A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Monday 4 October 2021

Thomas Cardinal Collins and Anthony Fauci agree: Giving up your individual rights is for the "Greater Good!"

Thomas Cardinal Collins has frequently spoken from the Ambo, where the Word of God is to be proclaimed, or from his Cathedra, the seat of episcopal authority, that you and I must take within our veins (because it escapes from the muscle according to Dr. Byram Bridle and others) that was tested or contains fetal stem cells and is now known to cause mounting injury and death.

Collins joins Dr. Anthony "Mengele" Fauci that we should give up our freedoms for the "common good" and "greater good." 

To both of them, I say that if they get sick from the jab and in order to protect others, they should far cough.

Saturday 2 October 2021

Cardinal Collins cancels Nottawasaga gabfest due to fears of virus outbreak - Was it used as a ploy to out the un-"vaccinated?"

On September 14, the Feast of the Holy Cross, we reported (below for original post) that the annual spiritual retreat of prayer, fasting and contemplation, party gab and golf vacation at the NottyWasaga Inn at a cost of $800 each priest to the parish was limited to those who had the double jab. We noted then that those who could not attend would then be outed for the Cardinal and his Chancerycrats to target. 

Yesterday, October 1, Chancellor Edward Curtis issued a memorandum that "out of an abundance of caution" after solemn "reflection" by the Episcopally bored Board there will instead a "virtual retreat" as in 2020. 

It was determined that it would be a "cause for concern" to gather hundreds of priests together in a common setting, given the current conditions caused by the Chinese Communist Party Virus. Curtis further stated many priests advised that they were not comfortable attending in such a large group. Of course, one could ask these jabbed Fathers what they could possibly be afraid of the "vaccine" actually worked. Further, Curtis reveals that if just one priest contracted the virus there it would require that all would need to "self-isolate" under current public health requirements for up to two weeks. This would cause immense pastoral problems.

No kidding Chancellor Sherlock. You didn't know this on September 14 and whatever day you booked the Nottywasaga Inn? Of course, you did - it's "common sense" as Collins has said about all of us getting the jabs, so what has changed in a month?

Oh, I know; mission accomplished

Thomas Collins and his minions now have a list of every priest in the Archdiocese of Toronto who has not been jabbed.

Well played, Tom. Good for you Ed. 

For now. 

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Cardinal Collins to Toronto Priests - No jab? No gab!

The annual Autumn priest retreat for the Archdiocese of Toronto was cancelled in 2020 due to the Chinese Communist Party Virus (lest we forget its origin and purpose). Held at the Nottawasaga Inn and Resort the annual CardinalFest takes on a different spin this year. No jab, no gab. According to multiple sources, a memorandum was sent yesterday from the Chancerycrats that a priest not double-jabbed by the appropriate time will not be permitted to golf, relax and dwell in the bask of the glow of the Cardinal and his episcopally bored committee.

What an ingeniously wicked and manipulative way to determine which priests in the Archdiocese of Toronto have not gotten the jab. They will all be exposed, outed to all their colleagues for easy shaming and targetting. I can assure you, they may not be the majority but they are not a few. There is also a repugnant level of harassment that has begun against some of those not jabbed. On the other hand, the un-jabbed will probably look at this as a bonus.

Cardinal Collins has been pushing the jab on Catholics for many months. Preaching from the Ambo at St. Michael's Cathedral, he has called it "common sense" and an "act of charity" admonishing Catholics that those who do not take it obviously have no concern for the "common good." It is important to note that Collins went even further than the government diktats in Ontario and shut down Mass completely, even before the initial lockdown and later, at a time when the government did not shut religious services and only severely restricted numbers. For many Catholics, receiving Holy Communion is impossible because Collins continues to prohibit Holy Communion on the tongue at Mass - a situation where some Catholics have now gone 18 months without the holy Sacrament. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Second Vatican Council and the Canadian bishops' own infamous Winnipeg Statement all remind us that our conscience is supreme and that we cannot violate our conscience. Except in the matter of taking the jab or in the manner of receiving Holy Communion. Here, we are expected in these two matters to violate our consciences. 

Rise up, Fathers, unite. If you are a Toronto priest and on your own and do not know your brothers who think like you, or if you are a priest being persecuted or harassed by your pastor, feel free to write me in confidence where I can share with you those priest colleagues who will support you and network in truth, solidarity, support and prayer.

