A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Saturday 17 November 2018

The Church in America is about to be struck down thanks to Bergoglio

Diplomatic immuity arguments in court have been previously used in the United States by lawyers acting for the Vatican in lawsuits over sexual rape and sodomy by priests and bishops. The lawyers agruged that dioceses were all independent and did not take "corporate" orders.

That argument is now dead.
Image result for our lady of america

The filthy Bergoglio's actions in cahoots with homosexualists Cupich and Wuerl will backfire.

Rome's direct involvement will lead to the collapse of the structural church in America.

This is what you get when you disobey Our Lady of America and Fatima!

She's cleaning house!

Friday 16 November 2018

"It's Not Francis's Church. It's Jesus Christ's Church." McCarrick Victim James Grein Gives Powerful Testimony

"It's Not Francis's Church. It's Jesus Christ's Church." McCarrick Victim James Grein Gives Powerful Testimony

Italian bishops do Bergoglio's bidding and bolwderdize the Novus Ordo and demand an end to Summorum Pontificum!

The Italian bishops, eight years after the English speaking world finally adopted the 2002 Roman Missal and the correct translation, have issued their incorrect translation.

Bowing to Bergoglio's dictates, the Italian bishops have changed the words of the The Lord's Prayer to "do not abandon us to temptation." It is completely wrong. As Gregory DiPippo at New Liturgical Movement writes;
The Greek verb in question “eisenenkēis” does not mean “abandon.” It is a form of a highly irregular verb [1] “eispherō – to bring in, lead-in, carry in, introduce.” No dictionary lists “abandon” or any synonym thereof as a translation. It is as if Christians have not been praying “lead us not into temptation” in countless languages for over 19 centuries, as if no one has ever bothered to consider what these words mean, and comment on them. It is impossible to believe that pastors with the cure of souls in Italy (or anywhere else) are suddenly besieged by anguished parishioners, tormented at the thought that the Eternal Father might be leading them into temptation. But even if that were the case, is it really an improvement to suggest that God cannot lead us into temptation, but can abandon us in it?

Further, they have not translated "bonae voluntatis" correctly in the Gloria.  The current Italian, “pace in terra agli uomini di buona volontà – peace on earth to men of good will” is to be replaced by “pace in terra agli uomini, amati dal Signore – peace on earth to men, loved by the Lord.”

They have refused to translate the actual Latin "pro multis" as "for many" and will continue to use "per tutti," or, for all, in direct defiance of Pope Benedict XVI.

If that is not enough, they have stated that Benedict XVI had no right to issue Summorum Pontificum, that it was illegal and that the Missal of John XXIII, an alleged Saint, was actually abrogated by another alleged Saint, Giovanni Montini.

Make no mistake that this is on the order of the dictator, Peronist on the Seat of Peter. It is a shot over the bow to the traditional orders, the ICRSS, FSSP, etcetera, and the many, many diocesan priests and communities. 

If Bergoglio and his filthy minions want war, they've got it.

This is not 1965 or 1968 and I am not my mother and father.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Monsignor Bux: Pope Francis Must Urgently Issue Profession of Faith

The Vatican theologian says unless the Pope reaffirms Church teaching on morals, the faith and the sacraments, ‘the apostasy will deepen and the de facto schism will widen.’ 
In a forceful interview with Italian Vaticanist Aldo Maria Valli, Msgr. Nicola Bux has warned that the current pontificate is issuing statements that are generating “heresies, schisms, and controversies of various kinds” and that the Holy Father should issue a profession of faith to restore unity in the Church.
In the interview, published Oct. 13 but overlooked due to the Youth Synod taking place in Rome last month, the theologian consultor to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints said “heretical statements” on marriage, the moral life and reception of the sacraments are now “at the center of a vast debate which is becoming more and more passionate by the day.”
Read the rest at:

Tom Rosica: "Remove the beam in your own eye, How can you live with yourself. How can you celebrate Mass?"

