A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Cardinal Sycophants - Cupich and Farrell

Two of the newest Cardinals from the United States, Cupich and Farrell, have commented on the questions raised in the dubia by the four Cardinals.

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LifeSiteNews has highlighted the points.


We already know that the Synods were manipulated by many behind the scenes and by Pope Bergoglio himself. We know it. The proof was there for all to see. The fact is, Amoris Laetitia contains error and heresy in both situational ethics and the opening of the sacraments to those in persistent and unrepentant mortal sin.

Jorge Bergoglio has sanctioned sacrilege and mortal sin and Cupich and Farrell are cheerleading it on.

Our Lady at Akita prophesied the very events we are seeing play out before us.

"The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, and bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their Confreres. The Church and altars will be vandalized. The Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord."

A Greek (Latin) Bishop accuses the Four Cardinals of "scandal" and "great sin."

 We have on one hand Lublin Auxiliary Bishop Józef Wróbel’s statement that it would be “just” for the Pope to answer the dubia of the Four Cardinals, and on the other, the head of the Greek Latin Church, Franciscan Fragiskos Papamanolis accusing the same Cardinals of creating “scandal” and being in “great sin.”

The retired bishop, though head of the Episcopal Conference in Greece, misses key points in his letter. He assumes that the Cardinals have accused Pope Francis of “heresy.” They have not. He clearly believes that no  person, even a Cardinal has the right or duty to hold accountable, any Pontiff, from teaching error, if that be the case. He continues that their “intellectual capacities” will prohibit them from seeing these realities. He even goes so far as to accuse them of sacrilege - that of offering Holy Mass in a state of sin because of their challenge of the Pope's sanction of actual Eucharistic sacrilege through adultery. Oh, the irony. Oh, the temerity.

The pushback to discredit the Four has begun. There are rumours that there were six, but two did not want their names made public, at least not at this time.  

This division in the Church has been created by Francis. He has acted against the will of the Synod. Neither Synod had a two-thirds majority to make the changes to Holy Communion for unrepentant adulterers that he has undertaken. While he has the legal right to chart his course contrary to the Synod, it flies in the face of “synodality” which he preaches and the Conciliar “collegiality” to which those who worship at the altar of Vatican II, demand.

Amoris Laetitia is very simple and so is the issue.

In this exhortation, the path is opened for people who are living in adultery, and who refuse to change the circumstance of their lives, to receive Holy Communion. The Pope himself has confirmed that this is the case by his approval of this position taken by the Bishops of Buenos Aires and the Vicar of Rome – something which could not have happened without his direct approval.

It is not the Four Cardinals who have caused scandal, it is Francis.


Image result for Fragkiskos Papamanolis

Fragkiskos Papamanolis
Syros (Greece),
November 20, 2016

Dear brothers in the episcopate,
My faith in our God tells me that he cannot, but love you. With the sincerity that comes out of my heart I call you "dear brothers."
Even now in Greece is the document that you presented to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and which was published on Monday by the dell 'site Espresso, known.
Before publishing the document and, even more, before you drew it up, you presented it to the Holy Father Francis and for unsubscribed from the College of Cardinals appointments.
In addition, you should not have to make use of the title "cardinal" to give prestige to what you have written, using this for consistency with your conscience and to lighten the scandal you have given writing as individuals.
You write that you are "deeply concerned for the true good of souls" and indirectly accused the Holy Father Francis' to advance in the Church some form of policy. " Ask that "no one judge you unfairly." Unjustly you judge those who say the opposite of what you write explicitly. The words you use have their significance. The fact that you make strong use of the cardinal title does not change the sense of seriously offensive words for the bishop of Rome.
If you are "deeply concerned for the true good of souls" and moved "by the passionate concern for the good of the faithful", I, dear brothers, am, "deeply concerned for the true good of your souls," to double your great sin:
- The sin of heresy (and apostasy? So, in fact, begin the schisms in the Church). From your document appears clear that, in practice, do not believe the supreme teaching authority of the pope, reinforced by two synods of bishops from around the world. We see that the Holy Spirit inspires you alone and not the vicar of Christ and even the bishops gathered in Synod;
- And even more serious the sin of scandal, publicly gave to the Christian people in the world. In this regard, Jesus said: "Woe to that man by whom the scandal comes" (Mt 18,7). "It's better for him to have hung around his neck a millstone and be drowned in the depths of the sea" (Mt 18,6).
Driven by the love of Christ, I pray for you. I ask the Lord to enlighten you to accept with simplicity of heart the magisterial teaching of the holy father Francis.
I fear that your intellectual capacities will find sophisticated arguments to justify your actions, so you do not even consider it a sin to be submitted to the sacrament of penance and that you will continue to celebrate every day the Holy Mass and to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist profanely, while you make are offended if, in specific cases, a divorced remarried receives the Eucharist and you dare accuse of heresy, the Holy Father Francis.
Know that I have participated in the two Synods of Bishops on the family and I have listened to your interventions. I also heard the comments that one of you did, during the break, on a statement contained in my speech in the Synod Hall, when I said, " sin is not easy." This brother (one of the four of you), speaking with his interlocutors, changed my statements and put words in my mouth that I had not pronounced. In addition, it gave to my declarations interpretation that could not be connected in any way with what I said.
Dear brethren, the Lord enlighten you to recognize as soon as possible, your sin and to repair the scandal you have given.
With the love of Christ, I greet you fraternally.
+ Fragkiskos Papamanolis , OFM Cap
Retired bishop of Syros, Santorini and Crete,
President of the Episcopal Conference of Greece

