"The synod of bishops for the Amazon is taking place. We found out that in the Amazon one evening, from an isolated mission parish in the Amazon they made a phone call, it was an old deacon, in his sixties, married, who said to his bishop: “I have to tell you that tomorrow there won’t be any Mass, because there is no priest.” And the bishop told him: “You go there and say Mass.” A married deacon, children already raised, the “elders” are called, and the bishops there have given him authorization to preside over the liturgy. They told the pope about this and the pope said: “For now we cannot write anything, you go ahead!” I wondered, when I found out that he was convening the worldwide meeting of bishops for the Amazon, who knows if perhaps he can or wants to say something. But the Church, in its concrete juridical structure, as it exists now, is at an end." http://magister.blogautore.espresso.repubblica.it/2019/09/10/in-the-amazon-married-deacons-are-already-saying-mass-and-the-pope-knows-it/
If this is true, Bergoglio is nothing more than a devil. It is not a "Mass." It is a prayers service. What we don't know is if the alleged deacon tried to confect the Holy Eucharist. If he was offering a prayers service with the Blessed Sacrament already consecrated, then so be it. If he mocked the Mass, that is a sacrilege for him, the bishop and Bergoglio.
God save us from these wretched and evil men.
Anything goes. So sad.
Montini changed all the Ordination Rites so it really doesn’t matter at this point. Novus Ordo sacraments are going the way of Church of England Holy Orders. They are becoming “absolutely null and utterly void.” See Leo XIII’s Apostolicae Curae.
The Rhine flows into the Tiber and into the Amazon. Where is the water treatment plant to remove this sewage? Where is the powerful disinfectant of authentic faith and morals? All, a logical outcome of the new dawn, the new springtime, the new pentecost that is the Modernist Spirit of Vatican II. Papa Abominandus, oozing of scorn and contempt, will continue to flash his "infamis digitus" at those who dare to be Catholic.
Malachi Martin exposed them in his book "The Jesuits" long ago.
I recall giving the book to my sister decades ago which roused her ire simply because she knew one decent priest at the European Jesuit Relief Ctr.
It put a new meaning on Christ's words ( I paraphrase here )that charity covers a multitude of sins. maybe God forgives the sinner who is charitable or maybe Jesus just meant that charity can be used as a HUGE scam ?
Makes sense they are allowing Deacons to say Mass because everything they do has a Marxist agenda, including contributing to the crisis at our border.
There is something wrong with Catholics when a pope is such an apparent apostate he has steadfastly refused to kneel before the Blessed Sacrament and yet he continues to be referred to as "pope". What pope has ever refused to worship the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, in the history of the church?
And now here we are with a pope who recommends dialoguing with "spirits". So we have a pope recommending communing with demons. But Catholics continue to fawn over him and defend him. It's unbelievable.
What's with Frankie and funny hats! The Vatican is a laughing stock, perhaps that is their intention.
This "Pope" isn't even hiding his anti Catholicism anymore! Out and PROUD he is! There isn't a Catholic bone in his entire body. People still insist on calling him a 'heretic'. He's not a heretic people, he's an APOSTATE! He promotes PAGANISM! He makes a complete MOCKERY of the Church of Christ and he's not even hiding it anymore!
Yet people keep calling this apostate the Vicar of Christ.
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