It seems that Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has some legal problems. Crux is reporting that a court in Milan has ordered him to make a financial settlement to his brother. When Viganò issued his Testimony, something learned about him was that he came from an old and wealthy aristocratic Italian family. This has enabled him to not rely on the Church for his retirement and given him the ability to protect himself from those who would seek to do him harm at this time.

Whether he acted inappropriately or not is not of any importance in the debate over McCarrick or those who supported his advancement and the advancement of others in the Church like him. He has rightly called out the homosexualist mafia in the Church and its destructiveness. 

Yet, there are those who continue to try to discredit him because of what he has written but fail to address what he has written. This, in itself, is a testimony that what he has said is true. 

Tom Rosica mocks the Viganò family writing, "What a beautiful Christian family."

One should be very careful about casting stones when one lives in a glass house because every family has its tragedies.

Image result for rosica murder cophttp://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/rochester/crime-safety/2018/02/01/william-rosica-sentenced-irondequoit-police-officer-stalking-ex-girlfriend



Tom Rosica asks the Archbishop on Twitter, "How can you celebrate Mass."

After dozens of mocking emails to me and an attempt to sue me and my family into poverty through a vexatious and frivolous lawsuit, I can ask the same question.

"Tom, how can you celebrate Mass?"

You can suspend Vox Cantoris from Twitter, but you can't suspend "Me" from Twitter

Vox Cantoris has been suspended from Twitter. It took place not long after I called @pontifex a liar over his heretical and blasphemous comment that the Holy Spirit brings confusion. I suggested that he read the Pentecost Sequence, Veni, Sancte Spiritus. Then again, I tweeted to him over his continued cover-ups of homosexual perverts in the clergy asked @pontifex if he was, therefore, a "homosexual."

But neither Twitter nor any who do their bidding can ban "me" from Twitter. While the nearly 4,000 followers are gone and cannot follow me there, they can surely still find me here - at least until Blogger shuts all of us down.

I have been blocked by many on Twitter. Tom Rosica, Austen Ivereigh, Antonio Spadaro, Rocco Palmo, Cardinal Napier and many more too numerous and silly to count. I consider it, as with the Twitter suspension, a badge of honour. 

What these clericalists and their minions can't seem to comprehend is that it is quite easy to have one or even multiple Twitter accounts under multiple email addresses. How else can we keep monitoring what they do?

I am not going away. 

The attempt to stop me has happened before, attempted lawsuits, nasty emails, interference with my work as a Cantor, ostracising me in my Archdiocese, slandering me with the former President of Una Voce, Leo Darroch and then his joining it to defame me to the whole Governing Council of FIUV and even attempts to attack my income and my employment.

They have lost everytime they have come at me and they will continue to lose.

They have their reward.

I have mine.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Vox Cantoris Suspended from Twitter

within the last few hours, I have been suspended from Twitter.

Did someone get upset because I called Bergoglio a liar? 

So, the same morning that I don't make it to Rosica's list of approved Catholics, I get suspended from Twitter.

I proudly wear this as a badge of honour!

Please Tweet this out.



Monday 12 November 2018

Whatever little action on perverts by American bishops has been deep-sixed by Bergoglio and his minions

NATION |  NOV. 12, 2018

Vatican Cancels US Bishops’ Vote on Sex-Abuse Reform Measures

The instruction to delay consideration of a new ‘Code of Conduct’ for bishops, creation of a lay-led investigative body came directly from the Holy See, Cardinal Daniel DiNardo told USCCB meeting.
Ed Condon/CNA
BALTIMORE — Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the U.S. bishops’ conference, has told the American bishops that they will not vote on two key proposals that had been expected to form the basis for the Church’s response to the sexual-abuse crisis.

The news came at the beginning of the U.S. bishops’ conference fall general assembly, meeting in Baltimore Nov. 12-14.

The instruction to delay consideration of a new “Code of Conduct” for bishops and the creation of a lay-led body to investigate bishops accused of misconduct came directly from the Holy See, Cardinal DiNardo told a visibly surprised conference hall.