Polish Bishop shows the way: "It would have been just to answer to their observations."

OnePeterFive has the following interview with Auxiliary Bishop Józef Wróbel of Lublin, Poland.


Image result for Bishop Józef Wróbel

Your Excellency Bishop Wróbel, what do you think of the letter of clarification on Amoris Laetitia sent by four cardinals to the Pope?
They have done well and they have exercised correctly the provisions of canon law. I think it is not only a right, but even a duty. It would have been just to answer to their observations. They asked no questions about the next day’s weather, but on issues concerning the Church’s teaching and therefore the faithful.
The doubts regarding AL, do you find them pertinent?
As I said before, a clarification on the document, and especially on chapter 8 is opportune. The text effectively lends itself to various interpretations, it’s ambiguous.
Why does it lend itself to various interpretations?
Because it was not well written. Probably with too much haste, without analyzing the contents and the possible consequences with careful attention. There is a need to bring these questions to the Vatican and to the collaborators in whom the Pope has confidence. Drawing up such important texts in haste does not render good service to the Church.
Can one give Communion to those who have remarried civilly?
You couldn’t give [them Communion] before Amoris Laetitia, it’s not possible now. The doctrine of the Church is not subject to changes, otherwise it is no longer the Church of Christ founded on the Gospel and the Tradition. It is given to no one to modify the doctrine insofar as no-one is master of the Church.
Communion to gay couples?
It is not possible, and mercy is not a permission slip. Homosexual acts are a very grave sin, much more than those committed among heterosexuals. In fact, they go against nature.

Monday 21 November 2016

SSPX - it's just plain common sense.

Look, it's really simple.

The whole scandal of the SSPX "excommunications" and "suspensions" is a black mark on the leadership of the Church.

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was right then and he was right in the 1970's. His suspension was an act of injustice. It was vile and despicable on the part of Paul VI and his henchmen. John Paul II succumbed to enormous pressure and put the Archbishop in an impossible situation. Rather than obey man, he chose to follow God and Tradition. "Put not your trust in princes," comes to mind. Further, obedience to an unjust law is not required. Obedience to error is not required. Benedict XVI, to his credit, began the removal of the injustice and declared that those who persecuted Catholics who attended and desired the traditional liturgy were acting in serious error because the traditional Mass was not and could not and can not ever be abrogated! 

Image result for marcel lefebvre

These people were and are Catholic. Everything else is for Canon lawyers to sort out.

There is no schism, There never was a schism. It there were the responsibility would be with dicastery in charge of Christian unity, not doctrine.

You can go there to receive the Sacrament of Penance. Do it. And if you can do that, you can hear Mass.

So good for Francis. Even a broken clock is correct twice per day. Let's give him credit where it is due.

God bless the Society of St. Pius X and may Marcel Lefebvre be raised to the Altars.

Now, go to this link:

Gaze upon that countenance. Can you in any one of these see hatred, malice, deceit or corruption in those eyes? That face? What love. What faith. What serenity.

It could only be from God.

