A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Catholics "scandalised" over woman carrying Monstrance. Are you scandalised when a woman (or layman) distribute the same Sanctissimum?

What are you all so outraged for?

Yes, it's abuse. Yes, its sacrilege. 

How is this difference from an EMHC?


Cybro said...

How many Councils rejected this in the past 2000 years?

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

In our Church there are two sexes, and each has its own role to play. God is our Father (not mother or binary), in our families fathers are the heads, in out churches men are priests. Even if a case could be made for priesthood of women (I doubt that it can be made), it would be completely unnecessary. If women simply followed our Church's teachings, the idea of becoming priests would never occur to them. Clearly, they are following the alleged evolution of doctrines. Can they point to any benefit (other then appeasing feminism, which is a negative and harmful development) of not remaining where they have always been, according to our understanding of both sexes' God-given nature? A true progress a person experiences is through an increasing alignment with the will of the eternal, unchanging God, who knows the end from the beginning. I AM scandalized by all this deconstruction of the good, the beautiful and the true, this devolution in the name of progress. Of course, we are not perfectly good, not perfectly beautiful, not perfectly aligned with truth. An intelligent person does not consider this situation an argument against that which was declared as an ideal. By acting against our nature we degenerate, and our progress is toward hell. By looking around, any intelligent person can see the hell on earth modernist/progressive ideologies have been bringing about. One is looking forward to the day one will no longer have to witness this from this earthly perspective. My soul aches.

Barona said...

They are no longer scandalized by the far greater sin, because they have become desensitized to it. Just as people watching the original newsreels in the 20s caused shock and horror, today, the horrors on the news (far worse) bring a titter or shrug. What should horrify and repulse has become amusement. Logically, this has been transferred into the sacred domain.