Cardinal DiNardo said that the Holy See insisted that consideration of the new measures be delayed until the conclusion of a special meeting called by Pope Francis for February. That meeting, which will include the presidents of the world’s bishops’ conferences, will address the global sex-abuse crisis.

Apologizing for the last-minute change to the conference’s schedule, he said he had only been told of the decision by Rome late yesterday.

Ahead of the bishops’ meeting, two documents had been circulated: a draft “Standards of Conduct” for bishops and a proposal to create a new special investigative commission to handle accusations made against bishops.

These proposals had been considered to be the bishops’ best chance to produce a substantive result during the meeting and signal to the American faithful that they were taking firm action in the face of a series of scandals that have rocked the Church in the United States over recent months.

Speaking before the conference session had even been called to order, Cardinal DiNardo told the bishops he was clearly “disappointed” with Rome’s decision. The cardinal said that, despite the unexpected intervention by Rome, he was hopeful that the Vatican meeting would prove fruitful and that its deliberations would help improve the American bishops’ eventual measures.

While Cardinal DiNardo was still speaking, Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago intervened from the floor, expressing his support for the Pope. 

“It is clear the Holy See is taking the abuse crisis seriously,” Cardinal Cupich said.

At the same time, he suggested that the work that had gone into preparing the two proposals should not go to waste.

Cardinal Cupich suggested that if the conference could not take a binding vote, they should instead continue with their discussions and conclude with resolution ballots on the two measures. This, he said, would help best equip Cardinal DiNardo to present the thoughts of the American bishops during the February meeting, where he will represent the U.S. bishops’ conference.

“We need to be very clear with [Cardinal DiNardo] where we stand and be clear with our people where we stand,” Cardinal Cupich said.

While acknowledging that the February meeting was important, he noted that responding to the abuse crisis “is something we cannot delay — there is an urgency here.”

Cardinal Cupich went on to propose moving forward the American bishops’ next meeting, currently scheduled for June 2019. Instead, he suggested, the bishops should reconvene in March in order to act as soon as possible after the February session in Rome.

Ed Condon is the Washington editor for Catholic News Agency.

Sunday 11 November 2018

The pointless was that did not end all wars

Image result for vimy memorial

On this day, let us remember the 20,000,000 fallen and those who suffered for the rest of their lives. Looking back through the lens of history Canadians rose to fight, still in a colonial mindset, spent blood and treasure on this European debacle of death and destruction. Looking at Europe today and the lack of will of Europeans to fight for the culture and faith, it was all in vain. Those at the time, of course, did not see it this way. It was for King and Country and it was necessary for the preservation of Europe from a united Germany's onslaught.

The fools of France and England punished Germany so badly that another and worse war, and ironically, a just war on the part of the Allies, would be fought only two decades later. The bloodshed we see in the Middle East today is a result of the dreadful Sykes-Picot which carved up the wretched Ottoman Turkish empire and imposed artificial borders and puppet monarchs on the ancient peoples.

Looking at Europe now, the Europeans did not deserve the deaths of tens of thousands of Canadians and Americans who died in trenches of war and disease only to now behold a Europe no longer able to find the will to survive. 

God have mercy on those who died. 

May His justice be served on those who caused it.

Saturday 10 November 2018

Welcome to the Hotel Bergogliona

On a dark Roman highway, dry gel in my hair
Old cries of “Evita!” echoing through the air
Up above on the platform, I saw an old man in white
My thoughts grew cloudy and my faith felt dim
I had to stop for the night.

Rosica stood in the doorway
I heard the rentboys’ cell.
And I was thinking to myself
"Is it Purgatory? Or is this just Hell?"
Spadaro lit up a candle and he showed me the way
There were giggles down the corridor
I thought I heard them say:

Welcome to the Hotel Bergogliona
Such a humble place (Such a humble place)
Such a pious place
Mercy abounds at the Hotel Bergoglionia
Any kind of slack (Any kind of slack)
They will cut you that.

The priests are Mapplethorpe-twisted, even those in Depends
They got a lot of pretty, pretty boys … seminarians
How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat
Some rite to remember, some choose to forget.