That is all.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Pope Bergoglio is the "hermeneutic of discontinuity," and the living breathing incarnation of the "dictatorship of relativism."

The Avenire interview has not gotten the attention it deserves. There has been so much written on the dubia and the letter of the Four Cardinals, the Pope's refusal to answer, and the consistory, that much in this recent interview has gone unnoticed. It is important to unpack it and using the help of computer translation, as best we can, we can look at some of the more concerning quotes. 

There is something that must be said of the imprudence of the Vicar of Christ willingly submitting himself to secular media opinion makers and journalists. It should simply not be done. Not on an aeroplane, not anywhere. It belittles the Office of the Papacy, it reduces it, and the person of the Pope to just another political leader or head of an NGO. It confuses the people as to what is, and what is not, Magisterial. The Pope's talks to media, along with the Tweets of his sycophants, or those in the communications department who do it in multi-languages under his name not equate with Magisterial teaching. They do, however, create great confusion and division, and they reveal much more.

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Right out of the gate, in the interview, Bergoglio talks about, the "spirit." When asked about the "Holy Year," he states:
"The Jubilee? I have not made a plan. Things have come. I simply let myself be lead by the Spirit. The Church is the Gospel, it is not a path of ideas. This year on mercy is a process developed over time, from the Council ...  
Also in the ecumenical field the path comes from afar, with the steps of my predecessors. This is the journey of the Church. It's not me. I have not given any acceleration. To the extent that we move forward, the path seems to go faster, is the motus, in fine velocior ".
He speaks much of the "spirit." I categorise this with his "god of surprises," and neither of them are Holy. Since the advent of the so-called "charismatic" movement (something this writer views as a fraud), Catholics have fallen for this idea that the Holy Spirit is guiding every step they make and every thought and decision. These suffer the same delusion that the Holy Spirit actually elects the Pope, and, therefore, we must conclude, that every odour emanating from the Bishop of Rome, whomever he is, must smell like frankincense.  

The reality is the very opposite. Everything must be tested. From the moment this man came out on the loggia that dark March evening, he has been a scandal to the Faith. That very night with his "good evening," to the next day refusing to bless the gathered media, the witnessing of him refusing to genuflect at Holy Mass but grovelling to wash the feet of anyone but a priest, on Holy Thursday, we have seen his lack of respect for Catholic and pastoral practice, rubrics and manners. We have his continual insults to faithful Catholics from "self-absorbed, promethean, neo-Pelagians" to "breeding like rabbits," and more recently, "rigid" people trying to "hide something." These are not from a spirit that is holy. These insults are not worthy of the Vicar of Christ. When Our Lord referred to "whitewashed sepulchres," He had, by His divinity the right to call out the liars of his age. Everyone also knew to whom he was referring, the Pharisees and Sanhedrin, and why he was doing it. With Bergoglio, he is never clear, never specific as to whom is to be on the receiving end of his verbal assault. It most cases, it ends up being the simple Catholic people. The set-up of Kasper nearly three years ago putting forward the horror we have witnessed at the two Synods and now the heretical Amoris Laetitia is the peak of this scandal.  This "god of surprises," put forward by Bergoglio, is not the Triune God of Heaven and Earth and more than than the god of Mahomet is. This "spirit" two whom he refers, is not the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity. It cannot be and logic defies it to be; because just as "Satan cannot cast out Satan," God cannot blaspheme Himself.

Bergoglio reveals in that first line above that he has no plan, other than chaos and the Marxist rhetoric of moving "forward." But he is not being truthful. He has a plan. It is the plan of those who put him there and the plan of those who formed him. It is a plan to destroy the Catholic faith, it cannot be anything else. The idea that he is simply suffering dementia is simply not true. He, in fact, knows exactly what he is doing. He is at best a progressive and at worst a Marxist in a political sense. He absorbed, as a young boy and man, the Peronist mentality from his Argentina; he models it well. He is a bully and a demagogue. There is no humility in him. It is a media message, a spin, a lie. Perhaps due to his modernist mind and his reduction the Catholic faith beneath the supernatural, he is proving to be irrational and goes with whatever comes into his mind, interpreting all of it, as divinely inspired. Again, he is all about "feelings." He sees everything he does as inspiration form his "god of surprises." We are now told that he praises "communists who think like Christians."

