A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Don't do this!


NBW said...

In the photo, the priest looks as though he is distributing a toxic substance. The gloves, the mask, and the body language all seem to relay this.
The whole concept of masks and Communion in the hand at Mass is ridiculous. How is this woman going to consume the Host? She has to take off the mask in order to do so and will either drop or mangle the Host in an effort to remove the mask. Or the mask will pop off and fall to the floor and she might even drop the host. PLUS she will have spread particles of Our Lord all over the place. That is just ONE person! Where is the supernatural element?? What happened to the days where the priests had censors billowing with enough Frankincense to kill any virus or bacteria?

Osusanna said...

Always makes me think of saints like Damien of Molokai - So very not worried about their bodies. This is sickening in its own way.

Anonymous said...

Do these people believe they are receiving the Body of Jesus Christ, that sustained Saints for years who took no other nourishment, do they believe a virius can attach to the Immaculate flesh of the Lamb of God,who with the Father and the Holy Ghost ,created the Universe.It just goes from bad to worse.

Anonymous said...

I'm not wearing a mask. Period. But I will receive Jesus any way I can. Tongue or in the hand.

Evangeline said...

Ok, this is a horror show. Absolutely no one should participate in this debacle. It's all absurd, and this shows first, a lack of respect for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, as well as a lack of understanding of infection control. I am not an infection control expert, but what is the difference between a contaminated hand and a contaminated glove? The glove, once contaminated, is just as contaminated as a hand, so there is no extra protection from them.
Do Catholics really want to be treated like they are dirty vectors of disease? What on God's earth happened to supernatural faith. I am all for protocols, but this is untenable, unattractive, and just a sad demonstration of Catholicism, as if we needed any more sad demonstrations.
The church has become what is properly called a sh-- show. It's tragic.

Truth Seeker said...

This to me is a very clear picture of disrespect for the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ present in that consecrated host being so gingerly dropped into the hands - hands that are not clean. It does not look like the priest believes in the true presence of Christ - nor does the recipient. Now she has to remove that mask that the outside has germs on it...and then she uses the hand to place the host in her own mouth. Does the mask manage to remain by the strap on one ear only? Or does it fall completely off - while she is still holding the Body of Christ? And why does the priest - whose hands are consecrated have to wear a glove? The glove is supposed to be cleaner & germ free than his hand he has purified earlier? I absolutely refuse to receive the Body of Christ - who is present in that host - in my hand from a gloved hand, neither is "germ free"even if I had just poured sanitizer in it before walking up - what about the outside of that sanitizer bottle? the one I pulled out of my pocket or out of my dirty purse? This whole outrageous scene is one more horrific insult and desecration of our Lord.

So many "Catholics" (sadly including priests) do not believe in the true presence - evidenced by their nonchalant saunter up to and from receiving Christ - and so many immediately walk out the side/back doors of the church to get out and go to whatever activities they deem most important to get to.

My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love you. I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love you.

For the sake of His powerful passion have Mercy on us & on the whole world!!

Tom A. said...

This is simply the NO sect practicing what they truly believe. They believe that human life is the highest natural good and they do not believe in the supernatural reality that such ridiculous precautions are sacrilegious. Why so many people continue to insist that the Novus Ordo is a valid form of Catholic worship is beyond my comprehension. Day after day after day, the NO sect continues to demonstrate to the world what they truly believe. And its not the Catholic understanding of the Eucharist. For them, its just a meal and a blessed cracker and they treat it as such.

JayJay said...

I believe that is Father Schifferbranes distributing communion. Many of his family are priests as well.

Neither do I wear a mask. I'll save that for the utter fools among us. Many there be.