A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Tuesday 19 January 2021

We've been here before

This is a picture of Washington last night in preparation for the fake inauguration of a corrupt and illegitimate American president. 

The Cathedral of Light was a main aesthetic feature of the rallies organised by the National Socialist German Workers Party beginning in Nuremberg in 1933.

There are no coincidences.


Unknown said...

I mentioned the same thought to a friend. Then, here it is in pictures!

Liam Ronan said...

"So, on an appointed day, Herod put on his royal finery and sat down on a raised dais to harangue them; whereupon the people cried out in applause, It is no man, it is a god that speaks. And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, for not referring the glory to God; and he was eaten up by worms, and so died." Acts 18:21-23

Anonymous said...

This could be the start of the Great Chastisement, a price will have to be paid for the slaughter of innocent infants, and the abominations taking place. It also looks as if the Consecration of Russia either didn't take place, or if it did it was done too late. Imagine the Mother of God appearring requesting a consecration, accompanied by an astounding miracle, and her request been ignored.

Mary Ann Kreitzer said...

Thanks for the photos, Vox. Creepy, just like all the creepy false flag events. I do hope that the blue, being Mary's color, represents all our prayers going up to heaven for help. When we're weakest and acknowledge our help for Almighty God, that's when He often sends His Mama to help us. Evil men mean all this to implement their diabolical plans. As we lift our prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of His Mother God can transform what they meant for evil into good. May God have mercy on America!

Frank said...

Does America deserve mercy?
Our country has been steeped in sin for so long that it makes Nineveh blush.
We deserve the "Chastisement".

Fr. VF said...

And the pro-abortion, pro-sodomy "archbishop" of Washington gave Communion to Beijing Joe the day before the fake "inauguration." From the antipope on down, the hierarchy is populated by ONLY two kinds of men: Satanists, and those who are afraid of the Satanists.

The official policy of Communist China is to kill every American man, woman, and child. If Biden moves into the White House today, that is also the official policy of the wholly illegitimate government of the United States.

Mary Ann Kreitzer said...

Well, Frank, do our grandchildren deserve the chastisement? At almost 74 I won't be around much longer, but my children and grandchildren who love God and practice the faith will be. I just pray for them to have the grace to be white and even red martyrs.

geoff kiernan said...

"I just pray for them to have the grace to be white and even red martyrs."

Wot? No Black martyrs!!!???
Just me taking aim at racism being used as a weapon...
I share MAK's sentiments. Like her, We won't be around much longer. We pray for our Children and Grand Children

Tom A. said...

Fr VF, not only was the Inaguration, fake, but so were the “sacraments” administered in the once Catholic St Matthew’s Cathedral. The Novus Ordo modernist regime has twisted and tinkered with every single Sacrament. Find a traditional priest who administers traditional sacraments and avoid the Novus Ordo fake sacraments. Eternity is too long to place your hopes in sacraments developed by modernist masonic heretics.