A few days ago a friend wrote me that his octogenarian father was admitted to a Toronto hospital after suffering a stroke. Whilst in hospital, they gave him the China Virus. He is on life-support and the treatments for China Virus have now ceased. I heard last evening that the hospital has denied the son's request for a priest to administer Extreme Unction. They will not send a chaplain on staff nor can he bring in a priest from outside.
God will take care of this poor soul. God will not deny him His mercy through no fault of his own. I have written to some of my priest friends to remember this suffering man at Mass this morning. If you are a priest or know one who would do the same, it would be a great act of charity to this man and his son. The man's first name is Stephen, that is all that is necessary, God will know who it is.
The denial of the sacraments to this man will be on the souls of those responsible. It is a crime on the hospital officials.
However, the greater crime is the utter silence of our bishops, particularly Toronto's Cardinal Thomas "Collateral-damage" Collins and Douglas Crosby - who has blocked all sacraments and declares Catholics who disagree as "uncharitable," makes them complicit in this crime against the God-given rights of the faithful. They need to think on this - at the general judgement, they will stand accused for all to see. They will stand accused by Stephen and they will stand accused by the little girl who was murdered for the vaccine that they are recommending to even the offering of our churches as vaccination centres. Open the churches for the vaccine they will, but not for Mass.
No Mass for you.
No Sacraments for you.
You selfish, uncharitable, ignorant simpleton.
Hello VoxCantoris,
So right. Nothing more need be said. Except that it is so much worse than we had thought. We have all been led to believe that these cell lines involved the murder of "only" one child. Pamela Acker over at the Kolbe Center, however, explains how the number "293" in the fetal cell line HEK-293 refers to the number of experiments conducted to achieve that cell line. For 293 experiments, far more than one abortion was necessary, probably hundreds of abortions. Please watch the interview with John-Henry Westen and Pamela Acker on Lifesite News, where she exposes the history in detail, and how it relates to the current Covid vaccines. So we now know that it will be a cloud of witnesses standing in judgment. Please check out the video before it is scrubbed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEsfzIxGjeo God bless.
When my uncle was dying from wounds protecting his men in WWII (he won the Military Cross at 23) the Protestant hospital he was taken to wouldn't permit a priest to go in to administer the Last Rites, so he was brought down on a stretcher to the pathway outside the front door where a priest was waiting to perform the sacrament. He died shortly afterwards. Perhaps Stephen's family could arrange for this to happen before he passes on. I'm sure they could find some priest willing to assist him in his last journey.
They are communists in vestments !
Dear Heavenly Father,
May the Lord Jesus Himself come for this dear soul and accompany him to eternal life.
The Last Rites used to involve blessed oil been placed on the forhead, feet and hands, its now been reduced to a quick prayer and sprinkling of Holy Water,now its been denied, along with Confession and the Blessed Sacrement. I think Christ provided for these times with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy to be said for the dying. Back then who could have imagined the Last Rites would be denied
Anonymous, Our Lady of Good Success predicted that the Sacrament of Extreme Unction would be very difficult to get in these times, and that many would die without receiving the sacrament.
The Novus Ordo no longer has Catholic sacraments. They have modernist sacraments.
Also, the Divine Mercy Chaplet was approved by JP2 who is also a full fledged modernist. He let pagans put a statue of Budda on an altar in Assissi in 1986. He gave you the 1983 Code of Canon Law that says non Catholics can recieve the Blessed Eucharist. Stick with the Rosary given to us by Our Lady and not a cheap imitation given to us by a Polish Apostate.
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