A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Wednesday 31 August 2022

The gathering of the Cardinals

Bergoglio has installed new cardinals, his appointments hold the power at the next conclave. They met behind closed doors and as with Nero, fiddled while Rome - the world burns. A more useless group one would have trouble imagining. 

Robert Royal has an excellent summation and raises questions about the suffering Church in Nicaragua, Nigeria and China. Not a word from Bergoglio or these Clowns in Scarlett.

Shedding their blood for Christ? 

They are, with few exceptions, pathetic jokes.


BrotherBeowulf said...

You may continue to expect nothing from the Cardinals until one of them stands up for Pope Benedict.

Were he to ask me, rather than complain about Bergoglio, perhaps Cardinal Brandmüller should do something about it.

The Cardinal says:

Bergoglio doesn't want to let the Cardinals talk. Bergoglio wants to De-Europeanize the cardinalate.

True. But Cardinal Brandmüller has likely considered the question what else does Francis want. For these his ultimate aims are far more serious than silencing the cardinals. What are they?

Francis the False first and foremost wants to destroy Holy Mother Church. His secondary goal of this project, is that he wants to lead all souls into Hell (which doesn't really exist at all, according to Bergoglio, as you will remember his comments to his dear departed friend Scalfari). His tertiary goal, perfectly in line with the evil of his first and second aims, is to create a Hell on earth, as his embrace of Pachamama/Stang, and the NWO, WEF and UN goals; his bloody destruction of the Church in China (for 2 billion per annum from the CCP) and the bloody havoc wrought by his support for his "loving" covid-19 injections (for billions per annum from Pfizer); and his Church lockdown and shutdown in Easter of 2020 all prove.

If Cardinal Brandmueller can perceive these Bergoglian goals, he should seek to topple Francis the False. Whom many of us consider an antipope. (Not to worry the church has weathered some 39 anti-popes throughout Her history, albeit none posing quite the problem as #40, Jorge Mario Bergoglio.)

Cardinal Brandmüller can do so as follows.

Issue, Cardinal Brandmüller, the following simple press statement:

“Significant canonical irregularities have been identified with regards to the putative resignation proffered by Pope Benedict XVI in February of 2013. Pending further investigation, I hereby declare a State of Emergency and State of Necessity in Holy Mother Church.”

He could also point out that Pope Benedict has himself already declared a State of Necessity.

And trust in the Immaculate Heart.

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...


There is a large number of heretical statements JM Bergoglio has uttered and a large number of heresies his team of Sodom-loving clergy are spreading among the dumbed down sheep. This means that he and they have excluded themselves from the Church. They are our shepherds no more. Am I wrong?

Kathleen1031 said...

I'll stand back and listen to the riveting dialogue between two lights, Dorota and Brother Beowulf. One has made an astoundingly astute observation about what we have squatting on the Chair of Peter, and the other has asked a question that shines a million megawatt spotlight on the question we should all have on our lips. We apparently have none in red or any other color willing to pose it. Rome is filled to the gills with evil men, leading souls to hell. What are we to do now. Writing off the demonic apostate likely False Prophet if not the Antichrist Bergoglio.

Kathleen1031 said...

Please excuse me, intended to say, writing Bergoglio off is a given, but that isn't enough. The world is in freefall, millions of souls in peril, and the poor suffering Church in Nigeria, China, and other places, my God, does no one care for them.
I appreciate Robert Royal, but we are far too sanguine about the cataclysmic disaster that is Bergoglio. When do Catholics care enough to state things as they are in reality, apocalyptic.

mazara said...


BrotherBeowulf said...

Of course you are not wrong Dorotea.

Bergoglio is a wolf. A hireling. A thief. A robber. And a murderer.

And like his master, a liar from the beginning. Chief of the clerical Sodomfolk Strangling the Church.

This man is no pope. False Pope. False Prophet Forerunner. Francis the False. You'd have to be blind to think this man could be pope.

Until men(?) like Robert Royal* have the courage to say so, the ordinary sheep in the pew is going straight over the cliff like the legion-infested swine.

It is indeed apocalyptic. For these are indeed End Times. Let he who has used to hear, hear.

Let us remember tomorrow is Fatima First Saturday. What better time to begin or intensify devotion to the Immaculate Heart, whose triumph...


* ditto, Matt, Voris, Westen & Ferrara.

BrotherBeowulf said...

Errata: ears to hear.

And the * goes for innumerable priests who have told me there's no way Bergoglio can be pope (for many reasons) but cannot muster the courage to say so publicly, and most of these priests are traditional Latin Mass priests.

BrotherBeowulf said...

Errata: ears to hear.

And the * goes for innumerable priests who have told me there's no way Bergoglio can be pope (for many reasons) but cannot muster the courage to say so publicly, and most of these priests are traditional Latin Mass priests.

Michael Ortiz said...

As a Trad Blogger has put it: We are in the Third Watch.

Take courage!

Carlos said...

All the members of the Cattlick Meejah who ARE NOT telling the truth about the coup are instrumental to it. Wake up!