A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Bergoglio and his scum blame Viganò? May God in heaven send his wrath and judgement upon these evil men!

The long delayed report on the sodomite pervert, rapist and criminal Theodore McCarrick has been released. Dr. Taylor Marshall questions the timing of the release - when America is so preoccupied with the issue of a fraudulent election and a literal globalist coup, the demonic Bergoglio and his minions release the report which they trust will be ignored due to overwhelming information. Dr. Marshall's job, the job of those at LifeSiteNews, my job, your job, is to ensure that this does not happen.

I have not and will not read the report. We have trusted people such as Dr. Robert Moynihan, Dr. Marshall and Dorothy Cummings McLean and others have and will provide erudite commentary and disclosure.

What we do know is this. It is an exercise in obfuscation and cover-up and blame. Bergoglio is the hero when in fact, he is a fraud and guilty of cover-up. They blame John Paul II for not acting. I do too. He refused to believe that Maciel was the monster he was and the excuse of these matters tainting his view due to his familiarity with communist tactics does not fly with me. He knew, he did not act. The same people that declared him a Saint did the same to Giovanni Montini and Angelo Roncalli. 

Saints? Bullcrackers! 

Never forget this picture of these bosom buddies. 

Bergoglio and his rats have tried to turn the tables to blame Archbishop Viganò, the man who is in hiding, the man who has clearly made amends for any sin of omission, a man who has shone light on this Vatican filth.

Here is his response. Expect more from him. He knows much and as with President Donald John Trump, these men are heroes who have not yet finished their work. Get your popcorn, the outing of the Deep State and the Deep Church is going to be biblical, literally!


Today the official Report of the Holy See regarding the McCarrick case has been made public. Before I express myself on its merit, I will take time to analyze its content. 

However, I cannot fail to note the surreal operation of mystification regarding who are the ones responsible for covering up the scandals of the deposed American cardinal, and at the same time, I cannot help expressing my indignation in seeing the same accusations of cover-up being made against me, when in fact I repeatedly denounced the inaction of the Holy See in the face of the gravity of the accusations concerning McCarrick’s conduct. 

An unprejudiced commentator would note the more than suspicious timing of the report’s publication, as well as the attempt to throw discredit upon me, accused of disobedience and negligence by those who have every interest in delegitimizing the one who brought to light an unparalleled network of corruption and immorality. The effrontery and fraudulent character shown on this occasion would seem to require, at this point, that we call this suggestive reconstruction of the facts “The Viganò Report,” sparing the reader the unpleasant surprise of seeing reality adulterated once again. But this would have required intellectual honesty, even before love for justice and the truth. 

Unlike many characters involved in this story, I do not have any reason to fear that the truth will contradict my denunciations, nor am I in any way blackmailable. Anyone who launches unfounded accusations with the sole purpose of distracting the attention of public opinion will have the bitter surprise of finding that the operation conducted against me will not have any effect, other than giving further proof of the corruption and bad faith of those who for too long have been silent, made denials and turned their gaze elsewhere, who today must be held accountable. The Vatican fiction continues. 

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop                                                                                                                 November 10, 2020


Monday 9 November 2020

Mr. President: Drain. The. Swamp. Now!

There is much going on in my mind and thoughts about President Donald John Trump and the election in the United States, so much so, it could take numerous blog posts. I am thinking though of only one with brief commentary on a variety of topics.

Briefly, I believe that massive fraud occurred swinging this election. Trump warned of it for months, it happened. What I know as a Canadian of the American political system and constitution is that this is far from over. The actions necessary, while legal, will be without precedent. 

Today, I refer you to a blog post at The Last Refuge which includes this tweet by Donald Trump, Jr. which says everything that I have been thinking and saying over the last week to my wife and a few friends. Donald Trump must immediately release everything. Declassify everything. Those who refuse his order must be removed, immediately. If the son is saying this publicly, you can count on the fact that not only is he and his father discussing it, it is coming.

It must be without mercy as to the consequences. Not doing so will lead to the end of America as we know it.

Holy Trinity, One God; send forth Thy power and grace upon Donald John Trump and protect him from all his enemies. Guide him, O Lord, in thy mercy, that light may shine on those of darkness who seek to destroy the nation,  and that the fullness of your light truth may engulf him with the dew of the Holy Spirit; we pray this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

The very survival of the greatest Constitutional Republic in the history of the world is at stake!


Saturday 7 November 2020

Cardinal Collins - Why is a "Gay" defrocked priest and former seminary Dean of Studies quoted in your newspaper and active in a parish "ministry?"

The photo below is of an article in the Toronto Archdiocese owned Catholic Register. It features information on AIM, a lay group with outreach at the Jesuit parish of Our Lady of Lourdes in Toronto. If features a quote from one, Gordon Davies.

But just who is, Gordon Davies?

A "gay" man ordained in the Archdiocese of Toronto who rose to the rank of Dean of Studies at St. Augustine's Seminary and eventually left the priesthood and was defrocked. 

The other quoted, Pearce Carefoote, is also a "Gay" defrocked priest and now and Anglican cleric offering sacrilegious Masses and Holy Communion.

