A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Monday 15 March 2021

Cardinal Thomas Collins says you "need to vaccine" it is "common sense" and an "act of charity!"

In comments after the Postcommunio in an empty St. Michael's Cathedral yesterday (begins at 54:00), Thomas Cardinal Collins said from the Cathedra that "we need to vaccinate the population" calling it "common sense" and an "act of charity." Not commenting on the recent suspension in much of Europe of the Astra-Zeneca gene therapy, Collins said that "it is a sign of hope" and that it is a "sensible way to get beyond" the virus, a virus that originated in a laboratory in communist China and was released accidentally or intentionally and has spread throughout the world causing illness, death and economic destruction. Collins mentioned nothing about the testing of these "vaccines" or in some cases the containment of fetal stem cells within it.

We have read and heard from various quarters in the Church, including the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and from many theologians and bio-ethicists that the fact that the HEK 293 stem lines from an aborted baby girl are not something that we need to be concerned about. As with Collins, the word "charity" is the theme heard from Rome to Toronto and beyond throughout the Catholic world. 

More reading on the debate can be found at: 

Let us make no mistake. These chemicals offered by Phizer, Astra-Zeneca (now being banned throughout Europe) and Johnson & Johnson and others, are not vaccines in the traditional sense. A little bit of SARS-CoV-2 is not in the serum as with polio or smallpox. This is experimental gene therapy and the long-term results are not known. The experimental testing is going on in the broader populace. There are documented cases of illness and death as a result of people taking these therapies. This is beyond the fundamental problem of fetal kidney cells from an aborted baby contained within or used to test these products. It also begs the question of how many other products we use daily are never reported as to their testing protocols using fetal stem lines. 

Fundamentally, the taking of these therapies is an individual decision. Should you take it, you must do so with full informed consent and that includes the perennial teaching of the Church, not just now but what She has taught before. I am not a theologian, not a bio-ethicist but it seems pretty simple to me, a "very remote cooperation with evil" is still cooperation with evil. I cannot answer the question of how many angels dance on a pin others have tried and let them continue. I will not subject my body to an experimental therapy that may cause the end of my life or significant negative consequences that do not outweigh the risk from actually catching the disease but more importantly, I will not benefit directly with full knowledge that the benefit is due to the murder of a baby girl by the crime of abortion. I will not be confronted or accused by that child at my particular judgement for benefitting from her death. This is what my conscience dictates, my sins are already grave enough.  Everyone must examine their conscience in this matter.

Returning to the commentary by Cardinal Collins, one must ask a few questions to His Eminence. The Cardinal or His Excellency Mr. Neil MacCarthy are invited to answer (yes, they read these.)

Was your promotion of these gene therapies tied to the niggardly increase of church occupancy to fifteen percent in the grey lockdown areas?

Do you believe that you should personally benefit from the murder of an aborted child?

Are you afraid of speaking against these genetic therapies and the connection to abortion because YouTube may remove your live-stream Mass and Facebook will ban you and thus prevent you from promoting it?

Are you going to demand on pain of suspension that every priest receive the therapy?

Will you punish any parish employee or contractor in the Archdiocese of Toronto who refuses to accept the alleged morality or medical efficacy of the genetic therapy?

Will a "vaccine passport" be necessary to come to Mass?

Are you so much the compromiser as to take the advice of the same "virtuous" public health official that limited church attendance to ten? It was YOU Cardinal Collins that closed the churches and shut down the Mass in November!

Are you prepared for the lawsuits from those who have an illness or the estates of those who may die from these experimental gene therapies that you are promoting and who may take them only because they were confident because "the Cardinal said it was an act of charity and I must be charitable?"

This is just another example of a weak and ineffectual Shepherd who only a few minutes before gave a homily about the Sacred Heart of Jesus and an upcoming pastoral letter. That Heart of Jesus has just been wounded again, not by a faithful shepherd but by a hireling who has sold us out to Cesare.


Barona said...

No one can accuse Cardinal Collins from not keeping his word to his Public health official Overlords. The churchmen are on record as openly admitting they are on board for the pushing of abortion linked "vaccines". Most, actually variations of gene therapy.

I ask Cardinal Collins directly: "As a man of God can stand in the pulpit and tell Catholics that these gene therapies are safe?

Even if there were no links to abortion, grave moral problems and health dangers remain.

