A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Saturday, 22 June 2019


You will be hounded for contributions to Peter's Pence. Do not give this malefactor or his minions one penny. 

The Vatican is corrupt. It is filled with sodomites and perverts. The financial corruption has not been cleaned up. Meanwhile, this nasty, pompous Jesuit has been a wrecking ball since his election with now, the Amazon Synod to be the icing on the cake

No, not one penny. 

Give your money instead to direct aid for the poor or for your Church's building needs where these rotten filthy frauds cannot get it.

Not one penny.


Kathleen1031 said...

Even better, prepare a little note to insert into the envelopes telling them you will only give money when Catholicism returns.

geoff kiernan said...

A valid and potent strategy

Peter Lamb said...

Much better still - do not afford them recognition as Catholic Clergy; Do not attend their services!

Stephen Lowe said...

when the annual (read perpetual) bishops appeal cones around...i i se my contribution yo the diocese of Springfield Illinois...where the Bishop denied Communion to Senator Durbin...I continue to do so.

Tom A. said...

Peter, for the life of meI cannot understand why anyone would attend a “mass” and not support them financially. If a person is at the point that they cannot in good conscience support the place where they worship, then why are they there in the first place. Vote with your feet folks and your wallets.

Tom A. said...

Vox, any dollar you give to support the building is one less the dollar the sodomites have to come up with for the building. Better to cut off the NO V2 sect entirely until they return to Catholicism. Even supporting FSSP helps the NO indirectly. Cut them all off until they renounce V2 and the NO. If they do not renounce V2 and the NO then why support them? Those two things are the problem and anyone who accepts them is part of the problem.

Tom A. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peter Lamb said...

Brilliant comment. Faultless logic Tom.

Kathleen1031 said...

Tom A, once again I'm with you on this. We attend a diocesan TLM, for as long as they allow us of course. We expect they will end it at some point. Each week, we give a gift card to Father, made out to him. It might be a food gift card or local restaurant, etc. This way, nothing goes to the diocese or Rome. It is disheartening to not support this pretty faithful parish, but no more money is given.

Actually, this Amazon debacle should be a game changer. I am as shocked at our casual attitude toward a pope that wills to bring in shamanism and communicating with demonic spirits as anything else he has said or done. I think this particular incident demonstrates we are all in quite a bit of trouble, spiritually speaking. This move on the part of the apostate Bergolio should be shocking to the core and definitely waking up millions of Catholics, but once again, we seem to accept all as just a matter of course. There are a few mewings from clergy, but nothing major, and life just goes on. THE (SUPPOSED) POPE IS PROMOTING DEMONIC SPIRITS. Imagine Catholics of 1950 sitting there in the pews on an average Sunday. The pastor steps up to the lectern and in his homily he informs the Catholics attended that they are to consort with "spirits" and that the savages in the Amazon are the real Catholics practicing real Catholicism. I don't think that pastor would have made it back to the rectory. Today we're, ho hum, demonic spirits...

sarto2010 said...

Bravo! Bravissimo!

Anonymous said...

The church today is the counter church . Rescind Vatican 2.

Michael Dowd said...

Very well said Vox, as usual.

chris griffin said...

Give directly to Prolife. It is the most important, not the poor. Dont you care about mothers committing murder and babies being murdered.murderer