Fathers, you are not alone. Do not violate your conscience! voxcantoris@rogers.com

Thursday 30 September 2021

Letter from a parent to Thomas Cardinal Collins: "I hold you responsible for ruining the life of my son!"

I had a conversation last night with a friend whose son has developed serious heart problems as a result of the Moderna "vaccine." He has written a letter and asked me to publish it:

For background:

Ontario recommends Pfizer shots instead of Moderna for young adults over possible heart risks | National Post

Dear Cardinal Collins,

Yesterday, Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Kieran Moore, announced that "out of an abundance of caution," the Moderna vaccine is not to be given to those between 18 and 24, "effective immediately." 

This decision is too late for my son and I blame you. Because of you, he will never play hockey again and will probably now, due to his permanent heart damage, never become the priest he has been called to be. The two most important things in my son's life are his faith and hockey. He has lost hockey and most likely the calling to preach the faith he loves.

I was hesitant on any of the mRNA vaccines but my son wanted to play hockey and the GTHL demanded it. Further, he watched you every day from the Cathedral during the inability to attend Mass. He looked up to you and took to heart your words that taking the vaccine was for the "common good" and "common sense." He also took to heart the words of Pope Francis that it is an "act of love." Now, because he has followed those men who are to be his Shepherds, you and the Pope, his life's plans are over. 

Eight days after the first Moderna vaccine he developed pericardial effusion resulting in pericarditis and the struggle to breathe caused by that inflammation and an enlarged heart, or myocarditis. The doctors are clear, it was a direct result of the Moderna vaccine, a vaccine you promoted and urged him to receive.

With all of your education and your doctorates, are any of these Doctor of Medicine? I am outraged that you have done this to my son and others. Our Lord will not be pleased with this. It is as if you have been bought off by the same masters that have bought off our political and business leaders.

The pharmaceutical companies are protected from lawsuits as are our governments and doctors. You, however, are not. I hold you responsible for ruining the life of my son.

Consider yourself forewarned. A lawsuit is coming to you and the Archdiocese of Toronto for what you have done to my son.

I have asked my friend who publishes a blog under the name, Vox Cantoris, to release this to the public.

Forewarned is forearmed. Govern yourself accordingly!

Mr. I. Amfiction

The above letter is fictional. The question is, because of the actions of Thomas Collins, how many of these injuries are true, a direct result of his words and actions? 

If any readers of Vox Cantoris have or know of others who will tell their story of injury or death to the advice of Thomas Collins who has practiced medicine without a license, please write me at voxcantoris@rogers.com

Wednesday 29 September 2021


In a stunning announcement by Bergoglio's apparatchik Pietro "Cardinal" Parolin, just one more thug has today announced that any Vatican employee without a Green Pass indicating fully jabbed with the experimental genetic life-threatening therapeutic tested or derived from stem cells of an aborted child will be laid off without pay.

Bergoglio and his whole corrupt and rotten cabal is abhorrent. God will not be mocked. They will pay for this. It won't be nice.

Translation by Bree A. Dail.

Vatican Clarifies COVID-19 Vaccine-Pass Rules for Employees| National Catholic Register (ncregister.com)

A most blessed Michaelmas to all of us - O glorious St. Michael!

O glorious St. Michael, guardian and defender of the Church of Jesus Christ, come to the assistance of this Church, against which the powers of hell are unchained, guard with especial care her august Head, and obtain that for him and for us the hour of triumph may speedily arrive. O glorious Archangel St. Michael, watch over us during life, defend us against the assaults of the demon, assist us especially at the hour of death; obtain for us a favorable judgment, and the happiness of beholding God face to face for endless ages. Amen. 

The Work of the Devil


John Paul Watson is not a Catholic but he sure gets it! Great clips as well from Mel Gibson and Cardinal Sarah. Everything Watson refers to has been addressed on this blog. 

What a stupid old stinking wretch of a communist is this Bergoglio.

May St. Joseph open his eyes, or close them forever. 


Tuesday 28 September 2021

Mark Mallett - Open Letter to Catholic Bishops

 Open Letter to the Catholic Bishops - The Now Word (markmallett.com)

The fake and coercive theology of Thomas Cardinal Collins

This article from Crisis Magazine written by Dr. Janet Smith is a must read. It is not only an indictment of the person referred to in the article, M. Therese Lysaught, a professor of bioethics and a corresponding member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, but it is an indictment of Thomas Collins as his philosophy in the matter of the "vaccines" is the same as Lysaught's.

The legacy of Thomas Collins is one of betrayal, failure and cowadice. 

