A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Cardinal Zen calls out Francis, Parolin and the whole Vatican for the betrayal of the Catholic Church in China! "Would our diplomats advise Joseph to go and humbly beg for dialogue with Herod!?"

Communist appointed bishop in 2010
Last March 2015, I wrote about what I see as a sell-out by the Vatican of the faithful Catholics of China, the real Bishops and the great Martyrs against Communism. It is a reminder of the Ostpolitik of John XXIII and Paul VI which sold out the great Cardinals Mindzenty and Slipyj and millions of others behind the old Iron Curtain.

I have reposted the article one below this and a post from the great Cardinal Zen, Emeritus of Hong Kong. It is a wake-up call for these Romans who would cede to the atheistic communists the authority to suggest bishops with the Pope becoming no more than a rubber stamp. 

This papacy and the malefactors behind it must be called out for this betrayal of the Church in China and the tens of thousands of faithful who endure the persecution as well as the faithful bishops and priests who minister to them and are persecuted for the Faith.

They will pay dearly in eternity for this crime.

What will 2016 bring the Church in China
by Cardinal Joseph Zen Zi-kiun

I have not spoken about the Church in China on my blog for some time now. Certainly not because I am too busy to do so (busy as I may be, I will never lose interest of our Church in China), not because I fear criticism of my ideas (at my age I have nothing to gain or lose).

No, the problem is that I'd like to give some good news, but, as you will note, my fate is that of the prophet Jeremiah. I have searched at length for some good news, but have found none. I realise that during this season of Christmas and the New Year, my complaints are somewhat “extra chorum", but I cannot be a dog without a bark.


I remember that at the beginning of last year the newspaper Wen Wei Po announced jubilantly that "relations between China and the Vatican will soon have a good development." Soon after, the Vatican Secretary of State said that "the prospects are promising, there is a desire for dialogue on both sides." I had my doubts about this unexpected wave of optimism, I saw no basis for this optimism. More than a thousand crosses were removed from the top of the churches (in some cases the churches themselves have been destroyed). After so long, we can no longer delude ourselves that this was anything beyond an episode of some local official’s exaggerated zeal. Several seminaries have been closed. Students of the National Seminary in Beijing were forced to sign a declaration of loyalty to the Independent Church, promising also to concelebrate with illegitimate bishops (otherwise they would not receive a diploma at the end of their studies). The Government is continuously strengthening a church that now objectively is already separated from the universal Catholic Church; with enticements and threats they induce the clergy to perform acts contrary to the doctrine and discipline of the Church, denying their conscience and their dignity.


In the latter half of 2015, there were some promising events which however failed to live up to expectations. Bishop Wu Qin-jing of Zhouzhi, ten years after his episcopal ordination, was finally installed as bishop, but has yet to pay the price of a compromise (see my blog of 14 July 2015).

Shortly after, Bishop Zhang Yinlin Anyang was ordained. Even some usually cautious Catholic media rejoiced saying that everything had gone well. They pointed out that this ordination is the first after the last three years of contacts between Rome and Beijing, and also the first in Pope Francis’ pontificate, presenting the event as a good start.

It is this last statement that scares me, because the process included a "democratic election", the reading of a "decree of appointment by the (so-called) Episcopal Conference of China" and the canonically un-clear position of a consecrating bishop . A similarly abnormal process took place three years ago, does it deserve our rejoicing? (See my blog of 7 September 2015).


In October comes the big news: A Vatican delegation was in Beijing, there was a meeting. The Holy See gave no news of it. Father Heyndrickx Jeroom broke the news (of course he knows everything). He says: "They did not discuss sensitive issues like Bishop Su Zhimin of Baoding still in detention, or such as Bishop Ma Daqin of Shanghai to house arrest for more than three years (but these problems should be resolved before any negotiations? Otherwise Obviously there is goodwill on the part of Beijing). They focused on the issue of appointing bishops (of which model? Like with Anyang?). After the meeting, the delegation paid a visit to Bishop Li Shan of Beijing and the National Seminary where they met with Ma Ying Lin (Father Heyndrickx said that these are signs of goodwill on the part of Beijing, I think instead that they were acts of homage imposed by Beijing)".

Later the Vatican Secretary of State also confirmed that there was a meeting and that it was "very positive" and this "would be part of a process that will hopefully end with an agreement." Pressed by some journalists as to whether there was real progress, Cardinal Parolin responded: "The fact that we speak is already positive." It seems that there is no agreement in sight as of yet.


So what is the formula now under discussion for the appointment of bishops? As an old Cardinal out on the peripheries, I have no way of knowing, let alone guessing.

A recent article "A winter of darkness for religions in China" by Bernardo Cervellera on AsiaNews, says: "From information that has arrived from China it would seem that Beijing’s proposal is limited to complete recognition by the Holy See for all official bishops (even illegitimate and excommunicated bishops), without any mention of the unofficial bishops and those in prison; Vatican approval of the government recognized Council of Bishops, which excludes underground bishops; approval of the competency of this Council (and not the Pope) in the appointment of new candidates to the episcopacy who will be "democratically" elected (in short according to the suggestions of the Patriotic Association). The Holy See must approve the Council’s appointment and has a weak veto only in "severe" cases, which must be justified if used. If the Holy See’s justifications are considered "insufficient", the Council of Bishops may decide to proceed anyway".

