A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Francis appointed Bishop of Paramatta in Australia demands Catholic Faith accept "sodomy!"

Nota Bene: The Diocese of Paramatta has put out a Tweet: 

Misleading article by - read what Bishop Vincent ACTUALLY said about acceptance of all people here

The Bishop's original comments are found here.


Image result for Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen

The bishop of the Catholic diocese of Parramatta has called on the church to accept homosexuality, lamenting that the faith is not a “trailblazer” against inequality. Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen has gone further than the Pope, who has said God loves and accepts gay people. 
Bishop Long said it was not good enough to treat gay people with compassion and then define their lifestyle as “intrinsically disordered”.
The comments, del­ivered in a speech in western Sydney last month, are likely to cause consternation in the church hierarchy, which is against same-sex marriage. 
“We cannot talk about the ­integrity of creation, the universal and inclusive love of God, while at the same time colluding with the forces of oppression in the ill-treatment of racial minorities, women and homosexual persons,” Bishop Long said. “It won’t wash with young people, especially when we purport to treat gay people with love and compassion and yet define their sexuality as ‘intrinsically disordered’.
This is particularly true when the church has not been a shining beacon and a trailblazer in the fight against inequality and ­intolerance.” 
Bishop Long was appointed by Pope Francis in May to lead one of Australia’s largest dioceses. The speech is in direct contrast to the views of his predecessor at the diocese, Anthony Fisher, who is now the most senior Catholic in NSW as Archbishop of Sydney. 
The Australian reported in May that Archbishop Fisher condemned the anti-bullying Safe Schools program as even more radical and dangerous social engin­eering than same-sex marriage, to which he is also vehement­ly opposed. Bishop
Long fled Vietnam on a boat in 1979, eventually making it to Australia as a refugee. In his speech, he said the gospel showed that it was the holders of tradition who were often guilty of “prejudice, discrimination and oppressive stereotype”. 
“That is what Jesus consistently does. He has a habit of challenging ingrained stereotyped attitudes, subverting the tyranny of the majority, breaking social ­taboos, pushing the boundaries of love and redefining its meaning,” Bishop Long said. “He questioned the prevailing assumptions and stereotyped attitudes. He turned the presumed order of moral goodness upside down.”

The Poop Video - more Marxist drivel with no Jesus Christ.

More Marxist, atheist, globalist drivel.

Bergoglio wants to "put the human person at the centre." 

The mask continues to fall from the face to this man.

He forgot Someone, hidden again under his papers and his sinister hand.

Watch this instead. 

I arise today through the strength of heaven
Light of sun, radiance of moon
Splendor of fire, speed of lightning
Swiftness of wind, depth of the sea
Stability of earth, firmness of rock

I arise today through God's strength to pilot me
God's eye to look before me
God's wisdom to guide me
God's way to lie before me
God's shield to protect me

From all who shall wish me ill
Afar and a-near
Alone and in a multitude
Against every cruel, merciless power
That may oppose my body and soul

Christ with me, 
Christ before me
Christ behind me, 
Christ in me
Christ beneath me, 
Christ above me
Christ on my right, 
Christ on my left
Christ when I lie down, 
Christ when I sit down
Christ when I arise, 
Christ to shield me

Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me

Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me

Monday 5 September 2016

Is the "verbal duel" caused by Pope Francis affecting Catholic leaning to Clinton?

If I were an American, I would vote for Donald Trump. Two reasons, because I am a conservative, and, because, I am a Catholic. 

Donald Trump is a human being with flaws, just as I am. Hillary Clinton is best described as a fundamentally flawed human being. Frankly, she is evil.

Donald Trump is not a perfect candidate for a Catholic, none of those in any of the primaries were. The closest was probably Dr. Ben Carson from a morals and policy point of view. 

Hillary Clinton is fundamentally not someone for whom any Catholic can vote. With Donald Trump, there is some hope, that through a Supreme Court under his watch, the matter of abortion might eventually be addressed. With Hilary Clinton, it never will be addressed and the matter will get only worse. She will radically continue Obama's policies, and, extend them. 

In an article in Conservative Review the matter of Catholics dramatically shifting to Hilary Clinton deals with some rather startling statistics.