None of these can be used to describe Dr. Smith.

The Fake Theology Behind Vaccine Mandates (crisismagazine.com)

Monday 27 September 2021

Canadian bishops have not raped enough, now they want $30 million!

The Canadian bishops have announced a $30,000,000.00 fundraising drive for "healing and reconciliation services" with our native peoples. They took government largesse to enrich their orders with these school and did the government's bidding. Sound familiar?

The same people who raped and sodomised altar boys, violently abused others (this writer), squandered funds on race horses and took children from their homes and families and put them in residential schools now want the faithful in the pew to pony up more money.

Not one penny. They did this, I did not. Do not bail them out.

Due to all the restrictions and attempts to ban the faithful, the bishops have a disease and should be sure to stay away from the faithful and be sure to far cough so we don't get the Satanic virus they seem to be full of.

Canadian Bishops Announce $30M National Financial Pledge to Support Healing and Reconciliation Initiatives - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (cccb.ca)

Thomas Cardinal Collins is using coercion and intimidation against clergy and staff!

Coercion is an ugly thing, especially when undertaken by a Prince of the Church. 

The "vaccine" is "not a moral obligation!"

Thomas Cardinal Collins is a liar!

Neil Oliver: "Government leaders are frightened of their own people"

I'm telling you all. It is only a matter of time, and not too much more time until this rotten stinking fraud in Ontario by Doug Ford and elsewhere, and that created in our Church by the corrupt Episcopal hirelings like Collins is going to come crashing down. Each and every day more people wake up.

It is time, friends. 

They are afraid of us or they wouldn't be pushing so hard.

Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever. Amen!

Sunday 26 September 2021

The soon to be new home of Thomas Cardinal Collins renovated on your contributions from your parish collection and something else...

Sweet, eh? Big renovation to the upper floors for Cardinal Cocktail and his special priest friend from the Bishop's Palace to assist him. 

How much did you contribute today?

How much did you give to the "Family of Faith" campaign that is now going to provide this little gem for his retirement next January?

When shall we discuss that Dominican liturgist and the rape of a Carmelite seminarian at St. Augustine's Seminary and the rush to hospital. And who attended his eventual ordination and how much did the payoff of damages and silence cost? We have all the names, the pervert, his victim, the one who covered it up.

All true friends. The filth in Toronto is deep and so is the money to force non-disclosures.

Shall we mention the Chancellor? A Monsignor who fathered a few and used certain funds to support them? And whatever happened to the mother? 

Oh yes, we know it all. And so much more.

Have a nice day, Tom.

Saturday 25 September 2021

Letter to Thomas Cardinal Collins

Readers; feel free to write your own. The actual email address for Cardinal Collins is:


From: Vox Cantoris [mailto:voxcantoris@rogers.com]

Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2021 6:15 AM
To: 'Office of the Cardinal'; 'tcpc@archtoronto.org'
Subject: Legacy
Importance: High 

Cardinal Collins, 

I cannot think of a greater disappointment than what you have become. The hope we had fifteen years ago has long since vanished. You have left a legacy in your last two years of cowardice, lies and betrayal. You have committed sinful acts by barring the faithful from Mass when it did not need to happen. I fear for your particular judgement. What you have done to your clergy, staff and faithful are a betrayal and scandal. All of this scandalous action will shortly come tumbling down and you will be seen by history as a coward, a fool and a hireling. 

With all of the funds of the faithful being spent to bring the Newman Centre mansion up to your standards, you could have provided free rapid testing to your staff and volunteers for the remainder of this pandemic. You have betrayed your staff and failed as a shepherd and a Christian. 

May our Lord convert you and may you publicly repent for your betrayal before it is too late. 

Vox Cantoris


Oh, look.

Friday 24 September 2021

“We are heartened to see that the provincial government has not required proof of vaccination to enter a place of worship.” Thomas Cardinal Collins

“We are heartened to see that the provincial government has not required proof of vaccination to enter a place of worship." So states Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto.

Why would that be Tom?

Because you agreed to coerce your clergy and staff to get the jab in exchange for keeping open the churches?

A little quid pro quo? Come on Tom, you remember your Latin a little this for that, eh Tommy?

What a legacy. 

Tom, do tell us how much that renovation of the Newman Centre as your retirement home is costing us. It's a shame you know, you could have provided free rapid tests to staff in parishes rather than force them to dish out $80 a week because you don't trust them to be honest.

