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Monday, 3 June 2019

Was Bishop Tobin Blackmailed?

Some of you may have noticed this Tweet by Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, the one known as the "Good Tobin" as opposed to "Nighty-night" Tobin. He was correct in it in every way. He was truthful and not in any way, hateful.

A barrage of assaults on Twitter from the sodomite mafia went his way. It mattered not how many Catholics encouraged him and supported him, it continued to include the likes of homosexualist clerics, James Martin and Edward Beck. You can search their Tweets directly.

Alas, twenty-four hours later, Bishop Tobin has issued a statement, offering "regret" for his truthful statement. 

Methinks, I smell blackmail.


Anonymous said...

Or nasty foul word ridden shouts from a cellphone in Romania

James the Convert said...

Absolutely a distinct possibility

Fr. Rob Jack said...

Probably from the USCCB.

Anonymous said...

Must have pics of him being naughty and was threatened with exposure...


Aqua said...

In my reading it was not a retraction. Softer than I would personally prefer, but still firm on his orthodox assertions on sodomy.

Tom A. said...

Please fellow traditionalists, stop the hero worship of these modernist prelates who sometimes get it right on one or two issues of morality. They all abandoned the Catholic Faith when they caved in on the NO and V2. They are all ecumenists at heart regardless of their stance on the moral issues.

c matt said...

Tend to agree with Aqua - was not doubling down, but was a rather "non-apologetic" apology. Sort of "Sorry it hurt you, but it's my job to say these things. Let's just all get along."

Doubt it was blackmail because it was not grovelly enough; but certainly pressure put on him. Kind of like when mom forces you to make up with your sibling (who, of course, started it!).

dmirishman said...

I am not a"fan" of Bishop Tobin, nor do I trust him. I do not, however, read his statement as a retraction. It is soft, unnecessary, and too concerned with the feelings of people at risk rather than stating the truth of their actions. It is about what one would expect from a generic, "Bishop, Catholic, 1 each" in the 21st Century.

Kathleen1031 said...

It's repugnant to hear Catholic priests mew about homosexuals "leaving" the church because they are being told the truth, which some local priests in RI did over Bishop Tobin's tweet. These men don't care about the average Catholic and how they are scandalized or how they might leave the church. No no, their concern is all for the homosexuals. Why, one might reasonably ask, could it be they are themselves homosexuals and they are simply protecting their own agenda? Yes, that is a distinct possibility.
But either way, can we possibly convince our bishops to decide in advance if they have the courage to defend God's Truth when the demons come out, which they will when the truth is advanced? Decide in advance, and if you find you cannot withstand the pushback, then stay silent and not incite the demons even more than before because you folded when the demons prove they don't care for the truth.
Our church leaders are so weak, they simply lack the courage or desire to defend truth. We are so toasted. This effeminate church has no chance to save souls, the culture, or the truth. It's credibility has been squandered by men who don't believe it, like the men in Rome. I'm not at all saying that is Bishop Tobin, who has certainly tried far more than most and who is operating in Liberal Central, but to capitulate is to put chum in the water.

Tom A. said...

Its also ironic to read all the Twitter criticism of Tobin for being homophobic and criticizing him for protecting predator priests. Well isnt it homo predator priests that are the problem. So Tobin is homophobic for protecting his homo clergy. Oh the irony is rich.

Johnno said...

Louie Verrichio thinks so.

Also this is yet another kitten to add to the meowing pile.

And no, Aqua, you can hardly call the embarrassing retraction 'firm orthodoxy', considering not once does Tobin reinforce Catholic teaching. It's all ambiguously worded mush as he kowtows before sodomy.

Pathetic. One hopes that he was blackmailed with something dreadful. Otherwise if this is the kind of guy in charge than he is the worst sort of coward.

Aqua said...

I tend to agree with you. Still, “contrary to faith and morals” *is* Catholic teaching, and given the state of the Church, that actually counts for bravery these days (imo). It’s one thing to claim and discuss orthodoxy among your peers in an SSPX or FSSP Parish. It is quite another to proclaim it to rainbow loving parishioners, among rainbow Bishops led by a rainbow Pope.

He could have said more. At least he said that.

Anonymous said...


I read the Bishop's follow up. It was a retreat, in my opinion. His original "tweet" was, indeed, the Roman Catholic opinion. The response was a retreat.

Just my opinion.


Anonymous said...

Once a Church of martyrs, now a Church of garters...

Catholic gal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Catholic gal said...

Very good! Mind if I use the phrase? Thanks ever so much. :)

orate fratman said...

"Contrary to Catholic faith and morals." Well, at least he did not say "Mortal Sin", which has been absolutely forbidden for a Catholic to say since V-2.

Anonymous said...

Sure sure, it is all about Vat 2. Go back a little farther in the history of the Church.Injustices have been committed for centuries in the name of Pride .
Cdl Burke in the post below states forgiveness is predicated on justice. Justice is predicated on truth.
Let's be Truthful and look to the Word of God which tells us not to place out trust in Princes and sons of man in which there is no salvation.
Start by studying historical fact about these Princes and sons of man in whom we placed all our trust.

Anonymous said...

Never before in the history of the Church has the sheer numbers of clerics either been participants in perverted sexuality condemned in Scripture OR complicit in their silence!
The youthful priest in the video "Breaking the Habit" is absolutely correct in his assessment of the breach in Christianity which held for the first millenia ,despite heresies suffering and martyrdom.
The Orthodox are seeing a great rise in conversions at present and they are recognizing that many of them are Traditionally minded priests who are between a rock and a hard place unable to preach the Truth about the sin of sodomy for fear of being sanctioned or even murdered on the order of their Bishops.
What happened to Frs Minkler Kunz and the right handed priest in Buffalo who committed suicide by shooting himself in his LEFT temple after they spoke out against satanic pederasty committed by fellow clerics ?
why was Orthodox Fr Trenham invited to speak at a dinner at the Nunciature in DC over a decade ago?
A friend of mine who was employed by a Catholic full service home school curriculum provider was at the dinner and thought he was excellent. WHY wasn't this talk presented by a Catholic Bishop or Cardinal???

Trg said...

A church of garters! Lol

Anonymous said...

He did not need to respond in any way after his original tweet.
He said what needed to be said.

Responding to demonic, faggot trash is not necessary.
Unless he was performing an exorcism, he should never respond to a demon.

Anonymous said...

Contrast and compare with the video last posted above


Why are THEY complicit in the destruction of the Truth in the Scriptures?
Why are they participants in the Abomination of Desolation?

Tom A. said...

Its because they are not Catholic. They are modernists and ecumenists and many other things. But Catholic is not one of them. Therefore they are not our leaders and we owe no loyalty nor obedience to them. In fact, we are to avoid them at all costs.

Anonymous said...

Well Tom A we agree on that ! They are NOT catholic or Catholic in any sense of the the word UNIVERSAL meaning what Christians all believed in the first millenium. Now we are fractured beyond human repair.
It will take an act of God to repair this Hierarchy who pretend false obedience out of a false sense of piety.
The ambiguity coming out of the Vatican has reached the level of absurdity as demonstrated by the symposiums on the justification of sodomy practiced by men with alleged vocations to the sacred priesthood.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Catholics leaving the church? Where has this lefty "priest" been for the last 50 years? Church going Catholics are a tiny and ever diminishing percent of the US population and it didn't start with Tobin's tweet.