There is a lot going on. I should have something to say. I do and I don't. I am, in prudence, restraining. It is not easy but I need to keep my own peace at this time. You know that to which I refer.
Father Zuhlsdorf has something good to say today for all of us, particularly about you seminarians out there. I know you read this blog so urge you to read his comments and take them seriously.
To the others who read this blog in the Chancery, and I know you do, will you allow the little flock, even if some of them be nasty, crabby to be put out of the house? Do these smelly sheep not deserve your attention?
To you over in Rome, yes, you read this blog too, you who blame bloggers for all the ills and profess that we know nothing about liturgy do you really think you are going to win this? You have the power, but you won't have it forever. Maybe not even for one more year. Your end is coming, it won't be pretty. Your eternity will be severe. You will have deserved it all.
Some people think that the problem is this blog and other blogs and Taylor Marshall. No, the problem is that people came awake and sensed something was wrong. They began to look and if this blog was part of that awakening, then I am humbled. It is not about lace and incense, it is about doctrine and devotion and truth and stopping what is coming, but they can't and they know it. In fact, their attack will only cause the "disease" to grow. They can't have that and they are too ideological to accept it.
Here is the reality. The community where I chant the Mass and conduct the choir has grown by 204% since June 2020 when the China Virus lockdowns ended for the first time. Yes, you read that correctly:
Do you think these people are going back to what they left and just forgetting what they found?
To the Pastors that read this blog. How has your parish fared since June 2020?
Vox i get your point.We in,in England,could say the same according to where one lives.However if the Bishop shuts us down what do we do then?For me i would rally the troops and gather together the Latin Faithful and buy a property suitable for converting to a Church.Then we pay for the Priest to live there and pay for his needs etc,etc.If Rome excommunicated me i would view it that i was on the way to Sainthood.Lets do it!!
My long-time FSSP parish in the metro area grew so much due to the
lock-downs, that they had to turn the large parish hall back into a chapel
to accommodate the crowds.(It served as our chapel during the renovation of
the church we were allowed to buy.)
They also roofed one of the parking lots to use as an outdoor parish hall.
They offer six Masses on Sunday, and twelve during the week.
I'm no longer there, so can't supply actual numbers, but I would estimate
growth between 100 or 150% from info from friends.
Dear Phillip,
I agree. It is also consistent with what Dr. Peter Kwasniewski has been arguing. In my case, I suspect we will go to the SSPX which is only 10 minutes away, yet, we drive 2 hours each Sunday two dioceses away for the Mass. My choir has grown and Sunday, we sang Mozart's )(Reutter???) De Profundis. The young people, the families, and the babies. What will these people do? What will the priest do? What will the priests here in Toronto do? The other option in Ontario where there is no SSPX is as you say. The FSSP operates in Ottawa and Niagara. Who knows what will happen there.
Yes, I suspect Rome will attempt a mass ex-communication. Let them take their best shot. I will cherish it as a badge of honour. Ex-commuicated by a bunch of demonic knaves, hereticas and sodomites. Bring it on, baby!
What will they do? What did they do in the days of the Roman Empire? What did they do after Henry VIII or during the French Revolution? Nothing new here. I'm sure they will figure it out. And if all else fails just ask the Holy Spirit.
We probably all knew it would come to this. What else could happen, when you see the squatters in Rome hate the faith with such intensity, and their words and actions are only evil day after day. For our part we will drive to the SSPX as often as possible. On weeks not possible we will stay home and make Sunday a true sabbath as much as we can, honoring Our Lord's day. We will be more Catholic than before, and anticipating the day when the Holy Mass shall be returned to us or the Lord Himself shall return. My heart goes out to those with children.
Abp. Athanasius Schneider has said we must disobey. This is sensible, and since he said it, that's good enough for me, although we had already chosen disobedience. We will not ever go Novus Ordo. Much like the US government, nobody is this bad by accident. At some point one must say, they don't want change, they want total destruction. We are not under obligation to cooperate with that. I always rely on asking myself whether or not I hear the voice of the good shepherd and, is what I am hearing a new gospel. Bergoglio has made answering both of those so easy. These are God's instructions to us, to use our sense of discernment.
Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more. How near to us Jesus must be!
Thank You for telling us, Vox.
May God keep You and Your family safe.
I think things will be coming to a head this year with the synod scandal. And it will make things so clear, only those who are brain dead will not be able to see the writing on the wall.
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