If this information is accurate, can the Holy See accept the claims of the Chinese counterpart? Does this approach still respect the true authority of the Pope to appoint bishops? Can the Pope can sign such an agreement? (Pope Benedict said: "The authority of the Pope to appoint bishops is given to the church by its founder Jesus Christ, it is not the property of the Pope, neither can the Pope give it to others").

Do our officials in Rome know what an election is in China? Do they know that the so-called Episcopal Conference is not only illegitimate, but simply does not exist? What exists is an organism that is called "One Association and One Conference", namely the Patriotic Association and the Bishops' Conference always work together as one body, which is always chaired by government officials (there are pictures to prove it, the Government does not even try more to keep up appearances, it starkly flaunts the fact that they now manage religion!). Signing such an agreement means the authority to appoint bishops delivering into the hands of an atheist government.

This scheme is often compared to a (poorly defined) Model Vietnamese, but it is much worse. The Vietnamese model is based on an initiative that began with the Church in Vietnam, the true Catholic Church in Vietnam. In China on the other hand, the so-called Association and Conference hide the reality that it is the Government calling the shots.

Even in Eastern Europe of the past, such as in Poland and Czechoslovakia, it was the Church that took the initiative and then gave the Government veto power. In doing so, even if the government vetos a proposal for the hundredth time, it is still the Church that presents a candidate and makes the appointment. If the Government insists on a veto, it will only prolong the impasse, and it will still allow the Church time to look for a suitable candidate. But it is unthinkable to leave the initial proposal in the hands of an atheist Government who cannot possible judge the suitability of a candidate to be a bishop. Obviously, if the Church gives in to pressure from the government, the only result – despite proclamations to the contrary – is that it will have sold out the pontifical right to appoint bishops. Can this happen? According to an article written by a certain AndrĂ¡s Fejerdy: "For pastoral reasons - that is, because the full administration of the sacraments requires completely consecrated bishops - the Holy See believed that the completion of the Hungarian Bishops' Conference was so urgent that it accepted a solution that formally did not upset the canonical principle of free appointment, but that in practice gave the regime a decisive influence in choosing the candidates”.

UCAN News reports recent news from Chengdu (Sichuan): "Shortly after the visit of the Vatican delegation to Beijing, the Holy See approved the episcopal candidate elected in May 2014". Is this also a case of "not upsetting the canonical principle of free appointment, but …in practice giving the regime a decisive influence in choosing the candidates "?


It is said that dialogue focused on the issue of the appointment of bishops, but there are many other pending problems, when and how will they be resolved?

The aforementioned AsiaNews article stated, again based on information received from China: "Beijing (demands) the Holy See’s recognition of all the official bishops, even the illegitimate and excommunicated ones." I wonder: is it only the government that makes these demands, without repentance of those concerned? Will the excommunicated only be released from excommunication or even recognized as bishops? Even without any act of repentance? Has the mercy of God come to this? Will the faithful be obliged to obey these bishops?

So much remains to be resolved.

Illegitimate bishops who have been excommunicated have abused the sacramental power (including ordination of deacons and priests) and judicial (assigning offices) and the Holy See seems to be without rebuke for them. 

Legitimate bishops who participated in illegitimate episcopal ordinations, one, two, even three, four times, without ever having asked for forgiveness, or having received forgiveness from the Holy Father. Also those who took part in the so-called Assembly of Representatives of Chinese Catholics (the clearest symbol of a schismatic church).

Shortly after the Vatican delegation’s journey to Beijing began, the government organized a large gathering of Church leaders, forcing on that occasion a celebration of all the bishops, legitimate, illegitimate and excommunicated. These are all objectively schismatic acts. The government now can string along a large number of bishops, resulting in an irrecoverable loss of dignity. If the Holy See signed some agreement with the Government without clarifying all these things, it will cause a severe wound to the conscience of the faithful.


Obviously our underground communities are non-existent for the Government. But now is even the Vatican ignoring them in negotiations, to appease their Chinese counterparts? To "save the day" will we abandon our brothers and sisters? But they are the healthy limbs of the Church! (Of course, they too have their problems, especially when dioceses remain without bishops, which can only lead to disorder). Is silencing the underground community to please the government not a form of suicide?

In the recent negotiations there has been no mention of the case of Msgr. James Su Zhimin in prison for 20 years. Nor of Msgr. Thaddeus Ma Daqin of Shanghai under house arrest for more than three years because these issues have been deemed "too sensitive"!?

In early September, some of the Shanghai faithful who were in prison for a long time, along with their relatives, went on a pilgrimage to Rome to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the outbreak of the great persecution on September 8, 1955. The understanding was: "Do not make any noise, the past is past, we have to look forward"!?