His outbursts of anger at the Casa Santa Marta against the thirteen Cardinals that signed the letter at the Synod (including our own Thomas Cardinal Collins of Toronto), his behaviour in Mexico to an innocent person as he waded into a crowd, to his rage reported by Pentin over the dubia, and his constant striving to give images of humility to the medial reveal a disturbing pathology, possibly narcissism.

He states further that it is not him, but the Council that is responsible and that he is not speeding things up but just going along with that which is coming from the "spirit."
"Making the experience of forgiveness that embraces the whole human family is the grace that the apostolic ministry announces. The Church exists only as a tool to communicate to people the merciful plan of God. At the Council the Church felt the responsibility of being in the world as a living sign of the love of the Father, with the ascent of Lumen Gentium to the sources of his nature, to the Gospel. This moves the axis of the Christian conception of a certain legalism, which can be ideological, the Personality of Godhead who became the incarnation of the Son's mercy. Some - think of certain replies to Amoris laetitia - still do not understand, it is either white or black, in the flow of life that you have to discern. The Council has told us this. Historians say, however, that a Council, to be absorbed well by the body of the Church, needs a century, we are only half a century from it."
The Council is once again being manipulated. As ambiguous as the documents of the Second Vatican Council can be, as regrettable as some of that which has come from it is, nowhere can one find the justification for what is contained in Amoris Laetitia or in his complete upheaval of the Church including this decentralisation that he advocates. If he believes this, he is either deluding himself out of ideology, or he is deceiving and lying to further his own goals, led by something he believes to be the Holy Spirit. At this point, we must conclude it to be the latter. It is simply blasphemy to hold the idea that God is responsible for heresy, error and confusion.  If one holds that there are ultimate truths, then one does, in fact, become a "legalist" and we should wear it with a badge of honour and not take it as an insult. If one sees only "black and white," then we should say that Our Lord Jesus Christ was also a "legalist." He said, "I have not come to destroy the Law but to fulfill it." He also said, "If you love me, keep my Commandments," the "Law."

This Pope is the embodiment of the "dictatorship of relativism," spoken of by Joseph Ratzinger immediately prior to his election to the papacy. Bergoglio is the living, breathing incarnation of the "hermeneutic of discontinuity and rupture," spoken of by the same man who left us to suffer with both and who is now his successor's prisoner."
"It is the journey from the Council which goes on, and is intensified. But it is the journey, not me. This path is the path of the Church. I have met with the primates and leaders, it is true, but also the rest of my predecessors have done their encounters with these or other responsible. I have not given any acceleration. To the extent that we go on the road seems to go faster, is the motus in fine velocior, to put it according to that process expressed in the Aristotelian physics."
This is the second time he talks about "acceleration" but then tries to explain that it is not him doing it, Again, we are left to conclude that it is this "spirit" and this "god of surprises," that is directing him.

Image result for archbishop-victor-manuel-fernandez"The pope must have his reasons, because he knows very well what he’s doing. He must have an objective that we don’t understand yet. You have to realize that he is aiming at a reform that is irreversible. If one day he should intuit that he’s running out of time and he doesn’t have enough time to do what the Spirit is asking him, you can be sure he will speed up."
Archbishop Fernandez, affectionately known as "Tucho," is the ghostwriter behind the Lutheranesque Evangelii Gaudium, the Soros inspired Laudato Si and the heretical Amoris Laetitia. Clearly, Francis needs to find new friends. This man was not deemed suitable as a Seminary Rector by the Vatican. Now, he is an Archbishop made so by Bergoglio. There is no "turning back" according to Fernandez. "Francis is stronger than adversaries inside the Curia." We can only conclude then that Bergoglio believes that "he's running out of time," and therefore is not speeding up. He has purged the St. John Paul II Institute on the Family and has now done the same, seventy positions in a purge of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Why then, does he think that he, "is running out of time?" Is it his age, 80, or his health, not the greatest? No, it is because he knows that he has been found out. The Four Cardinals' letter proves it, only publicly. Do not think that he has not heard this and more, privately. He knows we are on to him. He will not answer the dubia. He will push ahead and he will be the cause of a schism and will put himself outside the Church.

