V. Positive thoughts be with you.
R. Likewise with you.
V. Lift up your hands.
R. We lift them up to the sky.
V. Let us give thanks to creation.
R. It is good and green.
It is truly good and green, our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to care for the environment,
and to welcome the immigrant,
in imitation of Jesus the itinerant preacher,
who made all people happy, except the powerful,
was born of the Virgin Mary who felt betrayed by God,
and condemned nothing,
while judging no one.
Fulfilling our will and gaining popularity among the people,
we lend a helping hand to the poor,
so as to break the bonds of poverty, and to manifest
And so, with all the United Nations and every religion,
we declare our glory,
as with one voice we acclaim:
Happy, Happy, Happy, we adore
Mother Earth in all her glory.
Nirvana she suppliest.
Rigid is he who invokes the name of the Lord.
Nirvana she suppliest.
America Magazine is reporting that Bergoglio of Rome has ordered a study of Liturgiam Authenticum which could lead to another re-writing of the Third Edition of the Roman Missal.
To my priest friends, please take no offense. Learn the traditional Mass, prepare for what is coming. They will change the Novus Ordo to render it invalid.
Catholic people. Find a traditional Mass, get to it, no matter the cost.
Mark her words.
“I saw that many of the instruments in the new Church, such as spears and darts, were meant to be used against the living Church. Everyone dragged in something different: clubs, rods, pumps, cudgels, puppets, mirrors, trumpets, horns bellows – all sorts of things. In the cave below (the sacristy) some people kneaded bread, but nothing came of it; it would not rise. The men in the little mantles brought wood to the steps of the pulpit to make a fire. They puffed and blew and labored hard, but the fire would not burn. All they produced was smoke and fumes. Then they broke a hole in the roof and ran up a pipe, but the smoke would not rise, and the whole place became black and suffocating. Some blew the horns so violently that the tears streamed from their eyes. All in this church belonged to the earth, returned to the earth. All was dead, the work of human skill, a church of the latest style, a church of man’s invention like the new heterodox church in Rome.” Blessed Anne Katherine Emmerich