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A corporal work of mercy.
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Thursday, 20 June 2019

No more tin-foiled hat accusations - Bernardin was a sodomite, a pervert, a rapist, a Satanist - Chicago Archdiocese knows and the Popes Knew


Anonymous said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! Michael Voris is doing an amazing job! I started to read Malachi Martin's Windswept House but had to put it down because it was so disturbing. It looks like Martin really knew what he was talking about.

Woody said...

In a conversation a few years ago with a very prominent Traditionalist layman, I mentioned that I had read Windswept House but thought that the references to satanic worship, even inside the Vatican, were Martin’s metaphor for homosexual behavior. My friend, who knew Martin personally, said, no, it was in fact satanic worship. He provided an anecdote or two, as I recall.

Lazarus Gethsemane said...

Also - it has long been known in the Chicago area that Bernardin didn't die of cancer - he died of AIDS.

TLM said...

If my memory serves me correctly, they couldn't get Capone on all of his murdering rampages and corruption, but they WERE able to get him on tax fraud? Someone jump in and correct me if I'm wrong......wondering if the same type of thing may happen here. They are investigating Cupich on his 'Misappropriation of Funds'. He has not cooperated with officials and neglected to hand over the files of over 500 priests that have been reported as pederasts, according to the Attorney General, AND they have been digging in to the financial records as well and found some itsy bitsy discrepancies? Doesn't look good for him.

Michael Dowd said...

Michael Voris is doing what Malachi Martin wished he could do, i.e, plainly and outwardly giving us a 'what's up' in today's Catholic Church which has been for years a hotbed of sodomy, corruption and satanic criminal activity which the Popes have known about and done nothing.

Tancred said...

Voris is a professional broadcast journalist, and Malachi Martin is a print journalist. They both have very different approaches.

Red Pill Pharmacy said...

It’s time to start enforcing Romans 1:32.

Anonymous said...

Michael Voris is fearless in pursuing the truth and exposing the evildoers. God bless him. I hate to say it, but I don't believe that the "popes" who refused to act on these crimes were only guilty of sins of omission. It seems to me that these men quite deliberately promoted evil and punished good. Whatever excuses are made for them, they cannot hide behind ignorance or lack of power. The failure of those in leadership in the Church is malicious to such an extent that they can be nothing but demons themselves.

Catechist Kev said...

Here is a Pdf from Stephen Brady's website Roman Catholic Faithful on what happened in that parish in South Carolina - and more. (warning: it is... not an easy read due to content):


I can remember reading this way back in the Great Lent of 2002. I could hardly sleep that night.

Johnno said...

Along with this, the time has finally come to cease any and all respectability owed to any American bishop.

US bishops follow Pope in calling death penalty ‘inadmissible,’ admit they don’t know what it means

"The U.S. Bishops, following Pope Francis’ lead, voted last week to change what the U.S. Church teaches about the death penalty. They made the move despite an admission from the prelate presenting the revision to the bishops that he doesn't know what the pope actually means by calling the death penalty "inadmissible." That bishop defended the Pope's language as "eloquent ambiguity."

Adhering to Pope Francis’ declaration last August that the death penalty is “inadmissible,” the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops approved a revision to its U.S. Catechism for Adults last Thursday at its spring General Assembly in Baltimore, creating a quandary for Catholics in regard to adherence to Church teaching."

I want to see donkey-shaped piƱatas with bishops robes paraded out whenever there's a gathering of these imbeciles. I want gag-laughter laugh tracks played on loudspeakers with every 2nd sentence they speak. I want clowns from clown world honking horns.

The sheer stupidity of these men is utterly irreconcilable.

A day will come when these morons will be the first ones lined up against the wall and shot. And no-one, neither the Catholic faithful nor Christ's enemies will consider their pathetic deaths any sort of heroism, tragedy, or martyrdom. They will die betraying Christ on their lips in the hopes their lives will be spared.

Anonymous said...

Michael Voris is nothing but the right hand of Satan trying to destroy the Church. The man has no ethics and all he is about is to depose Pope Francis and his whole entourage including the Papal M.C's who assist Pope Francis in all the Masses and who privately serve as priests in their various callings. Some of the most holy men in the Vatican. Time for Voris to grow up and get a job and stop with all the sex stuff. He is too concerned about that and not enough about those who are magenalized and who need a funtioning church in this today's world. Tradition is there in modern clothing and it appeals to the younger members. Too bad Voris failed to enter the seminary of choice so, he just deals in hate, false accusations and rumor. He also hates Jesuits and adores Burke who dresses like an old (?) tart from the 9th century. Time for Voris to go. Those who love the church don't pay any attention to his mutterings in any event. He will have a real time when judgement comes. He should repent whilst he has time.

