A corporal work of mercy.

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Friday 4 June 2021

Cardinal Collins - Why is Neil MacCarthy and his communications group mocking the faithful?

This blog post writes itself!


Anonymous said...

Excellent question, especially in view of the fact that very few were able to "make the First Friday", as the saying goes. Will the churches be open next Friday on the Feast of the Sacred Heart? How will the modernist pastors in so many of the parishes of the Archdiocese respond to the cardinal's sudden devotion to the Sacred Heart? Even if the churches were open, how many priests would actually have a Friday evening Mass and devotions? The devotion is for the most part unknown because it has been ignored and even vilified for decades by the semi-literate clerisy produced by Canadian seminaries. The devotion to the Sacred Heart is of value and importance in and of itself. To promote it all of a sudden as an antidote to the wicked ideology of gay pride especially in schools is wrong. It's too little too late yet again. There are promises from Our Lord for those who make the Nine First Fridays. Are these promises included in the cardinal's letter? Of course not, because his advisors have as much regard for the revelations to St. Margaret Mary as they do for the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. How long did it take for the prayer to be introduced in some parishes, if at all? Doing or promoting something traditional will not impress the faithful Catholics who have been consistently ignored and vilified during his tenure, as they have for decades before. To little too late, and not for the right reasons. If he really is convinced that this devotion is what is needed for this time, then let him mandate a Holy Hour of REPARATION next Friday night. Reparation for the indifference, negligence and sacriliges committed against the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus in the churches and schools of the Archdiocese...

Anonymous said...

You could be reading too much into it. It is likely not the result of malice, just an example of the archdiocese using robots to issue their Twitter posts.

Evangeline said...

Oh no...now we have people willing to blame bots instead of holding these men accountable. The problem is not just these corrupt men. The problem is also the people. The people put up with too much.

Johnno said...

Dougy and THE PARTY have extended their illegal power over us until December. Don't worry they'll extend it again when January comes around. All those 'variants' dont'cha know?


Thankfully Belinda Karahalios made sure that THE PARTY could not vote in secret, so here are the bastards that voted YES, PLEASE GIVE THE PARTY MORE POWER TO LOCK EVERYONE DOWN!


Meanwhile the Albertan PARTY has been caught partying it up without any nonsense regulations over at the palace rooftop restaurant.

It's long past time to convene the World Criminal Court and hang them all. Make sure they are wearing those useless masks when the noose goes on.

Anonymous said...

Because he hates Catholics?! I base this on what he has been up to the last several years.

Barona said...

As I tweeted to them a day ago: "unfortunately there are no Masses for us to attend".

Have not heard back. This friends, is the clericalism we are facing. Utter contempt for the Faithful. Remember the year long plus abuse when they come asking for money. We don;t give to Methodists or Anglicans. Neither are we under any obligation to give to Modernists. Besides, they don't need our money, I here that Caesar pays well.

Vox Cantoris said...

To my loyal reader.



Action taken.

Thank you.
