A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Sunday, 23 June 2019

On Corpus Christi Sunday, Bergoglio again refused to kneel!

It's becoming tired isn't it. Expecting this man to be a Holy Father, a holy priest and instead, like poor children abandoned by their own father, we are abused by the evil step-father. We kneel before the Lord Jesus truly present in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Why does this man refuse.

He must have a wretched mind, he knows this is scandalous, he knows this offends God and the faithful. He knows and he does not care.

Pity the poor sacristan who never loses hope and always sets out the kneeler.

What I cannot understand is Msgr. Marini. If he had any courage, he would have walked out four years ago.


Kathleen1031 said...

Some Catholics beat the drum, pray for him. Yes, I suppose so. But to me the best prayer was said by a cleric in Rome, I can't remember who.
Pray his eyes be opened or closed for good.
Remember, souls and entire nations are in peril because of this man.

TLM said...

I believe finally, that he is the 'False Prophet' of the Bible. He is here to usher in the ANTI CHRIST. And....he's doing a great job of it!

Anonymous said...

Antipope Bergolio sees himself as equal to God. He is a humanist. Which means he is a Satanist.

He will kneel for corrupt African leaders, but not Jesus Christ.

One day he will, though. And at the point it may be too late.

Unknown said...

hey domet you coward, nice to see you still a hiding coward pussy, you will delete this, but everytime you look at that fat ugly gargoyle face in a mirror know your a true PATHETIC COWARD

Unknown said...

hey domet you coward, nice to see you still a hiding coward pussy, you will delete this, but everytime you look at that fat ugly gargoyle face in a mirror know your a true PATHETIC COWARD

Unknown said...

hey domet you coward, nice to see you still a hiding coward pussy, you will delete this, but everytime you look at that fat ugly gargoyle face in a mirror know your a true PATHETIC COWARD

Unknown said...

hey domet you coward, nice to see you still a hiding coward pussy, you will delete this, but everytime you look at that fat ugly gargoyle face in a mirror know your a true PATHETIC COWARD

Unknown said...

hey domet you coward, nice to see you still a hiding coward pussy, you will delete this, but everytime you look at that fat ugly gargoyle face in a mirror know your a true PATHETIC COWARD

Unknown said...

hey domet you coward, nice to see you still a hiding coward pussy, you will delete this, but everytime you look at that fat ugly gargoyle face in a mirror know your a true PATHETIC COWARD

Unknown said...

hey domet you coward, nice to see you still a hiding coward pussy, you will delete this, but everytime you look at that fat ugly gargoyle face in a mirror know your a true PATHETIC COWARD

Vox Cantoris said...

Dear Unknown;

I insist on proper grammar, sentence structure, punctuation and spelling. Allow me to show you.

Not this:

hey domet you coward, nice to see you still a hiding coward pussy, you will delete this, but everytime you look at that fat ugly gargoyle face in a mirror know your a true PATHETIC COWARD

But this:

Hey Mr. Domet

You coward! It's nice to see your still a hiding, coward-pussy. I expect that you will delete this, but every time you look at that fat, ugly, gargoyle face in a mirror, know you're a true pathetic coward.



There, isn't that better?

Stephen Lowe said...

Please pass the popcorn. Someone had a bad burrito yesterday.

Vox Cantoris said...

Oh dear, I missed that first “your” which of course is, “you’re.”

Anonymous said...

"Unknown" is how I imagine a certain priest would write if he was suddenly lost access to a vast treasury of English sentences from which to plagiarize.

Anonymous said...

Unknown, let us see - Vox is a faithful Catholic, a father, using his real name, openly opposing evil men in the Church. Exactly how is he a coward?

Dan said...

Hey wait a minute. Isnt posting as "unknown" being a hiding coward?

Also, I think 'unknown's' comment is plagiarized. I let everyone decide the implications of that...

mazara said...

Thought I was having a groundhog day there for a minute then I realised it was just someone with OCD

Ademar said...


Dear JMY,

You have forgotten that Bergoglio, besides kneeling before corrupt African leaders, has also kissed the feet of a couple of them!

Kathleen1031 said...

People who are unhinged seem to not recognize how hateful and unattractive they are. Normal people just don't write venomous screeds like that. Whoever wrote that is filled with bile. They may bust. And anonymous, could you possibly clean it up? Try to use grownup words.

Garden Cat said...

Dearest moderator: Next time, don't hesitate to just delete garbage posts. Why pollute the internet, the website, and our eyes and minds, with the filth and foul language. I'd be appreciative.

steve brown said...

Dear Unknown,
Please remember that Vox, who you call a pathetic coward, stood up the the Vatican mafia faggots and WON. I wonder what you have done in your life to spread the word of Jesus Christ?

Stephen Lowe said...

steve brown...+1000...well said.

Barona said...

Unknown 1:35,

Just who are you? You are obviously NOT a man. A MAN does NOT use degrading and obscene language referencing the female body. I detect a hatred and fear of women. I am wondering if you have deep rooted sexual problems? Are you a homosexual?

Given that God created woman, which you denigrate, you are obviously NOT a Believer. I speak now ONLY of God as the Supreme Being.

Given that you mock your fellow man, you are obviously NOT a Christian.

You have tried to hide yourself: but you have revealed already far, far too much.

You are obviously someone consumed by hatred and anger. Your hatred is so destructive, that in your rage, you were unable to even express in a cogent manner your dark thoughts.

Given that Vox writes on Catholic matters, we can also presume that your parents had you baptized, but that you have left the Faith.

Your behaviour is indicative of the hatred, the paganism, the vileness of our contemporary society which is disintegrating around us.

You are a vile, hate-filled individual who needs firstly spiritual counseling and Confession. Since your sin was public, you need to step forward, give your name and publicly apologize to Vox Cantoris. You need to make reparation. Perhaps a donation to charity, of Vox's choosing. You then need to seek out psychological counseling to deal with your hatred.

Get on your knees and beg God to forgive you.