Image result for trump pope
I was rather surprised to read that one reason is a "verbal duel" that Donald Trump allegedly had with Pope Francis. A duel caused by Bergoglio! 

My recollection is that some bishop or advisor in Mexico suggested that the Pope should think in a certain manner about a "wall" and that a question was planted by a Mexican or Hispanic reporter on the aeroplane back to Rome. Once again, Bergoglio blurted out a statement that he had no business stating.

Bergoglio, covertly referring to Donald Trump said that he was not a "Christian" because he would build "walls."

Trump handled the unjustified and obnoxious attack by the Pope quite well, knowing he could not win it. He was quite justified in his initial comment that any religious leader to question the faith of a person was "disgraceful" and the pope was being used by Mexico "as a pawn." 

Trump was right. Bergoglio's comment was disgraceful and he was being used, though, I have no doubt he was a willing pawn.

As a Catholic, I was embarrassed by this outrageous and unjustified statement by the Bishop of Rome.

Human migration is a big issue for this Francis. He is entitled to his opinion. He is not entitled the facts or to tell nations how they should govern themselves in affairs that are none of his business. Nation states have the fundamental right to protect their borders and live in security.

For a man who has a whole floor of a hotel reserved empty for his own protection, he is one to talk about security. For a man who lives in a State protected by walls and massive security, with guns, I should add, he is one to talk about, "building walls!" 

Catholics in Canada voted en masse for Justin Trudeau, a Catholic and a man who demanded that all candidates would be pro-abortion and who has just ushered in euthanasia. American Catholics may be about to do the same with Hillary Clinton who will fight any attempt by States to limit abortion and ensure that a Supreme Court will never overturn Roe vs. Wade. 

To Trudeau and Clinton, abortion is a sacrament! There is not enough blood to satisfy these two.

If Catholics vote in large numbers for Hilary Clinton, as they are expected to do, and if any do it because of a non-existent "verbal duel" which was a one-sided attack by the Bishop or Rome himself, history will judge Catholics and this Bishop or Rome, extremely harshly.

If you are a Catholic and you vote for Hillary Clinton, God help you.

The judging won't just be by history.

Sunday 4 September 2016

Toronto Anglican Ordinariate parish moving today to Oratory Parish of St. Vincent de Paul - Divine Worship at 12:30 PM

It begins today at 12:30 P.M. - the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter Parish of St.Thomas More begins at St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Toronto. 

Since the inception of the Ordinariate, St.Thomas More parish has been worshipping at Sacre Coeur parish in Toronto, a French-language, Dominican run affair, where they were relegated from a ridiculous 2:00PM to an intolerable 4:00PM Mass time. 

St. Vincent de Paul Parish is one of two under the administration of the Toronto Oratory of St. Philip Neri. Masses at St.Vincent de Paul on Sunday include the Traditional Latin Mass (Read) at 9:30AM (Solemn Mass is at Holy Family Parish at 11:00AM). The parish Sung Novus Ordo liturgy will move to 11:00 to facilitate the Ordinariate Mass.

While the Ordinariate Missal includes the new Lectionary, it also features the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, the Tridentine Missals Offertory and the Roman Canon for Sunday use. If there is any hope for the "Reform of the Reform," which this writer highly doubts, this Missal is the way forward. It marks time in the Sarum tradition, "After Trinity," and restores the Gesima Sundays. Mass is celebrated "ad orientem." 

Congratulations to all of those associated with St. Thomas More and the Oratory. This agreement provides an opportunity for the Ordinariate to flourish and ensures the longevity of St. Vincent de Paul parish.

Saturday 3 September 2016

What kind of man is Vincenzo Cardinal Paglia?

There has been the quite the debate for the last few years in the Province of Ontario, here in Canada, on changes to the health and sex education curriculum in our public secular and public Catholic schools. The previous Liberal government, headed by a Catholic, attempted to bring in radical changes that included masturbation, anal intercourse and oral copulation at the elementary school level; it was applauded by the homosexualist community but the government backed down in the face of still opposition from parents. 

