A blessed and Merry Christmas to all my readers. Thank you for your kindness and comments and God bless you now and always.
“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.” ― St. Antony the Great
Tuesday, 26 December 2023
Saturday, 23 December 2023
Cardinal Fernández: Same-sex blessing ‘does not validate or justify anything’
The headline from The Pillar reveals the backtracking and panic mode of the Vatican apparatchik, Fernández. This is how these wicked men play. They are fundamentally stupid, arrogant, narcissistic, and effeminate men. The backtracking is too late, the genie is out of the bottle for those who wish to interpret most liberally and the schism is now obvious to everyone.
Cardinal Fernández: Same-sex blessing ‘does not validate or justify anything’ (pillarcatholic.com)
Wednesday, 20 December 2023
After our visit to Jimmy Martin
Courtesy of a reader P.G.
And, Mundabor!
Tucho, His Dildo, And The Homo “Couples” | Mundabor's Blog (wordpress.com)
Tuesday, 19 December 2023
Jimmy Martin and his boys
As Christmas approaches Bergoglio once again makes a mess.
The media took the document and ran with it - that same-sex marriage is now being blest. It isn't, but then again, two men or women living in a sinful sexual relationship can be blest.
See how this works?
From the Second Book of the Prophet Malachi:
And now, O priests, this command is for you. If you will not listen, if you will not lay it to heart to give glory to my name, says the Lord of hosts, then I will send the curse on you and I will curse your blessings; indeed I have already cursed them, because you do not lay it to heart. I will rebuke your offspring, and spread dung on your faces, the dung of your offerings, and I will put you out of my presence.
"Dung on your faces!" It won't be long.
Were you surprised? You shouldn't be. It was two years to the day, December 18, that Bergoglio and his minions issued new restrictions on the Church's traditional liturgy. December 18 is the ancient and now abolished Feast of the Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Methinks this is no coincidence. All part of a diabolical plan. He takes delight in harassing and disturbing the faithful. He hates us. He has done this repeatedly. It is as if to quote from Home Alone, "Merry Christmas ya filthy animals."
I think you know which one is Francis.
Sunday, 17 December 2023
This Is the Record of John

Composed by Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625). Arranged by David Domet. Text: Saint John 1:19-23. Renaissance treasure. Advent. Octavo. Published by CanticaNOVA Publications (C5.7110).
Item Number: C5.7110
The original verse anthem, telling the story of Saint John the Baptist, was written by Orlando Gibbons in (1583-1625) for countertenor alternating with full SAATB chorus. David Domet has arranged this for 2-part mixed choir (occasionally 3-pt), bass soloist, violin and organ, making it much more practical for the church choir. The arrangement is faithful to the music of the original, and retains the distinctive alternation between soloist and chorus that defines a verse anthem. The text dialogue comes from the Gospel of John [Jn 1:19-23]. The story is told by the soloist, with the chorus echoing some of the dialogue for emphasis. Ideal for the second or third Sunday of Advent, the anthem is also useful for the Solemnity of the Nativity
Friday, 15 December 2023
Toronto Parishes continue to promote and host litigious priest and serial plagiarist
Why is the Toronto Oratorian parish of St. Vincent de Paul promoting (I took the picture) and why is St. Benedict Parish hosting a serial plagiarist and litigious priest who took pleasure lusting after a frivolous and vexatious lawsuit against this writer and a good and faithful group of Chinese-Canadian Catholics. I'm sure there were others.
I've been informed that the Chancery office of the Archdiocese of Toronto sent the poster around to parishes to post and promote. They did this earlier this year when he spoke at a Jesuit retreat house on, as the promotion stated, "LGBT" issues.
Make no mistake, whether you are the president of Harvard, once elite, now just expensive, or a catholic priest and sycophant to a pope, plagiarism is theft. The parish of St. Benedict and others promoting talks by this priest are complicit if he continues with his plagiarism in the talk.
With this heresy spouted in this 1986 article in the Windsor Star, how was this man ever ordained?
Thursday, 14 December 2023
Dr. Henry Sire asks with Bergoglio, "How much lower can we go?" Much, very much!
Sunday, 10 December 2023
Saturday, 9 December 2023
Happy Holidays from the Jesuits!
Friday, 8 December 2023
Sunday, 3 December 2023
Lo! he comes with clouds descending
Saturday, 2 December 2023
Implosion of Church Militant
Two weeks after the departure of Michael Voris and a month after that of Christine Niles, Church Militant TV appears to be imploding. Five staff were fired yesterday and others walked out in protest. Some have threatened to go public and then did not and some revelations which have come out are all pretty disgusting.
As I've written before, Voris came to my aid once. I returned the favour and defended him when I thought him genuine. I don't regret what I did at the time. I regret it now, because soon after, I became aware of actions on his part that were destructive, poisonous and vicious. He lied and tried to destroy the life and vocation of a friend. Voris failed, my friend, with God, prevailed.
The rest is a sordid tale and I am sure that many are rejoicing in his demise and that of the organization. Others are saddened by it. It has been years since I had any link from this blog there. My regrets and apologies for any support I ever gave. I can only say that I eventually came to enough knowledge to shut down anything to do with him. Voris lied to all of us, even when we tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. I apologise to my friend and to everyone for ever promoting anything from Voris or Church Militant. Anything promoting him has been removed from this blog.
Everything here is true.
Friday, 1 December 2023
On the cusp of Advent, Bergoglio promotes to god of climate change!
While coughing all over circus performers and children in Rome rather than stay in bed; yet, to ill to travel to Dubai for the United Nations' "Climate-change" conference in Dubai, Bergoglio today, on the cusp of Advent reveals his priority.