It sounds to me like one of the sins that cries out to heaven for justice, "denying the labourer of their just wage" in order to enrich a corporate monolith like Shoppers Drug Mart and pleasing the new State Church.

What a legacy.

From: MacCarthy, Neil <neilm@archtoronto.org> on behalf of Office of Public Relations & Communications <communications@archtoronto.org>
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2021 1:31:27 PM
To: Office of Public Relations & Communications <communications@archtoronto.org>
Subject: Important Communication from Cardinal Collins and Covid-19 Vaccination Policy - Archdiocese of Toronto

September 24, 2021

To all clergy and staff of the Archdiocese of Toronto,

I wish to extend my ongoing gratitude to all of you as I know that the last 18 months have been challenging both personally and pastorally. I continue to keep you all close in prayer.

I recognize that the restrictions we have all faced and continue to experience are frustrating and, at times, have been the cause of anxiety and division. There is a tension in our country that is palpable and we continue to pray for the day that we may return to daily life without the restrictions that remain in place, especially those that impede our ability to welcome full and active participation in our sacramental celebrations.

We also acknowledge that we are still navigating an unpredictable global pandemic and these restrictions, while frustrating, remind us of the call to love and care for our neighbour as ourselves.

Organizations, businesses and institutions throughout the province have been asked to implement a vaccination policy. Enclosed you will find our policies for staff, volunteers and clergy. I wish to highlight some key points for reflection:

· I very strongly urge every Catholic to become fully vaccinated, though we will make every effort to ensure places of worship remain open and accessible to all, regardless of vaccination status. The church should serve as a respite, a sanctuary of peace, prayer and welcome. We are heartened to see that the provincial government has not required proof of vaccination to enter a place of worship.

We must also maintain a safe working environment. Clergy, staff and volunteers have the greatest person-to-person interaction in parish/office settings and thus, a heightened risk for transmission of Covid-19. To ensure a safe workplace and to welcome the faithful with an additional level of health and safety, on a temporary basis, we are asking that clergy, staff and volunteers be fully vaccinated or be subject to regular rapid tests.

Regarding vaccination against Covid-19, the direction of the Holy Father, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) and my own communication has been to ask people to be vaccinated to minimize the potential transmission of Covid-19. The congregation states that this must be done freely and also reminds us that “the morality of vaccination depends not only on the duty to protect one's own health, but also on the duty to pursue the common good.”

As we reflect on pursuing the common good and care for one another, I would like to communicate directly to our clergy (bishops, priests, deacons) as well as religious men and women and seminarians serving in ministry in the archdiocese:

I urge those that have not been fully vaccinated to do so as soon as possible.

Due to requirements from the provincial government and organizational policies in many institutions, your ability to serve the faithful will be significantly impeded should you choose not to be vaccinated. This will restrict your ministry in schools, hospitals, long-term care homes and other settings requiring full vaccination. We know that these visits and your ongoing pastoral care in these settings are important aspects of your ministry.

Many of you are living in community with others, including those who may be elderly or with more significant health challenges. Staff or volunteers in the rectory or office may also be at greater risk depending on their circumstances. In short, we have a responsibility to ensure a safe environment for staff and volunteers. Vaccination remains the best defence against infection for oneself or others. Should you choose not to be vaccinated, regular weekly rapid tests (as outlined in the policy) will be required.

One fact is abundantly clear: most of the new Covid-19 infections, by far, are among those who are not vaccinated. It is quite understandable that for this reason the provincial government has made it clear that any reduction of restrictions will depend on a greater percentage of the population being fully vaccinated. We have also seen, in recent days, a significant surge in new cases and deaths, particularly in Alberta. Intensive care units have been overwhelmed and new restrictions have been instituted, including those affecting places of worship. I pray that we will not experience this situation in Ontario. We must get beyond this pandemic, which has directly and indirectly caused such misery for so many, and has impeded our life as a Christian community. The single best way to do that is for people to get vaccinated.

Most importantly, I care deeply about each one of you and all those who serve the church. I do not want you to contract Covid-19 or transmit it to others, especially in the midst of one of the most serious health care crises of our lifetime. I recognize that some of you may have concerns regarding vaccination. If this is the case, please speak to your doctor or, if you have ethical concerns, refer to information available from the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute or contact them directly. Specific questions on the policy can also be directed to your Regional Bishop, the Chancellor of Spiritual Affairs or Human Resources.