So I called up the Cardinal
"Please tell me you’re straight."
He said, "We haven't had many such men here since nineteen-fifty-eight."
And old McCarrick keeps calling from far away
Wakes you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear him say:

Welcome to the Hotel Bergogliona
Such a yummy place (Such a yummy place)
Where there’s  no disgrace.
They makin’ things up at the Hotel Bergogliona
Time to catechize (time to catechize)
Then apostasize....

Putti on the ceiling
Pink chasubles and lace
Martin said "We are all just bridge-builders here, to our own disgrace"
And in the pontiff’s chapel
They celebrate their feast
Singing lots of happy, happy lies
In honor of the Beast...

Last thing I remember
I was kneeling on the floor
I had to climb the long way back to the faith I’d had before
"Relax," Paglia told me
"We’ve a program to deceive
Pose your Dubia any time you like
Since we just don’t believe!"

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Bergoglio's communist regime gets ugly

We recently had the Synod document discuss the "certification" of Catholic websites. Now we have Bishop Schneider being told not to travel and the Papal Nuncio in Washington instructing American bishops not to invite Cardinal Burke into their dioceses; and if all of that is not enough, there is pressure to prevent a publisher from promoting a book on Viganò, 

Do you still think the Pope is Catholic?

Sunday 4 November 2018

Vanity Fair and the coming Catholic Schism

 man in papal garments exits car
Over a plate of double-egged fettuccine and two bottles of Antinori Chianti at our usual trattoria in Rome’s old city, the Vatican monsignor is gossiping about the late Pope John Paul II: how he wore Penhaligon’s aftershave from Harrods of London; how, as a bishop in Poland, the future Pope camped out with his philosopher friend Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka. Now he’s showing me how John Paul mockingly gave a discreet Nazi salute toward the backs of a departing group of German bishops.
“When I raised my eyebrows disapprovingly at his antic,” says the monsignor, “he punched me hard on the arm. It hurt!”
He’s my Deep Throat, my Sotto Voce, purveyor of unattributable whispers in Vatican cloisters. A middle-echelon member of the Vatican bureaucracy, known as the Curia, he gestures smoothly with his wrists, showing off pure-white cuffs and gold links. “This place,” he says with a smile of self-conscious irony, “floats on a sea of bitchery!”

Saturday 3 November 2018

Pope Francis is an enemy of the people of Europe and North America

My grandparents came from Lebanon, my wife, born in South Africa. When they came to Canada, they did it through the established laws.

What we are witnessing from the Middle East and Africa to Europe and from Central America and Mexico to the United States and even to here in Canada is nothing more than an invasion. It is not legitimate immigration, these are mostly not legitimate refugees. 

The international law on refugees is clear. When one reaches a safe haven that nation is responsible. Therefore, Turkey or Mexico as examples.

Europe and North America are under attack. 

In a recent talk to the General Chapter of the Scalabrini Congregation, Bishop of Rome Bergoglio addressed one of his favourite topics, migration. 

Clearly, this man is an enemy of the nation-state.  

Image result for bergoglio


" I was a foreigner". This word made me "noise" when you said it ... It's easier to welcome a stranger than to be welcomed, and you have to do both. You must teach, help welcome the stranger, and give all the possibilities to the nations that have everything or enough to use these four words that you have said. How to welcome a foreigner. The Word of God strikes me so much: already in the Old Testament it underlines this: to welcome the stranger, "because you remember that you have been a stranger". It is true that today there is a wave of closure towards the foreigner, and there are also many situations of trafficking of foreign people: the foreigner is exploited. I am a child of migrants, and I remember in the post-war period - I was a boy of 10/12 years - when, where Dad worked, the Poles arrived to work, all migrants; and how well they were welcomed. Argentina has this experience of welcoming because there was work and it was also needed. And Argentina - for my experience - is a cocktail of migratory waves, you know it better than me. Because migrants build a country; how they built Europe. Because Europe was not born this way, Europe has been made by many waves of migration over the centuries.