Thursday, 30 November 2023
Wednesday, 29 November 2023
Bergoglio confirms he has stripped Cardinal Burke of his Roman privileges
Bree Dail, Rome correspondent for The Daily Wire is reporting that an alleged journalist is now on the record having recevied a note from the ailing Bishop of Rome. Bergoglio confirms the actions to remove Cardinal Burke's salary and Rome apartment but that he didn't call him his "enemy." The blog where the alleged journalist went on record states that Cardinal Burke "has spent a decade publicly attempting to undermine Church unity and the papacy."
We all know that statement is an outright lie. Anyone can go back and read any statement by Cardinal Burke - in interviews, on his web page, live speeches. If anything, he has gone to great pains and suffered criticism for not being firmer. Lies, all lies.
Will the next move be to strip Cardinal Burke of his red?
Is Cardinal Mueller next?
Motus in fine velocior - movement is faster at the end.
Get the popcorn and your rosary.
The Catholics Full Movie
Tuesday, 28 November 2023
Monday, 27 November 2023
Friday, 24 November 2023
Toronto Catholic Register trying to make Thomas J. Rosica relevant
“How sorry I feel for you. I know people who know you at the XXXX XXXX (my place of employment) and elsewhere. They have also expressed the same thing.”When challenged he responded.“Say no more! I don't speak to your co-workers. They speak freely about you. Broadcast yourself.”Note, he was talking about my employer, he was trying to undermine me and my career!More can be read here.Other emails, a dozen, have included such quotes from Tom Rosica directed to me:"Something went wrong somewhere and I feel your sadness."“May the Lord help you as you wallow in a vortex of sadness and negativity. ““In addition to a good confessor, you should seriously consider a counselor of sorts to assist you..”"I might make the suggestion the title of your blog be changed to "Vox Umbris" rather than Cantoris!""May the Lord grant you the peace you are seeking this Lent. No guarantees you will find it this side of the Resurrection but keep seeking.""All it takes is a keyboard and screen to become an expert. Fr. Z is one of many. Why do you feel it necessary to follow the crowd? What is really eating away at you regarding the liturgy? It says much about you.""Your keyboard and your monitor do not make you a bishop or liturgist.""God bless you and grant you peace you are not finding in our Church! Amen.""In "broadcasting" yourself, you actually set yourself further and further away from the Church. You are above any form of recommendation and suggestion and are part of a clericalism far worse than any cleric.""How sorry I feel for you.""The Father Corapis, Eutenauer and the Vorises (all gone now from the public square for the same reason as his own failure, except for his attempt to become relevant again, doomed to failure. Vox, 23.11.24.) of this life will not lead you into true life and authentic healing. I know you know that but will simply not admit it.""I am sure you would have difficulty with her (Mary's) response to the angel, and her Son’s response to the sinners with whom he kept company.""As the stories emerge from those who know you and from the pastors and parish communities whom you tried to assist with your "chant" and succeeding in causing such division, know that we keep you in our prayers. It is indeed a very sad story that hides itself behind Latin, chant, and a blog that is nothing more than a story of anger and sadness."And then there was this. Rather than enjoy his time with Pope Benedict XVI in Madrid, he went there and found me living rent free in his brain.From: Thomas Rosica [mailto:rosica@saltandlighttv.org]Sent: August 18, 2011 10:36 AMTo: xxxxx.xxxxx@rogers.comSubject: Voris' TV exposed for what it isDear David,For all your chant and rant, you obviously have very poor judgment in those you prop up as your gods... and those with whom you enjoy being photographed!Read this story below which has broken in the news today as Mr. Voris is exposed for what he is... and isn't.I beg he Holy Spirit to open your eyes, heart and mind to the Truth, not the myth you are pushing as the real Church, the "real" Catholic TV, the real nonsense.God bless you... from Madrid .Fr. Rosica
Wednesday, 22 November 2023
Some thoughts on Michael Voris
As you probably know by now, Michael Voris has been ousted by St. Michael's Media/Church Militant for violating a "morality clause." Voris released a video which can be found on his X account as did Christine Niles who apparently left the company a few weeks ago.
I first met Michael in 2012. I was the Cantor at a traditional Latin Mass community where he had heard about the pastor and had him visit Detroit and appear on a video for a chat about the traditional Mass. Michael would visit the parish and there were at least two fundraisers organized by people there for what was then Real Catholic TV, later renamed. I knew him from these visits and fundraisers as well as conferences in Toronto. During that time, I did not suspect anything untoward about him.
For those newer readers, in February 2015, a papal spokesman, head of Salt + Light Television, and Basilian priest Thomas J. Rosica launched a lawsuit against me for alleged defamation.
The Priest vs. The Blogger: A Case in Canadian Conflict – Catholic World Report
Vatican Spokesman Threatens to Sue Catholic Blogger (breitbart.com)
That evening, after hearing it from a mutual friend, Michael Voris contacted me to help. Michael and I, my wife, and that loyal friend collaborated on a plan. He was instrumental in creating pushback from bloggers all around the world in multiple languages. The publicity generated and the legal strategy that followed forced Rosica into a humiliating public retreat. Funny enough, it still appears on his Wikipedia, though not with the bold sub-heading, as previously.
A year later, I defended Voris against the advice of someone dear to me. He had made the decision to "out" himself before an expected public outing regarding his sodomitical past that was about to break. There was an effort then by some associated with St. Michael's Media to have him leave quietly and prevent the scandal. Voris refused. He was media savvy and understood how one had to get out in front of a story. He did and it worked. I owed the man my thanks and I stood by him. I remember the day specifically and the telephone call tipping me off to what was coming. I do not regret standing by him. I have a sense of loyalty. After all, while not suffering from the sins of his past, I have my own, we all do.