The Cardinal CANNOT stand there and say they are safe, because he knows full well we have NOT had long-terms studies on the effects of synthetic RNA in the human body. We do NOT know what long-term effects they can have on the auto-immune system, nor of the toxic effects of the non-native delivery system components. And this is just a short list of possible side effects that presently are being guessed at. Human beings are being used in a huge lab experiment by companies who have received legal protection from being sued (at least in the United States).

For churchmen to come onside for this is either complete ignorance, or going along with an attack on the dignity of the human body. The last time I checked, this is considered a grave mortal sin.

Phineas said...

I was hoping to begin going to the 7:30am Mass again at St. Michael's Cathedral but Cardinal Collins is the "presider" at that Mass and gives overly long homilies. Early morning masses need to have very short homilies, if they need them at all, because people need to get to work.

They also combined the 7am and 8am Masses into the one at 7:30 when the first lockdown ended and Masses resumed in June. I'm guessing that might be permanent but am hoping not.

Vox Cantoris said...

No homily is necessary during the week but he is playing to the cameras.

There are nine priests at the Cathedral. Some are the Associates and the Rector but also those who work at the chancery and live there.

That's a lot of priests to offer a Mass on the hour. The ones at the Chancery can have early and late times.

6, 7, 8, 9 10 and 12 noon. 4, 5 and 6 PM.

M. Prodigal said...

The "vaccine": Don't take it!!! I know people are pressured, are fearful, or willing to compromise for convenience so they can travel, etc. It is an experimental biological agent of gene therapy that cannot be undone. Who is pushing it: Wealthy persons who want depopulation. Will it cause sterility? Auto-immune diseases? Even death already for some thousands and side effects for many tens of thousands. Hold your ground and do not take the mark.

M. Prodigal said...

Oh, to add on--the complicity of shepherds is amazing to me. Many of them are living in fear. Many prefer the easier compromise. Even in places where the secular government is opening up or loosening restrictions, many bishops are keeping the churches closed or barely open or making the people do all the unneeded things such as wearing the enslavement mask.

Johnno said...

Well now now, Collins, like all of our priests now forced to stream their masses and homilies through YOUTUBE, all need to obviously comply with YouTube's rules, don't you know?

That means no saying bad things about homosexuality, transgenders, BLM and other liberal pet projects. No saying Trump won the votes in the last U.S. Election. No saying anything about COVID being a globalist conspiracy. No saying anything bad about those gene-therapy experimental mrna injections they are calling "vaccines" for the purposes of legally being let off the hook for any bad things that happen to you. These are legal TRANS-Vaccines. That's their identity, that's what you will refer to them as or else someone's feelings will be hurt. The only important thing is that they die or get paralysis for life while feeling happy that we are all in this together.

In the NEW NORMAL(tm), all your discussions and homilies and communication must happen online through approved social media outlets and communications for government screening.

No more homilies in the privacy of your own Church. All must be approved by government for thought-crimes.

Anonymous said...

Even the biggest proponents of these experimental gene therapies say the “vaccine” will only lessen the symptoms. It won’t keep you from getting or spreading it. You might even have an easier time catching it!

Dan Lewis

Anonymous said...

I see that the archdiocese has now disabled comments on the St. Michael`s Youtube broadcasts. I guess they don`t have enough time to screen unfavourable comments anymore.

Johnno said...

The other question is what symptoms are they lessening?

Getting a cold is the same as going to the toilet. It's your body doing its thing to cleanse your body of the bad stuff inside of it. It's natural.

Now you don't want to get very bad crippling influenza symptoms any more than you want a very bad case of diarrhoea.

But if anyone came up to you and said they had the cure for going to the bathroom and you never need pee or poo anymore, inconvenient as those things may be, who in their right state of mind, knowing biology and science, would take that 'cure'?

Considering this alien bug can also be asymptomatic or supposedly just gives you a mild flu for most people, why do we need an injection to stop what the body is already doing well enough on its own? And how the heck is halting the body's basic functions altogether good for those who end up in the ICU unless you already have an alternate plan to circumvent it and make it run its course much more gently because of the toll on a vulnerable person?

Proper vaccines are meant to create anti-bodies to fight and get rid of something, which naturally means the stuff it is getting rid of needs to come out from somewhere. Sadly as we grow old, or just live unhealthily, those normal processes can break down and take a toll on our hearts and lungs. But that's a consequence of things we already know about.