Former priests should have absolutely no ministry in the Church, official or otherwise. In fact, canonically, they have no authority to teach or speak on behalf of the Church.

It is time for Thomas Cardinal Collins to explain why a former priest is engaged in ministry in the Church in Toronto when he clearly dissents from Church teaching.

Why is the Cardinal's own newspaper (here we go again with Corporation Sole) featuring a dissenting, defrocked priest?

The Cardinal has and will have much explaining to do. 

More here:

Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRA...

Sidney Powell, Tom Fitton, Lou Dobbs discuss Voter Fraud in America and the Coup against Donald J. Trump

Friday 6 November 2020

Bergoglio: Not only a pervert protector but a malfeasant crook!

The most despicable man ever elected to the papacy has not only spent seven years upending Catholic doctrine, he has protected perverts, promoted deviants, surrounded himself with compromised men and backed a financial criminal exercise.

What a stinking monster. Vicar of Christ my foot.

Vicar of Satan is more like it.


Thursday 5 November 2020

Vox's fan mail from "faithful Catholics"



A clear representation of the kind of attitude that lost the traditional Latin Mass in Kitchener, a city in the Diocese of Hamilton. 

Dear Friend, please do see a psychiatrist for your obvious obsessive-compulsive disorder.

And go to Confession!

Little coward. Hiding behind "Anonymous." Don't get me wrong, I don't mind "Handles" or "Anonymous." But if you're going to attack me, then come out of hiding from your mommy's basement. There is a clear distinction between what I do here and your vitriol. If you can't figure that out then you prove what you are. Keep commenting, I will post them to show what kind of sad soul I deal with.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Vox's fan mail from "faithful Catholics"":

Hey Vox, the same kind of attitude that you represent. Getting a taste of your medicine? How does it feel? Now you are so sensitive. Cry me a river.

You are a hypocrite. You criticize viciously and are nasty towards the pope, cardinals, bishops, and priests. Suddenly you are woke. Give me a break.

You are the one who needs confession and a psychiatrist.

 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vox, you're a douchebag. Masks don't work you pathetic loser.

9:27 pm, November 04, 2020

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Vox, lose some weight.

9:28 pm, November 04, 2020

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a selfish fool Vox.

9:29 pm, November 04, 2020

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're such a beta man Vox. Shame on you for having a fetish for the mask. Grow up you loser.

9:30 pm, November 04, 2020

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Vox, the masks are sin. 100% no to masks.

9:31 pm, November 04, 2020

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Vox, you're insane for falling the stupidity of the masks. Do some research and due diligence. I can't believe you are so dumb.

9:32 pm, November 04, 2020


TRUMP 2020: Democracy in Chaos

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Living rent-free in "Reverend" Michael Coren's brain.


I've got to thank the so-called "Reverend" Mister Michael Coren, an ordained Anglican cleric. He surely does believe that I am a "leading Catholic blogger in Canada."

Hey, it works for me. But Michael, old buddy, old chum, do at least give me proper attribution. It should read, "Leading Canadian blogger, Vox Cantoris wrote."

Gee, I guess you and that fired CBC "journalist" are still smarting over that false article you put on The National that mentioned my name which the CBC, paid for by me, was forced to retract and remove from their web site and social media.

Poor man.

Saturday 31 October 2020

The Great Attack by Carlos Caso-Rosendi

From a blog recommended in the column on the left. 


More on masks in Church and particularly to those who attend the Traditional Latin Mass and the haters out there.

LifeSiteNews has, two weeks after this blog, reported on the loss of the traditional liturgy in Kitchener and Owen Sound due to the lack of mask-wearing on the part of congregants.


Trust me when I tell you that the abuse I have taken in this combox and elsewhere over my statement is astounding. Frankly, trads can be the worst.

These people in Hamilton diocese did this to themselves. They were cautioned by the President of Una Voce Canada in Vancouver not to draw the line in the sand and that they would lose the Mass and not get it back. This writer, who was asked for advice, told them the same thing. The would lose the Mass, they were guests in the churches. They played right into the hands of those who hate the traditional liturgy. Stupid, stupid people. 

I say this to everyone out there in Latin Mass communities. Don't tempt God. Your priests and bishops have asked you to cooperate and it is not a sin to wear a mask. Don't play into the hands of those that would destroy the traditional Mass, if they could!

Look folks, whether you like it or not, you wear a mask to buy your milk, aspirin or your jug of whiskey. Yet, you refuse to put it on to attend the Holy Mass? Are you insane? 

The post a few below on the situation in Toronto was meant to be positive and show that actual hospitalisations are fairly low. This tells me that amongst other things, masks in fact are working. 

Take the emotion and conspiracy theories out of it folks. Look at logic and keep it civil here or leave and go elsewhere. I don't need you to read this blog. Simply, go away. 

I've even been called "evil" over my exposure of sodomite Basilians. On the other hand, some creepy blogger named Tancred has sent hate mail for months calling me "gay".

I must be over the target.

What sick people there are.