A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Sunday, 15 September 2019


The Pontificating Peronist Pervert Protecting Christ-hating, Catholic-hating, communist thug, known as Jorge Mario Bergoglio says I should obey the United Nations.

To which I have three words for this malefactor



Stephen Lowe said...


Anonymous said...

So get on board the population control agenda ,stop complaining about the slaughter of innocent infants ,and the the euthanising of all those considered to be a burden to society. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/politics/5562215/un-aid-workers-raped-60000-people-as-its-claimed-organisation-employs-3300-paedophiles/

Anonymous said...

One reason......Because the Vatican and the catholic church institution can be charged with violating the international "Treaty on the Rights of the Child" which they stupidly signed back in the nineties. Almost as stupid as taking a loan from the Rothschild banking cartel decades ago,

Now , the Hierarchy are stuck resting over a barrel with their own rear ends facing the sky at the mercy of the UN to do their bidding or be exposed.
The IMAGE of their own importance to the institution is more important to them than the Rights of Jesus Christ Our King.

Peter Lamb said...

Hey Vox! ROFL!

Michael Dowd said...

A most appropriate response Vox.

Kathleen1031 said...

Can we sign your declaration?

What an evil specimen he is. Sadistically he taunts the faithful, calling out his dogs by whining how mean faithful Catholics are to him, threatening schism. hah! He wouldn't call a schism, even though we have a virtual schism right now, that would be too concrete, and he prefers the power seat and taunts while he gaslights dumb Catholics all over the world. Yes, dumb. Any fool should be able to see this conman is promoting a "different gospel".
They are supposed to reject it, not keep defending this madman.
Even those on the far left who agree with him should be able to identify his sadism.

Anonymous said...

Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schneider's statements are on record for future action. Who knows what's going on behind the the scenes.

Kathleen1031 said...

Irenaeus, you are quite correct, there is nothing to sign worth the paper it's printed on. And you are also correct, what's left to do is stay Catholic and even more Catholic than when we started. We ought not give financial aid to this Francis Church, which is infesting the true church. There are plenty of heretics willing to do that, but it shouldn't be the faithful. When the church is in the fields again, then it will be the true church, with real shepherds, not these sodomite playboys, enjoying themselves day and night on our dime. Needless to say whatever these men say should flow over us like water off a duck's back. What have we to do with them? They can have the buildings and the titles and the money and the worldly power, we'll take Christ and Him crucified.

Aqua said...



I agree completely with Irenaeus above. To the malefactors and quizlings who enabled them ...

Golf Foxtrot Yankee.

Trad101 said...

Team Bergoglio and their UN masonic buddies can... get lost!

TLM said...


As per your post of Sept 12...that even liberals should be able to see through his sadistic abuse....I do truly believe as I have also seen others express: Liberalism is a mental disorder.

TLM said...

Just gotta love the 'Golf Foxtrot Yankee'! My sentiments EXACTLY!

Laramie Hirsch said...

This pope is behaving like the first Beast of Revelations, and he's treating Rome like the Whore of Babylon.


Anonymous said...

"Golf Foxtrot Yankee"

Is too transparently obscene. Confession is needed and public penance.
Without them mortal sin abounds in those who included the phrase and agreed with it. Not being rigid. Being honest. It is scandalous.

Vox Cantoris said...

The scandal lay with the perpetrators not the faithful that call them out.

I would curse the devil even if he were to dress as a pope.

If you see scandal and what I wrote then you are part of the problem .

Aqua said...


In time of peace and tranquility, I definitely agree with you. No way can anyone say Golf Foxtrot Yankee at the “Pope”.

In time of conflict, when (for instance) someone just kicked in your door and is assaulting your family; or ... a Priest propositions you for sex in Seminary and threatens retribution if you tell; ... anything *less* than Golf Foxtrot Yankee is not just permitted but is wildly inappropriate to circumstance. It’s the only thing you can say, really, and remain spiritually, even physically whole.

And then, the flip side: “Thou shalt have no other God before me.” There are many of high Church rank who must confess that.

Aqua said...


The five essential Dubia remain unanswered.

Amoris Laetitia is now the law in the confessional.

The Catholic Faith is reduced down to shared occupancy of a platform with all other world religions

The Amazon synod approaches like a distant hurricane - public promises to turn Dogma into rubble.

Pope Benedict XVI remains hidden away while a usurper second Pope frantically changes everything.

*All* those in authority insist this is how it must be. So, not peace and tranquility these days in the pews.

And that is why: gfy.

Michael Dowd said...

Aqua is right.

Johnno said...

All this coming from the man who doesn't obey international institutions when it comes to sodomite rape, cocaine smuggling, financial swindling, child abuse allegations, legal borders, possible election interference, etc...

No wonder he's so desperate to get rid of the death penalty and life sentences. It will be ironic if Francis were to one day be tried in the very Hague he admires.

Trg said...

Lol and ditto.

JayJay said...

Love ya VOX!!!!!!!!