On a diplomatic level, the underground communities are the ace in the Holy See’s deck; if we amputate these limbs, what have we left in diplomatic standings to induce the other party to agree to our terms? By now, the government controls nearly all the official communities, while the underground communities are kept at bay by the Holy See. What do they still need so come to terms? They only need the signature of the Holy Father, a blessing, for this "Chinese Church." Beijing has no intention of negotiating, only making demands. After such a signature they will oblige the faithful of the underground community to come out and surrender to those who were illegitimate bishops for a long time, maybe even excommunicated, but now, with a clean slate, without even showing any repentance, leaning only on the Government for their legitimacy, have become bishops in their own right.


What makes me restless is the sight of our Eminent Secretary of State still intoxicated by the miracles of Ostpolitik. In a speech last year, at a Memorial for Card. Casaroli, he praised the success of its predecessor in having secured the existence of the Church hierarchy in the communist countries of Eastern Europe. He says: "In choosing candidates for the episcopate, we choose shepherds and not people who systematically oppose the regime, people who behave like gladiators, people who love to grandstand on the political stage." I wonder: Who had he in mind while making this description? I fear that he was thinking of a Cardinal Wyszynski, a Cardinal Mindszenty, a Cardinal Beran. But these are the heroes who bravely defended the faith of their people! It terrifies me to think this way and I sincerely hope that I am wrong.

On the day that an agreement is signed with China there will be peace and joy, but do not expect me to participate in the celebrations of the beginning of this new Church. I disappear, I will start a monastic life to pray and do penance. I will ask the forgiveness of Pope Benedict for not being able to do what he was hoping that I could I do. I will ask Pope Francis to forgive this old Cardinal from the peripheries for disturbing him with so many inappropriate letters.

The innocent children were killed, the angel told Joseph to take Mary and the Child and flee to safety. But today would our diplomats advise Joseph to go and humbly beg for dialogue with Herod!?


Please let it not be said that I believe the only line is that of either or, of “official or unofficial”. The vast majority of the clergy and lay people who belong to the official community are faithful to the authority of the Holy Father. Many are suffering enormously because of the abnormal situation of their Church, they are saddened by the weakness or lack of rectitude of their pastors, sometimes they even try to prevent them from falling further. In many cases a united clergy and a faithful people can defend their pastor from further bullying from the Authorities.

© Asia News

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Archbishop Prendergast of Ottawa to Administer Alexandria-Cornwall - The sodomite abuser clerical chickens have come home to roost

Alexandria-Cornwall has a sordid history of infiltration of sodomites into the priesthood and the vile, disgusting assaults on boys by these homosexuals.

The chickens have come home to roost. The faith has been destroyed. Lives have been ruined. Souls have  been lost. Homosexual behaviour is an evil act. It must be rooted out of the Church. The priesthood must be expunged of homosexuals, every last one of them no matter the cost and no matter what colour of cassock they wear. 

Removal. Justice, Prison, Eternity.

This is the story behind this story.




BISHOP FRED HENRY OF CALGARY CALLS OUT GOVERNMENT AS "TOTALITARIAN!" Catholics of Alberta - Listen to your Bishop, you voted for a fascist regime, now you get to live with it, clearly, Ontario has spread her evils westward.

The homosexualists at the Communist (Canadian) Broadcasting Corporation say the Bishop is "under fire for opposing LGBTQRSTUVWXY and Zed" guidelines for schools thus proving correct his comments.

Harper should have killed the CBC off long ago. Instead he kept them alive and we know the rest of the story.

Alberta Catholics, are you proud of yourselves now that you've joined the idiots here in Ontario? I thought westerners had more brains. Clearly, I was wrong. 

Bishop Henry's observations on relativism and totalitarianism in our western democracies articulates that Liberalism, taken to its extreme, is fascism. Though, he would never admit it. Frankly, Liberalism is a mental illness. When it enters the Church, it is Satanic.

Look around yourself for the proof.

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

It saddens me to say but totalitarianism is alive and well in Alberta

Prior to becoming Pope, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio on May 25, 2012 gave a "Te Deum" homily commemorating the establishment of Argentina's first national government following the revolution of 1810. The major thrust of his homily was that only the commandment of love, in all of its simplicity - steady, unassuming, but firm in conviction and in commitment to others - can save us.  We need to re-root ourselves in a sovereign love that is simple and deep, to love God above all else and our neighbour as ourselves.

Two forms of deception impede the realization of any plan as a nation, i.e., the madness of relativism and the madness of power as a monolithic ideology.

"Relativism, under the guise of respect for differences, is homogenized into transgression and demagoguery; it allows anything, because it wishes to avoid being burdened by all the inconveniences required of a mature courage to uphold values and principles. Relativism, is curiously, absolutist and totalitarian. Relativism does not allow for any differing opinion. In no way does it differ from an attitude of "shut up" or "don't get involved."'

Power as a monolithic ideology is another lie which accentuates narrow-mindedness and seeks dominance over others. Consequently, social trust, the root and fruit of love is eroded.

On November 5, 2015, David Eggen, the Minister of Education issued an edict to Boards Chairs of Public, Separate, Francophone and Charter School Boards re learning environments that respect diversity and foster a sense of belonging. Board policies are to be shared with him, together with the required regulations or procedures by March 31, 2016.