Later, Bergoglio is asked to comment that "some people think that, in these ecumenical meetings you want to "sell out" Catholic doctrine. Someone once said that you want to "protestantise," the Church ... "
"I do not lose my sleep from this. I continue on the road of those who have preceded me, I follow the Council. As for opinions, we must always distinguish the spirit in which they are spoken. When there is not an evil spirit, they also help to walk. Other times you see right away that they take criticism here and there to justify, they are not honest, are made with evil spirit to foment division. We see immediately that certain rigors stem from a lack, from wanting to hide inside their armor of sad dissatisfaction. If you watch the movie Babette's Feast is this rigid behavior."
That's right. The Four Cardinals and the Dubia are "fomenting division." Catholics who hold to the faith, and I am talking about every day, John and Mary Catholics attending the regular diocesan parish, who struggle to raise their families, and remain faithful - they go to Mass, the Sacraments - these are people concerned about what is happening to their Holy Mother, the Church, and this man calls states that they are out do "foment division." The proverbial, pot, calling the kettle, black. He does not "lose sleep." That is for the rest of us.

Again, as in the insults last week to young Catholics attending the traditional Mass, Bergoglio puts on his psychiatrist cap and labels people who hold fast to the Truth and the traditional Mass as nothing more than "rigid behaviour," from those "want to hide inside their armour of sad dissatisfaction." 

The man is a hypocrite. Wake-up Catholics. What Pope, what Vicar of Christ speaks like this? 

As for Babette's Feast, what the heck he is he talking about and why is recommending a movie? What can a cinematic film teach us about our Faith?

On a personal note, his comments are very revealing to me. In the two years to three years leading up to the vexatious and frivolous attempt by Father Thomas J. Rosica, to sue this writer, I received over a dozen email communications from him. The tone of Bergoglio and the style of insult is near identical to those of Rosica. It is either that Rosica is whispering in his ear or more likely, it is a matter to do with their formation. What was happening in the seminaries between 1960 and 1990 when these men were educated and formed for priesthood that caused them to think of Catholics in such ways? What is this pathology that turns them into amateur psychoanalysts rather than missionaries of Christ? Why did these men ever become priests and why did any bishop ordain either them?
Image result for tom rosica"Will this Pope re-write controversial Church doctrines? No. But that isn't how doctrine changes. Doctrine changes when pastoral contexts shift and new insights emerge such that particularly doctrinal formulations no longer mediate the saving message of God's transforming love. Doctrine changes when the Church has leaders and teachers who are not afraid to take note of new contexts and emerging insights. It changes when the Church has pastors who do what Francis has been insisting: leave the securities of your chanceries, of your rectories, of your safe places, of your episcopal residences go set aside the small minded rules that often keep you locked up and shielded from the world."
What Rosica articulated, Bergoglio is doing.

The interview then winds its way towards Lund and ecumenism. 
"Walking and working together, we realize that we are already united in the name of the Lord, and then the unity is not that which we create ourselves. We realize that it is the Spirit who impels and carries us. If you are docile to the Spirit, He will tell you what you can do, the rest is done by Him. That's why I say that the unity is on the way, because unity is a grace that you have to ask, and also because I repeat that every proselytizing among Christians is sinful. The Church never grows by proselytizing but "by attraction," as Benedict XVI wrote. The proselytizing among Christians therefore is in itself a grave sin. … because it contradicts the very dynamics of how to become and remain Christian. The Church is not a football team that seeks fans."
That's right, preaching the faith does not bring people to it, in Bergoglio's distorted mind. "Faith is learned by hearing." Is that not what Holy Writ states?

It is the laity, mostly through blogs, that have been at the forefront of exposition of the errors of Jorge Bergoglio and his Papacy. As a Catholic, it is not an easy thing to bear what he says and does. It is even less easy to come here and publicly challenge the Bishop of Rome, the Pope, the very Vicar of Christ. Yet, how can one not? How can one sit idly by, whilst this man and those around him, tear apart the very Church through which we were given the very grace to see. 

A few days ago, a woman whom I have known for a number of years saw for herself what was happening and what was being said. She is a faithful woman, a good Catholic. Not a "traditionalist" in the sense of the Rite as she is part of a regular diocesan parish, but certainly a traditionalist in faith and morality, devotion and practice. She would be of the generation of this writer, a child coming to age in the great dawn of Vatican II; conflicted between that which we were taught and saw as young children and that which was then thrust upon us. She said to me, "it is as if everything I was ever taught was a lie." I responded, "No! they are the liars. Not your parents, not your good priests and nuns and teachers, it was not they who lied to you, they were right then, and we are right now."