But, it was not long after that I saw and became aware of certain other matters. Some were public, such as his irrational and almost pathological attack on the Society of St. Pius X, notwithstanding any failings by specific clerics. In addition to that, there was a falling out of any sense of cooperation and camaraderie with other Catholics in the new media. Nobody seemed good enough for Michael. The laudable goal by Michael Matt to "unite the clans" fell on deaf ears in Detroit. I stopped following Voris, removed links from here to there, and stopped any communication. Simon Rafe and others associated lacked any sense of loyalty to me in communications. It was time to permanently cut my ties.
But there is more that cannot be discussed other than this.
I am keenly aware of something greater here and I see the hand of Almighty God in it. One of God's servants had been terribly persecuted and lied about and in this, Voris had a hand, a very big hand. I am angered by what he did. Niles and Rafe were his minions when I approached them about it and they were cultlike in their defense of him and attacked me for daring to question their motives. There was an attempt to destroy a good man. I am still upset by it all. Yet, this man bore this persecution with faith, love, patience, humility, and personal suffering. throughout. His steadfastness has now been rewarded as he is restored in every way, no; in even better ways. God is good and has reached down and picked up his servant and washed him in the salve of love and mercy and set him on a new road to carry out His work.
At the same time that this restoration was underway, another had begun - the humiliation of Michael Voris is a result of his own hubris, arrogance, ego, and narcissism. It is the same with the aforementioned Thomas Rosica who through his "plagiarism" (this writer was the first to expose it here), was brought down low. Both of these men despised each other as the record shows. Both of these men have had their public reputations degraded by their own actions. Both of them unjustly attacked innocent men. As God was not finished with that good man and restored him, and protected me and my family God is not finished with Thomas Rosica or Michael Voris. May their well-deserved humiliation and degradation work for their salvation.
Pray for all involved.
Monday, 20 November 2023
Saturday, 18 November 2023
From LifeSiteNews:
Strickland recalled a conversion with the Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S., Cardinal (then Archbishop) Christophe Pierre, that happened two years ago. The conversation, as Strickland recalls it, shows that his removal may have been in the making for years.
“I can’t quote directly that he [Cardinal Pierre] said [the deposit of faith] doesn’t exist, but it definitely wasn’t an emphasis, and that’s what they were telling me two years ago: ‘Quit emphasizing this so much and get with the program.’ It’s what I heard. I mean, he didn’t use those words, but that’s what I heard,” the former bishop of Tyler said.
“And with this, what happened a week ago, His Eminence basically said, it was sort of: ‘You didn’t get the warning two years ago; Pope Francis has made his decision: You need to be relieved of your work as Bishop of Tyler.’”
“I said I can’t resign. I said I respect that, yes, the Holy Father, as Supreme Pontiff, has the authority, if he chooses to, to remove me from that office, and he did choose to do so.”
Arroyo asked Strickland if Cardinal Pierre offered any reason for the Pope’s request for him to resign.
“Yes. He read several pages of issues of concern,” Strickland replied.
“He was just sort of giving me information about what the decision was based on,” he continued.
He emphasized that Pierre “didn’t mention a single administrative concern” regarding his diocese. “He did mention a lack of ‘fraternity’ with my brother bishops, which I think basically comes down to […]: ‘I’m speaking up and they’re not.’”
“The fact that I didn’t implement Traditionis custodes” was another reason cited by Pierre, Strickland recalled.
“We have a few Latin Masses, and as I said, I felt like I couldn’t deprive that portion of the flock of the nourishment they were receiving,” he explained, adding that the Latin Mass parishes are “packed to the gills” with “great young families.” He also mentioned that there is one Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) parish in his diocese.
“So that’s accurate,” Strickland said. “I didn’t implement that. I think other bishops have not responded to that, as maybe the Vatican wishes.”
Another issue that Strickland mentioned was his lack of support for the heterodox Synod on Synodality.
“That’s one of the things that was listed: I wasn’t supportive of the synod,” he stated. “And, you know, I stand by that. As I said in one of the tweets, I said, ‘Why are we discussing things that shouldn’t be up for discussion?’ It’s settled truth that God is revealed to us, as far as everything I know.”
He mentioned that Pierre also cited Strickland’s “social media presence” as a reason for his dismissal.
Friday, 17 November 2023
An update on Andrew Rivera
November 17, 2023, 7:14 am
It is now November 17, over 7 months since Andrew's collapse from a diabetic coma and the resulting complications, including kidney failure (now resolved) and a stroke. During the medical crisis and testing it was found that Andrew had a hole in his heart. I'm glad to write that in mid-September, it was repaired in surgery and Andrew continues to recover. However, the effect of the stroke and the whole period of being in a coma means that his recovery is still ongoing. Make no mistake, he is improving, but, there is no indication of when he will be able to return to work. It may be many, many months, I cannot predict.
I ask you not to forget Andrew and Orlando and to remember them in your prayers.
I thank each of you for your kindness by way of financial support. Many of you have given multiple times. Some have given small amounts, like the recent $7 donation. That is the "widow's mite," and the opus Dei! Thank you so much.
Please, please, share this on your social media. Please help us get to the $50,000 goal by Christmas.
God bless you.
David Anthony Domet
Saturday, 11 November 2023
Not that we didn't see this coming.
Patience friends. Bergoglio's time is short, very short. The dividing is there for all to see. The sifting of the flour continues.
Keep the faith.