Peter Lamb said...

The attitude of the Novus Ordo. There was one Novus Ordo bishop who said something Catholic about the upcoming pride parades. Bishop Tobin of Providence, Rhode Island, tweeted this:

A reminder that Catholics should not support or attend LGBTQ “Pride Month” events held in June. They promote a culture and encourage activities that are contrary to Catholic faith and morals. They are especially harmful for children.

On the other hand, a Jesuit by the name of Father James Martin, a prominent advocate of the LGBTQ agenda, tweeted this:

To all my many #LGBTQ friends, Catholic and otherwise: Happy #PrideMonth. Be proud of your God-given dignity, of the gifts God has given you, of your place in the world, and of your many contributions to the church. For you are “wonderfully made” by God (Ps 139).

The tragedy of these contrasting Novus Ordo views is the very fact that they are contrasting. Both the bishop and the Jesuit are “Catholics.” The contradiction of these statements concerning the observance of the natural law would ruin the unity of faith in the Catholic Church. It is this lack of unity of faith, one of the four marks of the Church, which is proof positive that the Novus Ordo religion is not the Catholic Faith.


Anonymous said...

Old news...I wonder if his cancer was brought on by AIDs... How many priests die of AIDS per year?

There is so much filth in the priesthood its revolting.

Vox Cantoris said...

Hey Rosica, you're supposed to be on sabbatical learning something about your past bad behaviour and reforming your life and saving your soul.

Get back to it.

Anonymous said...
Michael Voris is nothing but the right hand of Satan trying to destroy the Church. The man has no ethics and all he is about is to depose Pope Francis and his whole entourage including the Papal M.C's who assist Pope Francis in all the Masses and who privately serve as priests in their various callings. Some of the most holy men in the Vatican. Time for Voris to grow up and get a job and stop with all the sex stuff. He is too concerned about that and not enough about those who are magenalized and who need a funtioning church in this today's world. Tradition is there in modern clothing and it appeals to the younger members. Too bad Voris failed to enter the seminary of choice so, he just deals in hate, false accusations and rumor. He also hates Jesuits and adores Burke who dresses like an old (?) tart from the 9th century. Time for Voris to go. Those who love the church don't pay any attention to his mutterings in any event. He will have a real time when judgement comes. He should repent whilst he has time.

5:40 am, June 22, 2019

TLM said...

Indeed Vox.....these 'trolls' prowl around real Catholic blogs and websites spewing their hate for the truth in Christ's Church. Same way as Satan and all the evil spirits are prowling around the world seeking the ruin of souls. Don't pay any attention to them, and if they become too vile, ban their posts.

Michael Dowd said...

Michael Voris is doing the Lord's work: proclaiming the Truth about the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and encouraging folks pray that they become holy and courageous disciples of Christ.

Anonymous said...

Christ cursed a fig tree for failing to produce fruit, it should make one tremble to think what He'll do to these men who masquerade as shepards

Anonymous said...

Reference was recently made to a cleric nicknamed "Jessca" in Vatican City who was retired due to knowledge of his attendance at Satanic rituals in Vatican City. He was Cardinal Poletti's (deceased) secretary and later on the Dicastery for the Vatican Bank APSA.
Poletti was Escriva's Postulater and obtained St Appolinaire Basilica in Rome from P JP2 for Escriva's cult.
References to "Jessica" can be found in Nuzzi's well documented book,
"Merchants in the Temple": Inside Pope Francis's Secret Battle Against Corruption in the Vatican

Anonymous said...

RCF's Steve Brady and Jim Bendell documented "Bernadine's Boys" decades ago ,in fact I recall in the mid nineties when Steve Rubino Esq was launched a RICO suit against Bishop McHugh ( the Vatican's pro life ambassador ,hahahahahahah ) of Camden Diocese.

The coverage ran three or four weeks in the Philadelphia Inquirer's Sunday Magazine. Anyone who could read could educate themselves in Church corruption. Soooooo Bernardine was scheduled to reconcile on television at a Mass at St Charles Borromeo Seminary hell hole .....and it was although well hidden from Michael Rose....
Cook , one of Bernadine's victims , was dying of AIDS and a deal was cut so his family would not have financial worries . Cook was going to claim false memories....But as Our Lord would have it the reconciliation promo Mass was pre empted by a sorts event...At a luncheon seminarians and priests were overheard by lay employees laughing about how the whole scheme did not go as planned for McHugh and Bernadine.

BTW the child who was used at a Satanic Mass in the SC Church by Bernadine is genuine . She testified in Rome and also knew Mr Cook having been disappointed he agreed to be part of the false memory scheme. "Agnes" lived in TX and was/is married to a man in law enforcement. She spoke with Malachi Martin and Brady covered her story in his RCF Newsletter back in the nineties.