"It is important to specifically address the board's responsibility as it relates to the LBTQ community.... As part of my review, I will also be looking for evidence of policy and regulations or procedures related specifically to Section 16.1 of the School Act and the support for the establishment of gay-straight alliances (GSAs) and queer-straight alliances (QSAs)..."

The Alberta Government "Guidelines" issued on January 13th show no evidence of consultation with or sensitivity to the Catholic community. They breathe pure secularism.

This approach and directive smack of the madness of relativism and the forceful imposition of a particular narrow-minded anti-Catholic ideology. Such a totalitarian approach is not in accordance with the Supreme Court of Canada opinion (Loyola) delivered on March19, 2015 and must be rejected.

Catholic schools share a foundational belief that all children are loved by God, are individually unique and that the school has a mission to help each student to fulfill their God-given potential in all aspects of their persons: physically, academically, socially, morally and spiritually.

Our Catholic schools are committed to supporting inclusive communities that teach care and compassion for every person, regardless of age, race, sex, gender or sexual orientation, and require that every person be treated with dignity and respect.

Our teaching is rather simple and direct. God created beings as male and female. In doing so, he gave equal dignity to both man and woman. In his plan, men and women should respect and accept their sexual identity. God created both the body and sex as good. Hence, we do not approach sexuality with fear or with hostility to the flesh. It is a gift of God by which men and women participate in his saving plan and respond to his call to grow in holiness.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that sexuality involves the whole person. "Sexuality affects all aspects of the human person in the unity of his body and soul. It especially concerns affectivity, the capacity to love and procreate, and in a more general way the aptitude of forming bonds of communion with others" (CCC, no.2332).

All persons - married, single, religious and ordained - need to acquire the virtue of chastity. "Chastity means the successful integration of sexuality within the person and thus, the inner unity of man in his bodily and spiritual being."(CCC, no.2337).

Chastity unites our sexuality with our entire human nature. It approaches sexuality as related to our spiritual natures so that sex is seen as more than a physical act. Sexuality affects the whole person because of the unity of body and soul. Jesus is the model of chastity.

"Chastity includes an apprenticeship in self-mastery which is a training in human freedom"(CCC, no.2339). The acquisition of chastity depends on self-discipline and leads to internal freedom, which enables human beings to temper sexual desires according to God's plan for the appropriate expression of love in the marital relationship of a man and a woman..

GSAs and QSAs are highly politicized ideological clubs which seek to cure society of "homophobia" and "heterosexism," and which accept the idea that all forms of consensual sexual expression are legitimate. The view of sexuality that they espouse is not Catholic.

The Supreme Court held that "to tell a Catholic school how to explain its faith undermines the liberty of the members of its community who have chosen to give effect to the collective dimension of their religious beliefs by participating in a denominational school"(para.62), "ìt amounts to requiring a Catholic institution to speak about Catholicism in terms defined by the state rather than by its own understanding of Catholicism" (par.63), and "ìt also interferes with the rights of parents to transmit the Catholic faith to their children" and the "rights of parents to guide their children's religious upbringing"(para. 64 & 65).

✠ F. B. Henry                                                                                                                           Bishop of Calgary

They used to call him "Red Fred' at St. Peter's Seminary in London because of his economics and views on social justice. This is the problem; these Catholics, including Prelates such as Bishop Henry fed the leftist ideology in Canada and now are being eaten by the very monster they helped create.

But at least on this, he is right.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Will you join Francis in praising Martin Luther?

Luther In Hell, Egbert van Heemskerck, d. 1710

These pathetic Romans from Bergoglio on down can honour Luther all they want.

I won't.

Who's next, Calvin? How about Henry VIII? Maybe the wretched murderer Elizabeth I or Mahomet? Shall we honour them too along with David Bowie?

Luther was an antichrist and he remains so, notwithstanding whatever corruption existed in Rome - none of which justified his actions which has lead to the loss of tens, nay - hundreds of millions of souls. 

They are simply, wrong.


Important - Lutheran World Federation, Pontifical Council for Christian Unity launch "Common Prayer" service extolling Martin Luther and the Reformation

By their fruits...

Last year saw unprecedented expressions of "openness" on the part of some Vatican officials (including the Pope) and official Catholic structures towards Lutheranism.
First there was the support expressed by a Vatican spokesman for the renaming of a square in the central part of Rome after Martin Luther, support that was never disowned by any higher ecclesiastical authority in Rome. Adventists and Lutherans had been trying since 2009 to get a square in Rome named for Luther, but the effort garnered success -- and Vatican support -- only last year.

Bishop Bohan of Regina

The Archdiocese of Regina has announced had announced that Bishop Bohan is "facing the end of his earthly life" and is in palliative care at Regina's Pasqua Hospital.

I was just informed that he has passed on.

May he find peace with Our Lord and may the Lord be merciful to him. 

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen. 