And this is the danger, -- that good people who are only now becoming aware of the horrors of the Bergoglian papacy are going to lose their faith because they do not know what to believe and what is true anymore.

This is how modernism works. A drop of poison. One drop at a time.

It is the "synthesis of all heresies" and Bergoglio is its teacher.

St. Pius X, Pray for us.

Saturday 19 November 2016

The Bergogian purge continues!

First, it was the John Paul Institute and now, the Pontifical Academy for Life. The Bergoglian assault continues. This is what happens when he is opposed with his heretical nonsense in Amoris Laetitia.


The list is growing.

Cardinals! Bishops! Priests!

Your time has come.

Do you duty.

Pope Bergoglio has answered the "dubia" - go fly a kite!

Image result for pope angry
"The Church exists only as an instrument for the communication of God’s merciful plan to the people. During the Council, the Church felt it had the responsibility to be a living sign of the Father’s love in the world. In the Lumen Gentium, it went back to the origins of its nature, the Gospel. This shifts the axis of Christianity away from a certain kind of legalism which can be ideological, towards the Person of God, who became mercy through the incarnation of the Son. Some still fail to grasp the point. They see things as black or white, even though it is in the course of life that we are called to discern."

The only ideologues in this whole scandalous, heretical mess is Jorge Bergoglio and his cabal of St. Gallen Mafiosi and his neo-sycophants.

Yes, Catholicism is black and white. Right and wrong, is black and white. Truth and falsity are black and white. The grey areas are pastoral and that is part of life, we get that, but the truth is never grey and what this man and his sordid, filthy backers have done is to undermine the very truth of Christ in the matters of adultery and sacrilege. It is an attack on the Sacraments and the unity of the Church.

They are responsible for this. Pope Bergoglio is responsible for this. At the same time, it must happen, it is inevitable. The de facto schism has been happening for decades, it can no longer be hidden and like a boil, it must be lanced, like a cancer, it must be cut out.

More Cardinals and Bishops must speak up, and they must speak up now. What is it going to cost you? Your bishopric? Your red hat? Good, better you should lose that then lose your soul.

The Pope must be corrected.  He is not a god. He is not infallible.

Friday 18 November 2016

Pope reported to be "boiling with rage" over the letter of the Four Cardinals and the public outing!

Image result for pope francis angry

In an interview with Raymond Arroyo on EWTN's The World Over, Edward Pentin stated that his sources have confirmed with him that "Pope Francis not happy at all," with the letter of the four Cardinals on the matter of heretical clauses and sacrilegious actions in Amoris Laetitia. Pentin continued that he, the Pope, is "boiling with rage." He had been "given two months," to respond to the four, and has refused.

"Boiling with rage."

How very sad.

To you priests and bishops in Rome who are faithful to the Church and know first hand what is happening there, whom do you really serve by your silence?

Do you serve Christ and through Him, His flock for their salvation?

What are you afraid of? 

Your priesthood is worth nothing if you allow this to continue. 

You are sworn to obedience, but obedience to what? To this? To heresy? To error? To scandal? To sacrilege? These things you cannot obey even if the Pope of Rome demands it. Your allegiance is to Jesus Christ Our Lord and His Vicar insofar as His Vicar is in allegiance with Him.

We bloggers have been warning for over two years now on these matters. Only now, have we finally been joined and edified by Cardinals who have seen that after the situation in Buenos Aires and the Diocese of Rome, they can no longer sit by in silence.

Nor can you.

The Pope must be warned that, not only will history judge him in the most harshest of terms, but so will God. 

You have a duty. If you cannot encourage this Pope to listen then you must do what the Cardinals have done. Follow Scripture and "take it to the Church," and that means publicly and not "anonymously." You must put your name on your charges and not hide in the shadows. 

Your souls also depend on it.

"Boiling with rage." 

Think on that.

Thursday 17 November 2016

Antonio Spadaro, S.J. calls Cardinal Burke "a wireless worm" - reminiscent of Toronto Basilian Tim Scott's STFU

Remember when Toronto Basilian Timmy Scott Tweeted out to Cardinal Burke to STFU?

Well, Bergoglio's key confidant called Cardinal Burke "a witless worm" which he has since removed from Twitter.

Who dared to ordain these pathetic creatures.

