Not that we didn't see this coming.
Patience friends. Bergoglio's time is short, very short. The dividing is there for all to see. The sifting of the flour continues.
Keep the faith.
Pope removes Texas bishop who’s been a frequent Francis critic | Crux (
10 years of Habemus or Hamas Papam?
Robert Mignella
Counciliar Church discovers what it's like to be Trad... And they all get put on the FBI-ADL watch list... Thanks for playing... I+N+R+I.
Yes, time of this heretic, apostate and antipope Francis is very short... Some prophets are speaking about the death of religious leader soon; some that he will be shot during fulfilment the 3-rd secret of Fatima - and no, not as a martyr, but as a punishment from God... and there are those who see upcoming conclave in November 2024...
... but who knows what will happen to the church meantime. Do not be trilled yet. I think we have many years of pain in the church in front of us, before we will get out of ashes.
Francis said he would bring the schism. A schism, we were recently reminded, is a monstrosity to the church, the true church, that is. It is a horror, because by definition it divides, and the Body of Christ is not to be divided, and woe to the one that brings it. But Francis said blithely one day fairly early in his, ahem, reign, that he would likely be the one to bring it. A pope who predicts he will bring division to the Body of Christ, can he really be the pope, or is he more likely a usurper, a figure of division and hagan lio, a destroyer. He is many things, certainly vindictive, his hatred for America, Americans, the faithful, is now the stuff of legends. He has made himself perfectly clear, his "dialogue" is not for Americans, not for the faithful. Even the progressives like James Martin ought to shiver, thinking about where he is taking the church.
It is to destruction, if he can pull it off.
Once again, Pope Francis has directed his hateful feline jealousy against a believing heterosexual bishop.
If Bishop Strickland was a sodophile Pope Francis would have made him a Cardinal long before now.
In an age in which the Church has been disgraced by pederast priests who are being imprisoned for sodomizing boys, Pope Francis continues to load the Apostolic College with his sodophile friends.
When the Son of Man returns will he find any hetero-normative bishops left in His Church ?
Pope Francis is trying to turn Christ’s Church into “No Country For Heterosexual Men”.
Instead of being a sign of contradiction to a modern world that boldly revolts against the Divinely-ordained Natural Order, Pope Francis blasphemously attempts to “bless” sodomy,
Pope Francis and his sodophile allies are attacking the True Christ in the name of a blasphemously re-invented “jesuitized Jesus” who never existed.
The decade of the 1960’s was, arguably, the most confusing and rebellious time in Church history since the Protestant Revolution.
Those who were ordained in the sixties, and stayed in the priesthood, were either Saints - or they were sodomites or they were opportunistic psychopaths or they were communist “plants”. Pope Francis was ordained in 1969 and stayed in the priesthood.
Is that because Pope Francis is a saint ?
To get where he is today Pope Francis had to pretend - to some degree, at least - to believe in the Catholic Faith.
If Pope Francis “came out” with his sodomy-loving, Global communist, eco-witchcraft manifesto years ago, he would never have been ordained to the priesthood, never mind being elevated to the office of bishop - or to the papacy, for that matter.
That means that Pope Francis is a deceiver and a coward.
As Christ is the “Source and Summit of all things”, the Eternal Word is the exclusive Reference Point for Roman Catholic theology.
Thereby, Pope Francis commits blasphemy by attempting to reduce the Eternal Word of Jesus Christ to being a mere variable mixed with flawed humanist variables in a process of Hegelian synthesis to create his diabolical Anti-gospel.
He is using his Anti-gospel to “convert” the Catholic Church to being a doctrineless One World Religion on behalf of his Luciferian Globalist masters.
The Baptist prepared the way for the coming of Christ by telling souls to repent of sin and believe in Jesus Christ to be saved and go to heaven.
To prepare the way for the coming of Antichrist, the False Prophet will tell souls that they do not need to repent of sin to receive absolution and that belief in God is not necessary for salvation because souls “cannot be punished forever in hell”.
In the proposed new revised "Bergoglian Book of Blessings" how does Pope Francis direct sodomites to consummate their unions ?
If sodomites do not consummate their unions will Pope Francis grant them an annulment ?
Should sodomite couples commit adultery, does Pope Francis encourage reconciliation for the sake of their adopted children ?
Did Pope Francis condemn the wedding at Cana for not being "inclusive" of sodomite couples ?
As Pope Francis believes that souls can dissent from Church teaching and the authority of Christ, does it not logically follow that we can dissent from his teaching and authority ?
@ Father John Matthew Duffy
Yes, JM Bergoglio would never have been ordained priest based on his anti-Gospel beliefs so clearly exhibited today. But the man's beliefs are different today than they were then. He might actually be more honest than you give him credit for. Firstly, he tells Jesuits seminarians that they should keep their real beliefs to themselves, should they run contrary to those of their professors, and only reveal and discuss them in a circle of like-minded people. Since JM Bergoglio openly recommends this method of being in the ever-evolving universe (when prudent, let your yes be no, and your no be yes), I give him credit for honesty. Is it his fault that people refuse to call him out? They simply won't help their intellectually challenged brother. JM Bergoglio is not intelligent and educated enough to see the contradictions his utterings are full of. His Humbleness is not humble even before God, as He is adjusting the Holy Scripture and even the Lord's Prayer to better fit his (most current) preferences. Why should he examine himself? Is he not busy washing the feet of Christ deniers (While Jesus washed the feet of His beloved Disciples), taking love and mercy to a much higher level than that of a non-inclusive god? Equal outcomes for all!
In order to judge someone's competence (in this case JM Bergoglio is judging God as backward, judgmental and ossified) one must achieve at least His level of competence. But Bergoglio has read Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (or heard about him from some Jesuit priest of like mind), and in his mind he is an enlightened, merciful, erudite agent of a necessary, Holy Spirit driven change.
I am convinced that this caricature of Christ's follower never asked himself: Perhaps all those hateful traditionalists are were acquainted with the ideologies I espouse, and perhaps, motivated by love, wisdom and hope (as opposed to a narrow mind and a cold unmoved heart) they could tell me something I do not know!
Even I, an average Pole who knows the fruits of collectivism too well (Bergoglio said: No one gets saved alone; Does it mean the Last Judgement is not based on individual performance?) could teach him a thing or two right this very moment. Many have tried, all but sodomites and heretics have failed.
The biggest joke on earth, JM Bergoglio, the most puffed up feet washer who has ever lived, never considered a possibility that he is not good or wise.
Cardinal Fernandez, the 'kissing' Cardinal that writes books about pure smut, makes comment that we must follow the "Doctrine of Francis"'s can now declare their own doctrine? Also Cardinal Pierre, the Nuncio to the U.S. told Bishop Strickland that the Pope wanted him to stop referring to 'The Deposit of Faith' because...wait for it......"There IS NO DEPOSIT OF FAITH". If these Vipers are saying these things in public, you have to know that it is common knowledge in the Vatican that he's well on his way to creating the APE OF THE CHURCH.
P.S.And Cdl. Fernandez is now the head of the Dicastory of the Deposit of Faith and Morals? It's very obvious to anyone that has eyes to see that this guy that calls himself the 'Pope' is the 'False Prophet' of Revelation.
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