The Holy Moly Doors at Toronto's Our Lady of Sorrows Parish

Nestled on the main road of the Kingsway, Bloor Street, in what was Etobicoke and now part of the City of Toronto is one of the more beautiful churches in Toronto west of the downtown, Our Lady of Sorrows. In my view, the prettiest one is a little further along, Our Lady of Peace, but the church to Her Seven Sorrows is a real gem. It was built in 1940 in the Lombard style and has one of the finest tracker organs in Canada, a Casavant. The ceiling is wonderfully coffered and the apse and clerestory have over 1,000,000 marble tiles forming a stunning mosaic which was completed in 1962.

Below is a picture of the church after the completion of the most "ambitious and extensive mosaic production in the New World north of Mexico." 


THE CANADIAN REGISTER, Kingston, Ontario. Jan. 7, 1961
REBIRTH OF MOSAIC ART IN ETOBICOKE CHURCH TORONTO - An art form begun by the Sumerians of the Euphrates Valley in BC has planted firm feet in Canada. Mosaics have been installed in Toronto's Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, as part of a renovation program. The Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin are portrayed in larger - than - life - size reproductions complemented by highlights from the life of Christ.
The mosaics were executed by the Svoboda Studio under the direction of Count Alexander von Svoboda. The work began on March 21st 1960 and seven tons of tiles, in 150 colours, were used to make up the mosaics, which cover about 10,000 square feet of the clerestory walls and the apse of the church. The cutting and placing of the tiny individual tiles were done in a studio by 13 mosaicists. As major segments were completed they were transferred to the church for installation by the craftsmen. Installation in the church began on May 1, with artists working five days a week and, on Saturdays, clearing away materials and tools so that services could be conducted as usual each Sunday. Count von Svoboda was born and educated in Vienna and for the past ten years has been identified with the creation of several murals in Canadian buildings.
This effort is realised, in what is perhaps the most ambitious and extensive mosaic production in the New World north of Mexico.

The parish is in a privileged community with homes in the multi-millions, money is no problem, that is to be sure. A few years ago the original altar cross was removed and relegated to a side wall to be replaced by a painting of Christ Pantocrator. Not that the painting is in itself a bad thing, but to remove the original altar cross on an already reconstructed High Altar, was not helpful. Nor was it necessary. It is a beautiful painting with much colour. It is an iconographic and unsuited to the rest of the mosaic and if there was anything not needed, it was more colour. It was controversial at the time and you can clearly see why! Taking down the historic and original Crucifix was wrong and without any justification.

It certainly seems that this parish has more money than it knows what to do with and looks for ways to spend it and it begs the question, "when is more, too much?"

Now, I am all for beauty in our buildings and our liturgy. I abhor modernist church buildings and would support the raising of funds to restore
 and maintain our ecclesiastical architectural heritage. That includes the Cathedral of St. Michael in Toronto which suffered a century of neglect to the point where tens of millions are necessary to restore and save it from literal collapse. It was a pretty "poor" building to begin with built with pennies of poor Irish immigrants.

Getting back to Our Lady of Sorrows.
The original doors can be seen in this wedding photo

Did I write that sometimes, a parish has more money than it knows what to do with? I would think if they were looking for something proper and worthwhile a restoration of the marble sanctuary floor from that filthy brown carpet and the marble communion rail and the mensa of the High Altar might have been one option.

Now to the holy-moly doors. The Church had beautiful, powerful oak doors with a coffered design which suited the structure and reflected the ceiling of the interior nave.

A few months ago, a friend asked me if I'd seen the new doors of solid bronze with the relief of St. Michael the Archangel, I had not but made it a point on my next trip by. Well, what can one say? To say they were out of place with the original design would be an understatement.

Yesterday, I arrived home to find my free copy, since I don't subscribe but someone does for me, of The Catholic Register. There, on page 4 was a picture of the doors from the inside and the price - $400,000.00. That's right, you read that correctly. The Holy-Moly Doors were $400,000.00. The Catholic Register was not wrong and that was not an added a "0", as I confirmed the accuracy of the number with the Editor. 

Four. Hundred. Thousand. Dollars. For two doors.

Let us not compare this to Our Lord and the ointment where Judas complained about the cost of it. The ointment was what was of value, not the vessel it was in which was probably clay and the action of the anointing was the point. It is what is inside the church and our hearts. The fact is, there could have been nothing wrong with the old oak doors that could not have been fixed. Even if one argued that they needed to be replaced they could have been reproduced for perhaps ten, or twenty thousand. But seriously - solid bronze doors which required modification to the walls to be supported for $400,000.00 - this was necessary? One can only recall Cary Grant in The Bishop's Wife (Episcopalian, of course) and his admonition about "tough times for the world."

Now, lest any of my fellow Etobians or anyone from the parish be upset at Vox for reporting this, you might first direct that to the Catholic Register. They made public your nearly half a million dollar expenditure on two doors, so don't blame me.

Oh, and by the way, what happened to the originals?

