According to the Bergomeister, Cardinal Muller the former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has "good intentions" but is "like a child."
Saint Matthew, in the 18th chapter and 3rd verse quotes Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ saying:
"Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter the into the kingdom of heaven."
May our sweet Jesus, always keep Cardinal Muller, "like a child."
We should not forget the heresies that Muller holds before we canonize the man.
This dear, "orthodox" child is a scheming modernist heretic and he sure ain't on his way to Jesus!. Read about some of his heresies:
The Heresies of ‘Cardinal’ Muller, Part 1: His Denial of Transubstantiation
The Heresies of ‘Cardinal’ Muller, Part 2: His Denial of the Perpetual Virginity of Mary
‘Cardinal’ Muller denies the Bodily Resurrection of Christ
‘Cardinal’ Muller supports Liberation Theology
Cardinal Muller is no doubt a highly intelligent man. This seems to me to be an intentional humiliation for Cardinal Muller.
Sorry! Here are the links for the above Mullerian heresies:
Peter Lamb, I have no Catholic heroes anymore, maybe others do, but I don't.
There is no one in the Catholic world with the possible exception of Abp. Carlo Vigano whom I could say I greatly esteem or whom I would consider eminently trustworthy, sad to say. They pretty much all seem on a sliding scale of heretics with some full blown apostates.
Listen to some homilies by Bp Sanborn. You will not hear one iota of anything offensive to Catholic ears. Nothing but authentic traditional orthodox Catholic teaching.
Dear Kathleen,
Don't get despondent. There are still real Catholics around and there always will be. After my novus ordo Damascus moment, I spent 18 moths reading before I was utterly convinced that the NO was false and that sedevacantists were correct in their approach to our current problems. I contacted Fr. Cekada at St. Gertrude's to ask some final questions. He put me in contact with Fr. Francis Miller O.F.M. in Lafayette. Three months later Father was saying Mass in my home. He flies to Africa every year to bring the Sacraments to a family in Durban and then to myself in Pretoria. When my son was dying in UK, Fr. Arnold Trauner flew, at his own expense, from Austria to Bristol to give my son the Last Rites and Viaticum. Can you imagine what it means to me and my beloved son that he died having received valid Sacraments? Be a real Catholic - by yourself if necessary. Watch live daily Mass webcasts from St. Gertrude's or get a Mass DVD from St. Joseph's and watch daily making Spiritual Communions. Say your Rosary. You need have nothing to do with false NO heretics or their satanic church. Who cares what they say or do? Do we care what talmudic jews, or moslems, or protestants say? All we need to care about is being true Members of the one true Catholic Church.
I think that is the problem with a lot of trads. They think that they have to go to any mass on Sunday and fail to realize that they must go to a Mass pleasing to God. The NO is the rejected offering of Cain and I cannot see how a TLM that mentions the heresiarch Bergoglio could be pleasing to God.
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