Once you used a bad word: "well-being". But wellbeing is suicidal, because it leads you to two things. To close the doors, so that they do not disturb you: only those people who serve for my well-being can enter. And on the other hand, for well-being, do not be fruitful. And today we have this drama: a demographic winter and a closing of doors. This must help us to understand this problem a bit about receiving the stranger: yes, he is a stranger, he is not one of us, he is one who comes from outside. But how do you welcome someone who is a stranger? And this is the work you do and help you do: to form consciences to do it well. And I thank you for this.

But there is the other dimension. We are not the masters who say: "Ah, you, if you are foreigners, come". No. We are foreigners too. And if we do not try to be welcomed by people, those who are migrants and those who are not, another part is missing in our conscience: we will become the "masters", the masters of immigration, those who know more of migrations. No. You need to have this experience in your religious experience: to be you too migrants, at least cultural migrants. This is why I have always liked, in your training itinerary, the fact of making the students turn around: doing theology here, the philosophy there ..., so that they can learn about different cultures. Being a foreigner. And this is very important. From the experience of having been a foreigner, for studies or for destinations, the knowledge of how a foreigner is welcomed grows.

These two things, these two directions are very important, and you have to do them well. This is the first thing I wanted to say.

She also used another word: to pray . The migrant prays. Pray because you need so many things. And pray in his own way, but pray. A danger for all of us, men and women of the Church, but for you more, for your vocation, it would not need prayer. "Yes, yes, I think, I study, I do, but I do not know how to beg, I can not ask to be welcomed by the Lord as I am also migrant to the Lord". This is why I liked it when he spoke of prayer: prayer that is so often boring, or brings anguish to you. But stand before the Lord and knock on the door, as the migrant does, knocking on the door. How did that "migrant" in Israel - the Syro-Phoenician woman - who also managed to discuss with the Lord (cf. Mt.15,21-28). Knock at the door of prayer. To be migrants in the experience of migration, as you do in destinations, and to be migrants in prayer, knocking on the door to be received by the Lord: this is a very important help.

And another phenomenon of migrants - let's think of the caravan that goes from Honduras to the United States - is to pile up . The migrant usually tries to go in groups. Sometimes it has to go alone, but it is normal to pile up, because we feel stronger in migration. And there is the community. In football there is the possibility of a "free", that can move according to the opportunities, but from you there is no possibility, the "free" from you fail. Always the community. Always in the community, because your vocation is precisely for migrants who pile up. Feel migrants. Feel, yes, migrants facing needs, migrants before the Lord, migrants among you. And for this the need to pile up.

These three things came to my mind while you spoke. These ideas that maybe can help you. Thank you for everything you do. You are an example. And you are also brave, because you often go beyond the limits, you risk. And risking is also a characteristic of the migrant. It risks. He also risks life sometimes. And this is something that helps: brave, they can risk. The prudence in you has another shade compared to the prudence of a cloistered monk: they are different prudences. Both virtues, but with different colorings. To risk.

There is still some time. I do not know if anyone wants to ask a few questions to enrich the meeting. Come on!


Asia Bibi has been acquitted. No thanks to Bergoglio. Her life and that of her family is at great risk. 

This is an example of a person who legitimately needs asylum under treaty obligations of a real refugee.

I call on Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada to immediately grant her political asylum.

The world must condemn Pakistan and demand that she be allowed to leave.

Pakistan’s government has been accused of signing the “death warrant” of Asia Bibi after it said it would begin the process of preventing her leaving the country.
Bibi, a Christian farm labourer, was acquitted of blasphemy on Wednesday. She had spent eight years on death row after she drank from the same cup as a Muslim, prompting false allegations that she insulted the prophet Muhammad.
Bibi’s lawyer, Saif-ul-Mulook, has reportedly since fled the country amid fears for his life, telling AFP: “I need to stay alive as I still have to fight the legal battle for Asia Bibi.”
The ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) administration signed an agreement with the anti-blasphemy group Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) on Friday night, giving in to many of its demands in the face of massive, countrywide protests calling for Bibi to be put to death. calling for soldiers to mutiny.