Pope removes Texas bishop who’s been a frequent Francis critic | Crux (cruxnow.com)
Tuesday, 7 November 2023
Tuesday, 31 October 2023
"Toronto 's archbishop tries to hide his gay purge, but the story gets out" - An early 1980's article on the goings on at Toronto's St. Augustine's Seminary
Cardinal slams the closet door
Tensions over the apparent presence of gay students in a seminary in Metropolitan Toronto has
Some details of the purge at St Augustine's Seminary in Scarborough, the preeminent school for the training of Roman Catholic priests in English-speaking Canada, were made public in two reports published by The Globe and Mail on September 7 and 8. The stories said that the Rev Brian Clough, St Augustine's rector, and the Rev Thomas Dailey, dean of studies, had been dismissed the first week of June and that the Rev John Tulk, a professor of church history, had been fired early in September.
Globe reporters Stanley Oziewicz and Peter Moon uncovered the following facts:
Carter, the Archbishop of Toronto, ordered the dismissals after an investigation of the seminary conducted at his request by the Most Rev Marcel Gervais, auxiliary bishop of London, Ontario; Carter asked Gervais to investigate after coming into possession of a document about "tensions" between gay and straight seminarians that were distributed to St Augustine's sisters, students and faculty by Clough;
(NOTA BENE: This was referred to in The Desolate City by Anne Roche Muggeridge - Vox Cantoris)
The tensions had arisen from allegations of homosexual behaviour at a party held in Tulk's rooms at the seminary. Beyond these few facts, little has been revealed about the origins of the dispute. Although he had reported the June dismissals when they occurred, Oziewicz first learned some of the details several weeks later from an anonymous letter.
In their September stories, Oziewicz and Moon wrote: "Sources, including members of the faculty and student body at the seminary, members of religious orders and laymen agreed to talk for this article provided they were not identified. Many feared for their future careers if their names were used.
TBP's (The Body Politic-Vox) own investigation has encountered similar fears. Most of those interviewed said they feared retaliation by Cardinal Carter. A priest told TBP: "The diocese is actively trying to find out who gave that information to The Globe and Mail." And a member of a religious order commented: "He (Carter) doesn't show any sensitivity toward people, so they're afraid to speak out." When told TOP had been able to learn much of the story and would publish it, the member added, "It will do a lot of good because it shows how they really operate."
In addition to those quoted, TBP's account of the tensions leading to the dismissals and expulsions have been gathered from a well-placed source who wishes to remain anonymous, and from documents that have come into our possession.
Brian Clough could not be reached for comment. A copy of this article was sent to Margaret Long, Assistant to the Director of Communications of the Archdiocese of Toronto, for comment, but she did not return any of TBP's calls.
The presence of suspected gay students in Cardinal Carter: a secret operation against creeping Protestantism and homosexuality the seminary apparently first became an issue during the 1982/83 seminary year when some first-year students complained about the campy behaviour of some other students. The issue was taken up by an informal group of about a dozen conservative seminarians who were united by their dissatisfaction with the faculty's generally liberal interpretation of Catholic theology. They came to be known as "the machos." Defenders of those accused were dubbed "the effeminates," the group to which the two students who were expelled belonged. Most students belonged to neither. (According to Oziewicz and Moon, Gervais found that between six and 12 of the approximately 50 students were "homosexually oriented." Our source suggests that even Gervais's upper figure may be much too low.)
Gossip and paranoia flourished. Dennis Hayes, a seminarian says he belonged to neither group, explained: "When you group a number of people you have a fishbowl type of effect; when people start talking, these things spread...an innocent comment can turn into a vicious attack."
In March, 1983 several students were
criticized in their written year-end evalu-
ation by faculty for their "feminine
A month later, the authors of an annual
letter from students to faculty complained
that the faculty was tolerating a "vigilante
group" that was harassing suspected gay
students. The letter also said that criticism
of some students for their mannerisms
had exacerbated the situation.
By September it appeared that the let-
ter had had some effect: at the week-long
retreat which starts the school year, most
of the faculty who spoke of the matter
called for tolerance of differences in the
But the complaints continued. Charles
Lewis, a former RCMP employee said to
be in the "macho group" — an allegation
which he did not deny — told TBP he
himself had lodged a complaint about
sexual activity in the seminary: "guys do-
ing things they shouldn't be doing." But
he admitted he hadn't witnessed such ac-
tivity himself. On the other side, rumours
flew that "the machos" were searching
Toronto's gay bars for seminarians. TBP
has found no evidence to support this
Tensions between the two factions be-
came so acute that, in the late fall,
Clough held separate meetings with mem-
bers of the two groups and with un-
aligned students in an attempt to cool the
But after a party held in Tulk's rooms
following a joint religious service with
Anglican seminarians on January 26 of
this year, events started to spiral out of
control. Although Gervais later was to
find that nothing amiss had occurred at
the party, rumours circulated of drunk-
ness and homosexual activity.
In a speech delivered to St Augustine's
seminarians at a special house meeting six
days later, Clough criticized "the rumour
mill" and appealed for an end to gossip
about the party. And on February 8 he
met again with members of the factions
and other students, this time in a joint
Then, on March 19, a three-page letter,
"A Diaglogue in Trust," apparently writ-
ten by someone who had been at the Feb-
ruary meeting, was distributed on
Clough's authority to the seminary's stu-
dents, faculty and sisters (see box next
and the Cardinal
The Archbishop of Toronto
knows how to pick friends, and
if you 're not one of them. . . .
Solidarnosc for T.T.C. Workers" — that
was the heading on a leaflet twitting
Gerald Emmett Cardinal Carter, arch-
bishop of Toronto, for backing strikes in
Poland while opposing a threatened transit
strike at home that would have cut into at-
tendance at, and profits from, the recent
papal tour.
