A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Wednesday 2 February 2022

'God rejects you': man interrupts Pope's audience


mazara said...

The Communion of Saints. https://twitter.com/CatholicSat/status/1488852972528455684?t=tyIbL0UhVryEpaxNK1KxLw&s=19

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

@ mazara

The deniers of the faith, the blasphemers, all are part of the communion of saints? This is the scrambled brain effect that modernism produces. If the devil is a Saint, and a Saint is the devil, no one is anything and everyone is everything. Is this the explanation of ONENESS? Each is just a particle of the ONE. Nothing is outside of it, everything is it.

Even if this may be appealing to those of us, who prefer our own ideas to those of God, our own ideas are the reason for our fall. This is according to our Catholic Faith. The Catholic Faith is not Buddhism, Buddhism is not Kabbalah and Kabbalah is not the Catholic Faith. Bergoglio can hold and spread these ideas, if he so chooses, but all the Catholic priests and theologians who will not call his foolish primitive Humbleness a disgusting duplicitous snake, are disgusting, too.