EWTN removes The World Over video of interview with Bishop Martin Holley - Did Wuerl who allegedly made "racist statements" put pressure on Bergoglio to remove him?

To the moron who mocked me, I am responsible for writing this article based upon the facts. The video was taken down.

I tweeted this post to Raymond Arroyo and had a response that it could be seen at: 


Father Z reports it back on in pieces. 


If you don't like what I report, go away.

This past week's The World Over with Raymond Arroyo has been removed from YouTube by EWTN. The interview includes the "Papal Posse" of Arroyo, Father Gerald K. Murray and Robert Royal. I have not viewed the whole episode but fortunately, it resides on my PVR.

The other good news is that the portion which includes the interview with Bishop Martin Holley has been copied and is on Gloria TV which will not bullied.

Bishop Holley has still had no explanation for his removal but hints that racism is part of it.

There is much more to this story. Bishop Holley states that he believes that "it could be an act of revenge." 

In 2012, Bishop Holley as Auxiliary of Washington was asked by Pope Benedict XVI to give his opinion on Donald Wuerl's suitability as Vatican Secretary of State. Holley states, "we have had our moments" about Donald Wuerl and referred to certain "racist statements" by Wuerl.

This is more coverup by Wuerl and Bergoglio.

If anyone has the whole program, please write me and post it.

Sunday 28 October 2018


The era of the homosexual pervert bishop, the coverup and the financial corruption is about to be exposed.

Donald Trump is being used by God to serve His Holy will.

May He be praised.

This will reach Bergoglio.

Synod Idiots to regulate Catholic sites - Rolling On Floor Laughing My Head Off

Image result for that's him, vox cantoris

The last time someone tried this, I had 600,000 page views after 10 years.

Look to the left and you'll see the result of that fool's actions (Thomas J. Rosica, CSB).

I look forward to the "excommunication" coming my way for defying the Bergoglian Fascist Regime.

Knock yourselves out.


One day after the murder of Jews in Pittsburgh, will we sing a little louder?

Sing a Little Louder from KingdomWorks Studios on Vimeo.

Saturday 27 October 2018

Buffalo's pervert protector Malone about to be outed on 60 minutes!

(WIVB) - The woman who claims to have copied hundreds of incriminating documents from Bishop Malone's secret archives is coming forward. 
Siobhan O'Connor, Malone's former executive assistant, will speak to 60 Minutes this Sunday night at 7 p.m. 
60 Minutes will reveal what the documents she copied show. 
According to CBSNEWS.com, O'Connor accuses him of withholding the names of dozens of priests with sex abuse accusations against them from a report released last March. 
"Hundreds of documents O'Connor secretly copied from the confidential files of the Diocese of Buffalo offer an extraordinary window into Bishop Malone's decisions about priests accused of abuse. The devout O'Connor professes love for her church and her bishop. But she says she left the diocese last summer after three years because the documents she discovered indicated the bishop had allowed the accused priests to continue in ministry. "The reality of what I saw left me with no other option because at the end of my life, I'm not going to answer to Bishop Malone, I am going to answer to God," she tells Whitaker."
"I did betray [Bishop Malone], and yet I can't apologize for that, because there was a greater good to consider," says O'Connor.
Whitaker also interviews Deacon Paul Snyder of the Buffalo Diocese. He is the first clergyman of the diocese to call for Bishop Malone's resignation. The information exposed by O'Connor enraged him. "[Bishop Malone] is behaving in a way that you would typically think a CEO in a corporation that's being accused of corrupt practices might act, hiding behind attorneys," he says. Some of the documents O'Connor found were prepared by the dioceses' attorneys.
Since calling for Bishop Malone to step down, he has received 400 notes and emails. "They want to be part of the solution but they think this bishop is preventing that," says Deacon Synder.
60 Minutes has learned that the Buffalo diocese is under investigation by federal authorities. Bishop Malone declined to be interviewed by 60 Minutes.