Carter, a close friend of John Paul II,
was a supporter of the Second Vatican
Council, which reformed the Catholic
Church. Yet, his critics say, Carter is more
zealous for the letter of the reforms than
for their spirit. Last year, when the Cana-
dian Council of Catholic Bishops issued an
economic report that blamed the profit
motive for widespread poverty and unem-
ployment, Carter disavowed the docu-
ment, siding with the outraged bankers
and industrialists. And early this year he
authored a pastoral letter which con-
demned attempts to elaborate a Catholic
theology that would allow birth control,
abortion and the ordination of women.
( arter's record on gay issues is not com-
pletely black. He once wrote a report on
police/minority relations which devoted a
few lines of criticism to homophobic ver-
bal abuse. But he has also barred the local
chapter of Dignity, the gay Catholic or-
ganization, from the use of a church for
their meetings and has told homophobic
jokes to an audience of police officers.
The fear and silence surrounding the
purge at St Augustine's Seminary point
not just to the man's power, but to the
way he exercises it. "Insensitive" is the
word which most often comes to the lips of
his critics. But Carter may have inadver-
tently illuminated the issue when he
dismissed Thomas Dailey. According to
the press reports, he told the priest, "You
are much too compassionate." Perhaps it
is not others who are too compassionate,
but the Cardinal who is not compassionate
enough. KP
page). Although unsigned, the names of
Clough and three students appeared at
the bottom of the letter. A notable fea-
ture of this letter is its twice-stated con-
cern that news of the tensions within the
seminary might get beyond its walls. The
fearful reference to "having 'outsiders'
resolve those issues for us" appears to
have been an allusion to Cardinal Carter.
"A Dialogue in Trust" proved to be
the means of betrayal: within a few days,
a copy had been conveyed to Carter. And
by the second week of April, Gervais had
begun his investigation into theological
and sexual deviation at St Augustine's.
In the purge of St Augustine's, a harmo-
nious constellation of authoritarianism,
sectarianism and homophobia can be
seen at work.
Since the Second Vatican Council, part
of the Catholic clergy and laity have been
moving away from both the church's
traditional insistence on authority as the
source of truth and the concomitant par-
anoia about Protestant theologies. The
council suggested that truth is not abso-
lute, that a changing world can pose new
questions and demand new answers.
St Augustine's Seminary has been in-
fluenced by this new current in Catholi-
cism and has exposed its students to the
interaction of social activism and femin-
ism with traditional teachings. As one of
the eight theological colleges that jointly
make up the Toronto School of Theo-
logy, an ecumenical project, the seminary
has encouraged an open-minded compar-
ison of Protestant and Catholic beliefs.
But as the new Catholicism has devel-
oped, so has the conviction among some
Catholics that the revolt against authority
and the flirtation with Protestantism —
often the same thing to their eyes — have
gone too far. It is common knowledge in
the Diocese of Toronto that Cardinal
Carter and other conservatives are less
than fond of St Augustine's, where the
now thin trickle of future priests — the
seminary's approximately 50 students rat-
tle about in a building that could hold 200
— are thought to be in danger of contam-
ination by rebellion and creeping Protes-
tantism. Once Carter had indisputable
evidence that the place of homosexuals in
the priesthood was, however informally
and tentatively, being explored at the
seminary, he struck.
The purge was carried out in a secrecy
induced by fear: everyone who knew,
even the victims, was too intimidated to
speak out. To this day, Carter refuses to
say why the firings occurred. Gervais's
report remains a secret.
According to the Globe, although
Clough, Tulk and the tenured Dailey were
instructors at the Toronto School of
Theology, the Cardinal ordered them to
resign without any explanation to the
school. Carter told TST officials that any
protest from them over his neglect of due
process could result in the withdrawal of
St Augustine's from the joint project.
Some of the homophobia was blatant.
Gervais is reported to have asked students
about homosexual activity, but not about
heterosexual activity. And he told faculty
they should not admit gay students to the
seminary. When the teachers protested
that there is nothing in the rules about the
sexual orientation of priests, he backed
off slightly but still insisted that a gay
seminarian would have to have been
chaste for five years before admission.
Apparently he made no such stipulation
for heterosexual applicants.
But to speak of discrimination is mere-
ly to scratch the surface; the homophobia
here is deeper and subtler than that. The
Catholic hierarchy is one of the largest
A trust betrayed
The confidential dialogue that
didn *t stay confidential
What follows is the complete, unedited
text of ' 'A Dialogue in Trust, ' ' the letter
circulated by St A ugustine 's Seminary
Rector Brian Clough to students and fac-
ulty on March 19 of this year.
The following are reflections on discus-
sions that occurred during the past year in
regard to issues and tensions that were
present in the house. These discussions
were alluded to in Fr. Clough's address to
the house in February. Initially, Fr.
Clough met with three distinct groups
composed of second, third, and fourth
year students. These groups represented
different viewpoints on tensions that were
growing within the first few months of the
seminary year. The three distinct meetings
allowed students to articulate their percep-
tions of what was occuring within and be-
tween emerging factions. These meetings
were completed by the end of the first
term. A collective meeting of the three
groups took place a week after Fr.
Clough's February address.
The purpose of the collective meeting
was to provide a forum for dialogue and
for the definition of issues that each group
perceived. A second issue was to receive
feedback on Fr. dough's February inter-
vention in regard to the house social with
Trinity College. It was hoped that the
meeting would be an initial step toward
resolution of various problems. The meet-
ing began with an attempt to identify what
the problems were. The general consensus
was that there was misunderstanding of
viewpoints, attitudes, and behaviors. This
was characteristic of all, not of a certain
few. It was recognised that many of us did
not know each other well enough and were
unsure about positions held, which genera-
ted unease and, perhaps, a little suspicion.