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Verrecchio's "Pope" video removed - Rome is running scared, scared of John and Mary Catholic

They have every right to demand protection of their copyright. That is fine, Not that I blame Louie, mind you; I thought his take was brilliant.
What is more important in this, is that Louie Verrecchio and the rest of us have these rats running scared. They know that we have the wherewithal to out and expose them for their dastardly deeds. They will not win and we will confront them everywhere and through whatever means are necessary.
Let this be a lesson to all of them, particularly those religious orders hiding sodomites in their midst.  
They will be outed and brought down low.
BREAKING: “The Pope Video” removed

Screenshot_1Apparently, after more than 8,000 views, the masterminds of “The Pope Video” have decided that my rendition offering a more proper translation of the apostasy therein must be suppressed.
I just received the following notice from Vimeo:
“We removed your video because a third party claims that it infringes a copyright that the third party owns or has the right to enforce.”
It’s not clear whether this action was instigated by the Pope World Prayer Network – Apostleship of Prayer, (the Jesuit group that produced the wretched thing) or someone at the Holy See, but it would seem that these are the only possible claimants.
What is it about my version that unsettles them so?
I think we all know the answer. In any case, watch, share and download the video (now uploaded at Gloria.tv) before it meets the same fate.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

The last work of the pathetic and spiritually dead and now literally dead cultural icon praised by priest and prelate and L'Osservatore Romano and Father Rutler's take on it

Catholics must revolt against Ravasi, O'sservatore Romano and the twittering clerics for their praise of this man and the sick culture so personified by this poor soul. How dare they disgrace the Holy Church of Christ in a sycophantic, satanic and disgusting pandering for the world to think it relevant. These men are malefactors and we cannot hammer them enough for their outright idiocy.

Look at the last few days of this pathetic creature. Oh, how he could have made peace with God and become a tool for evangelization to his fans who built a false messiah of this sexual deviant and drug-poisoned mind that walked around in that ugly body. 

Father George W. Rutler's take on this is at Crisis Magazine. It's worth a read.

This, is the kind of mockery of Our Lord Jesus Christ that the clericalist Tweeters such as Ravasi, Rosica, Martin and the rest of their ilk, laud when they applaud the artistry of this deviant.

next day


13 January 2016 | by Gianfranco Ravasi

Iconic music legend was on a never ending quest to define his own spirituality

David Bowie: how the man who sold the world never stopped searching for God
Tributes to David Bowie who died on Sunday have highlighted the power of his songs, his originality and his creativity. Here a leading Roman cardinal, Gianfranco Ravasi, finds evidence also of a struggle with faith. 
My memory of David Bowie arises from an effort I made long ago to uncover his secret and implicit spirituality. This was always in the background, always a preoccupation for him. Yet few realised this when he was recording Station to Station, released in 1977. In an album that reflected his darkest years Bowie, who five years previously in one of his lyrics had entrusted salvation to aliens, dedicated himself to the Stations of the Cross.
Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi is president of the Pontifical Council for Culture.

Hey Longenecker, Armstrong and the rest of you Rad, Mad, Neo-Caths behaving badly, what are you doing hanging out with pagans and voodoo advocates?

Truly Father Longenecker, and my good friend, the verbose and oh-so-tolerant-of-his-fellow-Catholics, Dave Armstrong; how could you think that associating with an organisation that also promotes pagans and voodoo could possibly be a wise thing?

Sorry, no links from here to "Pathetic dot com," which is also the only word necessary to describe any Catholic writer who would associate with such a group.

Shame on all of you.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Thomas Rosica is grateful for regularity

Sometimes, I don't need to write a thing, it just writes itself.

As for the Holy Family, well; 

Ravasi's Tweet on Bowie

Gianfranco Ravasi is a curial Cardinal. Many of you know he has tweeted out about the death of a bisex addicted, drug-addicted, androgenous, anti-Christian rocker. I could care less for any of his music; even growing up in the 70's I couldn't stand his work. I thought he was grotesque and untalented. We should pray that the Lord has mercy on that poor afflicted soul who knew of Him, but did not know Him, unless it was in the last hours.

For a Catholic Cardinal, and one in the Vatican, to send out such a message, sends the wrong message. What kind of fools and idiots are these Roman prelates to lionise such a man?

Barona has an excellent take on this, "Santo Subito," according to the world.

However, I urge you to visit the page of Joseph Sciambra for a perspective that is profound, personal and must-reading by moral theologians and prelates such as the incompetent, Ravasi.

Given Sciambra or Ravasi, my bets are on Joseph for the one with more of a Catholic heart and mind.

Ravasi is quite the Tweeter; funny, I would have thought the world's greatest evil might be eucharistic sacrilege, abortion, genocide, infanticide, doctor-assisted-death, pornography, illegal drug trafficking, sodomy, murder, depriving just wages, rampant greed. Who knew that it was sadness?

What a hireling.