Little wonder then, that the 'cures' can lead to some people getting more sick and left more vulnerable.

Unknown said...

No pope, bishop, minister, or pastor, should be giving medical advice about a drug, certainly not when that drug is a brand new gene therapy never given before and there are so many negative responses to it. Surely there has been at least one person who acted on their recommendation and got the shot and it didn't work out for them. Do they feel any responsibility for that, having recommended everyone get it? Based on their advice someone may have gotten tremendously ill or even died. Perhaps they ought to stay out of medicine.

Anonymous said...

First, let me say that I am gratified that anonymous commenting is restored. There are some of us who are in positions whose security would be at risk were we to publicly declare anything contrary to the propaganda that is pushed relentlessly. Having said that; I resent a layperson telling me what to do medically, with my person. I will accept the advice, under consideration from a qualified professional, but will not tolerate it from someone who obviously knows less than nothing about the gene therapy protocols they are foisting on the ignorant public as vaccines. I will not partake in a clinical research trial, even one of such magnitude. Let us just wait and see in about 6-8 months from now, after everyone has had their 2nd dose of the 'vaccine' to see how their bodies process the spike proteins at a cellular level. If I were dispassionate, clinical sort of person I would be excited to see how this turns out. How many will have new auto-immune disorders? How many will be wracked with severe, unremitting fatigue, or blood clotting disorders or neurological sequelae??? Time will tell. And that, as they say, is the crux of it; A new drug protocol must be rigorously defended and examined over several years before it can be determined that is safe for the general population.

Anonymous said...

Question to the above comment..”Will we know just how badly this will affect individuals who have taken the vaccine?” Just as everyone who died in 2020 ..died of Covid19..and it was wildly proclaimed in the media..I predict that the untold problems that will afflict many due to these vaccinations will be silenced for the most part except for those who the media will mock as conspiracy theorists. Very sad to imagine!

STARK said...

Virologist: ‘We Are Going to Pay Huge Price’ for COVID Mass Vaccination Campaign

Aqua said...

It is not “vaccinating the population”. It is “gene therapying” the population.

I realize that “therapying” doesn’t roll off the tongue like “vaccination”, but these are not vaccines, properly defined. They are DNA altering gene therapy which is still in an experimental phase of development, in which the genome industry has been provided tort immunity for mistakes, malpractice and injury.

No one on earth has the right to take my God-given body and demand I submit it to the genome industry for experimental DNA altering industrial use. My body, my soul - I don’t belong to Cardinal Collins or any other man as a pet to be used.

Vox Cantoris said...

"My body, my choice." Works here for me.

Aqua said...

“My body, my choice”.

As with all things leftist, it begins with a deceitful premise. That statement is true, in most cases (excepting personal harm), but the premise (regards abortion) is wrong; there is only one body.

Catholics stand for the rights of the mother over HER body. We also stand for the rights of the defenseless unborn over THEIR body.

Pagan abortion supporters claim rights over the unborn baby’s body; its life. And in that way the completely unacceptable position of Cardinal Collins and the Catholic Hierarchy is similar to the pagan abortionist to assert their will over another’s body and life - in a mist terrifying and deadly way.

Angry Old Man said...

My question is: why don't we just leave? We can read the Mass like so many people did when no priests were available. Why are we expecting that the bunch of fruits we have for priests do something to preserve the faith. God will deal with them. Leave them alone. Let us see what they do with no flock and no God.

Where I live I can't go to Mass without seeing that cursed plant on the altar. I can't care less for Pachamama Google Facebook. Rome has become the seat of the Antichrist. As far as I am concerned they can all to Hades where they came from.

John the Mad said...

Angry Old Man:

Like you I am appalled and angry about the disgusting worshipping of the pagan goddess Pachamama in Rome. It is a blasphemous insult to Christ Almighty.

Yes you can read the mass if you choose. What you cannot do with that, of course, is receive the actual Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord and Saviour. You may think that is okay. I say it is depriving you of that very sacrament that Jesus died for in order to give you the food of life necessary for your salvation.

I am not a Catholic because of Pope Francis, bishops, priests or deacons - some of whom are heretics, unfaithful to their vows and morally corrupt - and many of whom are good faithful men struggling to save souls.

I remain a Catholic because that is where I can attend holy mass, receive the Eucharist and bask in the Real Presence of our loving God.