Within an institution there will be a broad
range of personalities and attitudes. Such a
situation can all too easily lead to conflict,
which itself produces intolerance and in-
sensitivity. It was felt that we were categor-
izing each other as to lifestyle and orienta-
tion. It should be noted that in Fr. Clough's
February address there was mention
made of a general nosiness of other's busi-
ness and a consequent break -down in
trust. The problem, then, was one of mis-
understanding and unfamiliarity that led
to insensitivity and intolerance.
Discussion ensued with each group ex-
pressing its feelings on the problem. It was
felt that each group was given a free and
equal opportunity to express their views.
As the discussion progressed, it became
evident that group boundaries were break-
ing down and that each was expressing his
views as an individual, rather than as a
representative of a group.
It became clear that the issue would be
lost if the discussion were limited to the
surface problem: that is, a tension between
those perceived to be "macho" and those
perceived to be "effeminate". It was
agreed that such exclusive terms are dam-
aging and denigrating. It is all too easy to
categorize someone because he acts differ-
ently. The issue was then not how to limit
those who act differently, but how to come
to know the other with greater apprecia-
tion and understanding of his uniqueness.
Five main points were made during the
1 : to equate homosexuality with effemin-
ate behavior is false. A person's sexual
orientation should not become a preoccu-
pation for others. The issue is not one of
homosexuality or heterosexuality within or
outside the seminary, but one of sensitiv-
ity to others who may be different than
2: it is important to be sensitive to the
effect that our behavior has on others and
the possible effects or perceptions that can
result from the cumulative effect of group
behavior in a particular situation.
3: it should be recognized that feelings of
being threatened by another's uniqueness
have their source within ourselves and
must be resolved within ourselves. The
problem should not be 'how can I change
the other', but 'how can I come to terms
with myself so that I can appreciate the
other more'.
4: out of an ignorance of another's pain
can come a desire to avoid that individual
because he is different. Thus the challenge
must be recognized: to confront someone
with a problem is harder than not dealing
with him.
5: the seminary community has a right to
resolve its own issues without having them
communicated outside the house or having
"outsiders" resolve those issues for us.
The immediate results of the meeting
were generally positive. It was felt that dia-
logue which occurred within the context of
the meeting could be transferred to a less
formal setting. Much misunderstanding
was identified and corrected. It may be
correct to say that tolerance was learned
and that out of that learning came a
greater appreciation and comfort with
others who were different than ourselves:
that is, a tolerance that was embedded in
charity and mutual respect. With the re-
duction of tension through the expression
of difficulties came a more relaxed atmos-
phere in the house. An important result
was that the "silent majority" spoke-up
and took an active part in the discussions.
It was agreed that the meeting was an in-
itial step to the resolution of the issue.
Though the issue was not totally resolved,
the meeting provided an opportunity to
dialogue in trust.
The less immediate results were just as
important. The meetings that occurred this
year served as a first step to dialogue that
can and will hopefully occur in years to
come. It was recognized that there will al-
ways be problems in institutional living
and that these problems should be ad-
dressed. Thus, the path was opened to fu-
ture dialogue. It was suggested that the ser-
vices of professionals, such as Sister Dick-
son, be employed in addressing issues such
as sexuality, spirituality, tolerance, etc. It
has been suggested that an opportunity be
provided for year groups to reflect on the
year with their representatives to the ex-
tended faculty meetings. It was also sug-
gested that new students precede returning
students at the start of the year by a day or
two inorder to better prepare them for
seminary life and to ease the process of as-
similation. In all, these discussions came
out of an experience of grace; an experi-
ence that was felt by the whole seminary
community. The meeting of collective
closed with the hope and the positive anti-
cipation of greater interpersonal commun-
ication and friendship.
19 MARCH 1984
This document has been distributed to the
sisters, faculty, and students of St. Augus-
tine's Seminary. Its purpose is specifically
for the members of the house, i.e. the doc-
ument is confidential to members of the
house. This is why the document has not
been posted on the bulletin board.
single-sex institutions in the world.
Homosexual activity is inevitable; that a
certain fraction of its members will be gay
is inevitable. Yet it remains a great un-
spoken concern. Mary Malone, a St Aug-
ustine's faculty member, says : "The
presence of gay students among seminar-
ians is not new. Until recently, we pre-
tended it wasn't there."
The St Augustine's purge was directed
not so much against gay seminarians as
against those, gay or straight, students or
faculty, who dared to break the silence —
to push or pull open the closet doors just
a crack. The purge would be a warning to
those still in the closet to stay there.
That's perhaps why only two students
were asked to leave the seminary, al-
though Gervais estimated that there were
as many as 12 "homosexually inclined"
students there. That could be the mean-
ing of Carter's explanation to reporters
of Clough's dismissal: "To talk about it is
one thing, but to put it in print (in "A
Dialogue of Trust") is a problem."
Malone describes Clough and Tulk as
"honest, compassionate men." "Their
integrity," she says, "helped something
come into the open that others would
have preferred to keep secret." Clough,
Dailey and Tulk are gone from St Augus-
tine's, but those responsible failed in their
goal. The secret is now out in the open.
Monday, 30 October 2023
The Lion of Judah
The Lion of Judah is known to us. His people of Israel still do not know Him. We know that they will come to Him. Given the news, it may be sooner rather than later.
The events of October 7 are a disgrace. The Hamas and the Palestinians who support them have no sense of humanity. As someone whose blood is that of Mount Lebanon, I know a little history of what that curse did to the Lebanese since that desert bedouin walked. I know where I stand.
