conservative, has criticized the document as vague and confusing, and denied that it opened the door to Communion, since doing so would contradict previous church teaching on the indissolubility of marriage.

Francis' own doctrine czar, German Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, concurred with Caffarra, saying the pope would have been more clear if he had intended such an opening. Mueller argued in a May 4 speech in Spain that decisions about whether someone can receive the sacraments cannot be arrived at purely in the realm of individual, private discernment.

"A privatization of the sacramental economy would certainly not be Catholic," he said.

In Wednesday's Osservatore Romano, Italian historian and politician Rocco Buttiglione said the church has always taught that there can be cases in which the faithful might not believe themselves to be in a state of mortal sin, or might not be fully responsible for it, which can mitigate their culpability.

"The path that the pope proposes to divorced and remarried is exactly the same that the church proposes to all sinners: Go to confession, and your confessor, after evaluating all the circumstances, will decide whether to absolve you and admit you to the Eucharist or not," he wrote.

Buttiglione's argument, featured on the front page, marked a shift in the Vatican's defense of Francis' document, confronting the criticisms head-on rather than just praising the pope's text.

The initiative could signal a more concerted campaign by the Vatican to ensure that the "The Joy of Love" is interpreted as Francis intended. Already, conservative Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput has said that divorced and civilly remarried Catholics can only receive Communion in his archdiocese if they abstain from sex and live as "brother and sister."


Follow Nicole Winfield at www.twitter.com/nwinfield

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Georg Gänswein says Pope can't change doctrine with "ambiguous footnotes." What does Thomas J. Rosica think about that?

Archbishop Georg Gänswein, serves as the Prefect for the Papal Household to Pope Francis and has made an interesting statement. According to this story in LifeSiteNews, Gänswein said:

“But when a pope wants to change an aspect of the doctrine, then he has to do so clearly, so as to make it binding,” noted the 59-year-old archbishop, a canon lawyer who formerly worked in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. … “Important magisterial tenets cannot be changed by half sentences or somewhat ambiguous footnotes.”

The erudite, Father Thomas J. Rosica, CSB, is the Vatican's English language "volunteer" spokesman and Executive Producer of Salt + Light Television. He has said, on numerous occasions:

"Will this Pope re-write controversial Church doctrines? No. But that isn't how doctrine changes. Doctrine changes when pastoral contexts shift and new insights emerge such that particularly doctrinal formulations no longer mediate the saving message of God's transforming love. Doctrine changes when the Church has leaders and teachers who are not afraid to take note of new contexts and emerging insights. It changes when the Church has pastors who do what Francis has been insisting: leave the securities of your chanceries, of your rectories, of your safe places, of your episcopal residences go set aside the small minded rules that often keep you locked up and shielded from the world."

That is all.

Monday, 18 July 2016

Balloon Cardinal Schönborn to CDF?

Kath.net is reporting that Bishop or Rome, Jorge Bergoglio intends to remove Cardinal Muller as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and replace him with this, Modernist.

How wonderful.

There will be so much more to blog about.

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Communiqué of Bishop Fellay - where are the rest of the "Catholic" bishops, or are they, even?

Communiqué from the Superior General to All Members of the Society of Saint Pius X at the conclusion of the meeting of major superiors in Anzère (Valais), June 28 2016