In a display of extraordinary arrogance, Bergoglio cancels Consistory of Cardinals

Xl consistory crop

In a move that can only be considered spiteful, the Bishop of Rome has cancelled the Consistory meeting of the College of Cardinals which is typically held when new Cardinals are installed. The new Cardinals will be presented with their red hats and celebrate a Mass the next day.

Bergoglio has no fear of the four Cardinals. He is mocking them. He is giving them and "I'll show you who's in charge," moment. Yet, he knows that if they meet, as a group, the matter of the letter and doubts would come up and answers would be expected. Bergoglio does not fear these Cardinals. He despises them. If he did not, he would have already responded.


The man is a disgrace. He has promulgated heresy; we have expected this for two years and six months ago, he proved it. He confirmed the heretical and sacrilegious portions of Amoris Laetitia in his letter to the Bishops of Buenos Aires and the implementation of Holy Communion for adulterous couples in the Diocese of  Rome as announced by the Vicar or Rome.That, could not have been done without Bergoglio's knowledge and approval. 


Make no mistake, the Church is in the greatest crisis since the Protestant revolution. No Bishop of Rome has behaved in such a despicable way towards the Truth since John XXII and he was declared a heretic, before repenting of his heresy on his deathbed.

Bergoglio must be rebuked; and don't be surprised if he strips the four of their red hats!

This is how a "dubium" is handled - well; what about it, Pope Francis?

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Cardinal Kevin Farrell - the new apostate from the Truth - accuses God the Holy Spirit of being a liar and a deceiver!

Blocked a few minutes after posting and Tweeting ... cowards! How "rigid." How lacking in "mercy." No desire to "dialogue." No desire to have an "encounter" with Vox!

Newly designated Cardinal, Bishop Kevin Farrell, an American and head of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life has given an interview to the French publication, La Croix published also at the National "Catholic" Reporter.

Bishop Kevin J. Farrell - Official Photograph (Courtesy of the Catholic Diocese of Dallas).jpg

"Honestly, I do not see how and why some bishops seem to think they have to interpret this document, "said in an interview to the National Catholic Reporter to be published on Thursday, November 17, the one to whom Pope Francis entrusted the pastoral family."
"I believe that the document Amoris laetitia is faithful to the doctrine and teaching the Church," he said in response to the four cardinals who see it as a break with the teaching of John Paul II. "It is based on the doctrine of Familiaris consortio of John Paul II," he adds. I believe him passionately."
"It is the Holy Spirit who speaks to us," he hammered. Do we think that the Holy Spirit was not there at the first synod? Do we think he was not at the second synod? Do we believe that he did not inspire our Holy Father Francis by writing this document??"

Is this man deluded or just evil? 

The document has been "interpreted" in a heretical fashion because heresy and error is in it. 

The Bishop of Rome has acknowledged that the heretical interpretation of the Bishops of Buenos Aires is the correct one. This is gravely compounded by the fact that the Vicar of Rome, essentially the equivalent of an Associate Pastor with the Pope being the Pastor of Rome, has taken the same approach to Holy Communion for the civilly divorced and remarried while the first marriage is valid.

The reality is that there were never enough Catholics for this to matter enough. Catholics divorced and remarried are in the most part, not practicing their faith. If they were, they would return to their first spouse and if that was not possible they would live as brother and sister. 

He states that it is based on the doctrine in Familiaris Consortio. Wrong, he is deluded or a liar. Amoris Laetitia does not quote it directly and contradicts it.

Farrell goes so far as to claim that the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, has deceived the Church for two thousand years and only now has told us.

Cardinal Farrell is a LIAR. He is a DECEIVER. He must be DENOUNCED as the HERESIARCH he is!

The war is on.

O God, be with Your Church and faithful Catholics against these deceivers who imperil your Sacred Bride and Your flock.



Pope Bergoglio has been put into a corner - Will he answer and correct himself, or will he declare himself to be a formal heretic

Cardinal Raymond Burke 

Raymond Cardinal Burke, was, until being literally fired by the Bishop of Rome, the Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura. As I wrote yesterday, think of this as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. It is that equivalency. Raymond Leo Burke is arguable the greatest canonist alive today. Therefore, when he speaks, understand that he does so with full knowledge of Canon Law and history. 