Image result for levin wynne trudeauGiven the incompetence of the oxymoronic, Progressive Conservative leader who 
promised to fire 100,000 civil servants, the Liberals were re-elected under the Lesbian Premier, Kathleen Wynne. She promptly forced the radical sex education curriculum on the children and parents of Ontario. This curriculum was designed by a man named Benjamin Levin. a pervert who is now in prison for creating and distributing child pornography. Levin, pictured seated at the left above at Toronto's "PRIDE" parade attending with now Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the lesbian Premier Wynne. He was the Assistant Deputy Minister of Education for the Province of Ontario and previously, Manitoba. He was highly regarded amongst the educrats throughout Canada and, even in the United States. Once Catholic Quebec, has begun something similar for five year olds.

The Holy Catholic Church has been infiltrated by perverts not dissimilar to Benjamin Levin. What else is one left to think about Vincenzo Paglia? He sounds like goodfella. 

There is something inherently evil about men who force and, or advocate explicit sexual "education" upon children. These people are Marxists and Freemasons who determine that the "State" not the parent is the arbiter of what a child should know and when. They are also homosexuals. While one might expect this from the secular state, one cannot accept this from a Catholic prelate, even one who has been given the blessing to do it by a Pope. Some of them are incestous, as Levin was. Some of them entice mothers to have sexual relations with their children on camera, as Levin did. Some of them where fancy clerical costume. Some of them are sodomites. 

Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons is a renowned psychiatrist and has appeared often on EWTN programming. In an essay published on LifeSiteNews, Dr. Fitzgibbons writes:

“In a culture in which youth are bombarded by pornography, I was particularly shocked by the images contained in this new sex education program, some of which are clearly pornographic,” Fitzgibbons wrote. “My immediate professional reaction was that this obscene or pornographic approach abuses youth psychologically and spiritually. … As a professional who has treated both priest perpetrators and the victims of the abuse crisis in the Church, what I found particularly troubling was that the pornographic images in this program are similar to those used by adult sexual predators of adolescents.”

In a parallel to Ontario's radical sex-education program, Fitzgibbon continues:

As a professional who has treated both priest perpetrators and the victims of the abuse crisis in the Church, what I found particularly troubling was that the pornographic images in this program are similar to those used by adult sexual predators of adolescents.

One must wonder about the kind of man this Paglia is.

One must wonder about the kind of man that would put him in the position of power.

Bergoglio is responsible for this.

Image result for cardinal paglia

Thursday 1 September 2016

The new sin according to Bergoglio - Global Warming. -- but whatever happened to Asia Bibi?

More nonsense from the mouth of the Bishop of Rome and the new corporal work of mercy. How much did George Soros pay for this?

Perhaps a few less foreign trips might reduce Bergoglio's carbon footprint. Will someone tell him that the mission of the Church is the SALVATION OF SOULS!

Bless me Father Bergoglio, for I have "sinned."
  • I have used air conditioning at home and in the car and the office in order to control my asthma so that I can function during the day to take on the enormous responsibilities I have for my employees and clients.
  • I consume a half tank of petrol every Sunday driving 412 kilometers to attend Mass and return home where I have been appointed to sing the Gregorian chant when I really should forsake this apostolate and attend my own local parish where they care not for the proper celebration of the Holy Mass and in fact, refused my mother's funeral because the request was that it be, in Latin.
  • I threw a piece of plastic into the regular garbage last evening instead of making the extra effort to ensure that it ended up in the recycling bin even though most of what is in the recycling bin ends up in the regular garbage.
  • I have failed to use compact fluorescent bulbs and maintain a stockpile of beautiful warm incandescents, enough to last me until I am 99 years old, should the good Lord above grant me the grace to live that long.

Hey Jorge, what about Asia Bibi?

Image result for asia bibi

The Member of Parliament as "theologian." - This is the fault of her priests and bishops who failed to teach the faith!

The saga of Catholics in politics voting for abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage (so-called) and other issues against the Faith is very familiar to my readers in Canada, the United States of America and in Europe and really, throughout the broader "Christian" world. 

One of the saddest examples is in the United States with Nancy Pelosi, particularly when she opines on theology from Doctors such as Saints Augustine or Thomas Aquinas. Alas, we now have the same example here in Canada of a politician using warped theology and failed catechesis.