Peter Lamb said...

Our Lady of La Salette:
On September 19, 1846, on the Mountain of La Salette, Our Lady appeared to Melanie and Maximin and gave them a Message that was later recognized by the Church, but a diabolical plot has continuously and deliberately mutilated and silenced it. In this long message, Our Lady spoke these words: «The priests, ministers of My Son for their evil life, for their irreverence and their impiety in celebrating the Holy Mysteries, for the love of money, honors and pleasures, the priests have become cesspools of impurity. Yes, the priests ask for their revenge and revenge is suspended over their heads». 323 «Woe to the Princes of the Church who think only of piling riches, to protect their authority and dominate with pride». «The Church will be abandoned to great persecutions, that one will be the time of darkness, and the Church will have a horrible crisis…». *** «Tremble, earth, and you who proclaim yourselves to worship Jesus Christ, but, on the inside, only worship yourselves, tremble, for God will hand you over to His enemy because the holy places are in the state of corruption...». «ROME WILL LOSE THE FAITH AND BECOME THE SEAT OF THE ANTICHRIST!». «The Church will be eclipsed...». *** «It’s time. The sun is darkening, Faith alone will survive! Now is the time, the abyss is opening. Here is the king of darkness, here is the Beast with his subjects, calling himself the Savior of the world. He will rise proudly into the air to go up to Heaven..». «Then water and fire will purge the earth and will consume all the works of men’s pride and all will be renewed: God will be served and glorified».

Peter Lamb said...

These are terrible times indeed, but what we are experiencing should give us comfort and hope; strengthen and deepen our Faith. Cardinal Manning explains the Great Apostasy, the Persecution, the Passion and the apparent "Death" of the Church — all these things which we are witnessing today. What has happened since the death of Pope Pius XII is not a contradiction of the Divine Plan any more than the Crucifixion was a defeat of Our Lord's mission. To the contrary: It is all part of the Divine Will; a necessary prelude to its final and complete fulfillment. What we are suffering now, in this time of ecclesiastical upheaval and confusion, is not a sign that God’s promises have failed, or that the gates of hell have prevailed. Rather, God’s promises are being fulfilled. Divine prophecy is happening at this very moment.
So, let us take heart. Everything is going according to God's plan — the plan which is the Way of the Cross. As it was for our Lord Himself, so now is it mystically for His Bride, the Church. She must imitate her Spouse. For us a time of great sorrow and humiliation, but we are on the path — the only path — that will lead us to eternal salvation. We must believe. We must remain faithful. We must remain faithful to Christ and His Church, which is not the novus ordo conciliar sect of Don Mario et al.!

"Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there come a revolt first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that he sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself as if he were God. Remember you not, that when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now you know what withholdeth, that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way. And then that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth; and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming, him, whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, and in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying: THAT ALL MAY BE JUDGED WHO HAVE NOT BELIEVED THE TRUTH, but have CONSENTED TO INIQUITY." (2 Thessalonians 2:3-11.)

"It is granted to few to recognize the true Church amid the darkness of so many schisms and heresies, and to fewer still so to love the truth which they have seen as to fly to its embrace." (St. Robert Bellarmine.)

Anonymous said...

Right according to you we should just ignore the fact that it is being very well documented now that the highest and most powerful Cardinal in the USA for many years who gave us many of the current Modernist Bishops and the Sacrilege of Communion in the Hand thru his deceit/fraud/lies was a Satanist....Those who "love the Church" are all for the outing and end of the infiltrated in Masons/Communists/Satanists no matter who they are or how much Pope Francis likes them or whatever-- not so much those who support such disgusting cretins....

Tom A. said...

But his worst sin was being a modernist and feeding his modernist crap to the faithful.

Anonymous said...

One could say "Modernism" dates back to the first century when the "church" wavered in the teachings of Christ through His Apostles concerning prayer and fasting in particular. Read the Didache.
Of interest also is the "Gross Sins" that lead to other sins and the clear explanation of what a "False Prophet" is.
According to the Early Church Fathers a False Prophet is any cleric who takes payment in coin and spends the same on his own luxuries rather than distributing it to the poor of the Christian community. Bread for sustenance being the only exception, we can safely be assured that few if any clerics calling themselves "catholic", now qualify as exceptions to the "False Prophet" definition of the Early Church.
The Book of the Apocalypse unfolds before our eyes.

Anonymous said...


The "girls" who are gender confused apparently want more gender confused posing as Ordained priests.
What confused catholic truly believes sodomites and lesbians ave the Proper Intention for the valid reception of the Sacrament of Holy Orders?

Anonymous said...


Reagan's Bush said...

Yes, no reason Martin the agaent for the American Jewish Committee to lie.