Once again, I am grateful for all that you continue to do and I know that you share my fervent desire to return to a restriction free environment as soon as possible. I ask for your co-operation as we implement the vaccination policy in the coming days. I pray that we may serve faithfully and lovingly, caring for all those we encounter.

May you continue to be blessed with good health and be assured of my prayers for you and the faithful of the Archdiocese of Toronto.

Sincerely in Christ,

Thomas Cardinal Collins
Archbishop of Toronto


Dear fellow Catholics in the Archdiocese of Toronto ...

Coercion is a wicked thing. 

Especially when done by a Prince of the Church.

More to follow....

So, let us begin.

The parish secretary, a kind and faithful and loyal woman has been employed by the Parish of Pick-A-Saint for twenty years. She is trusted with much information and much of it confidential. She is trusted with money ensuring that the four-fingered Cardinal Cocktail gets his cathedraticum.

Suddenly, she is a liar not to be trusted. You see this woman who earns maybe $500 a week now needs to go to conglomerate named Shoppers Drug Mart to pay $40 twice per week out of her pocket for rapid testing and send the proof to the Cardinal's minions to ensure she is not a leper. Notwithstanding that she has been healthy and working without a jab all this time. 

Cardinal Cocktail knows what I know. The Government of Canada provides for free the Abbot rapid test to Shoppers Drug Mart which charges $14 for a box of 25 to eligible small and medium sized businesses. The $14 is a handling charge and not unreasonable. What is unreasonable is that Cardinal Cocktail does not trust the parish secretary to have the box and test herself and attest to the results. He wants a receipt and proof. Oh, he knows something about "Proof!"

Failure to comply with the demonic coercion demanded as of October 8, could result in unemployment.

What's next?

Unvaccinated priests in the Archdiocese of Toronto are so limited in their ministry that they really won't have one.

Yes. You read this correctly.

Now, read this and weep.

Moncton Episcopal Hierling Valery Vienneau reverses course - Non-jabbed Catholics no longer barred from Mass or Sacraments, just weddings and funerals!

Moncton Bishop Valery Vienneau has reversed his earlier scandalous and demonic decision to bar the faithful from the Mass and sacraments. The ban still exists for weddings and funerals.

The Bishop of Saint John (New Brunswick) did not undertake the actions of this episcopal swine. It was his own decision. 

This is still not good enough. Public repentance is required Valery. Sackcloth and ashes for you! 

details (diomoncton.ca)

Hamilton Bishop Douglas Crosby reveals where his true faith resides. It's not where you think.

The experimental genetic manipulation tested or containing serum derived from fetal stem cells have injured and killed, caused the spike protein to generate SARS-CoV-2, failed to stop one from getting it, will not prevent one passing it on to "coworkers" parishioners or anyone else. More and more, we hear and see the evidence presented to us by courageous scientists, doctors and nurses and others. We also see draconian and authoritarian actions of government to violate our religious and conscientious and civil rights. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has stated that these injections are and always must be, voluntary. Yet, this Crosby, along with the hireling in Moncton are using manipulation, threats and coercion against the faithful. It is utterly demonic and if these men do not repent and give reparation, they will go to the lowest pit of Hell.

Douglas Crosby is either ill-informed, duped, stupid or a wicked, damnable and manipulative liar.

Frankly, he is all of that.

What he is not is a Shepherd or Apostle of Jesus Christ. He follows a different master.  

"But the hireling, and he that is not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and flieth: and the wolf catcheth, and scattereth the sheep: And the hireling flieth, because he is a hireling: and he hath no care for the sheep." 

Thursday 23 September 2021

Let's make FDA Economist Taylor Lee famous!

Project Veritas dropped this last night. The first is here:

Federal Govt Whistleblower Goes Public with Secret Recordings: ‘Government Doesn’t Want to Show the [COVID] Vaccine is Full of Sh*t’; ‘Shove’ Adverse Effect Reporting ‘Under the Mat’ | Project Veritas

Have a nice day Taylor. Oh, you need to learn how to drink like a man and do, do something about that lisp.

FDA Official: ‘Blow Dart’ African Americans with COVID Vaccine is ‘Where We’re Going...Just Shoot Everyone’ … Calls for a ‘Nazi Germany’ Style ‘Registry’ of Unvaccinated Americans: ‘Think About It Like The Jewish Star’ | Project Veritas

“I think there’s still this big mistrust in… like, it’s deep-rooted,” continued Lee.