The post, one below, shows our good friend at Contra-Diction outside Holy Family Church in Whitby, Ontario, just east of Toronto in the same Archdiocese. He was protesting the fact that Celine Chavannes, a Liberal Member of Parliament, who aggressively supporting sodomitical "marriage," abortion and euthanasia receives Holy Communion there.  Now the banning of free speech and expression through the use of graphic imagery showing abortion, is on her agenda.

The Pastor, Father Nagy, went so far as to call the Durham Regional Police who harassed our good friend, notwithstanding his Charter Rights and the fact that he fully intended to stop before Holy Mass at 12:30.

Member of Parliament Celine, Cesare Chavannes has tweeted out her response:

Two months ago, I had a brief email exchange with Chavannes, explaining to her the facts of how her activist voting is in conflict with her Catholic faith and that by receiving Holy Communion, she is bringing "condemnation" upon herself. The goal then was to help her understand that her Catholic faith must come before her Parliamentary career. She is my Catholic sister and she is your Catholic sister.

But she is no, theologian!

Celina, you are wrong. On "judgement day" it will be you who will be asked by Our Lord Jesus Christ why you did not listen to the warning that you were given. You were given free will. Contra-Diction did not drive you out of the parish, you chose to leave because you could not stand to hear the truth. You did exactly what those did as recorded in John 6. Do you remember? They could not stand the teaching of Our Lord on the truth of eating His Body and drinking His Blood and they walked away. Just as you have done.

Celina, do not put Justin Trudeau, another badly-behaving Catholic, before Jesus Christ. 

That is what you have done.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

What's up with Father Nagy and the people at Holy Family Church in Whitby, Ontario? Why did Father Nagy call the Police?

I've got to hand it to my good friend at ContraDiction. If all of us had his courage we would take back the culture.

Previously, I've written about the Member of Parliament, a Liberal pro baby murdering and pro-euthanasia and homosexualist who attends here and receives Holy Communion on a regular basis. Yet, the Pastor, Father Nagy, does not seem to address this public scandal. 



My good friend at ContraDiction has taken it on directly.

If you don't have the time to watch all of it, start around 12 minutes. A few come out to try to take his sign and deny him his Constitutional right to assembly and expression. Then Father Nagy comes out to complain that his name is on the sign.

His name!

Shame on Father Nagy, would that he would deal with the Catholic politician and not be worried about his name.

Shame on Father Nagy for calling the Police. The first shows up at 27:00 the second at 29:34.

Shame on Father Nagy!

And no, Father Nagy, I won't be removing your name from this blog.

The Durham Regional Police think the images are "offensive."

No Law was broken, the Durham Police were interfering with his Charter Rights!


George Soros' power over the Church and the Pope's boss

From Austin Ruse at Breitbart:

Newly released documents from Wikileaks have exposed the efforts of hard-left billionaire George Soros to make Pope Francis quiet down on social issues like abortion and man-woman marriage and make income equality and global warming the centerpiece of his visit last year to the U.S. The documents show how these wealthy groups worked closely with the Pope’s closest advisers including two U.S. Bishops and one Latin American Cardinal. The plan was first advanced at a board meeting of Soros’s Open Society U.S. Programs Board in May, 2015, where the radical group boasts of direct influence with Pope Francis. At that meeting, the board announced a $650,000 grant to a wealthy radical group called PICO “in order to seize this moment..to engage the Pope on economic and racial justice issues, including using (emphasis added) the influence of Cardinal Rodriquez, the Pope’s senior advisor, and sending a delegation to visit the Vatican in the spring or summer to allow him to hear directly (emphasis added) from low-income Catholics in America.”

When we see what has come out of Rome, from the political tilt towards leftist regimes, open borders for migrants and Islamic invasion backed by Soros, Laudato si and the coming recognition of the Chinese Patriotic Association, is there any doubt that Soros' power and wealth has influenced the Vatican right up to the Pope?

These men are evil. All of them. They have danced with the devil. 

And, I refer you to Elizabeth Yore at The Remnant.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Bergoglio's Urinating Witch!

Image result for hebe de bonafini

"We want him (John Paul II) to burn alive in hell. He's a swine. Even though a priest told me that a swine is to be eaten, this Pope is uneatable."
It is beyond belief. 