I deplore all the suffering, all the deaths. The suffering in Gaza is the fault of the Gazans. Period. I am cognizant of the gravity of October 7 and that there is no such thing as a proportional response, not when the other guys want you all dead. I am also well aware of history and whose land this is. And before any of my nasty Trads opine and rail that the Jews killed Christ, I say, you killed him, I killed him, we all killed him by our sins. So, leave your tropes for somewhere else because comments are off.
For true peace, these cousins, children of Isaac and Ismael must seek the real Lion of Judah.
The article below from Hillel Fuld on Facebook deserves to be read.
If you care even slightly how Jews around the world are feeling today, I’d love to tell you.
“How can I speak on behalf of all Jews?”
Because I can.
That offends you? That’s fine. Keep scrolling.
So this is how we feel. These are only some of the many things that are making us scratch our Jewish heads, some of the things that simply don’t add up.
The biggest one is this.
Israel and the Jewish people, on October 7th experienced the most inhumane, barbaric, heart wrenching, and savage attack on our people we have ever known. I say ever because even the Nazis were ashamed and hid what they were doing. Hamas-ISIS live streamed it.
That means that not only did they act like actual real life monsters but they took pride in murdering babies and decapitating them, raping kids and mothers, murdering holocaust survivors, and taking almost 250 innocent people hostage.
That, in my book, makes them worse than Nazis.
Yes, the Nazis killed more Jews. They had years. There was no IDF. The world sat that one out. Thanks for that, world.
So we experienced this unparalleled national tragedy and it could not possibly be clearer who
the moral side is and who the monstrous side is.
Someone said “You know how you know which side is right and which side is wrong? Look for the side that rapes women and then drives them around in the back of a pickup truck to show off what they’ve done.”
That should be a good indication.
I’m going to make a confession. After October 7th, somewhere deep down, very deep, I felt a sort of relief. I told myself “Finally, FINALLY, the world will see the truth. Finally they will see what we’ve been seeing and saying for decades. There is no scenario in which the world doesn’t side with Israel now.
And now, here we are just a few weeks later. Lynches being carried out publicly on Jews, Jewish homes being marked (again), signs declaring no Jews allowed, and universities giving students extra credit for attending anti Israel activities.
This isn’t the world I knew one month ago.
How can this be? Where is the logic?!!
Just when we expected the world, the media, the academic world, the liberal world to see the true nature of the Palestinian agenda, just when I had some optimism that the world would come to its senses, they’ve completely lost their collective mind.
It makes no sense!!
Secondly, I never thought that in my lifetime, in the western world, I’d ever see an open call for genocide of Jews. Never in my wildest dreams.
But we’re seeing it and we need to stop looking away.
Calling for a global intifada, declaring From the River to the Sea, proclaiming that Hiter was right, these are literal calls for the murder of Jews.
On what planet, in what universe, do you think I, or Jews imagined they’d see otherwise intellectual, moral, ethical people side with rape, pedophilia, murder, and kidnapping?
This just doesn’t add up!!!!
Proportionate response? Give them water? Give them internet? Give them electricity?
Where is the logic here?? In what war ever did anyone demand that one side provide infrastructure to the other side, especially when there is hard evidence that that water and electricity is going to terrorists and not the people themselves?
You can’t make this stuff up.
Israel agreed to let in food and water with one condition, that the trucks be checked for weapons.
They let in the trucks and they “forgot” to check? Are you actually kidding me?!
How is this logical in any way?!! These are not natural occurrences.
We are all watching these protests, that are more like pogroms at this point and we’ve all just shrugged our shoulders. “Oh look, another Jew hating fest in the streets of London and NY. Oh man that stinks.”
Are we actually insane?? How did we accept this! How did those governments accept this? Are there actually no red lines? What has to happen for those governments and for regular people on the streets to stand up to this hate and put an end to it by any means necessary?
Where is the UN?? The head of the UN literally publicly justifying what Hamas did by saying it didn’t happen in a vacuum?
How are you not seeing how ludicrous this is?
UN and UNWRA whose schools are literally being used by Hamas as terror bases are just sitting there with their fingers in their ears yelling “Lalalalalala I can’t hear you.”
The tunnels. We know what they are. We’ve all seen them. We know how much they cost to build. The lighting. The plumbing. The cement.
Billions! Where did that money come from? We know where. From the world. From the UN. “Humanitarian foreign aid.”
On what planet does it make sense that you give someone billions of dollars for one cause, they use it for another cause, in this case terror, and you’re like “Oh yea, oh well. Let’s just send them more.”
Where on earth is the logic?! How is this a thing that’s happening in real life? You couldn’t even make up this script if you wanted to.
If someone pitched a movie studio the story of Israel and this war, the script would be immediately rejected with the response, “Sorry. This needs to be a little more realistic for people to watch this movie. Go rewrite it.”
In what universe does it make any sense that the west is trying to forcefully apply their western values to radical Islamic terrorists who say, proudly, every chance they get, that they want one thing? Dead Jews.
Someone said this to me yesterday.
In our western mind, we have some basic fundamental beliefs. Treat people well and they’ll treat you well. Everyone wants to live in dignity. People are intrinsically good.
Stop it!!
This isn’t the way they think.
You can treat them as well as you want! They want every non Muslim to either become Muslim or die! Read their damn charters for God’s sake! Listen to their leaders! Why won’t you listen?!!
No, not all humans want to live in dignity. Some people have other goals and those goals are what drive them. Stop thinking if you treat Hamas well or even send them money, that they won’t come after you next. Stop lying to yourself.
