A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Friday, 11 February 2022

Nine years ago

Nine years ago this very hour I was dressing for work when the announcement came across the radio. It was devastating. I truly thought he was dying or had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and would be gone within the year. I loved him, I trusted him. He was like the grandfather I never knew. As long as I knew he was there, all would be well, or at least I thought. Since that time it has been a horror for the Church, for individual faithful Catholics. It has only become worse. 

When I look at him, I can't help but remember the joy I felt when he was elected. 

He is still, my Pope.

Our Hopes are with Pope Benedict XVI on this 9th Anniversary of his Declaratio | From Rome


acardenas4040 said...

"He is still, my Pope". Same here. For an interesting explanation on why he did what he did, it appears he was aware of the messages from Giuseppe Auricchia from Our Lady of the Pines, in Italy. Sobering information from Franciscan Brother Alexis Bugnolo.


Neofito said...

Agree on that...
I still clearly remember that day... the sun did not shine as it should that day... the shadows could be almost in touch... the next phase at the anomos reign was put in action...

and when ratzinger will pass out, this will be worst... if you believe in St. Malachias Prophecy... he is the last name on the list... (bergoglio does not count, as he es not even a 'legal' antipope... his 'election' was a total fraud) and before "Petrus Romanus"

acardenas4040 said...

Yes, I agree with you. JB is an evil imposter as is evident by his blaphemies and heresies. I often would wonder why lightening would hit the dome of St Peter's twice on that day. That was so eerie that even the atheistic, godless secular media reported on this event.

Since the defective Declaratio of Benedict XVI, many believe he is is still the true Roman Pontiff, whereas, other's who don't discern because they do not love the truth, follow the AntiPope F. It's like God is saying " You can't have 2 Popes, so choose whom you will follow, the true Pontiff or the imposter". It is no doubt, God testing his elect!

I thank God that he has revealed such things to me. I hope and pray that me and my family will survive the terrible times ahead, until Our Lady's Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart and peace returns once again to our world.

MyronM said...

In the original Latin of St. Malachy's prophecies the phrase “In persecutione extrema SRE sedebit. is a separate verse and refers to Jorge Bergoglio, who is the extreme persecutor of the Holy Roman Church. A leftist cannot be the vicar of Jesus Christ. Benedict XVI was the last Roman pope.
Peter the Roman is a figure of a different order: he brings the Church of Christ into the Kingdom of Christ on earth.
Today, on February 11, 2022, began the 156th year since the first apparition in Lourdes in 1858. The number 156 is crucial because it points to Peter the Roman. What does this number mean? '1' (Mercury) the Fire sent by Jesus Christ (Messenger/Mercury), '5' (Jupiter) the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and '6' (Saturn) signifies a descendant of King David – these three elements were included by the God's providence in the person of Peter the Roman.

Neofito said...

@MyronM ... interesting interpretation! I had not think about it this way... Coluld you elaborate it?...
So, according to your idea... there is 2 ¿sentences? ¿paragraphs?
a) In persecutione extrema (regading the argentinian)
b) Peter Romanus could be THE Peter Romanus? the 1st Pope? that could 'bring back' to put order?

Tony said...

Benedict XVI is pope for sure.

Anon said...

We are living through the passion of Holy Mother the Church in the person of HH Pope Benedict XVI still gloriously reigning, and in the church militant in union with our beloved pope. Stay close to Our Blessed Mother. Never have the graces of praying the Holy Rosary been more necessary than today. Stay in union with our beloved pope, cause you are no Catholic if you follow the antipope. Try to find a Mass by holy priests in union with him.

Anon said...

We are living through the passion of Holy Mother the Church in the person of HH Pope Benedict XVI still gloriously reigning, and in the church militant in union with our beloved pope. Stay close to Our Blessed Mother. Never have the graces of praying the Holy Rosary been more necessary than today. Stay in union with our beloved pope, cause you are no Catholic if you follow the antipope. Try to find a Mass by holy priests in union with him.

Anonymous said...

Now we know that with the Rational Premise, Pope Benedict’s false theology has been made obsolete. The Syllabus of Errors is still in

Sedevacantist Bishop Mark Pivarunas like the late Archbishop Pierre Thuc of Vietnam, is still interpreting Vatican Council II and other Magisterial Documents with a False Premise and he and Fr. Benedict Hughes are acting as if all is normal as they offer the Latin Mass.

Non sedevacantist Cardinal Raymond Burke, like the late Alice von Hildebrand, is doing the same. -Lionel Andrades

Anna said...

Reply to Anon: Try to find a Mass by holy priests in union with him.
So true - but good luck - it’s very difficult to find one unless you know someone who knows someone

Anon said...

Reply to Anna

Go up to your priest and ask him. If he says no then avoid him. If he gives you a knowing look but refuses to answer then you can take that to the bank and assist at his Mass. We are in a state of sede vacantis. When Benedict died they had 21 days to convene the conclave to elect the next pope. The cardinals failed and have rendered
themselves redundant from their only chief job: to elect the pope. As BXVI said in his declaratio it now behoves those competent to carry out the task as stated in apostolic law: the faithful of Rome.