I am sure that he preached to this witch, just as he did to Zuckerberg, about salvation through Jesus Christ. Yes of course he did. Yes, Jesus ate with sinners. Yes, yes, yes.

Do you really believe that this Bergoglio preached Jesus Christ to this witch?

I'm busy, lot's to do; can't write about this. Read it all for yourself, if you can keep from vomiting.




Monday 29 August 2016

The Don Bergoglio Mafia friends of the Ratzingoglian Papacy

Christopher Ferrara exposes Don Mario's mafia.

A must read.

The Ratzingoglio Papacy II

Image result for two headed monster

Once, I rejoiced at the election of Joseph Ratzinger, but what he has done by renouncing the Papacy was wrong and unnecessary. Now, he is humiliated by the man that replaced him as his work is undone. I am not into the theory that he is being drugged and controlled. My post yesterday has offended some of my readers. I was harsh on him. That is the way it is. It does not mean I deny his papacy or the current one, only that it is time to stop pretending when the facts show differently.

Joseph Ratzinger was wrong. He had no business renouncing the papacy. Bergoglio would never have been elected Pope because he would have long been retired by now and Ratzinger would still be Pope. He did not have to travel to WYD or anywhere else. He abandoned his children. He could have stayed in the Vatican with a Legate undertaking the daily tasks and under the protection of the Swiss Guards. He could have taught and written and ordered what was to be done. Yes, it is that simple. His health is clearly fine, for an old man.  

Those who love him hold out hope that he will speak against what is happening. He will not. He will not speak against Amoris Laetitia, he will not speak against what will happen in October in Lund when Bergoglio goes to praise the heretic, Martin Luther.

I wondered, at one time, as a good reader in the combox expresses, if he had a supernatural experience, an apparition of Our Lady perhaps and if this is why he left. I had to have an explanation. How could he? How could he leave? It must have been the Holy Spirit - he must have had a revelation? No! I was deluding myself because I did not want to admit what Ratzinger was, a Modernist and a coward. A man who denied his cross. Just because one prays and then acts believing it to be God telling him "do this" does not make it so. It may be the other one, or it may simply be one's own desires that one has convinced oneself to do and then justifies that as "God's will." Well, it is certainly God's permissive will.

Yes, that is harsh, but that is reality.

Saturday 27 August 2016

Welcome to the Ratzingoglio Papacy - Because most Catholics are stupid enough to believe that two popes are "just fine!"

More information from Ratzinger's upcoming book is coming out. Excuse me if I find this incredulous. Were we not told that he already wrote his last book? Was he not to retire to an "emeritus" position never to be seen or heard from again? Now, he's trotted out to applaud like a trained seal the heretical bovine excrement that his successor pushes upon the Church. 

Two peas in a pod these two this Ratzinger and Bergoglio. Neither of them deserve the title, Pope and even less, "Holiness." There is nothing "holy" about these two malefactors!

John Allen at Crux is reporting that Bergoglio thinks the Catholic faithful are just fine with these "two popes." He fulfils the role of lapdog to these two clowns well. If Allen ever had any credibility he has lost it pandering to this "novelty" and doing the bidding of Ratzingoglio.

There cannot be two Popes. Bergoglio is a fraud and Ratzinger is a traitor!

A pox on both of them!

Francis says the people have spoken: ‘Two popes are just fine’
Francis says the people have spoken: ‘Two popes are just fine.
"The book carries an original preface by Pope Francis, which was published Wednesday ...
Francis goes on to say that the situation the Church finds itself in today of having two living popes, one in office and the other emeritus, is a “novelty.” He doesn’t add, perhaps because he didn’t need to, that it’s a novelty not everyone finds entirely satisfying.
From the beginning, there have been critics of the arrangement. Some argued that because there can be only one pope at a time, the right thing for Benedict to do would have been to renounce all insignia and titles associated with the office and return to being Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.
Others feared that having a retired pope around would be divisive and destabilizing, as critics of the new pope would rally around the old one.
Certainly there has been a bit of that in some quarters, and there are still some writers and theologians to this day who question the validity of Benedict’s resignation and thus whether Francis is actually a legitimate pope.
There were howls of protest recently when Archbishop Georg Gänswein, Benedict’s long time aide, made the seemingly common-sense suggestion that the new situation implies an expanded Petrine ministry, with an active member and a contemplative one. Some appeared to see it almost as the prelude to a putsch, if not a schism.
Francis is obviously aware of that reaction, and in effect his preface to the new Benedict biography delivers his response.
“Since they love each other,” Francis says of having two popes, “it’s a beautiful novelty.”
“In a certain sense,” he says, “it expresses in a particularly clear way the continuity of the Petrine ministry, without interruption, like links in a single chain forged by love.”

