A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Thursday, 7 January 2021

Cardinal Collins to pay churches to livestream - what are the implications? What does this really mean?

Earlier today, the Archdiocese of Toronto under the authority of Cardinal Collins and issued by Jim Milway, a layman and Chancellor of Spiritual Affairs, a memorandum to all priests and parishes. The Archdiocese will give a grant of up to $10,000 for adding or improving the capability of live-streaming. 

Those parishes that have done live-streaming are apparently learning that is valuable beyond just the celebration of the Holy Mass according to the document.

But what does this mean? What is the Archdiocese telling us by the issuance of this memorandum and grant which could be in the millions of dollars.

Cardinal Collins is telling us that we are far from having any regular restoration of Holy Mass and church life. They have refused to do their duty and defend the Church from the diktats of politicians who have attached our constitutional rights and they are in panic mode. 

Panic mode?

The funds come out of the trust from the Family of Faith campaign not regular collections and the cathedraticum. The are in panic mode because they see the cathedraticum collapsing as parish contributions dry up.

They close our churches and expect we should still open our wallets. They deny  us the sacraments and expect us not to deny them funds. They will stop at nothing to fine every way to keep in touch with us because they know that Epiphanytide is history and Lent, the Triduum and Easter are gone too. They want to reach into your computer to keep a hold on us and our wallets. 

Why not just suggest people watch the feed from St. Michael's Cathedral? 

Because it is all about money and as I've been told by many a Toronto priest, the post-China Virus Toronto Church is going to look a lot different. Mass closures are coming. 

Nobody is coming to save us. 

Except Our Lord Jesus Christ. "Put not your trust in princes."


Phineas said...

He took the federal COVID money. They could have instead asked for an extraordinary financial commitment from the faithful, coupled with a visible commitment to tighten their own pockets. The austerity would have done them spiritual good, as well.

Anonymous said...

In the USA there were states that allowed the Churches to open, but Bishops preferred to keep them closed,in New York a Cathedral closed but its gifts shop open, tells you all you need to know about their priorities.

M. Prodigal said...

What does it mean? It means that attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and receiving our Blessed Lord in Holy Communion while is a state of grace is really not so important or essential and can be wiped away at will. Or so some might think.

Anonymous said...

One parish in NS collection was close to 40 k . Can’t verify because not published of course. . Wonder how many will skirt the travel ban and travel somewhere warm this winter, they are all massed out after the ‘holidays’.

Viva Cristo Rey said...

It is very sad but your are correct.

This means that no mass and closed churches (or open from 9am to noon for up to 10 people) is going to continue long into the future. The dispensation of the Sunday obligation will not be lifted for a long time.

Many do not bother making the effort to watch online masses, especially when there is a dispensation from attending mass. Others will take the opportunity to explore other streams, perhaps even of more charismatic non-Catholic Christians, and to many people this action tells them that there is not any difference between the Catholic church and any of the protestant churches.

I've said it before but I've stopped all of my donations to the Archdiocese of Toronto and redirected them to other areas where masses haven't been cancelled.

As someone trying to raise children in the one true faith those that are supposed to be leaders in the church are the biggest obstacle. Trying to teach children that mass is vital while priest and bishops are telling them it is not is an uphill battle. There will be many souls that will be lost because of the actions over the last year.

They can say that they believe in the one true faith but when push came to shove too many of the church leaders have shown that they do not.

I include all of these priests and bishops in my prayer intentions everyday. I would urge everyone reading this site to pray for the healing of Christ's church.

Jesus, I trust in you.

Anonymous said...

I stand corrected. The parish in Ns posted on Facebook a collection of 40,323$ @Christmas.

peasant said...

Nobody is coming to save us. Except Our Lord Jesus Christ.
You might have missed it. He has already come to save us, He will not come in the flesh again to save us. What remains is the final moments of this time of mercy, and then shall come the time of Judgement in tribulations.

Peter Lamb said...


Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Cut From The Novus Ordo by Bishop Sanborn (Traditional Catholic Sermon)

Back to being Catholic!
All problems solved. :)

Tom A. said...


Exactly so. It is impossible to practice the Catholic Faith inside a non Catholic church. I am afraid that is what so many good misguided people are trying to do these days.

Anonymous said...

@anonymous: "Wonder how many will skirt the travel ban and travel somewhere warm this winter, they are all massed out after the ‘holidays’."
How many will skirt the travel ban? I sure hope you aren't referring to the PP at the parish in Nova Scotia. As a member of said parish, and knowing how difficult things have been both for the parishioners and the PP (as they have been for everyone), I find the implication made in that statement uncalled for and frankly, very rude. Our parish has been quite blessed; both financially and with a PP that hasn't taken a day for himself since long before covid.......Take care of yourself,

Lois Ferguson