People are intrinsically good? Yes, most people are. Except those people who have been indoctrinated to be evil from age zero.
Do you understand that the west looking at Hamas or ISIS through a western lens is the equivalent of looking at a spider and wondering how it it that he’s not acting like a snake!
They are not the same! They don’t have the same anything. They are not the same!
The west and radical Islam have one thing in common. They both breathe oxygen. That’s basically where our similarities end. Stop expecting them to act like you and I act! They won’t. They never will.
Listen, the inconsistencies here are endless.
Genocide? Their population has grown 6x!!!
Apartheid? A country that has literal anti Israel Arabs in its parliament and Arab supreme court judges?
Occupation? What occupation? We dug up our dead in Gaza before we left. There was not one Jew there, dead or alive! Yes, we DUG up our dead. You read that right.
Why? Because we knew deep down what they’d do if we didn’t. And today we see how right we were.
They want a state? Give them a state. Are you flippin kidding me?
They. Don’t. Want. A. State!!!
Stop it. How can you keep repeating something when they hear you saying it and think to themselves “Why do they keep repeating this whole ‘We want a state’ thing? Who wants a state? We had a state. Many times.
We don’t want a state. We want no Israel. I mean it’s not like we hide our goals so I’m not sure why the world keeps putting words in my mouth, but ok, whatever floats their boat. 🤷♂️”
I can go on and on. This whole conflict and especially this war is like a movie with tons of holes in the plot. You finish the movie and start to think about it and you say to yourself “Wait a second. That actually makes zero sense. Am I the only who noticed that? This whole movie makes no sense.”
So are we doomed? Do we now live in a world in which hatred of Jews is so powerful that facts don’t matter?
“We occupied a Palestinian state.” 😂
What Palestinian state??? Palestine was Israel! We have coins that say Palestine on them alongside a Star of David!
What Arab Palestinian state ever existed??? What was the national anthem? Who was the president?
It doesn’t matter if it happened or not, does it? The world says it happened so it happened.
So are we indeed doomed?
No, we are not.
And I’ll tell you why.
The fact that the world we live in is a world of lies, has no bearing on us, the Jewish people, and our millions of supporters around the world.
We still have our moral clarity, our lenses are still clean, and we are able to see the truth, even if others are not.
But on a deeper level, the logical inconsistencies and the moral relativism that the world so loves to apply to this war, to me, those things tell me one thing.
If I am going to look at current events through a human lens, I will, indeed lose my mind, and start believing that I am actually clinically insane.
But if I shift focus, and I realize I cannot understand what is happening, because God is in control, and I can’t understand God, to me, this answers all the questions.
I am a human being, and I therefore have at least a basic understanding of the human mind.
If I understand the human mind, and I am seeing what is unfolding around the world, then I have to throw my hands up in despair and quit.
But if I realize that, while I understand the human mind, I lack complete understanding of God and His plans, then I am comforted by the thought that, of course, it makes no sense to me, because I don’t understand God‘s ways, and to Him, this is all part of a bigger plan.
There is a famous story of a rabbi who was on his deathbed. His students came to say goodbye, and gave him a list of questions to ask God when he went up and met Him.
After he died, he appeared to his student in a dream, and told him that he unfortunately would not be able to answer the questions that they asked, because up in heaven, the questions weren’t even questions. It’s not that they had answers, the questions themselves made no sense.
I know that it is hard to understand with our finite human brains, but that is exactly the point, we are human, and we can only understand other humans.
Looking at the world today, it is clear that this is not being run by humans, because no human mind can come up with the twisted reality in which we find ourselves.
Why God does what He does? Again, I have no clue, we have no clue, we do not have the tools to decipher why God does what He does.
Some people view that as a cop out, I view that as the only possible way to look at the world.
The only tool that I have in order to try to understand God‘s ways, and perhaps what is coming next, is history, is the Torah.
I look at the different miracles and stories we have learned our entire lives, and I know how this ends.
God watched over us in the desert with the clouds of glory. He accompanied us and held our hand until we reached our destination. He watched over Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Leah, and all the rest of our forefathers and mothers.
He chose us, He gave us the Torah, He loves us, He is our father, and that I know beyond any shadow of a doubt.
How could a father allow this to happen to His kids?
I don’t know. I struggle with this question every day.
I don’t know.
But I do know, that throughout our history, we were the victims of endless persecution, and we always, always came out on top. Why we needed persecution in order to come out victorious? I have no clue.
Anyway, I started off by letting you know how Jews feel around the world, and out of all of the things I said above, to me, what I am seeing is, that Jews are strengthening their faith around the world, coming back to their tradition, remembering their heritage, and so many are understanding that God is in our corner.
You, the world, the anti-Israel world, you will go down in history, along with the Nazi sympathizers, and the people who sided with the Jew haters throughout our history, and were wiped off the map and forgotten forever.
How are Jews feeling today?
Devastated. Broken. Depressed. Hopeless.
And at the same time?
Unified. Strong. Optimistic. Confident.
“Israelis will never forget October 7th.
Jews will never forget what came after.”
I know Hashem is here with His clouds of glory again. I know He is marching alongside us into Gaza to do the impossible work we need to do there. I know that God’s version of today’s clouds of glory is the Iron Dome.
I am endlessly grateful and proud of the IDF. The IDF is God’s vehicle by which we will win this.
God has our back. We are marching into a man made hell on earth but right behind us is God, and if history teaches us anything, God does NOT look favorably on people or nations that mess with His children.
I promise you, this has a good ending.
The sadness won’t disappear.
The loss won’t ever be forgotten, but we will win this and this will all end with the Jewish people victorious!
Am Yisrael Chai. Now and forever!