In a late segment of the video, Lee revealed that some of his attitude is a result of the training he received as an economist, “So this is the thing that’s really crude as an economist, is we have a certain value that we put on each human life.”
“And so when I think about, like, government mandates like that, I think about it in those terms, which is terrible, because I think each human life is priceless in its own self.”
“Okay, so if you give a million vaccines, and two of them are blood clots, okay, you have a loss of $10 million, about, in your like, government regulation-type world framework…If you give these million vaccines, you get everything back to normal, are you making more than that $10 million loss, or not?”
“And that’s the way that we’re trained to like, try and think about these things in terms of cost-benefit analysis, that type of stuff,” he said.
Lee also noted he believed that FDA scientists do not alter their research or data to fit a political agenda. However, he said the issue is not as simple as the integrity of scientists because, “There are political appointees who are generally scientific advisors who are appointed by the President or the Commission.”
He said the appointees “definitely do,” because “they’re being paid based on if the other people are staying in power.”
“Unfortunately, everyone ends up playing politics,” remarked Lee. “But I don’t think that the career scientists are. I think that it’s the people that they’re unfortunately having to report to,.”
In order to overcome the overtly racist aspect of his blow dart approach, Lee suggested the government “Do it to the whites first….We’ll post, like, video campaigns about doing it to the whites first.”
“The white, uneducated… it’s like, all of the colloquial things that we see, in like, Alabama, and all this, and it’s like, apparently you need an IQ test, and if you fail below a certain IQ, you’re getting a shot.”
“That’s less feasible than the blow darts. I think the blow darts are probably still our most feasible option,” he quipped.
In another instance, Lee also said he feels there is a problem of vaccine hesitancy in the illegal immigrant population, “But I mean, the undocumented immigration isn’t as much of an issue as like a lot of people make it out to be. I think the issue, again, is if it’s a large population of people who are going to choose not to get vaccinated because they don’t want to admit that they’re undocumented.”
“You’re going to create this issue where it’s, you’ve got the anti-vaxxers, and the people who are choosing not to for that reason [immigration status], and then you have the vaxxers.”
Lee followed up, “Again, the obvious answer is blow darts.”
“If we just stick everyone again with the J&J to make sure that everyone’s got something, we’re good.”
“Blow darts. It is the perfect answer. And since J&J isn’t mRNA, you have no issue of it counteracting with anything else. So again, you just shoot everyone.”
As the video evolves, it becomes clear Lee’s comments and attitude are a miniature reflection of the mainstream narrative that global, blanket vaccination is the solution to the pandemic, and that extreme measures are justified in order to achieve a return to normalcy.
“It’s terrible. But at this point I’m like, I don’t care about your bodily autonomy. Because it’s not just your bodily autonomy that you’re putting people in jeopardy,” he said.
This line of thought towards the vaccine hesitant was elucidated when the Veritas operative used the recent Nicki Minaj Twitter controversy as a starting point, evoking the following opinion from Lee: “We look at it [vaccine hesitancy] as harm because we think, and like, I think, most educated people would think, the vaccine is a good thing.”
“Whereas, you know, on the other side of the coin the people who are like: ‘Oh, the vaccine’s terrible, it’s the Anti Christ,’ are like, yes, our saviour, Nicki Minaj!”
The undercover reporter asked Lee if he thought the government had the wherewithal to go door-to-door to force vaccinate the populace. Lee replied, “I mean, Census goes door-to-door if you don’t respond. So we have the infrastructure to do it.”
“It’ll cost a ton of money, but I think at that point, there needs to be a registry of people who aren’t vaccinated.”