One man, a young Quebecois, has been arrested and charged.
May God, in his infinite mercy, grant peace to those who sincerely tried, in spite of the falsity of the corrupted belief system that they followed, to seek Him.
Of course, leftists in Canada and elsewhere are blaming the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump for the attack. One person, a Quebecois, has been arrested. His motives, at this point, are undetermined, but of course, he liked Donald Trump on Facebook.
We also hear the usual bleating from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the very pretty Father Edward Beck, James Martin, Daniel Horan and the usual crows of Marxist Priests on who evil the President's actions are and how it is our Christian duty to bring every one of the world's suffering in to our lands.
Not true. They are Marxists and globalists, they are not Catholic.
And nobody has right to enter another country. People have a right to dwell in safety and security in their lands.
Today, in Lauds of the Divine Office we find the following hymn.
Tu natale
solum protege, tu bonae
Da pacis
requiem Christiadum plagis
strepitus, et fera praelia
In fines
age Thracios.
Et regum
socians agmina sub crucis
Solymas nexibus exime,
innocui sanguinis hosticum
funditus erue.
nostrum columen, tu decus inclytum,
obsequium respice mentium;
vota libens excipe, quae pio
Te ritu
canit, et colit.
A nobis
abigas lubrica gaudia
Tu, qui
Martyribus dexter ades, Deus
Une et
Trine: tuis da famulis jubar,
clemens animos beas.
Be thou
the guardian of thy native land,
And to
all Christian nations grant repose
From din
of arms, and every hostile band—
From all
our borders drive away our foes.
Christian princes marshal all their force
the sacred standard of the Rood,
To avenge
sweet Salem's sacrilegious loss,
And crush
the Paynim red with guiltless blood.
On thee
our hopes are built, as on a tower;
the homage we now humbly pay,
The vows
which Rome accomplishes this hour,
pious rites, and canticles' sweet lay.
Keep far
from us all dangerous delight,
O God,
who comfortest thy Martyrs' pain;
One God
in Persons Three, bestow thy light
Thou makest strong thy Martyrs slain.
You can sing it to the tune, "Woodlands," (Tell Out My Soul)
Oh, in case you are wondering what "Paynim" means, click here.