Filed under From TraditionNews
Following the meeting of the superiors of the Society of St. Pius X, in addition to the statement he read on June 29, 2016, during the priestly ordinations in Ecône, Bishop Bernard Fellay, the day before, had addressed the priests in a statement that DICI publishes today exclusively.
Réunion des supérieurs majeurs de la Fraternité Saint-Pie X (25-28 juin 2016).
Meeting of Major Superiors of the Society of Saint Pius X (25-28 June 2016).
For the glory of God,
for the honor of Our Lord Jesus Christ and of His Most Holy Mother,
for our salvation.
In the present grave state of necessity in the Church, which gives it the right to administer spiritual aid to the souls that turn to it, the Society of Saint Pius X does not seek above all a canonical recognition, to which it has a right because it is Catholic. The solution is not simply juridical. It depends on a doctrinal position that it is imperative to express.
When Saint Pius X condemned modernism, he traced the whole argument of the encyclical Pascendi back to one initial principle: independence. Now the world makes all its efforts to change the axis around which it must turn. And it is obvious to Catholics, as it is to those who are not, that the Cross is no longer that axis. Paul VI said it very well: man is (See Closing Speech of Vatican II, December 7, 1965).
Today the world turns around this, according to him, definitively established axis: human dignity, man’s conscience and freedom. Modern man exists for his own sake. Man is the king of the universe. He has dethroned Christ. Man exalts his autonomous, independent conscience, to the point of dissolving even the very foundations of the family and marriage.
The Society of Saint Pius X has always opposed this project of deconstruction of the universe, both the political society, and the Church.
To remedy this universal disorder, the Good Lord raised up a man, a Christian, a priest, a bishop. What did he do? He founded a society—a hierarchical society—the principle and end of which are just the antidote to this universal disorder: The Sacrament of Holy Orders. The purpose of the Society of Saint Pius X continues to be not only the actual remedy of the crisis but also thereby the salvation of all who cooperate in it. The Society is determined to keep doctrinal, theological and social rectitude, founded on the Cross of Jesus Christ, on His Kingship, on His sacrifice, and on His priesthood, the principle of all order and of all grace. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre fought his whole life long for the triumph of these fundamental truths. It is incumbent on us at the present hour to redouble our efforts and to intensify the same fight on the same principles.
We are not “conciliarists”: for they deny that Christ’s cross is the world’s axis; neither are we dissenters who reject the social nature of the Church. We are a Society of priests of Jesus Christ, of the Catholic Church.
Is this truly the moment for the general restoration of the Church? Divine Providence does not abandon its Church, the head of which is the Pope, the Vicar of Jesus Christ. This is why an indisputable sign of this restoration will be the express desire will of the Supreme Pontiff to grant the means with which to reestablish the order of the priesthood, of the faith, and of Tradition, sign which will moreover be the guarantee of the necessary unity of the family of Tradition.
Christus regnat,
Christus imperat,
Deo gratias,
+ Bernard Fellay
Anzère, 28 June 2016
on the vigil of the Apostles Peter and Paul
(Source : FSSPX/MG –DICI dated July 16, 2016)

Saturday, 16 July 2016

My fellow Catholics: STOP reading the "catholic" bloggers at Patheos and Aleteia

Austin Ruse, the President of C-FAM (Centre for Family & Human Rights) a New York and Washington DC-based research institute focussing on international legal and social policy, has written an important article in Crisis Magazine.

Various writers there have taken an anti-historical and anti-catholic stance on the great and pure, Saint Maria Goretti. You all know the story of this holy virgin, I do not need to repeat it here.

What I do need to say is this.

Simcha Fisher, Mark Shea, Mary Pezzulo, Father Dwight Longenecker (yes, him too), Dave Armstrong, and many others write "click-bait." They receive their income from their writing and every click at Patheos and Aleteia feed them. Some, such as Mark Shea, goad people into fighting in the combox with him, a direct attempt to get more "clicks."

Not only that, in the case of Patheos, they also feature pages on Wicca, Paganism, Atheism and more. Why would any faithful Catholic write on religion for any group that just places the One, True, Faith on the panorama of world religions as if all are true and equal?

It is frankly, blasphemous and that is what Longenecker, Shea, Fischer and the others are doing when they write there.

Austin Ruse challenges the writing of these people on the great Saint.

It is a must-read and should be shared.

"The sinister Fr. Rosica?"

Whatever does he mean?

Not even this writer, used such an adjective to describe him. What does Father Hunwicke know that the rest of us do not?