The Project Veritas reporter then interjected, “Yeah, can’t blame them.” Lee used the opportunity to introduce his solution to vaccine hesitancy in the demographic, “I can’t, but at the same time, like, blow dart. That’s where we’re going.”

At first glance, Lee’s comment is tongue-in-cheek; although perhaps tasteless, a mere jest between two people enjoying a night out together. However, throughout the clips, Lee references his beliefs on forced vaccination many times.

In another instance, the economist says, “I mean, my personal thing is like, you know, you get blow darts of J&J and… again, I’m a little cynical… and like, go to the unvaccinated and blow it into them.”

“Blow dart it into them. That’s where I’m at at this point.”

The operative threw Lee a set up question, “How do we reach the minority populations? Is there a way to do it? I want to get back to normal.”

Lee’s reply was, “I’m sure there is. I’m not the person to answer it though. Other than blow darts. Because I think that is a great solution.”
In a late segment of the video, Lee revealed that some of his attitude is a result of the training he received as an economist, “So this is the thing that’s really crude as an economist, is we have a certain value that we put on each human life.”

“And so when I think about, like, government mandates like that, I think about it in those terms, which is terrible, because I think each human life is priceless in its own self.”

“Okay, so if you give a million vaccines, and two of them are blood clots, okay, you have a loss of $10 million, about, in your like, government regulation-type world framework…If you give these million vaccines, you get everything back to normal, are you making more than that $10 million loss, or not?”

“And that’s the way that we’re trained to like, try and think about these things in terms of cost-benefit analysis, that type of stuff,” he said.

Lee also noted he believed that FDA scientists do not alter their research or data to fit a political agenda. However, he said the issue is not as simple as the integrity of scientists because, “There are political appointees who are generally scientific advisors who are appointed by the President or the Commission.”

He said the appointees “definitely do,” because “they’re being paid based on if the other people are staying in power.”

“Unfortunately, everyone ends up playing politics,” remarked Lee. “But I don’t think that the career scientists are. I think that it’s the people that they’re unfortunately having to report to,.”

In order to overcome the overtly racist aspect of his blow dart approach, Lee suggested the government “Do it to the whites first….We’ll post, like, video campaigns about doing it to the whites first.”

“The white, uneducated… it’s like, all of the colloquial things that we see, in like, Alabama, and all this, and it’s like, apparently you need an IQ test, and if you fail below a certain IQ, you’re getting a shot.”

“That’s less feasible than the blow darts. I think the blow darts are probably still our most feasible option,” he quipped.

In another instance, Lee also said he feels there is a problem of vaccine hesitancy in the illegal immigrant population, “But I mean, the undocumented immigration isn’t as much of an issue as like a lot of people make it out to be. I think the issue, again, is if it’s a large population of people who are going to choose not to get vaccinated because they don’t want to admit that they’re undocumented.”

“You’re going to create this issue where it’s, you’ve got the anti-vaxxers, and the people who are choosing not to for that reason [immigration status], and then you have the vaxxers.”

Lee followed up, “Again, the obvious answer is blow darts.”

“If we just stick everyone again with the J&J to make sure that everyone’s got something, we’re good.”

“Blow darts. It is the perfect answer. And since J&J isn’t mRNA, you have no issue of it counteracting with anything else. So again, you just shoot everyone.”

As the video evolves, it becomes clear Lee’s comments and attitude are a miniature reflection of the mainstream narrative that global, blanket vaccination is the solution to the pandemic, and that extreme measures are justified in order to achieve a return to normalcy.

“It’s terrible. But at this point I’m like, I don’t care about your bodily autonomy. Because it’s not just your bodily autonomy that you’re putting people in jeopardy,” he said.

This line of thought towards the vaccine hesitant was elucidated when the Veritas operative used the recent Nicki Minaj Twitter controversy as a starting point, evoking the following opinion from Lee: “We look at it [vaccine hesitancy] as harm because we think, and like, I think, most educated people would think, the vaccine is a good thing.”

“Whereas, you know, on the other side of the coin the people who are like: ‘Oh, the vaccine’s terrible, it’s the Anti Christ,’ are like, yes, our saviour, Nicki Minaj!”

The undercover reporter asked Lee if he thought the government had the wherewithal to go door-to-door to force vaccinate the populace. Lee replied, “I mean, Census goes door-to-door if you don’t respond. So we have the infrastructure to do it.”

“It’ll cost a ton of money, but I think at that point, there needs to be a registry of people who aren’t vaccinated.”

Ontario Führer Herr Douglas Ford