A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Sunday, 30 May 2021

For the second Trinity Sunday in a row, thanks to Thomas Collins, there is


For well over a year now, our liturgical cycle of true worship to God has been turned on its head. The cowardice of our episcopal shepherds is without compare except in Tudor England but they had one who stood up to the corrupt and evil king. This man opines frequently on the likes of St. John Fisher but follows him not.

Doug Ford has lied to us. He said that if there were 60% of Ontarians who had at least one dose of the experimental genetic manipulation injection, we would enter Phase 1. Collins has said that he has met with Ford's minions and if there was no announcement by now on the opening of churches he would order a campaign of protest by the faithful.

Well, where is it, Your Eminence? Tomorrow then?


1 comment:

Phineas said...

Riffing off of a theme Anonymous posted the other day, there is something rather cowardly or even effeminate about having the faithful undertake some letter writing or email campaign to put pressure on the Premier.

The answer is crystal clear: our rights are enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We don't have to show extraordinary evidence that Churches will be safe, only that they meet the standard of other "essential services" that are allowed to open.

So just do it, Your Eminence. Throw down the gauntlet.