Then, Francis comes to what he apparently sees as the popular bottom line.
“The holy people of God, on the path, have understood this very well,” he asserts.
In terms of how he knows what people think, here’s what he says: “Every time the emeritus pope has appeared in public, at my invitation, and I was able to embrace him in front of everyone, the joy and the applause of those present has been sincere and intense.”
Francis’ conviction seems to be that while theologians, ecclesiologists and bloggers may be perplexed or perturbed, the ordinary people of God aren’t. They love Benedict just as they love Francis, in part for who they are, but perhaps even more for what they represent.

Friday 26 August 2016

More heretical nonsense from the mouth of this Bergoglio!

The entire commentary can be found at Zenit as translated by my good friend,.Thomas Rosica. 

After reading this, as I was alerted by a reader, I can only conclude the validity of my original words, -- that this is "Jesuitical arrogance" and "idiocy" and pure, unadulterated modernism where one can make purely orthodox statements about the devil and the supernatural and then plant within the poison of "grey" areas and how to "go beyond the law."

One drop of poison in a glass of water poisons the whole glass.

Image result for bergoglio

World Youth Day and the mind and mouth of Jorge Bergoglio; the gift that just keeps on giving whether we want it or not. We must really thank his Jesuit brother, Anthony Spadaro. Without this Jesuit's arrogance, we would not know of the idiocy coming from the mouth of this Bergoglio.

What curse is upon the Catholic faith that God has permitted the stupid men in red from giving us this man as Pope. For our sins and our sacrilege has led to the Church and Faith now being persecuted from within and from the very top, from a Bishop of Rome that is trapped in an era of error in critical thinking, in Catholic faith and formation and in theology.

This Bergoglio is truly a product of a corrupted Jesuitical formation which began, at least in the 1950's, and which has now come to fruition with one of its own in the Chair of Peter. What a destructive man this Pope is. At one time, many of us tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, He is feeble-minded, or suffering from some kind of dementia.


He is of sound mind. A mind that is poisoned and has been poisoning others since that very day of his ordination and what he wishes to foist on the next generation of priests until the faith is dead!

"the seminarians, when they become priests, find themselves in difficulty in accompanying the life of so many young people and adults." ... "And many people leave the confessional disappointed. Not because the priest is bad, but because the priest doesn't have the ability to discern situations, to accompany them in authentic discernment," ... "They don't have the needed formation." ... "I repeat, you must teach this above all to priests, helping them in the light of the exercises in the dynamic of pastoral discernment, which respects the law but knows how to go beyond,"  "We need to truly understand this: in life not all is black on white or white on black," ... "The shades of grey prevail in life. We must them teach to discern in this gray area."

Poor babies are disappointed in that the priest did not tell them that they could go on watching pornography, masturbating, fornicating and engaging in sexual deviance with a person of the same-sex or that living with that other woman when their wife is left behind is adultery. Too bad the good priest could not see the grey and told the poor stupid youth that they will go to Hell!

It's all about sex!

O LORD, save your people. Save us from these malefactors in fine garments who have invaded your Church.

Thursday 25 August 2016

Benedict XVI resigned because of World Youth Day? Praises Raul Castro?


This Tweet by Antonio Socci was made on June 28, 2016, shortly before the public celebration of his priestly ordination. My  thanks to two readers for this.

"There is currently, heavy pressure on Pope Benedict XVI and to obtain from him, an act of uncritical submission (acritica sottomissione) to Bergoglio. Let us pray for him."

If this is true and it is known about by any men of faith left in that wretched Vatican, then they are obligated to come to his aid and to make public this evil to the Catholic faithful. If they do not, then they will be held accountable before God for this dereliction.  