Monday, 11 January 2016

The Francis Effect is not necessarily a good thing

The Francis Effect is coined phrase used much by my good friend, Tommy Rosica. His Salt + Light corporate contributors invested thousands of dollars into a production and roll-out of a video of the same name. I wonder what Tom and friends think of this little "Francis Effect."
Two examples stand for all. One middle-aged gentleman whom I asked, with discretion and delicacy, if he had repented of a repeated series of grave sins against the seventh commandment “do not steal,” of which he had accused himself with a certain frivolity and almost joking about the circumstances, certainly not attenuating, that had accompanied them, responded to me with the words of Pope Francis: “Mercy knows no limits” and by showing surprise that I would remind him of the need for repentance and for the resolution to avoid falling back into the same sin in the future: “I did what I did. What I will do I will decide when I go from here. What I think about what I have done is a question between me and God. I am here only to have what everyone deserves at least at Christmas: to be able to receive communion at midnight!” And he concluded by paraphrasing the now archfamous expression of Pope Francis: “Who are you to judge me?”
One young lady, to whom I had proposed as an act of penance connected to the sacramental absolution of a grave sin against the fifth commandment “do not kill” that she kneel in prayer before the Most Holy Sacrament exposed on the altar of a church and perform an act of material charity toward a poor person to the extent of her means, responded to me with annoyance that “no one must ask for anything in exchange for God’s mercy, because it is free,” and that she had neither the time to stop at a church to pray (she had to “run around doing Christmas shopping downtown”), nor money to give to the poor (“who don’t even need it that much, because they have more than we do”).

The above two paragraphs are from a letter written to Sandro Magister by a priest. It is a must read for all, especially priests - do them a favour, send this to them.

I can tell you that I have had similar comments from priests here in Toronto, not about what is said in the Confessional but that nothing is said because nobody is going. 
The Francis Effect is not a good thing.

Sunday, 10 January 2016

The First Sunday after Epiphany in Ordinary Time

Today is the First Sunday after Epiphany and until the Feast of the Holy Family was added to the traditional calendar in the 1920's it was known as this. The Gospel was then and is now, the Our Lord's presence in the Temple, doing His Father's will, for the "escapade" as a bad boy who had to apologise as the Bishop or Rome surmised on the Feast in the modernist calendar. The cycle of Gospels in the traditional lectionary dates from at least the sixth century, it was a very rare thing indeed for anyone to change it, so to change the name of the "day" and to honour The Holy Family, which was not "irregular" as Tom Rosica surmised, was not a major shift in liturgical praxis. 

In the modernist calendar, today is the Baptism of the Lord which falls on January 13 in the traditional calendar unless it falls on a Sunday. While this is a good thing, to have it on a Sunday, changing it to the First Sunday after Epiphany derogated chronologically the continuing manifestations, or showing, of Our Lord after His birth. We have the Epiphany, the Temple appearance to the Elders, the Baptism, the Wedding Feast at Cana, the curing of the Leper, the witness of the Centurion and so on. All beautiful elements of our liturgical cycle that help us to wonder in the glow of the season of Christmastide and Epiphanytide. Today, in the  modernist calendar, marks the end of the Christmas season which ends in the traditional with the Presentation in the Temple and Purification of Mary on Candlemas. 

One should note that prior to the Roman Missal of 1962, there was also an Octave of the Epiphany which I would argue should be restored in both Forms of the Roman Rite along with the Octave of Pentecost in the modernist rite.

One might wonder why I have called it the "modernist rite." Really, what else can one say about it? While I do not debate its validity, it truly was an invention of men who must have truly hated the faith for there can be no other explanation for why they tore it apart. It is worth noting that in the new Ordinariate (Anglican Roman Catholic) Missal, today is Baptism of the Lord but next Sunday is the Second Sunday after Epiphany and they follow After Trinity later in the year, an Anglican tradition versus After Pentecost.

The liturgical calendar wheel, above, displays beautifully, the "Half Year of the Lord" and the "Half Year of the Church" which is clear in the Time After Pentecost and so lost in the pick-up of Ordinary Time.

In our home, the Fox and Vox will maintain our Christmas celebrations with tree and manger and decoration and food and outdoor lights until Candlemas. From a practical point, Christmas week is just so busy with all the singing that we really need this time to enjoy the season.

Southern Orders blog by Father Allan J. MacDonald had a post on this matter and I wish to lift from there a comment by a Canadian, "Andrew" which summarises well, the importance of maintaining our traditions. 

Andrew said...

The traditional calendar I think is much more in synch with a fuller understanding of the human person, created body and soul in the image of God to adore his creator. Most people don't like abrupt changes.
I wonder if anyone who actually stopped to think about it really likes Christmas screeching to a halt with the feast of the Baptism instead of the gentle continuation of the Sundays of Epiphany with the gospel readings each Sunday speaking to Christ revealing himself as God, which connects to the 40 days after Christmas feast the Presentation of the Lord which itself beautifully combines the true light of the nations from his crèche to the cross in the temple where we encounter his mysterious beauty and divine light each Sunday.
Or who really likes Ash Wednesday bombing out of the air without Septuagesima to prepare for unless we've happened to check the secular calendar to see when it is. Lastly who really likes Pentecost since we are supposed to be all about mission these days being relegated to a Sunday instead of the full Octave an important day would seem to call for. No wonder people don't think it is important. You can only do so much in one day before you have to get back to ordinary time, which I guess is supposed to be important on its own... but maybe we would be better able to live it if we took proper time to live God's mysteries and the reason we have ordinary time.
That being said thanks to the bishops saying it was too hard for everyone to get to Mass except for Sundays and thereby moving all the obligation days to the closest Sunday who thinks Sunday Mass itself is even important anymore? Instead of fewer people committing sin (which they wouldn't be if they legitimately couldn't make it anyway) we have more people committing sin it would seem... at least in my area in Canada it seems that since New Years and Christmas were so close to Sunday people skipped their Sunday obligation in favour of the only two holy days of obligation we have all year!!
It is just bad psychology. People aren't dumb and they hear the message you send. Days of Obligation are not important so stay home or go shop or whatever... therefore Sunday isn't that important either after a while.
Abrupt changes aren't how we actually want to live our life because they are stressful and therefore the Church year is stressful and one more thing to jettison, along with all the mystery and beauty in it. A psychology rooted in a better understanding of the human person would have advised bishops in the danger of all of this nonsense.