In a jaw-dropping interview in the National Catholic Register with Edward Pentin, Cardinal Burke lays out clearly the situation. I highly recommend you go there and read it all, but I wish to reprint here, for your understanding, exactly what these four cardinals, and we should presume they are speaking for others, are doing.

Pentin: What happens if the Holy Father does not respond to your act of justice and charity and fails to give the clarification of the Church’s teaching that you hope to achieve?
Card. Burke: Then we would have to address that situation. There is, in the Tradition of the Church, the practice of correction of the Roman Pontiff. It is something that is clearly quite rare. But if there is no response to these questions, then I would say that it would be a question of taking a formal act of correction of a serious error.
Pentin: In a conflict between ecclesial authority and the Sacred Tradition of the Church, which one is binding on the believer and who has the authority to determine this?
Card. Burke: What’s binding is the Tradition. Ecclesial authority exists only in service of the Tradition. I think of that passage of St. Paul in the [Letter to the] Galatians (1:8), that if “even an angel should preach unto you any Gospel other than that which we preached unto you, let him be anathema.”
Pentin: If the Pope were to teach grave error or heresy, which lawful authority can declare this and what would be the consequences?
Cardinal Burke: It is the duty in such cases, and historically it has happened, of cardinals and bishops to make clear that the Pope is teaching error and to ask him to correct it.

There is another question coming. We will assume Edward Pentin did not ask it out of prudence or if was asked, it was certainly not answered. That question is this:

And if at that point, the Pope refuses to correct it; what then? 

The answer is already above. Can you find it?


Tuesday 15 November 2016

Bergoglio's gives a middle finger to four cardinals through his sycophant Spadaro

Considering that Anthony "Soprano" Spadaro, EssJay is as close to Bergoglio as that grotesque tin, "pectoral cross" it is not an overstatement.



This post was pre-timed from before sunrise to go up at 12noon today. Since then, Barona has posted on more Tweets from Spadaro. Make no mistake, Spadaro is speaking for Bergoglio. They are that close! See below:


Amoris Laetitia, is not and can not be "magisterial teaching" because it contains heresy and error and that cannot be magisterial. Not Ordinary. Not Extraordinary!

Cardinal Burke is and was always correct. 

This is Bergoglio's undoing. It is the warning shot that will end in his conversion or his exposition as a heretic.


It is that serious.

Cardinal Burke interviewed on the rebuke of Bergoglio, and yes, it was a rebuke!

My interpretation, for what it is worth, with Cardinal Burke's statement that Amoris Laetitia is not "magisterial," is because of its ambiguities. How can any document from the Church with errors and heresy ever be considered "magisterial." People criticised Cardinal Burke for that statement. 
Image result for burke pope
In an exclusive interview with Catholic Action, Cardinal Burke confirms what this writer always believed: -- "Amoris Laetitia is not Magisterial because it contains serious ambiguities that confuse people and lead them into error and grave sin.'


Cardinal Burke's detractors will state, "who are you to judge the pope."

Let's make no mistake.The pope is not a god. Do not ascribe to any Bishop of Rome that which Protestants have accused us of doing. The First Vatican Council defined narrowly where his "infallibility" lay. The problem is that Catholics, for political purposes, have distorted the Pope's authority. "Full, complete and universal jurisdiction," they will say. No, I say. Not when he teaches error, not when he is heretical! following the release yesterday of the five doubts to which Bergoglio in his arrogance has failed to respond,

The Pope cannot teach error in an infallible manner.That is why Amoris Laetitia is not magisterial, because the Pope IS NOT INFALLIBLE in it. Read that again. Is not infallible!

Who is Cardinal Burke to criticise or challenge the Pope in this regard? Only the greatest legal alive in the Church today and former Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, think here, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. 

The story here is, of course, the letter sent to the Pope. The bigger story is Bergoglio's refusal to answer. 

We are entering a grave crisis in the Church, the gravest since the Protestant revolution. It has been brought about by despicable and deceitful men who hate Christ and hate you and me. They are evil and vile and deserve public outing and flogging.

One of those is Anthony Spadaro, a fellow Jesuit. Barona, at Witness Blog, has this Tweet of Spadaro's and commentary. Spadaro is one of Bergoglio's closest collaborators. He dismisses the four Cardinals as "disqualified."


Make no mistake. Our Lord is in control of His Church and He will bring about its purification. It will not come easy and many will fall away.

Do not be one of them.