As for Joseph Ratzinger, yes; let us pray for him. Let us pray that he will find the courage and a way to speak to us, his children who love him, his children, whom he abandoned! 

In a stunning report at La Stampa, Andrea Tornielli is reporting on an interview with Pope Benedict XVI, the Emeritus.

The question we need to ask is this, "was this really Joseph Ratzinger." 

If it was, "was he drugged to say such idiocy? Was he threatened? What could he be threatened with?

Or rather, "is it someone from Francis' cabal creating, for them and their Peronist, some kind of cover?"

Or is it even more clear. "Joseph Ratzinger was not the Pope we believed him to be?"

Oakes Spalding asks, "What new deviltry" is this? Indeed!

“There were numerous commitments which I felt I was no longer able to carry through, notably, the World Youth Day which had been scheduled to take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in the summer of 2013. I was very certain of two things. After the experience of the trip to Mexico and Cuba, I no longer felt able to embark on another very demanding visit. Furthermore, according to the format of these gatherings, which had been established by John Paul II, the Pope’s physical presence there was paramount. A television link or any other such technological solution was out of the question. This was another reason why I saw it as my duty to resign.”

“The visit to Mexico and Cuba had been a beautiful and moving experience for me in many ways. In Mexico I was struck by the profound faith of so many young people who communicated their joyous passion for God. I was equally struck by the great problems afflicting Mexican society and by the Church’s efforts to seek a faith-based response to the challenge posed by poverty and violence. I need scarcely remind you of how impressed I was in Cuba to see the way in which Raul Castro wishes to lead his country onto a new path, without breaking with the immediate past. Here too, I was deeply impressed by the way in which my brothers in the Episcopate are striving to navigate through this difficult process, with the faith as their starting point. However, during those visits I became acutely aware of the limits of my physical strength. Above all, I realised that I was no longer able to face future transoceanic trips due to jet lag. Naturally, I discussed these problems with my doctor, Professor Patrizio Polisca too. It thus became clear that I would not be able to take part in the World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro in 2013, there was the obvious jet lag problem. From that moment on, I had a relatively short amount of time to decide on the date of my withdrawal.”

If this is true, then it is quite clear to this writer that Joseph Ratzinger is not worthy of the respect which this writer previously gave him.

For World Youth Day he resigned and not even for "Wales"? Praising a murderous villain such as an unrepentant Castro? This was said by Joseph Ratzinger?

Joseph Ratzinger was wrong. He did not need to resign and he never should have. He made a prudential error and the reasons do not matter. What matters is that he plunged the papacy into chaos and the Church into crisis.

He could have stayed. He did not need to go to Rio, or Krakow. He did not ever need to do another trip. Nothing compelled him to ever offer a Mass in St. Peter's Square. He was not obligated to do an Easter Triduum for thousands. He could have stayed for the rest of his life in his apartment and garden. He could have offered Mass daily in his chapel and on Sundays, delivered an Angelus from the window and a homily every Wednesday to the masses in an audience below. He could have appointed a Papal Legate or Vicar to do everything he wanted at pain of arrest by the Swiss Guards for disobedience. He could have sanctified himself and us, the sheep, by doing this and offering up his suffering as Karol Wojtyla did - an action which may have saved his soul from his papal errors.

"Pray for me that I do not flee for fear of the wolves," he said, Well, he abandoned his children to those same wolves he feared and a father does not abandon his children.

God is truly punishing us.

Yes, if you believe in women deacons, you are an apostate

As you probably have concluded, unlike Mark P. Shea, I don't generally fight with people in my combox. I post and you express your opinion. I don't argue with you for clickbait, which wouldn't matter because unlike those at Pathetic dot com and those such as Shea, Fisher, Schimek and others, I do not get paid for this. I have a real job.

What I will say is that if you are going to hit me, I am going to hit you back, in the manner of Donald J. Trump.

So, here it comes.

Image result for bam

I have posted a few times on the matter of deaconettes/deaconesses. Let us be clear, there were no women deacons in any ordained ministry or liturgical role. Those who tell you otherwise are liars. Those who advocate for this are apostatising from the Catholic faith. This includes Phyllis Zagano and James Martin, S.J., and any other advocate no matter what colour of cassock they wear, if they were to even wear one.