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Rome's blasphemy confirmed by Pope Leo XIII

Barona provides his take on the Bishop of Rome's participation in the blasphemous video which you've read about in the two posts below and elsewhere, no doubt. He has there, a quote from Pope Leo XIII which defines the actions of these malefactors quite succinctly.

Pope Francis' video condemned by the Catechism of the Catholic Church ~ Rome has joined with Freemasonry to promote religious indifferentism

So numerous are Church teachings against religious indifferentism that one hardly knows where to begin. 

Where is the only name under Heaven in this "dialogue"? 


Friday, 8 January 2016

Where is the Crucifix George?

Why no crucifix?

In the holy rage that most of us felt with Jorge Bergoglio's scandalous, blasphemous and openly heretical action on the "Pope Video," there is something missing in the "Catholic" hand that we comment on yesterday. It is a Crucifix. 

The Baby Jesus is a benign image to these pagans and unbelievers. The Moslem's believe Jesus was born a baby, the Jews believe he was born a baby. This is sentimentalism and inoffensive. to them. The Muslims deny Jesus was crucified. The Jews were outraged when Pilate said, "Shall I crucify your King" responding, "we have no king but Cesare!"

The men that did this and called it Catholic; the bishops and other prelate and the Pope himself who participated in this, if they do not repent of this blasphemy, objectively speaking, they will go to Hell. They will be judged by Our Lord Jesus Christ, they have been tested and found wanting. They are vile, despicable, modernists and heretics. They have mocked Our Lord and His Church. They have betrayed the faithful. They have left Buddhists, Jews, Muslims and others in their darkness and they too will end up in Hell, unless they come into the Catholic Church. Those who left them in this, will suffer even more. 

Yes, Jews Muslims, Buddhists, Protestants, atheists, animists, Hindus and other assorted pagans will die and go to Hell because they are not baptised Catholics. If some of these are saved, it will be through the Church and by God's own will. We cannot know this to be certain and we cannot presume. What we know is what Our Lord said and what the Apostles taught.

The Catholic Church taught this too until a short time ago.

Jorge Bergoglio, recant this blasphemy and repent of the sin of scandal!

For the Jew, Muslim, Buddhist and others. This is who will save you!

Viva Christo Rey!

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Jorge Bergoglio the Video Star - the Pope's pure, unadulterated, blasphemous syncretism, for all to see!

Who will stand up to Jorge Bergoglio for what he has written and said in the video below. One can sit down with those of other religions but one cannot do it without preaching that there is only one, true religion. Only one Faith that is ultimate truth, only one path to salvation. 

Who would dare equate Our Lord Jesus Christ come to Earth as a baby, the WORD MADE FLESH with a pagan such as the Buddha or the false religion of Mahomet. The Menorah, we can accept as an ancient symbol of our Faith, as Catholicism is Judaism fulfilled. The rest is a mockery, a blasphemy to equate them as equivalent to an image of the baby Jesus. 

Our Lord Jesus Christ commanded His Church to convert the world and preach the "good news" of salvation to all people. Through baptism by water and the Holy Spirit and by believing in Our Lord Jesus Christ  and following the teachings of the Church and a sacramental life. 

There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. Period. Can those not baptised and living a life with the Sacraments be saved? That is up to God. not us. We cannot know of any who have been. It is simply not possible. Baptism of Desire or Blood are concepts, not scriptural and not doctrinal. If someone is saved by Desire or Blood or Ignorance, it is not because of their false religion or no religion, it is up to God. He is not bound by His Sacraments, we are. But, we cannot know of anyone being saved outside of the Catholic Church. To proffer this, is heresy. It is to call Our Blessed Lord a liar. It is to call the Jewish Apostles liars and fools.

Jorge Bergoglio, with this video, has crossed a line. To say more would be to call him a material heretic, objectively speaking. If he believes that all religions and a way of life such as Buddhism are all equal with Christ, then that is heresy. The words of Jorge Bergoglio, Bishop of Rome are unadulterated syncretism and religious indifferentism.

Bergoglio is simply wrong and is frankly, dangerous to the Faith. He must be denounced for this scandalous action. 

Which Prelate will stand up to this abomination and blasphemy?

Watch the video below and comment at will.

The above is not funny.

What Louie Verrecchio has done with it, is.

The Pope Video: UPDATED with translation provided by akaCatholic.com from Louie Verrecchio on Vimeo.