Let us be clear. Any Catholic who believes that women can be ordained are apostates and do not believe that Our Lord Jesus Christ is God. It is that simple. Jesus is God incarnate. He was not bound by the culture of his time. If Jesus wanted to ordain women as priests he would have done so. He did not. Nor did he do this and the Holy Apostles and Evangelists covered it up. They did not go to their deaths for a lie, they went for the ultimate Truth. Had Jesus wanted women ordained as priests or deacons to fulfil a ministerial or liturgical role than the Apostles would have done it, recorded it, the Early Church would have adopted it and this post would not be written. Period. 

The matter is closed, John Paul II, a Pope declared a Saint by Francis affirmed this. Francis' re-opening of the debate can at best be described as, mischief.

All this being said, including the combox remarks. if someone, particularly "anonymous" wishes to argue with me or disrespect me, let me be clear. you do not get the last word. I do.

This is my blog. If you don't like it, then go read John 6 and do it. 

What I find most interesting though is that this blog and many, many others of better quality are really making people angry, making Satan angry. We are, in fact, succeeding. If we were not, then the tirade of comments that I have been receiving as of late, in these slow blog reader days of August, would not be happening. 

The discussion below is not from my Canonist but what I find interesting is that I suspect that it is from a priest. Why? This quote: "You want to obsess on Tridentine liturgy, go ahead. No one is listening." 

In discussion with a good friend, he has opined that some who are "obsess" about the "Tridentine liturgy" have what one might say is "all lace and no grace." It is entirely show. This person, if a priest as I suspect, is one of those who is all lace and no grace, though, I doubt that there is even any grace. One can be "obsessed" about Tridentine liturgy but not convicted as a Catholic, it is done without context. What this comment shows it that this person is that. Typically, in many dioceses, the chancery officials don't care if you celebrate a Latin EF Mass here and there, "it's all worship" as one Monsignor has said to me. But if that priest preaches on abortion, sodomy, adultery, proper reception of Holy Communion, or moves the tabernacle to the middle of the sanctuary, faces it or makes it possible for people to kneel, then watch out. As one priest known to me was recently told, "this is Canada, not Rome."

What these people are afraid of is that they see the future and realise that it is a collapse of everything they believe in. They don't believe in Christ, they don't believe in supernatural faith. They are modernists and syncretists and as far as Jesus goes, they are at best, Arians. 

We are winning friends, it may not look like it but we are and my friend below does not get the last word, I do.

Anonymous said...
Misogyny, even when shouted from the steeple of a church, is still misogyny.
1:33 pm, August 24, 2016
Vox Cantoris said...
It has nothing to do with misogyny and everything to do with ontology. Clearly, you don't get it.
2:30 pm, August 24, 2016
Anonymous said...
You can fishwrap it any way you want to disguise it, but it's all mansplaining - not christianity.
5:50 pm, August 24, 2016
Vox Cantoris said...
"Fishwrap?" You have the wrong place.
Now, you are entitled to your opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts.
5:59 pm, August 24, 2016
Anonymous said...
You want to obsess on Tridentine liturgy, go ahead. No one is listening.
But to state that Phyllis Zagano is an apostate relegates this blog to the status of fishwrap my friend.
They still have a few old school confessionals left in Canada I believe...
11:10 pm, August 24, 2016
Vox Cantoris said...
Sorry, my anonymous coward, as for your last, you do not get the last word on this blog!
See this morning's post.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

I'm staying here, right with Cardinal Burke!

 Image result for raymond burke
“Absolutely not, I will never leave the Catholic Church. No matter what happens I intend to die a Roman Catholic. I will never be part of a schism." 
“I’ll just keep the faith as I know it and respond in the best way possible. That’s what the Lord expects of me. But I can assure you this: You won’t find me as part of any schismatic movement or, God forbid, leading people to break away from the Catholic Church. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the church of our Lord Jesus Christ and the pope is his vicar on earth and I’m not going to be separated from that.”

That was Raymond Cardinal Burke.

I stand with Cardinal Burke.

And I'll continue to be their worst nightmare.